Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2015
    My daughter Kathy was back to work yesterday after a week off moving in the new house.
    So when she got home she was too tired to call and was sleeping by 700PM. So, she wrote me
    an email. She said all is well, her day back at work was long, since she moved she has a 15 min
    car ride to the Go station and an hour on the Go train. I really don't know how long she will keep this up. She wants to go until the end of February.

    She had her doctor apt and the baby is doing well, The baby is larger than normal so I think a big baby will be coming into this world eventually. Dave thinks she will come early, she is due April 6th.

    We go to see her and the new house first weekend in February. Impatient grandma talking.
    I can't wait to see the inside of the house. I have seen the outside already. We are going to set up the nursery and my other daughter will be helping too.
    Fraser will be away for a few days so he won't be there.
    Just wanted to share.

    Ontario, Canada
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Gayla so good to hear from you. I have had a sore throat for a couple of days/ Going to the doctor tomorrow. to get it check out. Sorry to hear you been sick too. phoebe has a dog now name Honey. He is going on the road with them.
    Take care
    Love Marie

    Sandy I do not know how to respond to you on my fit bit. But enjoy seeing you there.

    hello all of the sneakers
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    It seems we're all going in lots of directions so this is a nice meeting place. Internet has been on and off, especially in the afternoon.

    Once again waiting for the handyman who said he'd be out after 5pm. Okay, it's really after 5pm now. Ha.

    Meanwhile, I did get my Wii today. It's set up and I played tennis, baseball, and did some bowling. Yippee, what fun. Had problems connecting to the Internet (because it was so intermittent I guess). Shirley and Sandy---do you use a memory card to store data? I installed Netflix and used up some of my "blocks" of space on the console. The Just Dance 2015 was delivered a little while ago but I have things to do so will wait to try it on Thursday when I'll be home again. I can see this could burn up a lot of time. But hopefully in a more productive way than sitting at the laptop.

    Marie - sorry about the sore throat.

    Shirley - happy you got news about your daughter and the baby.

    Patsy - I hope you stop by all the time!!!

    Bob - another few pounds? YOU GOT THIS!!! Excellent. You have a very organized approach to this healthy life.

    Sandy - I know you are very sensitive and I can see how that would hurt your feelings especially with all the craziness that goes on in Babe's family. Try to understand their feelings too. This too will pass. New parents can be nuts right?

    Barbie - walking, walking, walking. You must listen to a lot of books and music on your daily walks. Learning never ends!

    Buzz - so are you having a party for DH's birthday again this year? I kind of hope for your well-being that the celebration is more low key this time round.

    Gayla - again, hope you are feeling better!

    Jeri - HI!!!

    Anne - I have a service to remove the snow at my home as well. I live on a corner lot and there is a lot of sidewalk to clear in addition to the driveway. I am very very happy to have someone to rely on.

    I imagine Jackie is having a wonderful time.

    Phoebe - glad you are not travelling the East coast! Hugs to you and DH.

    Laura - are you out there?

    Still missing so many others, Diane, Phyllis, Maddie, Kacierra, Karen and more. Memory is failing me........

    So see you on Thursday.


  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Just popping in to say goodnight. Still feeling awful. So many new folks here! Welcome to all. You likely think I am a new person but I have been around for a long time. Sometimes life gets in the way and posting suffers, for me.
    Just to let you know a bit about me. I am a retired nurse. I see retirement as a wonderful gift that we all deserve. I will have been married to Dave for 44 years in March. We have 3 wonderful sons, acquired 2 amazing daughters through marriage and a 21 month old grandson, Owen, who is such a delight. You will hear me mention (often) our son, Neil. He has lots of challenges but does his best always. Well, almost always. This group has been with Neil and I through many surgeries and hospital stays. I have always appreciated there kindness and concern for Neil.
    I look forward to learning more about each of you. Oh yes, one small thing, I don't generally get to posting ever day but always plan to!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla
  • Blueharebell1
    Blueharebells back! Just by sticking a 1 on the end when I changed it!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Lin - Thanks -- I do honestly feel I have a handle on my weight for the first time. It has been over 1 year and I have never wavered.

    Welcome back - Blueharebell1 - LOL

    Started the day burning 230 calories doing 40 minutes of walking.

    Next – it was time to get my grandson on the school bus! (Not much calorie credit there)

    Kept breakfast light.

