Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Sandy - okay, lost post so I'll start over.

    Adding channels to your Roku----you can just go to the home screen on your Roku and instead of selecting Netflix for example, select the Channel store. Then just browse through and add anything that looks good, I normally pick free channels but add subscription channels I've already paid for like Acorn TV. Just follow the prompt to add the channel and you're good to go. If you don't like the content, it's very easy to just remove the channel again from the remote control.

    The other thing you can do is download an app from Apple called Private Channels for Roku. Once downloaded you can search private and public channels by category and then hit the + to add a channel. (You do have to be logged in to your Roku account of course). I always get an error message saying the browser I'm using is not supported on Roku. Please use a different browser but I think it always adds the channel.

    Or you can Google search private codes for Roku and then add codes through the Roku web site. Some will still be valid, others will not.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Check the link above because someone made a video copy off their tv of the Downton spoof for comedy which you might be able to view as I expect the ITV you tube is blocked. It's not the best quality and the humour is rather silly but it was all in a good cause!

    Also for Lin here's a link to a you tube piece about the scripting of Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of death. which gives an idea of how much they might have changed the book!

    Anne with an E ~ That's quite a story and wow, what a survivor you are but then we never know until pushed just how much we can deal with. Having visited Quebec in the 1970's myself and experienced a few anti English speakers although I did my best with my school French, I can see why you'd want to head for Ontario but it's a shame because Quebec province is beautiful. The MFP ladies will have read past posts from me telling of Siberian winds but you'd have been that much closer "up North"!!

    Phoebe ~ My condolences at the loss of your boss, that's so sad.

    Shirley ~ Enjoy your time with Izzy. What a beautiful kitty in that photo you posted.

    Sandy ~ The Christmas Call the Midwife was very good but as ever a bit of a tear jerker but the good news is another series is being recorded to be shown next year.

    Just a short post today because it's already getting close to 4pm and I have to feed my neighbour's hens and cats before a short walk with George. Today has been glorious although freezing but we enjoyed a long walk across the moors with me laughing out loud at George's antics as he tried to jump into favourite puddles only to discover them frozen over so he quickly became an ice skater and very good at it he was too!!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2014
    Thanks Jackie........I used the code link from your message and got to the ITV 2-part video and it did allow me to watch it!!! Thank you! I loved it.

    Yes, the movie/TV show whatever the M.C. Beaton book has turned into is something completely different. I would never have envisioned Agatha Raisin as the actress who is portraying her. I guess I am happy to have read all the books.

    Stay safe.......hugs to George!!

  • Jackie, you are so right, Quebec wasn't the best place to be dumped in the seventies. The folks next door to us even had "go home English" chalked on their drive. Enough to get me moving I can tell you. I felt very vulnerable and exposed, but you are also right in that Quebec is a very beautiful province. Pats for George. Our chickens natural life span was appr. 9 years. We couldn't bear to kill them!
    Anne with an E.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I got me a fit bit on its way to Texas for me. hope to get it by New Year so Alice can set it set up for me. Alice let me wear hers yesterday to see if it would count my steps and it did. I walk so slow. I did get enough gift cards to get me one but now I can spend it on some new clothes for me when I lose this weight. I'm so happy/
    Jerry went to the VA to get his bloods work check out. They just called and said everything was great. And on his way home. I worry about him making that long trip
    now we have to make a long trip to North Dallas Wed. for an eye doctor specialist
    oing to work on some tote bags today for they are going to charge 5 cents a bag at the store to use their plastic bas and I do not want to pay for plastic bags., They are a n >:) pain in the neck Well spell check is not not helping me out but hop you know what I mean.
  • Marie, maybe if they start charging me for the bags ill remember to take mine into the store! I must have 15 or 20 between the house and my car. Plus 3 big thermal bags and about 4 huge totes. So im good! Getting laundry and checking Jims suit.
    Jackie, i watched the downton video. It was great! Ill re read the posts about roku that is interesting about codes
    better go,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    OMG Jackie, thank you so much for the link.
    I love George with a passion and this was so funny.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Sandy - okay, lost post so I'll start over.

    Adding channels to your Roku----you can just go to the home screen on your Roku and instead of selecting Netflix for example, select the Channel store. Then just browse through and add anything that looks good, I normally pick free channels but add subscription channels I've already paid for like Acorn TV. Just follow the prompt to add the channel and you're good to go. If you don't like the content, it's very easy to just remove the channel again from the remote control.

    The other thing you can do is download an app from Apple called Private Channels for Roku. Once downloaded you can search private and public channels by category and then hit the + to add a channel. (You do have to be logged in to your Roku account of course). I always get an error message saying the browser I'm using is not supported on Roku. Please use a different browser but I think it always adds the channel.

    Or you can Google search private codes for Roku and then add codes through the Roku web site. Some will still be valid, others will not.

    OROROROROROR---just go to and add channels there..............

    (Forgot the obvious!)

  • Marie, thanks for your like comments. I like what you are doing too. We are charged for plastic bags as well, so I have been using cloth bags for years. Just pop them in the washing machine every so often. Anne
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Dear friends
    Boy I tried to read everyones posts but there are so many so I just scanned them. Everyone sounds good.
    Phoebe, sorry for your loss. Prayers sent to you and his family.
    Anne, welcome. I don't get on the internet much but I think of this group of friends often. You will enjoy everyone of them, they are special people.

