Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :D Marie, when I first started on MFP, I ate up all the sweets, chips, and other snack foods in the house and then didn't buy more for a long time until Jake made the decision to buy some things. At first I can remember sitting at the computer watching the clock waiting for time for my next meal and staying firm on my decision to eat the food that I had already logged in my food diary. Making a plan in the morning really helped me. The longer I stay away from foods that I've always craved, the easier it is. Little by little I have figure out what foods I have to stay away from. Like sometimes when I see the almond butter at Costco, I think I want it and then I think that what I really want is to eat the whole jar with a spoon, so I don't buy it and don't eat any. There are lots of foods like that. I just don't start.

    :D Sandy, I love the photo of the three babies in red suits.

    :mrgreen: Lin, I love the bubble light

    1461351h0otf8hco5.gifToday was a great day for dog walking and my pedometer says 20,000 steps :mrgreen:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Spent hours after dinner mesmerized by our friend's son, conductor, raconteur, story-teller divine, sitting in a circle hearing about some of the escapades of the famous people he knows! Finally broke away as my eyes kept closing.
    Saw a lovely animated film this afternoon, "The Wind Rises", really beautifully done with an implied punch at the end. This was definitely an adult level film.
    PHOEBE, lots of luck, and I wish I could find a doctor who would perform that procedure on my knee! So sorry about your Hospice friend. Hospice is just wonderful, though, for family AND patient!
    Welcome, ANNE. Sorry I missed you.
    MARIE, JACKIE, and everybody else shuddering at their scale this week.........hey, we are NOT alone! Meanwhile I'm trying to give up desserts again to lose the 5 pounds I gained back!
    <3 Buzz
  • Good luck Marie, but remember what the books author writes. She wouldn't want to give up the occasional special dessert forever!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    I didn't know there was a Downton Abby Christmas Special, is there anywhere I can see it?
    My DVR didn't record it but it did record the Call the Midwife Christmas Show so I am very confused why it didn't record Downton Abby. Darn, I love that show.
  • Sandy, I dont see it on xfinity

    having a coffee, then shower, pack food, and off we go. Plz have a safe day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    had shower doctor my legs, breakfast of toast and cream cheese coffee.
    almost dress be ready for Alice by 10 30 AM to go to Kathy.its about 50 miles to Kathy
    have a safe day everybody.
    Hugs hugs Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited December 2014
    Happy Sunday!! :D The gathering was great yesterday, nice seeing my cousins and their extended families.
    My cousin looks great and lost 40 pounds through this bout with cancer. She is in remission and is so grateful she was alive to enjoy Christmas. I hope she lives a long time and has no setbacks, she is such a fighter. The things I complain about are so trivial compared to what she has been through. She will come here tomorrow and I will take her to the airport on Friday. I thought it was Thursday so I made a mammogram appointment for Friday which I will change tomorrow. Not exactly how I will entertain her for all those days but hopefully she will be strong enough to get out of the house a couple of times.

    Marie, enjoy your Christmas celebration today, it will be wonderful to be with family. I hope Santa brings you all the things you asked for. <3 A new cell phone sounds exciting and a sexy little short robe sounds interesting. Good luck with your Cowboys in your new T Shirt. <3

    Phoebe, in researching, our season of Downton Abby starts in January including the Christmas Special. I didn't read any of the spoilers but did see some interesting story lines. Safe travels and good weather wished for your driving time. <3 Still praying for your boss and his family. :'(

    Buzz, you and Mike seem to be enjoying life at your place and it is well deserved. We will all be motivated after the new year, I know I am very frustrated with my weight and myself for no control. B)

    Barbie, you are such a good person, I am glad you are part of our group. You not only motivate us to stay healthy and eat right (sometimes a tough effort) but your kindness to others is inspiring. <3

    Anne, without being too nosy, do you still live with your husband? You said you found yourself with a 12 yr old and a 15 yr old so I am curious. :p

    Lin, how do you add channels to your Roku and are they free? I am glad you saw your dad on Christmas and even though he doesn't show it, I would venture to say in his heart where it counts he is so grateful and loves you very much. <3 Additional Kitchen light is very cute.

    Jackie, you had me searching all over for Downton Abbey, forgetting you get to view it earlier than we do.
    I did see an article about George Clooney and how he flirted with the cast even the men, he could flirt with me anytime. Just heard he is going to be a daddy, so happy for him. <3

    Babe is still in the mist of complete chaos so he is not going to Mass today. I better eat and get ready.
    Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Have fun Marie on your next dinner with family.

