Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Blueharebell1
    Diabolical machine is telling me I have not joined any groups. Sorry to be a pest, I should have left well alone, sigh.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Hello - woke up with my stomach *off* this morning. I didn't go to church. I've put on layers of clothing, turned up the furnace, have a nice warm throw and a hot cup of tea. Hopefully it's just an off day and not the flu. Time will tell I guess.

    Sandy - I ordered Nintendo Wii Console Black with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort and a set of CTA Digital Wii Sports Resort 8-in-1 Sports Pack. Now tell me what you use?? I am thinking of getting Just Dance 2015.

    Bob - great job last night. And how wonderful to attend that event with confidence and looking good! Yippee~~! Enjoy your day today.

    Anne - hello, I sent you a friend request. Did you have to re-join the Sneakers? Make sure you favorite the threads again.......that should help you get here more easily.

    Phoebe - wahoo! I hope you can get more healthful options at the place you mentioned. Every once in a while I go to our oldest health food store and order fresh juice. They have their own mixtures but the one I get has beet, ginger, celery, and other goodies in it. I found a rand at WF called Evolution and it just has juice---no added junk. Do you find things like this when you travel?

    Gayla - I am so sorry Owen has been ill. Poor sweetie. Hope he's doing better now.

    Marie - looking forward to more pictures of your new little sweetie!! Hope all is well in your part of Texas. I think Judy's weather is lots better. Has she sent you any pictures of flowers this year?

    Shirley - you will be so pleased when you've finished your recipe binder projects. Very organized and lots of options when you're ready to cook. And a cruise coming up soon. Lovely.

    Has anyone seen Becky lately??

    Hugs to all Sneakers. Wishing you the best---working for better health (she says as she sips her tea).

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member

    Follow this link Anne...then when there click on the little star to turn it yellow.

    Then do the same with this link
  • Blueharebell1
    Sandy, you are a genius. I seem to be back to being a nuisance again!
    Robby is one beautiful little 6 month old, no wonder you are so proud of him,
    Makes up for all of Babes woes don't you think!
    P.s, I was cluttered up with food items I no longer consume, hence the spur of the moment change.
  • Blueharebell1
    LIN, hope you are better soon and haven't got the dreaded flu or virus. Yes, I got your request, thank you, and yes, I had to join again (I think). Serves me right, I'm not tech. savvy.
    Everybody else, enjoy your day! I've done enough damage, so I'm off!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Anne, when all rlse fails, I try the help button, sometimes I find how to do the tasks like that.
    Sandy, Robby is a sweetheart, someone really got great smiles and even a good laugh from him.♥
    Lin, I almost never find good things when traveling. One place has vegetable stir fry that is really just steamed or zapped in the microwave. I have salad and no soy sauce and usually leave the rice. Otherwise, its just junk. Hope you don't have the flu, especially Not the stomach flu! Ill be having tea in a bit, oolong probably, at a Chinese buffet. Not my favorite one, but dh likes it.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Sorry about the not-so-great food you encounter!

    I don't know if this is anything that would be interesting but just in case, a friend on MFP mentioned Azure as a site for ordering organic foods/items at lower prices and apparently they have a shipping policy where you can pick up items at a drop-off site (if there are any near you). I looked a little bit and many of the items won't work for me as they are not gluten-free. Maybe someone else will find something that suits them.

    Meanwhile, I just had some low sodium Miso soup and my stomach is screaming at me again. I do not know what the heck is wrong with it.

    Oh, and my brand new smoke detector is doing intermittent chirping again. I've called the handyman who said he'll get back to me in an hour or so..............blast! No naps in my future.

    Hope everyone else is doing better~~!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Lin - Feel better friend, maybe all your running around for your Dad's needs is getting to you.
    - You could have a low immune system right now. Try and build up the immune system. Have you tried Emergen-C yet? It might help build you up. It's a powered drink you put in water.
    -It's my go to when I feel blah or just starting to get sick. We are not going on cruise like
    Sandy, we are going to an all inclusive resort.
    Lin, I also have the Wii Plus and Wii Sports. You are going to love it. Dave and I just used the
    Wii Resort yesterday and played with wake boarding and bowling. The Wii Plus has strength training and Yoga, stepping and of course balance games. This might be just what you need for your ailing feet.

    Sandy - Your Robbie is such a cutie. He is growing so fast!

    Gayla - Poor little Owen, its so hard seeing the little ones sick.

    Anne - Sandy is our go to person when having problems on this site. I hope you can get
    back into the swing with us again.

    Bob - You did well not over on calories. Our sailing club has a lot of functions and I its always a challenge for me to try and not go over. I have my mind set again this year now to implement it.

