Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Lol Marie, you arent going on a treasure hunt for red velvet cake are you?
    Great photos Shirley and Sandy. Kathy looks so happy. Your sister is pretty.
    Sandy, those babies are adorable. I love the photo of Robby in his rocker.
    Lin, now im trying to remember where i saw a mention of Agatha Raisin. It had to be on the tv, it was a preview, i think. Ill try to find it and let you know. Yes I like those books as well. Glad you reminded me. Sorry the trip to visit your father was so disappointing. You know, there may be a lot of things he doesn't want to do but, he still calls you so maybe the new phone will be of use to him. I am hoping you didn't bring home any little germs!
    Barbie, good to hear that you visited with your friend, im sure you made her day. I was thinking about Chinese food today, but I didn't have it.
    we are going to visit our boss and his family tomorrow. I know ill cry. They have him at home now and hospice is there.
    The dr. Wants me to come back in 5 weeks. If my knee is still the same, ill probably need surgery. He explained that the steroid injection and draining of fluid makes the knee feel worse for about 48 hours. Then it slowly improves. Its painful but not as bad as it was. Im hoping for no surgery, even though I would only miss a week of work.
    Anne Becky,Jackie, glad to hear from you. I had hoped that linking my fitbit to mfp would allow me to see my results on mfp when i travel. It wont unless it goes thru my laptop, and I dont want to take it.

    have a good night
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So far, so good. But this flu thing seems to be spreading! Love all the pictures from JERI, MARIE (Happy Birthday to Jerry!), LIN (fervently wishing for your safety!), and posts from everybody! Our Christmas Eve was just lovely at services in the auditorium ending with candle lighting from person to person. The place was packed with people of many different faiths.
    Tonight Mike and I joined a dear friend for dinner, along with her famous son who conducts the Oklahoma City Philharmonic Orchestra. He was also guest speaker later and entertained us all with his tales of life behind the podium, calming divas or entertaining world famous musicians with all their idiosyncrasies . Such fun listening to him answering questions from the audience afterwards!
    I'll try to get back after all the festivities are finished. Amazing how busy they are keeping us here, with concerts, sing-alongs, entertainment constantly catching our attention. And too many delicious offerings. In my wildest dreams, I had never imagined living in a place like this in my elderly years. ....Stay well!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Phoebe - I get a newsletter from M.C. Beaton and she provided a link to the trailer for the Sky 1 presentation. Also read Q&A on Facebook and no plans so far to make this available on Canadian or U.S. Stations which is why I was hunting International channels today (without success).

    I am sure tomorrow will be tough for you. We're here my friend. Let us know what we can do. Hugs flying your way.

    And I hope you won't need any surgery!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    So far, so good. But this flu thing seems to be spreading! Love all the pictures from JERI, MARIE (Happy Birthday to Jerry!), LIN (fervently wishing for your safety!), and posts from everybody! Our Christmas Eve was just lovely at services in the auditorium ending with candle lighting from person to person. The place was packed with people of many different faiths.
    Tonight Mike and I joined a dear friend for dinner, along with her famous son who conducts the Oklahoma City Philharmonic Orchestra. He was also guest speaker later and entertained us all with his tales of life behind the podium, calming divas or entertaining world famous musicians with all their idiosyncrasies . Such fun listening to him answering questions from the audience afterwards!
    I'll try to get back after all the festivities are finished. Amazing how busy they are keeping us here, with concerts, sing-alongs, entertainment constantly catching our attention. And too many delicious offerings. In my wildest dreams, I had never imagined living in a place like this in my elderly years. ....Stay well!
    <3 Buzz

    You are the busiest my friend but what a scrumptious variety of activities!!!!!! See me turn green.

    Hugs to all. Nite.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    Phoebe have not even thought about that red velvet Cake. its probable In his crisper in the refrigerator drawer. he claims one of the drawer as his own so he does not have to look all over the fridge for his specially.
    But the smell of the Date nut cake my DIL mail to me from St. Louis is driving me nuts It is a recipe that My mom made every year for us. My Mon and dad would go pecan picking and both would shells hundreds of Pecans. my DIL made this cake from Our Pecan tree in our yard We sent home by Bruce when e was here in Nov. we still hve a 5 gallon cans of pecans.
    Well did go on a treasure hunt this morning to find my glasses and to find my new Cowboy shirt That Alice gave me. Jerry had hung it up in his closet thinking it was his. We are always looking for things we misplace.