    PHOEBE - So sorry about your boss, even harder this time of year when you lose someone.
    - Stay strong my friend we are behind you as all of you have been for me.

    SANDY - Enjoy your day you must be so busy. I didn't know Downtown Abbey had a Christmas Show and I missed, darn it! Dave and I were watching the Harry Potter marathon last night.

    BUZZ - So many wonderful things to do in your complex, keeps you out of trouble B)

    JACKIE - Pet little George for me and hug him.

    LIN - I recognized that candle right away. My parents had those on their tree and they bubbled.

    Izzy will be with us until next Sunday. Dave will probably take him back on Monday.
    He has been in the bedroom where Kristina sleeps most of the time but did come out to play this morning.

    I am still in my jammies but will get dressed and do some biking this morning. Nothing yesterday morning and i feel like a slug. Yes, Marie I do have to get back to losing. I am getting on track today and for the rest of the week. I do have a dinner and show on New Years and that will be the last of my off the plan eating. We just ordered a new South Beach book mine is so ratty from use. It is an updated version.

    Well better get going before the day is gone. LOL

    Ontario, Canada

  • You're not being nosey Sandy, it's so long ago and me and the boys finished up flourishing. I was far too young when I met my husband, both only 17, but with 20 years of marriage I figured it was safe to emigrate. Not so, after 3 years here he took off with a Quebec woman. The boys and I where devastated and worse, virtually penniless, so much so I couldn't get us back to the UK. We couldn't speak French and I needed a job quickly, hopeless in Quebec in the 70's. So, I managed to find a secretary job in Ontario, but I had to get here in only 1 week. That's when the adventures began, I honestly don't know how I did it now, I bought a very old Plymouth for $100, loaded it with us, pets and plants and Mike my eldest, then 17 drove us from Montreal. The car burst into flames just as we arrived outside the apartment I'd managed to rent when I had the job interview. That was only the start, mostly hilarious. Despite some very funny mishaps we flourished, I remained in the same job until retirement, the boys worked part time and put themselves through university and both have good jobs. I managed to fly over to see my mom every 2 years until she died at 91. Hence not owning a car. I've told you very little but it's amazing what one can do when life forces a change. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sandydur wrote: »
    I didn't know there was a Downton Abby Christmas Special, is there anywhere I can see it?
    My DVR didn't record it but it did record the Call the Midwife Christmas Show so I am very confused why it didn't record Downton Abby. Darn, I love that show.

    The Downton Abbey Christmas special will air as part of the PBS season this coming year. We in the U.S. did not get it at Christmas. It was on ITV.

    We also didn't see that funny bit that was a commercial or whatever with George Clooney. I don't know that we'll ever see that unless someone has loaded it to YouTube or something.

    Lin getting ready for crocheting once again
  • Glad we visited him yesterday, our boss died this morning. We are fine. Going to see our family.

  • Phoebe, I'm so sorry you have lost your boss, his poor wife. It was so good that you went to see him yesterday. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Phoebe and Jim,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    Phoebe and Jim

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Marvelous reading all your posts today, and I, too, was worried about Downton Abbey. I almost bought the DVD set, but remembered I didn't watch the set I bought last season, so I refrained! I also swoon over George Clooney! My computer seems to be acting up today, and suddenly I find there's another page to our site, so I'll try to see what I missed!
    Oh, my scale was down 3 pounds this morning, so it must be water retention that put on 6 pounds over the holidays! I must lose somewhere around 50 pounds more!!!
    ANNE's history reminds me of mine in some ways, and it proves we can truly overcome all kinds of mishaps if we must take charge of our lives!!! Thanks for sharing! My cursor is jumping all over the place, driving me crazy...
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PHOEBE, so sorry about your boss, and you were wonderful to see him before he passed on! Sympathy to all of you.
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Phoebe and Jim............


  • Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We are fine. I'll be checking on the family later today. It will be a busy day for them. We enjoyed seeing our family. Silly me, no pictures! I even took my tablet tto take photos and then didn't even get it from the car! Lots of kids, precious ♥
    Talk to you later
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited December 2014


    So sorry for your loss Phoebe and Jim. We are here if you need to talk.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    phoebe and Jim
    so sorry my friend