Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    And also "hello lovely Sneakers" from up with the birds Annie. Not Jilly you will note who is still in dreamland! That's a super idea squirting glue in the holes to hold the screws JACKIE. Must tell my handyman Mark! Oh and I've started reading the Faith Martin books you suggested. Number one. So far so good. Nice before bed read.

    Jilly had a glorious day yesterday. First Dario arrived with the groceries, much tail wagging and excitement. Then, oh bliss, Mike arrived to excited yips. Long walk with him then Mark arrived to temporarily repair the front deck. I thought she was going to have a heart attack, especially when Maria came over to tell Mark she would repair their leaning fence in the spring. She couldn't do it until then she said because she's got so much to deal with at the moment. Of course Mark said he will help whoever she gets to replace the panels etc. He's coming over again on Sunday to fix the back fence which is leaning from those terrific tornado winds we had earlier. No offers from Harry of course, but Mike will help. After that - off we trotted to the vets for a nail clip and weigh in. She's now 9 lb. She loves going to the vets ....... so far ....... because the girls make a fuss of her. I DIDN'T make a fuss about the cost of a nail clip. 27 dollars! Yikes! It took all of five minutes because she doesn't struggle or make any fuss.

    I'm back to using the Ma Fitness Pal method for weight loss BUZZ. I've lost 3 lb in 35 days so far. Two more lbs to go and I'll be content, although another five would be nice. Beats paying $186 !!!
    I think having grocery delivery helps. I don't get tempted to buy the cookies or goodies I would pass at the groceries!

    Well, should be a peaceful day in between Friday and Sunday. So I'll away and get some jobs done.
    Enjoy your Saturday girls,
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Just had a 45 minute walk with Jilly, Amy and Janice. Nippy but beautiful day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited October 2018
    Happy Saturday! :) I swear my landlord must have read my post and saw me complaining about him. He came over yesterday to see the fireplace before the handyman came. He saw that I still had my patio furniture inside and got very upset. They were not supposed to leave me a note telling me to put furniture inside and he sincerely apologized. The guy who is supposed to power wash my balcony and fix the boards just hasn't made it here yet and now he may find someone else to do it. He said I could put my furniture back and next time let the person who works on my balcony move the furniture.
    Then we talked about the fireplace and I didn't realize the old one is on an angle so it would be really hard to put the insert inside without cutting the metal in there or attaching it to the metal with some sort of hardware which he wanted me to ask the handyman. The handyman comes and doesn't seem to like the idea of attaching it to the outer rim so he starts looking at the gas line and low and behold it got it to light. The switch used to turn it on had a loose wire and the switch might have to be replaced. He took it with him but my feeling is he is going to be able to fix it. So I called Kieran and he said sounds good tell Damian to call me with the cost and I will take care of it. So I believe he is going to pay for the repair after all.
    I will keep you informed on that when I get back from my trip.

    The trunk and treat was great, Robby had a wonderful time. It ended up after the pictures because of the damp weather Lisa asked if I would mind taking Robby alone. Charlie has a little cold and Max goes to bed at 6:30. Believe me I was tired when I got home. So I will bore you with a few pictures from the photo shoot and wish you a wonderful day.

    Sorry they are so huge.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited October 2018
    Good morning, I was up early this morning, zipped out for a cup of coffee (came with a lovely reward) and bought a new Mega Millions ticket. Straight home and have been fussing with updating printer software. Good grief. Then I set it to clean the print heads. Done. Yippee!

    I had thought about going to a Daughters of Norway sale this morning. They have lovely handmade things and of course tons of authentic baked goods. I don’t buy baked goods and I doubt I would pay the price for their handmade items. Very beautiful but a bit out of my budget range. Couple that with a very brisk and cold wind, aha, staying home!

    Going to start on coloring again. And a bit of reading. And packing up for church tomorrow. After church I am going to a craft thing at one of the local libraries. It is hand knitting, knitting without needles. I have seen that yarn and would like to know if it is difficult to do.

    Oh, and I don’t think I ever shared my Worship team experience. I knew it would be a rough start up. Always is. However there is an almost teen girl, center of the universe, prone to fits of anger, sulking, etc. Her parents always believe someone else has caused her to act out. It is more that she doesn’t get everything she wants or someone has had the audacity to call her out on something. So you see what is coming right? I haven’t sent my notice yet but will soon, I cannot tolerate her behavior and get enough of it just during the normal Sunday school and church service. Cannot go longer with her fits. I quit.

    Very odd also that she jumped out at me when I was putting something away in the little men’s room upstairs. She was hiding by the door with no light on. I shrieked. She said something stupid about eating a roll but getting rid of all the jelly. Where? The sink? She should have been downstairs in the kitchen and put the mess in the regular weekly trash. Life is too short.

