Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne you do not have to put your year Just your month and day. We all just like to send greetings to the sneakers on the day they have a birthday. not the year.
  • Marie, I don't mind you all knowing the year, not at all. Its just me liking to forget!
    It's - 15th October 1935.
    Which makes me a libra. What's your birth sign? Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Scropio in Nov,
    Sandy did you get Anne's birthday? to add to our birthday list..
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Ok I cleaned up the birthday list, let me know if anymore should be removed. If I deleted you by mistake I apologize, just tell me and I will add you.

    My cousin is here so spending time with her.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    One more of my holiday pounds came off; 3 to go! Found pictures from 2003 and I looked much slimmer then. But my hair was whiter than I recalled! It was on our Panama Canal Cruise. My post is sticking every few letters so I'm logging off
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Anyone else have trouble with this new format? Something always seems to go wrong when I post!.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie, Jamaican patties are beef inside of a crust usually spicy. I counted it as 400 calories from the MFP calorie counter. I won't be having too many of those in the future. :o

    Of course we will be having those when we arrive in Jamaica for our vacation in February. I usually have one and that is it.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy - thanks again for cleaning up the list. Enjoy your cousin.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz you know having problems with computer is my middle name But I do not let it stop me. I am looking forward to getting my fit bit. it should be here this week.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hello again Sneakers - back again. So much goes on in a day......argh! Several bright spots today, one was a very long conversation with a friend I've not spoken to for oh-so-long. It was great. She's been through the mill this past year so we both got a chance to air out some of this year's issues. That was great. I also was able to get in touch with the personal banker who handled my dad's account for years and she gave looked over all the programming in their system pertaining to the lockbox charges (and no, we owe nothing and it's been at least 2 years since we had the lockbox and there never was a charge for the box when you had an account with them). She says we owe nothing but I couldn't get a letter in writing saying we had no balance. And so it goes.

    It's really really cold here and the furnace is running a lot! Tomorrow I do need to get out and buy some veggies and fruit. As long as the car runs, I can bundle up! Also the yarn shop is have a year-end sale tomorrow (just a few hours long) and there is something I'm looking for so I may go down and take a look but it's not that important.

    Phoebe - no traditions here. My family made egg nog for New Year's Eve and we had ham on New Year's Day. That's about it. My church has a service on New Year's Eve but I've not really ever gone out on the roads on that evening, even early in the evening. When I walked dogs early in the morning, I'd see people coming home from partying at about 5am.........they'd usually roll-down the car windows and yell at me. One year one carload of people were hooting and yelling at me, and one said, hey, watch out on those sidewalks, there are drunk people out here on the roads!

    Hugs to all. Chris is was good to see you.........and Buzz (I have a bit more trouble with MFP now than I did with the old version).............Anne, I love hearing your stories---you are a trooper!!..........Marie, Phoebe, Sandy, Shirley, Jackie, Jeri, Gayla, Diane, Karen, Laura, Phyllis, Maddie, and all Sneakers........praying 2015 is a happy and healthy year for each of us.

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • And for you, Lin. A VERY HAPPY, PEACEFUL AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR. I so admire the way you are caring for your Dad. Are you an only daughter like me? It's not easy. Good luck with the yarn? hunt. Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    edited December 2014
    smiley-greet012.gifOur plans for welcoming the New Year include going to bed as early as we always do so we can get up for an early spiritual meeting on Thursday morning. We don't eat any special foods and we haven't had any alcohol in decades.

    smiley-greet024.gifJake was gone for several hours today and I enjoyed the rare opportunity to be by myself, interrupted only by dogs wanting to go for a walksmiley-chores016.gif

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2014
    And for you, Lin. A VERY HAPPY, PEACEFUL AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR. I so admire the way you are caring for your Dad. Are you an only daughter like me? It's not easy. Good luck with the yarn? hunt. Anne.

    Yep, Anne I am an only child. Thanks for the good wishes. There's *always* something interesting in the yarn shop. And Trader Joe's. And Walmart. And Costco. And Whole Foods. And Starbucks. ;)o:)<3

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hello All,

    I've definitely been missing you all. Ed and I are almost well, not quite there but almost. I had to start antibiotics as I developed a sinus infection on top of it all.

    We are hosting a late Christmas at our house on Jan 1st. But what a run around trying to get the food figured out. I had decided to serve ham and one of the local stores is known for their good hams. We went yesterday but they did not have the hams out yet. Today, we stopped in just before lunch and they were there but not set out. One of the workers opened a box for us and we bought one. In the confusion I forgot to read the ingredients. When I got home soy was listed and one of the kids is allergic to soy. So back it went, none of their hams were suitable.

    Ed and I then went to see The Hobbit which we enjoyed. We thought no trouble we pick up one after the show.

    We had to go to 4 grocery stores before I found a ham that was suitable. Geeee. How hard is that!!!

    Anyway tomorrow I'll bake a cake, get the veggies organized, and make a traditional salad my grandmother made all in preparation for dinner on the 1st. Mashed potatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes as well.

    I've rearranged my furniture and put a second table in the dining room so we can all fit in the same room for dinner (there will be 15 plus 1 high chair). It will be crowded but it will be nice to have us all together. LOL

    Will I survive all of this??? I used to do lots of cooking and entertaining but we haven't for quite some time. It's scary. LOL

    Good night all,


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    jeri glad you are feeling well enough to have a delay Christmas dinner. What a wonderful family you have. Enjoy.

