Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Hello dear ones - I am home. It's been a much longer day than I anticipated. Many calls and errands to accomplish again tomorrow. Happy to be home.

    Will stop by tomorrow. Nite!!!

  • BlueHarebell
    LIN, welcome home. Everyone is thinking of you. At least the weather seems to be finally warming up a bit for you. God bless, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning sneakers
    lin welcome back home. We really did miss you. . thinking of you I know a zillions thing are going thru your mind.. Just take a few steps at a time. my prayers go out to you. Love you. <3 Marie

    Wish there was something I could do to help you thru this sadness.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :D Lin, you are still in my heart and prayers, hoping someone is helping you at this sad time. Babe is having his surgery today, I am picking him up at 1:00 pm. I am not thrilled with the idea of sitting in the hospital all day but being an enabler I am the one he wants. He is not happy with me after my phone call last night. Somehow I have lost three diamonds from my engagement ring. I have looked everywhere but they are no where to be found. I scratched myself with the raw edge and couldn't believe my eyes when I looked at my ring and there was big gap. It is unwearable and I do not have insurance as I rent and jewelry is not covered. I am hoping that the jeweler I go to can fix it for a reasonable price but can't get there until next week. I feel terrible about the ring but I didn't do it on purpose so will just let it go and not worry about it, leaving it in God's Hands.

    I am still recording my calories and riding my bike, so far so good. The clothes I ordered online for the cruise came and I liked all but one item, so I am set to go. Five more pounds and I will be a happy traveler. I really would prefer ten more pounds but I know people would say that it too much for my size but I would like some playing room if you know what I mean. B)

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • BlueHarebell
    I'm away for the day, but I got to thinking and I would like to say something to all you Americans out there, well before it's too late to show appreciation. I worked for 24 years at an engineering firm that was American based. During that time we had US based contractors and I often had to deal with chaps based in the states on the phone. I even met one or two and their wives after retirement when they came up north to visit other engineers who they had formed friendships with. Just want to say in all that time I never met a bunch of nicer people. Every one of them showed me much kindness. One based in the mid west used to sing Annie Laurie to me on the phone. He mistook my yorkshire accent for Scottish. Lol. Thanks everyone from Limey/Canuck Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    A little bird on Facebook said it was Barbie and Jake's Anniversary!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Hello dear friends.......trying to catch up on the posts a bit. It's been another morning of phone calls, digging out information, making photocopies. I am sure you are all familiar with these things. Making more progress and will have the first papers to sign at the attorney's office Friday morning before the funeral. I need to get out there and run a couple of errands today. Still waiting to hear from the pastor about order of service. Forgive me if I said this before, this is the pastor that was the church pastor all the time I was growing up. He and his wife were pretty good friends with my parents so I am pleased that although he is mostly retired that he will do the service.

    The car keeps running low on gas---imagine that! Ha. And I need my thyroid medication refilled. I think that's all I will do for today and plan on a nap and a regroup of thoughts before forging on.

    Hugs and more hugs.

    Lin in Central Iowa where the weather is much nicer today
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member

    For Barbie and Jake~~~!

  • kacierra
    kacierra Posts: 109 Member
    Hello Ladies. I've been MIA for quite a while. Life is not always easy. I had a good summer and fall, but I hate the cold winter weather and sometimes get a bit depressed. Adding to that is that the weight I've gained since August just increases the feelings of depression. I currently weigh more than I ever have before and that includes the 14 pounds I've gained in the last five months. The past couple days I have finally gotten back to recording my food intake & I've even cleared all the stuff off the treadmill. I joined the local Y and so far I have attended one session of the Silver Sneakers. I desperately hope that this will be a turning point for me.

    I hope all is going well for all of you.

    Take care,
    Kaci - Karen

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    KACI - Glad to see you back and joining us again. I hope all goes well with the Y and you can continue your journey with us. :)

    LIN - Happy days you are back. We missed you on here and I know you have a million things to do but do take care of yourself. <3 Keep us informed.