    Marie, sounds like you are doing so good. I got a new fitbit for Christmas, one that gets a text too. I loved my zipbit but Hubby thought I should upgrade. Silly man. Anyway so now I have to learn how to use it and a new phone too. My daughter bought me a new smart phone, I think it's to smart for me.

    Sandy, Hi there, sounds like everything is going good .

    My day today
    Breakfast, protein drink, black coffee

    Worked out for an hour at the Kroc Center. Went to Costco and Super One for groceries. Did the laundry.

    Lunch, Turkey sandwich with 1 oz tortilla chips. Coffee with peppermint creamer
    Dinner, soup, not sure what kind yet, probably vegetable.

    Wednesday is my granddaughters birthday and I made her a queen size quilt and pillow. I have to get her something from bath and body.

    The weather here is cold, about 20 but we had 8 inches of snow a couple of days ago and rain, so we have lots of ice here too.

    I just stopped by to let you know I have been thinking of you and I my internet was ok.
    Take care
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    snowflakes this morning and sunshine this afternoon....the dogs love it all. We had soup today made with the broth I made from November's turkey. I added chicken and veggies and it was fabulous.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    LIN - thanks so much for the video. It was really funny.

    Today we tried to take back Dave's sweatshirt he got for Christmas at The Bay but no luck.
    First of all they never carried that sweatshirt in their store. We tried to have the lady check out get one from the warehouse and she did that but would not give us any money back, just a store gift card to buy again. It was such a mess we just walked out. I will take it back to Kathy and see if we can exchange it at her branch store. He just wanted a larger size.

    We took the table and chairs back to the sailing club where we borrowed it for Christmas dinner. It was snowing there and when we got home, no snow at all. It was a lake effect storm. Visited a winery and shared a cheese plate and I had a glass of wine and Dave had a beer. He's not much of a wine drinker. A very nice day and the cheese was delicious.

    Now home again finishing up laundry and relaxing with Izzy. :)

    Ontario, Canada

    28F and cloudy snow for Tuesday night.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good hearing from Chris and of course all of the rest of you. cold weather is creepin in. we could get some sleet and ice on New years day. But not much.
    But who knows it may really be bad for the drivers. hope you all stay safe and warm.
    hugs Marie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Loved today's posts (as always) and the Downton Abbey spoof was a hoot. Move over SANDY, age before beauty! Doesn't everybody adore George? MARIE, bless you, and use your fitbit well! Hugs to all of you; I must get some sleep.
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I meant to mention that in the January Costco Connection magazine, there is an interview with a member of MFP in which she talks of the helpfulness of the website in making her aware of her intake. I tried to copy it but it wouldn't allow me to. Nite all
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    I looked at the calendar and saw it is Donna's birthday today. I'm sorry, once again I don't know who this is.....if Donna is still with us---HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  • I dont remember either, Lin.

    finished clothes laundry. Now its cat stuff. All the rugs blankets cushions etc.
    Jim got a call this morning, they want him and another long time driver and friend to drive our trucks in the funeral procession. One at the front and one at the back. I will drive my car though. I thought they should put all the trucks that are available in a procession behind the hearse and all the cars. The church has a huge parking lot. Oh well, it doesnt really matter.

    I haven't watched the weather so Marie, yall be safe there.

    our new years tradition is blackeyed peas and greens. Looking forward to it.

    what are the traditions of your area?

    cnt figure out what is triggering my knee pain. Something sets it off. I was pain free today, for a little while.

    Better get back to laundry

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Phoebe - sorry for your knee pain. I picked up some Nutri Cure for all aches and pains due to
    - joints and inflammation. I will give it a try and see how it works. It was at the health food store.
    The procession with trucks for the funeral seems a nice farewell.

    Lin - Don't remember Donna either. Maybe we need a clean out of the birthday list. I looked at it the other day and there are some people I have never heard of.

    Buzz - too bad we couldn't see the interview of the MFP member. That would have been interesting.

    Today was a sleep in day again, I have to get back on my routine when Dave goes back to work.
    He likes to sleep late but then if I do I have to do catch up all day. Dave and I did have a nice long walk today even though it was cold.

    We started watching Marco Polo on Netflix last night. I don't know if some of facts are true but it is very interesting. During the Gingas Kahn era. I probably spelled that wrong. The fight between Mongolia and China before the Great Wall was built.

    I started back on Phase 1 South Beach today except for lunch. When we were out I bought some Jamaican patties to try so we had that with a salad.

    We will be getting some snow tomorrow for New Year's Eve.

    Ontario, Canada

    25F and cloudy but did
    have some sun today.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    i remember Donna its been years since she has posted. She used to ride a motorcycle Yes i agree It does need to be clear. out There is quite a few that has not been here in quite some time Just have the active sneakers' birthday. its way too confusing for the new Members and for us older ones . Anne we need your birthday

    :o Shirley what is a Jamaican patties it sounds like something I would like
    o:) Sorry Phoebe you are still having pain on your knees
    I have what my foot doctor call iron leaking out on my legs. It has form quite a bit o scabs on my legs and look terrible. I have been using a cream medication but no help . then I remember When Jerry had the ingrown hair on his cheeks that would not heal for 6 months or so. He went to a skin specialist and she just had him used Vaseline on it no other medication and with a week or 2 it heal up you might remember he had to get a biopsy [ hey did I spell that right no red line under neat] it So i started using it on my legs and nearly all of the scabs is gone and look so much better and feels better. now we used it on all minor cuts and they heal so much faster.
    <3 Marie
  • Marie, can I get away with - yikes I've forgotten my birthday date. Going backwards from now on. Lol, Anne.