    Psychologically, there is something I like about starting lunch with a negative net calorie count. BREAKFAST ( 129 Calories) Organic Strawberries, 51.68 g; Dannon - Light & Fit Carb & Sugar Control Vanilla Cream Yogurt, 4 oz.; Blueberries Raw 1 Oz (28g); Driscoll - Raspberries, 1 oz; ara Lee - 45 Calories & Delightful Healthy Multi-grain Bread, 0.5 slice; Banana, Raw 0.5 oz.

    Happy Hump Day to all!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :D My funky mood is gone, I was over sensitive and I appreciate all the advice. I did tell Lisa that I think it was the way Rob told me Robby was scratched and being tired I took it the wrong way. All is good, what a difference a day makes.

    Tonight is bingo night, I sure hope I win something for a change, although I am luckier than some. Babe was able to drive himself to the dentist today so hopefully things will go back to normal now.

    Have a wonderful day, hoping to get on the bike when Robby takes his afternoon nap.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! I am sill working on my clean up, clear out and dust off chores. But just to let you know more about me. I live on the north Oregon coast. I am married and we have two grown children and two sheepdogs that are our constant best pals. I am a retired art teacher. I write some...wrote a book with my husband. I still paint and we are working on another book. Of course, health concerns are with us but we are still ahead of the game, so far. Love the jokes, by the way. I am pecking away at my weight issues, trying to exercise more, need lots of giggles and hugs to get through the day! (((Hugs)))
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I went to the dddr. today for my sinus infection Did not get much sleep lsst night She gve me a for antibodic d And mucinex now I am sleepy
    Shall go take a nap
    hugs Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :D There was a new dance in the intermediate line dance class this morning and my brain is still tired from trying to figure it out....I wasn't the only one feeling overwhelmed. I did have enough brain power to do some more work on the income tax and cross of a lot of things on my "to do" list. We had sunshine this afternoon so taking the dogs for a walk was extra fun.

    :D Bob, I have lots of playlists on my smart phone and I change from one to the other just for variety. A lot of my music is older stuff like Peter, Paul, and Mary but I also have newer stuff like Lady Gaga and Pit Bull. I also listen to podcasts--some inspirational, some just fun and entertaining like interviews with favorite authors and celebrities.

    :'( Buzz, sorry to hear that Mike's memory problems are real, but good that he heard it from the doctor.

    <3 Sandy, you are the best grandma babysitter in the world and your kids are lucky to have you. I'm sorry that your feelings were hurt and glad that you were able to bounce back and not hold onto the bad feelings.

    :D Lin, we have a Wii Sports with tennis, bowling, and some other stuff and I needed your reminder to get back to using it again. I hope there's enough space in the living room now that we have the exercise bike and the treadmill in there.

    :D Gayla, it's good to see you..I'm not posting as often, either.

    <3 Marie, hope you feel better soon.

    :D Anne, glad you got the name you wanted.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    A day of Yoga and meditation today. Talked to my friend in London, ON for about an hour and visited with Dave's mom for another hour or so.

    So when I got home I had lots to do to catch up on. I pulled out the Wii Fit again and went to free steps and did 10 min and added 1,066 steps to my pedometer. A great way to add some steps to your day when you can't get out there and walk like today.

    Lin- I don't have a card like you asked about the Wii. I just put in the disk, or CD and set the TV to the proper location for the Wii and away I go.
    I have the Wii Resorts CD and it has some great games to play also.

    Well have to go and relax a while before bed.

    Ontario, Canada
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello all,

    Lin - in answer to your question, we are doing much better. 95%. Still some lingering sinus problems, but that's all. Thanks for asking.

    Sandy - normal BMI. Congratulations!!!!! . I have a little way to go and that is one of my goals. I might have taken offense too depending on how the comment was made but everyone is right NEW PARENTS!!!!! They can be nuts. They need several kids to come back to the real world.

    Oystereyes - what is your name? I forgot. Also what kind of a book did you write. I love to laugh too.

    Marie -'I hate sinus problems. Hope yours clears up right away.

    GAYLA - glad to,see you pop in again. I know all about life getting in the way too.

    BARBIE - at least with the treadmill and the bike in the living room you have a good reminder to work out. Ours is in our basement and at times we can forget about it. But then you are way more dedicated than me.

    Shirley - you keep so active. Good for you.

    We had a fun day, going out to see a great photographic display by a friend of ours and now finishing off my laundry. It always has to be done.

    Tomorrow AM a visit to the dentist for a check up.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Oystereyes---you are Patsy right???