    Phoebe - It's hard to find good drinks when travelling. Some look good but are full of sugar.
    I hope you can find some alternatives.

    Well this morning we got up early and finally went downhill skiing. The temp was 15f very cold but it was fun. Good to get out and get the skis and boots on again. I never made it out last
    year due to the polar vortex winter and tons of snow. Sometimes we couldn't make it to the
    resort due to too much snow. No excuses this year. It will be nice when Dave retires we can go
    during the week and sometimes you get the best skiing then and fresh snow.

    Now just relaxing and enjoying the rest of the day.

    Ontario, Canada
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited January 2015

    Here is how to delete food items from your frequent list.

    Bob, I am going to use my Wii for body test and then experiment with different kinds of exercise. I also like the games that help such as hula hooping, stepping both fast and slow, yoga, all kinds of things. I have many DVD's for exercise that I bought for my Wii system, I just got lazy and stopped using it when things were going bad. I still want to ride my recumbent as well and of course record calories. Wish me luck.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    !@#$%^&*()!!! My entire post just disappeared, and it was a long one---full of compliments yet!!! :'( I just cannot repeat it , so to ANNE and GAYLA, boo-hoo! To everyone else have a fabulous day! To BOB---WOW! Gotta run, but have to admit Robby is a gorgeous guy---naturally!
    <3 Buzz
  • Blueharebell1
    JERI, if you've been reading my misadventures, I'm afraid I lost you in the process and don't know how to put you back, this is ANNE the late Blueharebell.
  • Blueharebell1
    BUZZ, sorry you lost your post. This is the late lamented Blueharebell, now GawanneB. I made such a mess of things I'm wondering if there is a full moon out there! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Sandy - me bugging you again. Do you have the Fit and balance platform dealie? And I didn't buy the newest thing I guess. Just a Wii
    not a mini not a Wii U. I looked online for just a yoga game but couldn't find one today.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Yes Lin, I have the balance board which I love. It measures my balance as well as my weight. I did 30 minutes of different things on it tonight. Hula hoop, stepping, skiing etc. when I start in the morning again, it will register my weight and BMI. Then I do the balance test. When done it gives me my Wii age, which today was 45. Not bad for an old lady.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    !@#$%^&amp;*()!!! My entire post just disappeared, and it was a long one---full of compliments yet!!! :'( I just cannot repeat it , so to ANNE and GAYLA, boo-hoo! To everyone else have a fabulous day! To BOB---WOW! Gotta run, but have to admit Robby is a gorgeous guy---naturally!
    <3 Buzz
    Boy Buzz, I understand completely. You and I excel at this trick. LOL.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :D slept late, walked dogs a lot, went to Costco, did laundry, rode the exercise bike and watched figure skating.....not much time left for the computer.

    <3 Barbie
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Lin – Thanks. It was a pretty good time. The first band wasn’t too good, but the 2nd was enjoyable – just a tad too loud for the environment. Still – nice to get out a bit. We brought my father-in-law. He is in his mid-80’s and still loves to do fun things.

    Shirley – A sailing club sounds like a tough environment for calorie-counting, but I’m sure you will easily handle it…not sure I could.

    Sandy – I’ll be reading your Wii updates. I’m using the gym a lot right now & YouTube at home…but I can see Wii in my future.

    Buzz- Now that was a good consolidation of thoughts! LOL

    Have a great night everyone! Bob

  • Blueharebell1
    JERI, I believe we are back in business. Will not press any more buttons in the near future.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    I have a 40-something niece in LOVE with the Yankees. I always pretend to be a huge Red Sox fan. She posted a Yankee-fan cartoon yesterday and I responded with the same carton and changed the uniform from Yankee to Red Sox. She responded that I was “Officially Cut Off” – all in good fun!

    So this morning, I told her that for some reason others thought I had her on my mind throughout breakfast and posted this photo:


    [BREAKFAST ( Calories 203) : Organic Strawberries, 38 g; Blueberries Raw 1 oz); Raspberries, 1 oz; Baby Banana, Raw 0.75 oz.; Egglands Best - 1 Egg (50 grams); Sara Lee - 45 Calories & Delightful Healthy Multi-grain Bread, 1 slice; Hormel Foods - Canadian Bacon Thick 1 Slice.]


    I went the furthest I have ever done in over 10 years! I burned 402 calories doing 70 minutes of walking at a 3.1 mph pace.


    I lost 2 lbs since my last weigh-in! So far – I have lost 181 lbs. – it was nice to pass the 180 mark.


  • Blueharebell1
    Isn't there anybody on this site who follows Hull City Tigers (soccer) F.L. UK. No I guess not! Lol. Anne.