    Love you sweetie

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good morning

    Another late night last night and the tiredness is catching up.

    I have been playing with Izzy this morning as he runs around the house.

    Today is lunch at my BIL's to see the other nephew and his family.

    It's a sunny day today but I hear this won't last for long.

    Enjoy your day!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I was going to leave a post but the sky is darkening and when I stepped out 10 minutes ago to feed my hens their teatime corn I was hit by a hail storm so had better get George out for a quick pee break before things deteriorate.

    Back soon
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Busy Day will check in later. Love you sneakers. <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Marie - best of wishes to you. I'd freeze the cake for another time or I'd more likely give in to the nostalgia and great memories and have a bit, then freeze it. I just couldn't stand smelling it all the time. I hate to go places and smell food. Just makes me miserable.

    Happy day to you all..........busy busy time for the Sneakers!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Having walked George in another hail storm then popped next door in more hail to feed their cats as they've gone away until new year's day and lastly to the bottom of my garden to shut my hens in their house for the night I'm so pleased to now be tucked up in the warm. A few leftovers for my supper with fresh veggies and a last glass of red wine, then I can concentrate on losing the pounds I've gained.... 6 of them!! If they're not gone in a couple of weeks I will adjust my ticker!

    Marie ~ Anne's got the Boxing day story right as the church and also gentry handed out a few coins to the poor on that day. The Queen does scrub up nicely doesn't she and knows what to wear to compliment her complexion.

    Anne ~ Sorry hadn't had a chance to welcome you before now. I see you're an Anne with an "E" which made me smile because my best friend at school shared the name and I always referred to her as Anne with the E, in fact I still do because we've managed to stay in touch over 50 years! There's been chaos in the north of England because of a fall of snow.... nothing like the amounts that appear in Canada but for some reason everything grinds to a halt!! Having spent nearly 10 years in Canada I decided when I returned to the UK to head to Cornwall where it's that little bit milder.

    Lin ~ Sky isn't a channel I subscribe to as I don't like its boss' politics!! Anyway it serves me right because when I saw a trailer on a different channel for Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death I was so looking forward to watching it until it showed that it was a Sky 1 programme. If I see it for sale or a possibility for you to view it I'll let you know as I take it Sky programmes don't get on to PBS?

    Shirley ~ Love Actually is a lovely gentle romantic story isn't it although Emma Thompson's character has me in tears every time I watch it!! Love your photos as everyone looks so contented. Is that your sister you got back in touch with earlier this year?

    Phoebe ~ That knee treatment you're getting is certainly worth a try if it relieves the pain, then a replacement can be a thing for the future if necessary. I hope your visit to see your boss won't be too upsetting for you and you find him comfortable and pain free.

    Buzz ~ Wonderful to read you and Mike are having a ball over the festive season. ENJOY!! I had it wrong about Downton Abbey's Christmas special having a gorgeous guest because it turned out that appearance was during a tv charity evening when the cast were in a 5 minute comedy sketch and George Clooney turned up to seduce everyone. Even Thomas winked at him which was very funny!

    Time to cook my supper and put my feet up in front of the fire!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited December 2014
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Shirley
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member

    Extra light in the kitchen.
  • Jackie, what a breath of fresh air reading your doings. We used to keep chickens too! I was born in the Yorkshire dales and despite being here for 42 years and really loving it I can't help but get nostalgic for our ramblings in the dales, the lovely moors around Whitby, and the cold North Sea especially at Christmas time. We used to go out and cut our own holly, and that's why I chose harebell for my MFP name. I loved the delicate little flowers but that's where the resemblance ends! We visited Cornwall every year for our annual holiday, beautiful county. Not a sniff of snow here, but the one relative I have left alive keeps me posted on the Yorkshire weather, ee bah gum. I still keep in touch with 4 friends I met at school when I was 5 years old! Can you believe, that's 74 years! Gosh I must shut up but thanks for that whiff of "home". Anne with the E.
    PS my ticker is a very bad painting I did of a place near to our old home.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne we all love Jackie and her tales of the moors. I would love to go there for a visit. and love her fireplace. it is so homey and warm Looking.
  • Marie, Yes, there's nothing like a fireplace on a cold winters night, but in our case it could have a downside. When the wind blew a certain way, and the smoke came DOWN the chimney, my dad would say, "winds blowing straight across sea from Siberia tonight." It felt like it too sometimes!
  • We saw our boss, he's being well cared for, they are doing a good job. His wife is not handling the shock of his imminent death well. She can hardly speak five minutes before she cries. I do hope she'll make it through this without something happening to her.