    SANDY - I bet you can't wait to get on that cruise. I know we are counting the days for our trip to Jamaica which will be in February. :D So sorry to hear about losing your diamonds, you must feel sick about it I know I would be upset.

    Last night was my first rehearsal for a ladies choir I joined. It is going to be fun and some work too. I am in the Soprano section right now but I may have to go down to Soprano 2.
    I will see, two of the songs were quite high for me. Mr. Sandman and Unchained Melody.
    We have some great songs, like Penny Lane and the Impossible Dream. We will get a CD to practice our parts at home.

    Today was my Yoga Practice this morning and then lunch with a friend and some shopping at Target. My DH was supposed to stay overnight for work but he left me a message and will be coming home instead.

    Have a great evening and if anyone is watching the series The Book of Negros its on tonight at nine.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    sandy what a deal you are going thru. won't be long till that trip,

    kacie so happy you are back with us. I definite miss you. and seeing your wild life you always posted in your own Yard . We never see anything like that just smell a shrunk now and then But they are cute little animals
    just wanted to say Hi to you all. especially Lin who is going thru so much right now.
    Fixing to go for a walk I did get to read aall of your post. <3 Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Anne I'm ROFLOL @' old lady filters'

  • BlueHarebell
    Sorry PHOEBE, I don't know what that means. I'm fairly new and don't understand the terminology.
    I think my very old in years friend meant he put a sort of filter over the lens of his camera to get rid of any flaws. Anne
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    edited January 2015
    I don't know Anne but for me it means Rolling On Floor Laughing Out Loud

    How about you Phoebe?

    And for me old lady filters to me would be soft focus so de-emphasis wrinkles and offense intended but I used one when I did photos of my mom. She liked seeing fewer sharp wrinkles.
  • BlueHarebell
    Yes, that's what I figured about the soft focus! Old so and so, and me only 40 odd at the time! Wonder what he'd think today! Lol!
    You live and learn LIN, who would have thought ROFLOL meant that! I'm definitely showing my age Phoebe!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    Bob, your photography is great! The cathedral is such an excellent architectural shot artistically presented! And the others are wonderful. You and JERI should meet and talk about your photographic approaches! JACKIE is an puddle away, but her photos of the moors seem to remind me of Wuthering Heights! How did you finally decide to come to MFP? My 60 year old son is sadly terribly overweight, yet seems to resist all attempts to get him concerned about his health! Any suggestions? Stay well!
    <3 Buzz

    Hello Buzz –
    Like most people – my story is long and so it goes with the weight battle as well. I wish I could yell “genetics” but neither parent was obese. I remember telling a doctor decades ago that I was “big boned” – he laughed, measured and gave me the sad news – another excuse out the window. The fact is I had improper eating habits and many times used food for comfort. I also loved food. There have been periods of unhealthy stress eating, medical issues, lack of exercise – the list and excuses goes on.

    With the exception of a few new diets…I have tried them all…NOTHING ever worked more than a few months. I had resigned myself to morbid obesity and numerous health issues.
    Weight-loss surgery was mentioned more than once, by more than 1 doctor…and I thought about it for 6 months and decided “no.” In 2013, someone told me about the apps “Lose It” and “MFP” – I mentally filed away the information, but did nothing.

    Then around Thanksgiving 2013, I thought I might try just cutting back. I knocked off a few pounds, but was still the weight of a baby piano and not fully dedicated. I checked out the apps and decided to set 12/1/13 as an “official” start date for counting calories using an app. I said nothing to anyone (except my wife). I didn’t want to go thru the whole failure thing and didn’t want unsolicited diet advice.