    Haaaa. Well, it was fun to play the keyboard again. Maybe I will do that from time to time.

    Anne, you and Jilly are the rockstars of your neighborhood! It is lovely that everyone loves her and I am glad you never leave her outside on her own. Believe it or not, we have seen videos on local newscasts lately showing people wandering about and testing to see if a dog is a barker or unfriendly. If not, they grab the dog and zip to their car. How horrible! Maybe they will stop this behavior since cameras are everywhere these days. Now, how is the deck? Did you say it is a short term fix this time? That is what I have had several times in the last few years. Lots more boards will need to be replaced but just a few at a time is keeping my feet from crashing through.

    Jackie, really? You should have called them? Here, most contractors will call or text before coming as they don’t want to waste a trip! Even with a confirmed scheduled appointment, some companies still call saying we will be there in 10 minutes or whatever.

    Take care.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Sandy! Wonderful photos. Soooooooo cute. And I really adore those tiny gold shoes. Oh my!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Running out of time, but can't resist noting those tiny pudgy pinchable arms on adorable Charlie!!! All 3 are just priceless! JACKIE, you are so cool-headed. I might still be fuming! SANDY, my feeling is once you and the landlord get to understand each other, things will level out and you will be your usual serene self! ANNIE, dear girl, you sure did something right raising your Michael to be so caring and helpful! I know my son loves me, but as soon as I need something done, makes one or 2 attempts before starting to bark at me ,lol! Must be his father's genes!!! LIN, volunteering sure doesn't mean you have to put up with being miserable! Perhaps they'll get the message! Too late for lunch , which I missed. And thanks for reminding me about tracking again right here! It's how we all met, originally.

    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen...........................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Quick note here...gorgeous children! John and I got our flu shot and are now enjoying the marvelous side effects. Droopy, achy and feeling like we have the flu. We always seem to get these side effects. It usually lasts about 48 hours. Not my favorite kind of reaction but hopefully I will be able to avoid the big bad flu. We got our banking finished, that was surprisingly fast and pleasant. I am into pjs and nursing a big cup of camomile tea.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Pulled back my bedroom curtains to thick fog drifting round the property but undeterred I took George on to the moors and less than halfway there we drove out of the murk into glorious sunshine. A long walk followed by a quick trip to the farm shop for salad items and a pint of unpasteurized milk that they now supply in returnable glass bottles which has to be better than all this plastic choking the planet. Just about to drive away when a customer came out of the shop, waved a packet of crisps through the open passenger window over George's head screeching 80p for a packet of crisps! Poor George jumped in fright then choked on his harness so I was a bit cross and told her rather haughtily I wouldn't know how much they normally are... I don't think she was too impressed with me but poor George coughed all the way home
    Another grumble about yesterday because I received an email from Amazon telling me a mail man tried to deliver my new shoes Friday evening but because I wasn't home a calling card was left. Really? Not only was I home but no card was left so either he or she was at the wrong property or didn't bother to find me! New instructions have been sent along with my grumpy comments so we'll see what transpires tomorrow. It looks like today could be our last warm and sunny one and temperatures might plummet by the end of the week so let's hope that motivates Robbie the smithy to get my new stove in!!

    Gorgeous photos Sandy but I'm guessing they aren't always as angelic as they look! I'm so pleased you are sorting out that fire issue with your landlord because it seemed so unfair for you to have to pay.

    Sorry you and John are sufferingPatsy but decision made and you went for it so will hopefully avoid any nasty flu bug that comes your way.

    Lin, one of the daughters in the property on the outer area of our row had similar outbursts, mainly I'd say because of her dysfunctional home but one day when she yelled at me I told her with a big smile on my face that a million years ago I'd been a gobby teenager so understood where she was coming from and one day she'd realise she needed to grow up. Ha, look of horror on her face but she was never rude to me again even though her life spiraled out of control when she got involved with drug dealers. Thankfully her aunt and uncle have taken her to Australia to live with them so I can only hope she will sort herself out. She was such a cute kid when she was little and used to bring me little cakes she'd made at school. There's always an underlying reason for such behaviour but you're right, why should you have to put up with it?

    Anne and Jilly will no doubt be getting ready to repair fences with the boys but without Harry! Probably not a bad thingAnne as from the sound of it, he wouldn't be a great help. I'm always happier to do jobs myself without involving the grumpier neighbours!

    An early seafood and avocado salad lunch then back outside to keep tidying. I've ordered a delivery of coal so must make sure he can get to the coal bunker!

    Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

    (No comment on the latest ripping up of a treaty.... there's a word for such people but too rude to type here!)
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Just a quick hello from me for now because I think I'm losing my marbles! I suddenly had the urge to make bread by HAND rather than the machine. It's on it's first rise right now and my enthusiasm is ebbing a bit. I've got this curiosity streak which gets me into all sorts of trouble just like the proverbial cat. But I'm still here to tell the tale! Want to taste the difference or end results of Anne versus "robot".