    Lin you and Anne both an only child. I bet you two You both turn out to be very lovable daughters have some tales to tell.
    hugs Marie
    got an eye doctor appointment at 9 Am this morning.
  • Marie, Good luck with the eye appointment. I hope your weather is warmer than ours up here in the frozen north. Explanation with your other group, golden years. Brrrrrrrr. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2014

    Morning sneakers, or I should write afternoon as it's already past midday here. Our freezing weather has left us for a few days so once again George and I headed for the moors and walked a couple of miles until I noticed a few sheep grazing close to the footpath so did a u-turn and headed back to the car park before they were spotted by George who does have a tendency to chase them for a game. The dog groomer visited yesterday and after nearly 2 hours of trimming has managed for the first time to clip his face so we can see his eyes and he can see us! It's a sign he is beginning to trust more and not be quite so scared of scissors because in the past he would fight and fidget to avoid them. This morning I noticed he could see the ball I threw as we walked and caught it whereas before he'd run straight past!! This afternoon I'm going to view an auction in town as they have an old fashioned fruit press and also an Edwardian coal scuttle that I could make good use of. The auction is tomorrow so I'll probably leave a bid.

    Phoebe ~ When I was a child living in London a new year's tradition was to put a piece of coal and sixpence by the door just before midnight. Also the back door was opened to let out the old year and front door opened to let in the new one. I remember my dad walking down the street to knock on doors offering a piece of coal to neighbours because it was supposed to be a dark haired male crossing the threshold with it! They were the good old days!!

    Anne ~ My chickens used to stroll around the garden and had a very happy life until the foxes found a way in. They now live in a large chicken run at the bottom of the garden so it's not nearly as much fun but at least they're safe. My friends on MFP used to get tales of Charlie the cockerel chasing me and anything that moved as he crowed from dawn until dusk. For all he was a nuisance I was very sad when a fox killed him but don't miss the noise! One of my bantams is about 10 years old so I can tell you looked after yours for them to enjoy such a long life.

    Marie ~ That was good news about Jerry's blood test results and I do hope your trip to North Dallas for an eye examination goes well. Travel safely.

    Barbie ~ Yesterday as I waited for the dog groomer to tidy George I made my first proper soup of the winter with parsnips, carrots and an onion from the allotment. A few Moroccan
    spices were added to warm the flavour and it's perfect for the cold weather. Can't beat homemade can you!

    Lin ~ I'm nearly always disappointed by book to film adaptations and wonder why so many changes have to be made so now, more often than not I won't watch if I've already read the book. When I worked in London in my teens I would see revelers early on New Year's day dancing through Trafalgar Square or down Oxford Street still in their DJ's and fancy gowns but back then they were always good humored even if very obviously still drunk. It's a sign of the times that we have to be wary now.

    Buzz ~The new format is frustrating and I've given up trying to add smiley faces because they always seem to pop up on the wrong place. I think "if it ain't broken don't fix it" should have been MFP's consideration. Congratulations on the weight loss. Is it just a case of looking the other way when the dessert trolley appears? Friday is my weigh in and I'm hoping to at least shifted a couple of pounds but I'm not holding my breath!

    Jeri ~ Glad to read you're both feeling almost better at least. A busy time for you but I'm sure you'll enjoy.

    Time to get myself some lunch which will be a bowl of that parsnip soup and a few crackers. Sitting still at the computer has locked my joints and left me feeling a bit chilled.

    Happy New Year to you all. Let's hope it's a far more peaceful one than 2014.

  • Oh Jackie, MY dad used to let in the new year for all the single ladies in the street as well! My youngest son now let's in my new year! He comes in, just after midnight, as his grandad did, with cash in his pocket, fuel in the form of a log, and a mincepie. Food, cash and warmth for the coming year. We too had a cockerel, ours was named Percy. A holy terror who pecked me to death as a child. Finally, dad, who was very softhearted normally, and seeing it was wartime and a bleak Christmas ahead had Percy meet his end at the hands of our neighbour. This was after 5 yr old Anne was well and truly attacked. Well Percy was plucked and put in the oven to emerge all brown and roasted. I cried, I felt I'd caused poor Percy's demise, and mam and dad couldn't eat him either! The neighbour ended up with roast rooster. I've posted this somewhere else so I'm probably boring everyone to tears. Anyway, the "girls" where allowed to live out their lives naturally after this traumatic event, and probably peacefully with no male waking them up at dawn and strutting his stuff. Happy 2015 Jackie, Anne.
  • Thank you Sandy, glad to accept. However, as Marie will tell you I'm not very good at the home page comments. When my eldest gets over the flu and comes over I'll get him to put me on the right path. Happy 2015 to you and yours.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2014
    Happy New Years Eve!! It is only 3 degrees outside but at least the sun is shining. My cousin has an UTI so she didn't feel much like doing anything yesterday so we just chilled on the couch all day and watched the boob tube. Today she is feeling better so we are going to lunch with Lisa, Robby, her mom and the other grandson to Wildfire for lunch. I have actually cooked for Cindy, I have made a one pan chicken dish and stew in my new crock pot yesterday. I will make meat loaf tomorrow as tonight I think we will have leftovers. I did buy some shrimp cocktail to bring in the New Year, that's if we can stay up until midnight. My cousin seems to be doing well in spite of this UTI, she got to ring the gong at the hospital when she was told she was in remission so that was a happy thing.
    She is still bald (wears a hat when with others) and unfortunately she has lost her teeth from the chemo so wears dentures. It is quite a site to have her sit across from me without her teeth and no hat, but I love her dearly. I just pray she remains in remission and gets to enjoy life without being in and out of hospitals. She is the youngest of us three cousins who call ourselves the three musketeers. She is 69, my other cousin who was ill with a cold and didn't want to expose Cindy is 70 or 71 and I am 72 soon to be 73. Their fathers were my mother's brothers as she was the only girl of 13. Only four made it to adulthood since kids died of childhood diseases in those days. Cindy is our family genealogist and has found many relatives from our family tree.

    I hope you all have a wonderful New Years Eve and a great New Year!!


    One Day at a Time