    Tomorrow is our family Christmas. We will drive about 2 hours. I was planning to make more sweets, but I'm going to leave that to the others. Ive got a cheeseball with club crackers and mini bagels with sauce and cheese on them. Its enough!
    Jackie, around here, hail storms are brief. Sounds like yours was anything but! Give George a hug for me, but only if the others won't be jealous!
    Lin, i see what you mean about Agatha Raisin, but it's bugging me where I saw the advertisement for it.! Im still on Maigret.

    Marie, are you going to Kathy s tomorrow? Safe travels.
    night all

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2014
    I'm glad you made it through the visit. I am so sorry for his wife especially; the shock is a lot for her to handle. :(

    Have a safe trip tomorrow and you're right, there will be enough sweets! What you have sounds lovely. ;)

    Oh, I messed up, Marie is going to Kathy's not Alice's right? Duh. I know it will be a good time no matter where!! B)

    Sorry you're bugged Phoebe. I know there was a link on Facebook to the Agatha Raisin trailer and I *liked* it which probably made it show up in your news feed. Other than that, I saw nothing on TV. Happy hunting. :o

    I added a bunch more free channels to my Roku- B):DB) --I am watching a lot of content on Dieselpunk Industries (I think that's the name) right now. Lots of old stuff, some really neat old movies, and the old Green Hornet serial (Keye Luke as Kato)! Love it.

    Jackie - I know nothing about the politics of Sky all I wanted was Agatha. I'd appreciate knowing if you see more about it. Even if it's on DVD, the region won't be right for us here in the U.S. Sigh. Well, I have the audio book with Penelope Keith reading. It's great! :D

    Anne - I am glad that you are getting a bit of *home* from reading what Jackie writes. We all appreciate her additions her. She is terrific.....! And now we have you as well. Yeah us!!! ;)

    Hugs to you my friends. <3<3

    For me, church in the morning and another crochet class in the afternoon as long as I'm still well. A little dry cough and some fatigue but I think it's just my sinuses acting up again. They do it all the time! :#:s:\

    Lin o:)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    yes Phoebe we are to be out there by 11 30 AM Alice and Jim are picking us up. I gotta tell you my motivations is running thin So hope I can handle all the food. Be glad when all the food dinners are gone. Better say a prayer for me. Dear God don't let me goof up.
    I found where all the red velvet cake was at. jerry took our neighbor's two big old pieces So it is all gone, Now to worry about this date nut cake tomorrow. Oh and the Texas sheet cake. Oh me.

    I got a new cell phone from Alice also a short robe which I have been wanting. A new cowboy t-shirt Got a game going tomorrow. I told Kathy to fix me a little table by the TV for the game starts at 12 noon. The last regular game of the seasons. But the Cowboys will be in the playoff
    Whew we been waiting a long time for this.
    So sorry about your boss I know you thought the world of him.

    Anne how did you decide to come to Canada and how long you been here,?

    its cold here and very windy. going to get colder as the days go on. brrrrr.

    Lin How is your weather.?

    Sandy, your life is so full with Robby. Who was the other 2 babies . They all were so cute.

    Shirley its about time for us to really get serious about this weight problems

    Barbie you always handle Christmas well.. its hard for me to break a lifetime of eating habits. But really going to stick with this. Right now My body is telling me to eat eat. for I had a low around 300Pm and I am really craven food. carbs and sweets.

    jeri, Chris, and the rest of you. Keep warm.
    hugs Marie.

  • Oh Marie, I'd love to tell you the story of how we arrived here and the sometimes harrowing adventures of what then happened to cause us to be stranded here, but it would mean I'd have to write a whole novel. I've ended up loving my adopted country but in the beginning, 42 years ago, me, my husband, our two little boys, my mother (dad had recently died) and one beloved cat sold our bungalow in Derbyshire, left family and friends and set off for Quebec to a job my husband had taken. 3 years later I found myself with a 12 yr old and a 15 yr old, one cat and one dog. My mother returned to England and family in the hope that we would also return. It wasn't to be. What followed was the most unexpected adventure I never in my wildest dreams expected. Luckily, I have a sense of humour and we survived. And you know, I am the last person in the world to have ANY sort of adventure, but I sure had my safe, contented, little life turned upside down and now I'm glad of it.
    Canada has been very good to us but I did wonder in the beginning!