    To my surprise, it all kicked in. I designed a plan “for me.” Everyone is different. I weigh myself every day to track my trends – I only have 1 “official” day a week when I record my weight. Some people say that is wrong. I intentionally did not try to exercise immediately and focused just on nutrition & eating right. I knew I couldn’t do everything at once and I was too huge to handle much exercise. I added “walking” after I lost my first 50 – 75 pounds or so. That worked for me. I love to cook – so the challenge was to develop my own personal diet of nutritious food that would allow for a low-calorie intake. Everything I did was designed around me – and nutrition. No “cheat” days etc. – I “plan” to have certain foods once in a while as part of my plan.

    I never felt compelled to lose weight because of anyone talking me into it. I already hated the way I looked and had constant reminders (like needing a table and not a booth at a restaurant, or not being able to shop in regular stores etc.) My wife would sometimes say “I don’t care if you weigh 500 lbs., I just want you to be around.”

    I have always responded to soft indirect input that allows me to digest information over time.

    I hope your son has an epiphany at some point. I had to go through multiple ambulance rides, over a half-dozen cardioversions, hospitalizations (back/heart), toxic drugs like amiodarone,,,,and more…but in the end I had to get myself to where I am. Once I was at the half-way point there was no stopping me…I will never go back….if he ever decides to give MFP a go…have him add me.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Love the photo of your lady pal Bob, but I'm so sorry you have lost her. What church or cathedral is that? Also, have you got any photos of wintry scenes in NY to show us? I had a friend who was really keen on photography. Long gone. He was a real grumpy old bachelor but also a really good photographer. I think he felt sorry for me because I had no car, so he would often ask me to accompany him on his expeditions. Actually, I think it was to help lug his bags and tripods! Anyway, he was the only person who took really good shots of me, so good, future generations will think I was a raving beauty. Lol. I asked him how he managed this impossible feat and he muttered "old lady filters". I was in my forties at the time. I've got quite a few photos framed on my walls to remember him. Anne.

    Anne – Glad you liked the photo. The cathedral is in upstate NY. I have posted one of my favorite winter scenes I was able to catch at one of those “quiet” moments with no people around. AS for your grumpy old bachelor – I always pity people like that. They can be humorous – but they miss so much. He must have been thrilled to have you take such an interest…he may have needed your attention more than you know.


    I think we are all the same when it comes to our photos and tend to be over critical. I normally shoot to capture the real person and (unless asked otherwise) keep editing to a minimum. I mean – I’ll remove a pimple, cold sore or lighten dark circles a bit – but I think fake photo-shopped images are the worst. People know what they look like – we just want our best side showing. I saw a lady at an outdoor party once across the yard. I was struck by her hat and snapped a photo. I mailed it to her and she wrote back that it was her all-time favorite. I am posting that as well; I fairly certain she wouldn’t care. Bob

  • BlueHarebell
    Bob - Your winter scene is lovely and the sort I like to "try" and paint. As for my grumpy old friend he really WAS grumpy and very embarrassing at times. Sometimes, when he yelled at people for walking between him and whatever he was photographing, I was guilty of pretending I wasn't with him! However, he was an interesting character and very talented, and I got to see things I never would have seen under normal circumstances, like an antique car show in Detroit, or various air shows. I used to love going to those in the UK so that was a lovely added bonus. Anyway, he certainly was unforgettable and some of his photos live on, on my walls. Cheers, Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Thank you for the anniversary wishes. Jake drove me to line dance this morning and then picked me up so we could go to our favorite Chinese restaurant for lunch. We each brought half home so we could have the leftovers for supper. We are so grateful to be together and still so happy after 26 years.

    smiley-happy020.gif Sandy, I know you've done a lot of self-examination, prayer, and meditation to make your decisions about your relationship with Babe. I hope the hospital adventure turned out OK for both of you.

    smiley-happy020.gifKaci, glad to see you back and back on track.

    smiley-happy020.gifLin, I know you'll take this new chapter one day at a time. I settled my mother's estate at the same time that I had a very challenging full time job....I know you have a big task ahead of you and you'll do a great job.

    smiley-happy020.gif Shirley, enjoy your singing

    <3 Barbie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    <3 Buzz