    What do you think of the witches coven in New York (I think) putting a curse on Mr Kavanagh and Mr Trump. Hope it's not a worse outcome than putting them in the bathroom with a bit of the "runs". Desperate times eh when we resort to the help of the witches!

    JACKIE I so miss those misty morns that suddenly disperse into glorious sunshine! Sorry you and poor George got a scare from the crisp wielding woman!

    The babes continue to grow more angelic with each passing day.

    Well, must go and knead my second time. Don't know about ME erecting fences, I'll probably be snoozing on the settee and the lads will think it's old age, not bread kneading. Jilly's still in beddy byes getting her strength up to annoy everybody!
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Bread just out of oven. Very pleased. Why did I buy a bread machine ? Lol. It IS easier of course, but I like my effort better.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) And I am indeed very happy!! The handyman came and he fixed my fireplace for a total of $60. There was a loose wire and he took the switch home and fixed it. He can't guarantee it will continue to work as the fireplace is very old but he did say he could probably find a switch if necessary. And to think the fireplace people wanted $730 to replace the parts instead of just trying to fix them. I now have a working gas fireplace and I am very grateful.

    Anne, you reminded me of my mom when she made bread. She would put a towel over the dough while it was rising and once in the oven the smell was heavenly. I enjoyed my bread maker and the smell of the bread even from that was great. I don't eat a lot of bread because of carbs but I do love homemade bread.

    Jackie, you are so right, they are not always so angelic more devilish. Poor George, he should have snapped at that lady for making him jump and choke himself. I hope he is okay now that he is home.

    Patsy, sorry you are feeling under the weather with your flu shot. I thought about getting one but decided if I do it will have to be after my little trip on Monday. I probably will not though as I still have a memory of how sick I got from one a couple of years ago.

    Buzz, Charlie is very squeezable especially her little thighs. Yes, my opinion of my landlord has changed since he was so agreeable Friday. I must have been cranky.

    Lin, I have to agree with Jackie, there must be something that is making that girl so rowdy. She might be bi polar or some other mental thing. It would scare me also and I think because of how kind you are, it would be good to pass on the abuse.

    Almost time for my video call with my kids. Washing clothes and then packing.
    Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2018
    Anne, you may know we have a series running called The Great British Bake Off where people compete on a weekly challenge and are judged at the end of each session of baking. Last Tuesday one of their tasks was to make Danish bread and one girl made a rye loaf that had my taste buds going and my head thinking I used to make my own, what happened? Although the contestants didn't use bread makers they did have food mixers, something I don't possess but may well try in the week to see if I can still make a decent loaf. Funny how we wake up with a mission in mind that we have to carry out and sounds like yours was very successful. Warm bread for the workers perhaps?

    Brady just tried to tear the wallpaper next to my desk where I'm on the laptop then when I told him off he decided to go out but I could hear the catflap rattling and in the end had to investigate. It seems yet again he's brought in nasty old rusty nails and unrecognisable bits of metal on his magnet collar and jammed the door. Goodness knows where he finds it all because Hebe never seems to have the same problem. Better go and feed him before more wallpaper gets removed!!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! Feeling good now...side effects are gone! I laughingly told John that these side effects had better be gone or I was going to yell at our pharmacist. Do another needle jab and suck out all of the flu vaccine. I hate it. Reason has returned and we are fine now.

    Tomorrow is Katie’s planned grooming day. She gets a full grooming session once a month and she gets brushed whenever I can catch her when she sees the brush. That also requires hours of vacuuming and dusting. It is good for all of us. Even John gets into the act. He is pretty good with the vacuum. I still need to wash the lace curtains in the living room. Ugh! Dusty and in bad need of TLC.

    I would love to have a cleaning person come regularly but John has such strong indepepentant feelings, I understand it is stressful for him. He would rather help me more than have a cleaner help currently. It must have something to do with wanting to feel competent.

    Our son Damon was the little mad scientist as a kid. He was always the intellectual but with a huge need for physical activity. I had him enrolled in every sport available, football, wrestling, swimming, tennis and bowling. It saved our life. He was so envolved he had little time for mischief.

    Jackie: strange folks showing up in your area these days. So glad you are being very careful and taking precautions. Katie is very shy around strangers. She doesn’t like being petted by people she doesn’t know. She will not take treats offered by strangers. We didn’t teach her this, she just decided this on her own. George knew this was not a good thing, this woman with the crisps.

    Anne: good to keep your skills up. Bread making in any form is magic to me.

    Lin: I hope you can find a group of like minded people to form a congenial worship association. You are such a caring person. I don’t like that this little brat is allowed to behave like that. