Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh my! I had one of those nights! No sleep, feeling so tired I know today will not be very productive. I am having a small super bowl party on Sunday. I have to laugh when I think about what I am serving as is so healthy I fear most people will just watch the game and forego the snacks. Bell peppers, cucumbers, celery with yoghurt dip. Sparkling water and coffee, gingerbread with lemon glacé. Hubby says it sounds like a lady's tea party. My rules! Actually I think we will all have a good time. I may have to relent and also put out a cold cut tray. Hubby might faint if he goes without meat for even one day....Game day is great fun. Lots of cheering and arm chair coaching. Go Seahawks!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Marie – Get better soon. Those sinus infections can be painful – like I am telling you something you don’t already know… :)

    Lin – I dislike most car issues. I don’t enjoy shopping for one (negotiating), selling one (negotiating) or getting repairs (making sure the right things are being done & done correctly). When I was younger it was all exciting – now I like building memories. Hope it is done for you and that all your driving is under safe conditions.

    Sandy – Happy Friday to you as well. Congratulations on the 3 pounds! It had to have taken a lot of effort. Where are you cruising to? Always nice when we can say “Life is Good!” The older I get the less I need to feel that way. Waking up, roof over head and being alive…that’s about it…

    Buzz – you are anything but “self-centered” as you say. That is a lot of stress to be under and everyone needs an outlet and a shoulder from time-to-time. Best wishes for the coming week and all that you are dealing with.

    Spent time with my grandson (age 7) this morning. He is under the weather, so no school. God, he is so sweet. He didn’t complain at all, despite the hacking, sneezes and nose blowing.

    Storing some more calories for 1-2 slices of pizza tonight (and salad). As mentioned, only the 3rd time for pizza since December 2013! LUNCH: (103 Calories) - Solid White Albacore In Water, 2 oz; Low Fat Mayo; Cider vinegar; Shredded & Sliced Asian Slaw, 1 cup.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


    “I’ve been on a constant diet for the last two decades. I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.” ~Erma Bombeck

    “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” ~Fredrick Koeing
  • Blueharebell1
    BOB love both of those sayings, particularly the one about hanging from a charm bracelet. Where do you find them?

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Buzz time to think about a caregiver. Even a few hours a day may make all the difference for both of you. Mostly, to give you some free time to take some burden off your shoulders. Also to give you and Mike some input on dealing with the issues you are experiencing.
    Get well soon, to Gayla Marie and be safe and warm everyone.

    Honey and Our Gang are doing well. Honey learns fast and she likes people food, lol. Getting used to cats.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif I was nervous this morning before my line dance class because I was going to teach a dance that I had choreographed. I wasted my energy being nervous because I had practiced a lot and was ready and it turned out great. It was a bit difficult for the beginner class because it was fast but they loved it. The music was a song popular when many of us were in high school.

    smiley-computer004.gif I am still making great progress on collecting data for the income tax a little at a time each day.

    smiley-chores001.gif We had nice weather again today and Jake and I went outside for awhile and pulled weeds.

    smiley-sad015.gifMarie, I'm sorry you're still not feeling well.

    smiley-happy110.gif Sandy, congrats on losing those pesky pounds.

    smiley-chores002.gif Phoebe, glad Honey is doing well.

    smiley-happy020.gif Bob, enjoy your pizza.

    smiley-happy020.gif Lin, I hope the news is good about your car.

    <3 Buzz, sending hugs to you and Mike. Take it one day at a time and stay focused on the good.

    smiley-happy020.gif Shirley, we're having a friend over to watch the Super Bowl. He will probably bring some snacks and Jake bought some snacks, but I'll just eat my regular food.

    <3 Barbie
  • kacierra
    kacierra Posts: 109 Member
    I thought I posted this morning but I don't see it anywhere. I've been on the sick list for over a week now. I'm coughing so much that I'm not sleeping well. Last night was the first time that I actually got several hours in before I started hacking.

    I saw that someone posted something about daffodils and it makes me yearn for Spring. Last fall I had a deck built onto the back of my house & when the weather gets better I'll have to tackle the landscaping around it. I haven't decided yet what I want to plant. It probably will take a couple years of trial and error before I get it exactly the way I want it. Meanwhile I do enjoy sitting inside & watching the birds at the feeders.

    I hope this will post. I just don't know what I did wrong this morning. Hope you all had a good day.

    Take care,
    kacierra (Karen)
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited January 2015
    Buzz - I have had no experience with dementia but my heart aches for you both. I agree with Pheobe that assistance to give you a break is a good idea. You'll definitely need to look after yourself as you can't help Mike if you aren't well rested, both mentally and physically. Big hugs to you both.

    My Garmin foot pod which I use on the treadmill up and stopped working. Ed put in a new battery but that did no good. It had been giving me erratic readings as well. Looked up GPS stores on the Internet and we were lucky enough to have 2 here in Calgary. Drove way across the city to buy a new one that now works great. Hurray. When we came home we watched Gone Girl.

    I went down after and hit the treadmill. Darn knee and foot are acting up too. No wonder I only got in 8,200 steps with a long movie and sore feet/knees.

    If break up my exercise into 30 minute groups it isn't too bad. However starting at 9 pm is too late for that.

    Take care everyone. I'll check in tomorrow.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Did fine with pizza last night (1.5 slice) - I was really worried because it was only the third time I was eating this "danger" food in over 1 year. Thanks to all "well-wishers."

    Started today with 230 calorie burn doing 40 minutes of walking 3.1 mph; followed with Strength exercise video workout; then a 178 low-calorie tasty / diversified breakfast.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy Saturday!! :D We are getting snow tonight through tomorrow, possibly ten inches,
    I will believe it when I see it. I rode the bike and did the Wii strength exercises yesterday.
    Since my knee surgery I am having trouble balancing on one leg so I have to use a chair to help maintain my balance. It feels like cheating but I am still working up a sweat so it must be working. I lost a few more ounces this morning so I am convinced my routine is working.

    Bob, once again a beautiful breakfast not only in a picture but so appetizing. I wish I had someone to make me a breakfast like that, but unfortunately that is not going to happen.
    Glad you got to enjoy some pizza, how did your tummy like the change of diet???

    Geri, interesting information on that Garmin foot pod, how exactly does that work? I am not sure if my FitBit is recording my foot movement on my bike, it seems like it does but with all the arm movement I do with Robby I have a feeling I am getting a false reading. I agree that exercising during the day is much easier than at night.

    Karen, good to see you again and sorry your first post got lost in cyberspace. I hope you feel better soon and get some well needed rest.

    Barbie, you are very clever with those little icons, smiley-bounce014.gif
    You have a lot of patience to use so many, unless you have a system.
    You need more confidence in yourself, you are a great learner and a better teacher.

    Phoebe, ummm, I thought Honey was on a diet??? Happy to hear she is getting along with the gang, how is her health doing???

    Patsy, I hate when I can't sleep, it always seems to happen when I have to get up early.
    Good snacks are a good idea even for those not dieting, enjoy the game. I will also be routing for Seattle because my son lives in Portland. However, I prefer that my numbers on my pools come in no matter who wins. LOL

    Shirley, we are doing good my friend, we should both be ready for our very near vacations.
    Did you ask your doctor about the pills you can take instead of the liquid junk? I gag when trying to drink that stuff so I take giant horse pills instead, still easier for me than the liquid. I am staying home for Superbowl, especially now with the predicted snow.

    Anne, sorry about your ex and your best friend. Dementia is very hard on everyone, some turn so mean and others like my uncle are still sweet but have no idea who anyone is and live in the past.

    Buzz, I agree with everyone who suggested that you get some help with Mike. This is so hard to go through and I do hope he doesn't get mean with you because you are such a loving wife. Babe's mother adored me until she got dementia, then she hated me. She thought I was Babe's first wife and said such cruel things to me. It broke my heart but I knew it wasn't her and she had a horrible disease. I don't mean to be a downer, but I still feel you are in the right place and have the right people to help you.

    Lin, I know with all this talk of dementia you are remembering some of the awful things your dad said to you, but in your heart you know he loved you even if he couldn't say the words. I am sure you are still mourning and anytime you want to talk about it we are here.



    To all I missed, I am sorry.
    Can you tell I don't have Robby today, such a long, long post.

    Have a great day everyone!!!
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    The car did get fixed. I have my list of maintenance items that need to be addressed over the next few months (grumble, grumble) so all is well in car world right now.

    I did quick trips to both Trader Joe's and Whole Foods yesterday as that bad weather is still in our forecast. Then off to the library last night to attend a card making session. It was fun---I've never made cute little cards like that before. That took a couple of hours and was pleasant although I didn't know a soul there other than 2 librarians! I will sign up for the birthday card session in March.

    This morning I got the soy yogurt out of the incubator and in the frig. Made my almond milk. Mixed up a batch of the flaxseed/pumpkin seed/sesame seed crackers and they're slowing baking/drying out in the over, and mixed up a pot of chili which is cooking very slowly on the stovetop. Oh and lovely fresh veggies and sprouts in the refrigerator and several types of fresh fruit. I'm set for a while. Some reports peg snowfalls at 10" or so for this coming storm. I'm not going out if that's the case.

    I read a book last night as well---"The Death of a Liar" by M.C. Beaton. Picked it up last night while I was at the library and you know, couldn't stop reading!

    I plan to watch what I'm cooking/baking so I don't ruin anything. I'll walk about for a while and hope to get the Just Dance 2015 out later on.

    Bob - glad your plans went well last night! Good for you.

    Jeri - glad you found a replacement for your Garmin foot pod. Sometimes it's difficult to get what you want on demand so to speak.

    Karen - HI!! Oh my, a new landscaping project. That will take a while unless you have a nursery come out and make suggestions and a plan. But I'm sure you will find exactly what you want in time.

    Barbie - congratulations on your successful choreography. It's kind of nice to be over-prepared in those situations. Excellent!

    Phoebe - hello to you......and your gang! Love it. Stay safe my friend.

    Buzz - I thought of you as I was making cards last night. I think these are different though as it was more like scrap booking materials, die cuts, stamping, beads, ribbon etc.

    Sandy - I hope you are sleeping in on your days off!

    Shirley - I hope you are having a great weekend. Your day yesterday sounded lovely to me. Of course, I do like to shop.

    Marie - feeling better? Getting worried about you........

    Anne - good morning. Do you always find a ride when you need to go somewhere either too far away or when the weather is not good? I know someday I will not have a car but I've had one since I was 16 and at this point have trouble imagining life without one.

    Patsy - how is your weekend going?

    Sandi - are you home now?

    Gayla - hope you are feeling better and got a good report on Neil.

    Gotta go and stir the chili!


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! How is your weekend going? I do love reading about the flurry of activities we all have in our lives. Today will be a day of little household chores. We all have them, don't we? I barely made it through the day yesterday after my sleepless night. But today I am up, making wonderful coffee and planning my day. I keep reading about the fitbit and vacillate back and forth on getting one. I am not great on the computer or tech stuff. I still can't figure out how to post my photo like you all have. Hubby says if it is more difficult than an on and off button we are in baaaaaad trouble around here. True story!

    I am absolutely fascinated by the pbs series "Downton Abbey" but it really isn't hubby's cup of tea. There was a really interesting program about penguins as well. Our exerciise bikes were going rather slowly because We became so interested in the TV programs that I forgot to pedal. Tonight I am weight lifting and calisthenics. Not my favorite. I can't really concentrate on a movie or program while I count. Music is our companion during counting exercise.

    Our dogs are getting quite elderly but still healthy. it occurred to me that we are all in the same boat here. We are all about the same age actually. Even the dogs take supplements like we do. Living here on the Oregon coast does have its drawbacks. Everyone has arthritis especially in the winter. We all wear sweaters constantly but we get to enjoy the amazing sunsets on the beach.

    Enjoy the weekend, cheer for your favorite team, I am thrilled to have you all as my new friends.
  • Blueharebell1
    Hello LIN, you asked how do I manage without a car? Well if you've never had one there isn't really a problem, what you've never had you don't miss, although I guess my life is a lot duller than all you adventurous souls. It's walking or it's buses for all things in the town, or at a pinch a taxi. If it's further afield my boys often help me out. In the past though my girl friend of many years helped me out for more adventurous trips. You wouldn't believe the adventures we got up to, some in the States. Sadly now though, although she still owns a car she is losing her confidence for even short trips, and there is no way I'm going to drive, absolutely forbidden by the sons and I know myself. I would be a danger to all and sundry. My friend is 5 years younger, and here's me still raring to go!
    PHOEBE, I so envy you with Honey. That's the one thing I DO miss, owning a dog. At my age it wouldn't be fair to adopt another one. Me and Tabitha Daisy jog along. I never have had a cat as old as she. This will be her 18th year and she still gets quite kittenish at times.
    Yesterday I rearranged all the furniture including two big bookcases and two sofas. I woke up at 3 in the morning and decided I didn't like the new look, so I put it all back again. This could account for me feeling sleepy this afternoon. The sons don't like me heaving furniture about, but as it is all back as before, they won't be the wiser! Ignorance is bliss!
  • Blueharebell1
    P.S. At the risk of being lynched, is there any other female who can't stand Downton Abbey? I find it boring, despite the house they use being not far from where I was born. Maybe because I was also born on the wrong side of the train track of course. Lol
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2015
    Afternoon Sneakers,

    Got up later than usual this morning. I have had apts in the morning all week and getting up early so it was nice to snuggle under the covers. :)

    After my coffee and Walking with Leslie S w/ weights this morning, I did some chores and then showered. Dave and I went to take back the clock radio I bought because it didn't work right.
    I bought it from Target and since they are closing I thought maybe they wouldn't take returns but I was okay. We bought another one in its place and I then entered the baby section. I bought a travel diaper change kit and a newborn outfit. I couldn't resist.

    Then a trip to Canadian Tire and bought a humidifier for Kristina since her birthday is in February. She says her apartment is so dry all the time. So I thought it was a good idea.

    Now home and getting some things accomplished. I hope everyone is having a good day and
    having some fun.

    Anyone who is sick I hope you get better soon. <3

    Enjoy your evening and Downton Abbey is one of my favorites and my DH likes it too. :D

  • Blueharebell1
    SHIRLEY, do you watch Coronation Street by any chance? It was quite exciting this week.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :D Anne, I don't watch "Downton Abbey" and nothing anyone tells me about it or any of the previews seem interesting to me at all. I am so grateful for all the TV stations we have and our DVR so I can find, record, and watch all the shows I really like.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Anne, I noticed that I'm not as thrilled with Downton this season. The first two seasons, yes. Now it's soap opera fodder. Sad. I do that with most series type programs. Over critical.
    Honey is 9 years old. With her health issues, she won't be exceptionally long lived. But she will be happy,safe,loved,wanted,and she will not be alone. Those things can be given by anyone. If I were on my own, I would have instructions for the caring of the pets. I'd have no problem having them put to sleep if I would be too ill to resume their care. Although I have been a cat woman for 30 years,Honey is such a bblessing to me. Now if she will let my husband do some of the lifting her into the truck!
    We are on a second trip to California. Raining, but not icy cold.
    fitbit users I saw a bracelet type tracker made by Garmin. It had a display with steps, and other info. It was 99.00. I don't take my laptop with me so I don't synchronize my fitbit often. It also tracks sleep habits.
    Nap time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just wanted to drop in and thank you So much for your kindness. Alice came out to help me What a wonderful; daughter I have
    I am not much better but this tender loving care I am getting helped
    Love marie
  • Blueharebell1
    MARIE, I was starting to worry about you. The virus or whatever it is, sounds a lot like Buzz and I had, and it's absolutely horrid. It lasts too. I can't seem to get rid of the cough, but I do feel better.
    Anyway take care of yourself, and bless Alice for coming over.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Thank heavens we heard from you Marie. Take care and sooooooooo happy Alice was there to help you today.


    Meanwhile I did try "Just Dance 2015" for about 35 minutes. It's fun and I think it will be more fun when I learn to anticipate the routines and steps!
