Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes do get back with maintance early and get it off.
    Mesquite, Texas
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    very interesting Buzz. thank you for sharing.
    Hugs Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member


    "Love doesn't make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
    Elizabeth Barrett Browning


    May your 2015 be happy, a little less trouble and stress, and may we all get tp our goal weight for those who are still losing. I love all my Sneaker Friends.
    Thank you for getting me through two deaths this year and all your support. I hope next year will be more peaceful for everyone.

    Ontario, Canada

    24F light snow and gusts to 46 mph
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy New Year!! We stayed up until New York brought in the new year and then Cindy went to bed, I stayed up until midnight to watch Chicago. Our plans for today have been cancelled, my cousin has a scratchy throat and is feeling a little achy. We are just going to stay home and chill out all day. I will make meat loaf for dinner and maybe just maybe I will start taking down my decorations since my cleaning girl is coming tomorrow. I too, woke up with a scratchy throat but I think it is from the dry heat, after drinking coffee it seems to be getting better.
    I will admit it is a little stressful worrying about my cousin, I just don't want anything to happen to her. She leaves tomorrow and hopefully she won't be ill while flying.
    I cannot wait to get back to my MFP program of watching my calories and exercising.
    I think I will again try the 30 day shred since I now have new knees.
    Has anyone every heard of that wrap to help you lose inches? My friend sells it but it is not cheap and I wonder if it really works.

    Have a great New Year and a great Day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    I just meant to copy Success Story , of course. Kinda messed it up!

    Thanks for posting this Buzz. I do not know her but it is always lovely to read these stories. Hugs!!!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Sandy - I believe I had a friend who tried those wraps a long long time ago. She said it worked temporarily. But it was no solution for her......

    Hugs. Sorry---scratchy throats seem to abound. It's too dry in my house. Coffee, tea, water all help.

    Watching the parade.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy New Year everyone. I've just been watching a BBC film called Roald Dahl's Esio Trot with Dustin Hoffman and Judi Dench that was beautiful, romantic and funny and something that might well be shown on your PBS in the future so I highly recommend it. Although Dahl wrote books for children they are magical so to be enjoyed at any age! I'm so sorry to read many of you going down with bugs if not already suffering and BUZZ in quarantine for goodness sake! Not a great way to begin the new year so I hope you all feel a lot better very soon.

    Shirley ~ Hopefully, with that snow storm on the way you didn't open any doors to let years in or out. LOL

    Sandy ~ It seems your cousin's resistance is low, not surprisingly but I bet being cosy and so well looked after by you has been the best thing for her and hope she has a safe journey home.

    Marie ~ What an awful time you had trying to find the doctors office for your appointment. I never thought it would happen to me but I find as I get older driving to new places is no longer a pleasure, just a chore and I'm always relieved to arrive without getting lost. Thank goodness you did get the examination you went for.

    Anne ~ You won't be alone getting back on the weight loss wagon. Today has been a better day for me because all the naughty food has now gone (eaten by me of course )and I plan to weigh in tomorrow and head back to our pound a week club because at the end of the month I'm visiting a spa in Snowdonia with friends and want to look my best!! We're all here to encourage each other and I'm sure those few pesky extra pounds will soon go.

    Outside the wind is howling and rain pouring but the fire is glowing and cats and George curled up so I'm going to do some catching up on missed tv programmes so wish you all a pleasant evening.


  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I LOVE everyone's glitter. I know the web site to get them but I am not computer smart enough to use it. I also have these smilies on my cell that I can't use.

    I hope that everyone's day is going well. A new year and a new start. At least that is how my husband and I are thinking. He is so healthy. Not an ounce of fat on the man.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Becky love that your husband is doing so well. And I think you are too.
    hugs to you
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    BECKY, my DH is another of those men without an ounce of fat! Sometimes I worry he should have a little extra in store in case if illness. Or am I simply jealous?
    I woke with a full-blown head/chest thing with tough coughing spells that will make the incontinence pad companies wealthy!!! The joys of the Golden years nobody warned me about! Our culinary department delivered beautiful trays for our midday meal at what seemed like a moments notice! With double servings of soup to make us feel better! And for the first time in many years, I'm indulging in wonderful Florida Orange juice. My throat is so parched though scratchy, I need tons of liquid of every kind. And sleep! JACKIE, I'll attempt to find Esio Trot. Hard to believe I missed a Judi Dench film! And Dustin is a favorite actor, too. Staying awake may be a problem, though! And your description of your weather looks very much like what I am seeing out the windows, except it is 76 degrees here! I still feel chilly!
    SANDY, try to take care of that scratchy throat. Hope your dear cousin will be well. I understand that those wraps simply cause a temporary water loss, same as rubber or Saran! We all know the answer but prefer a quick fix. At least I do! Never works, so I will attempt South Beach again when I feel better!
    MARIE, this way of eating seems to be helpful for you and your weight loss is impressive. Stick with it, sis!
    LIN, so knowledgeable and caring as usual! And SHIRLEY, I agree you both need a better happier year in 2015! ANNA, you sound very much in control, and I'm sure your maintenance will be successful again!
    My computer backup program is ceasing operation in June, so they won't renew my contract! Does anyone have recommendations for a backup program I can afford AND trust? I'm testing Carbonite for 15 free days, but they want my laptop ON all the time!
    Must go heat up Mike's supper. Better I do it for him or the clean-up is too much!
    HEALTHY Happy New Year, everybody. Glad you can't catch my germs reading my post!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    pictures Judy Watson swipe off my profile and had mounted of a block. for my Christmas. Smart gal. The yellow roses out of her rose garden vw2i2364tc1h.jpg
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    That is so cool!!!! Love them Marie. Judy is a treasure.....such a considerate thing to do.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    All the Christmas decorations are now put away. Sad isn't it when all the bright things are packed away again for a year? We'll see if my new approach works, I stored all the decorations that I used on the second floor in the closets up there rather than the basement. All the small tree ornament were put carefully in a nice cardboard box and placed in a tote. I threw out all the original individual boxes for those ornaments. Wow, that went a lot faster.

    Gotta get up and move. Been sitting too long!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    Hi everybody, I have been so oblivious to the new year that when I was awakened at midnight by the sound of fireworks, it took me awhile to figure out that the fireworks were for New Year's Eve at midnight.smiley-laughing001.gif

    Chilly here (temps in the 20's) but nothing like Chicago or Iowa or Ontario. I put on all my layers of warm clothes and took the dogs for their regular walks.

    <3 Barbie
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! I thought it was a strange holiday this year. Tomorrow Vicki and I are starting on the One, One, One! Hope I can drop 3 pounds this week like Marie did!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 husband did have some extra fat but then he dropped dead at work and had to be revived. 19 days in the hospital (all but 7 in ICU) plus two operations has he so thin. He lost 20 pounds while in the hospital !!! (I wouldn't suggest losing this way)

    <3 Lin...I couldn't wait to get the decorations removed. I need to have my house back in order. We haven't had a tree for the past two years. So, that saves a lot of work.

    <3 Barbie..that is so funny. Maybe you should look at your calendar more. :D

    I have gained five more pounds over the holidays. :'( Making my goal now at 25 pounds.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2015
    Buzz ~ Stay warm and enjoy the pampering until you shake off that bug. Here's a link to a UK newspaper review of last night's screening of Esio Trot and I agree with every word. It's a new production so probably not available worldwide yet but I'll keep an eye out for you as I'd love a dvd to rewatch.

    Becky ~ It seems we both got a little carried away during the festivities but I'm sure we'll soon get back to where we were.... hopefully!!

    Barbie ~ You made me laugh too although I was in bed by 11 pm and in the morning had to remind myself of the date. No local fireworks that I was aware of so I either slept through and George wasn't bothered by the noise or people are still feeling the squeeze of austerity measures.

    Lin ~ My plan is to blitz the cottage with vacuum cleaner and duster but not remove the few decorations until 12th night although I may well give in once I get started!!

    isandi ~ The 5.2 diet is enough of a struggle for me although it does work and I plan to use it this month but 1.1.1 sounds like a step too far!

    A beautiful walk this morning in the sunshine when I met several people, one I used to work with which was great, and before we got back to the car my coat was unzipped as it felt so warm. I've finished my cup of coffee so will now plug in that vacuum cleaner and get started.

    Happy Friday and good luck to those of you returning to the pound a week club!!

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm up way too early, but I'm so excited. Jackie, I want to follow your lead, apparently!! here's why: I'm adopting a dog!! I'm driving to Memphis, TN to get her. I'll leave Saturday after my boss' funeral, spend the night with my aunt, and drive home with 'Honey' on Sunday. Jim said he thinks I'm crazy, well he should know by now that I am. He also said he hopes it won't be a big dog. Well, the other one was, I think. She weighed 45 pounds. I was going to foster her. She was 2 years old. She had good prospects to be adopted. 'Honey' weighs 25 lbs and is 9 years old and she has one red eye that is called 'cherry eye'. she may or may not need surgery for it, and she is likely heartworm positive, which is treatable in most cases. I really feel led by God in this. I don't mind a bit that she is a senior, like us!! I'll post her photo, but not the photo that is on facebook, showing her living conditions. It might make some of you cry. 9 years old, and her whole life outside.

    Anyway, this is only the second time I've been upstairs to my laptop the whole time we've been at home. My fitbit wasn't working, it wouldn't update todays steps, it showed zero, but it is working now, I think, I hope. I remember that the battery went dead and it was a few days before I charged it. so that would explain some of the days with zero. Hope it isn't going looney on me.

    Busy days ahead, viewing this afternoon, got to bring Jim's suit downstairs, it's clean, just need to get everything ship shape.

    take care


    p.s. Sandi, congrats on starting 1 1 1 I think Marie has found a winner
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandi. my first 2 weeks was great but the holidays came along and screw it all up But this is a new year and I am going to tracking my foods .Which I despise to do. At least till I get back on the losing track again.
  • Oh Phoebe, you won't regret adopting Honey. She is just like my long gone doggie Jenny, the sweetest, gentlest dog you could meet. All of my pets have had a "history" including my present puss 17 yr old Tabitha Daisy. She had real attitude when I first got her after 7 months in a cage. Now she is very lovable and us two seniors get along just fine. I've posted a picture of her on Golden Years if you are interested. God bless, Anne.