    Take care all. Got home this evening and have been fighting to read mail and post as once again---you can guess---Internet kept going down.

    See you tomorrow.

  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I just keep reading and being inspired by each of you. It is amazing that at this time in my life I would like to believe that I have heard it all......and being a retired social worker, I have heard a lot. The wonderful thing is, even though we are still experiencing new challenges, issues and experiences, there are wonderful people out there! That would be all of you and your supportive spirits. You have created a very comforting group!

    We did not get our little dog. We are going on a cruise in 6 weeks and it would not have been right to take her now. If she is still there in April we will revisit getting her. .....meanwhile we are looking at rescue dogs that are all ready house trained! lol!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to all from sunny Saskatchewan! Just in time to say good night once again. I am still dealing with bronchitis and hoping it clears up soon. I hate hearing my chest rattle with every breath. Enough. Said about that. . . for today. The saga will continue.
    Tomorrow Neil has a Dr. Appt for his physical. Dave is going to take him as I can't risk passing this chest infection on to him. However, Dave doesn't feel totally comfortable with it. He figures I know more about Neil's health. He will do fine. I will only be a phone call away if there is a question.
    We are still keeping our eyes open for a good price on a trip to Mexico in Feb. so far there hasn't been very good sales like the past few years. Perhaps something will turn up.
    I better hit the hay. Will be back!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Awfully late, but just to let you know we both absolutely fell in love with Mike's new endocrinologist today! She totally changed his insulin regimen, explained everything fully to him and let him know she would always be available by phone, no matter what time of day or night!
    The "party" this year is simply dinner with friends in our regular dining room, though we are sharing it with another close friend whose birthday is 2 days after Mike's. So since she already had begun to invite several shared friends, we will celebrate Friday the 6th instead of Wednesday the 4th. I told her I would go to Costco to order their large birthday cake, which should provide a bit of cake for everyone in the dining room. Absolutely not an elaborate celebration at all! However, Mike's son will be seeing us both Friday and Saturday evenings this week, as he is in Miami on a business trip. I don't have a clue about how Mike is feeling at this point. It is painful to see how gaunt he looks after a 30 pound weight loss. And we learned today he has lost 3 inches in height, as I have, too!
    I am happy to have read today's posts from most of us, and now must grab some sleep as tomorrow is another hectic day of doctors, therapy, and the usual "Golden Years" activities! Forgive me for seeming so self-centered, dear friends. Love you all!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz are you still driving all around in Mi. glad Mike son is around I love it when My son comes to town. Some times he sneak in to go fishing with my brother or go to a Dallas football game with his son. Save me a piece of cake I have been buying the Vita tops muffins. 100 calories each and are pretty good to.

    Barbie I will definite be watching the game Sunday and be pouting for the Seahawks Go Seahawks Go!

    Love to all
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    , and now must grab some sleep as tomorrow is another hectic day of doctors,
    <3 Buzz

    Sorry you are going through all of this dear Buzz. We are always here for you.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Buzz - I am glad DH found a great doctor. That can make all the difference. Also happy to hear you don't have a huge event to organize this year. What you have planned sounds enjoyable. You never have any slow days do you! So nice that Mike's son will be able to see you Friday and Saturday..........

    Now off I go. I need to get the large load of donations dropped off and then onward to the car dealership to get my vehicle serviced. I noticed yesterday that not only have I hit the mileage but the useful life on my oil is lower than I usually let it get so called for an appointment while driving back yesterday and they have one this morning.

    Take care. Hope to be back later today.

    Hugs all

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :D No meeting today, I am going to try to find one closer to home on the weekend until I am able to go back to my home group. I was lucky at bingo and won $225, my friend won a $500 pull tab and her husband won over a $100. Our table was very lucky last night so we all had fun. I was good on not snacking for a change and the scale is starting to show all my hard work. I will be posting a loss tomorrow just not sure how much. :) Like Shirley, I love the free step on the Wii. There is a balance board that you step on and off for as long as you wan, I try for 30 minutes or longer. I might even increase my Fitbit steps to 10,000 now that I am getting more steps, especially watching Robby.

    Buzz, hang in there dear friend, you and Mike are lucky you found each other and had such wonderful years together. You still are making wonderful memories and even if Mike can't remember all of them, he loves them in the present just as you do. Love you.

    Robby has been sleeping since 8am, it is now 10am. I took an hour nap and now I am going to try to jump in the shower before he wakes. Opps too late, he is up

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time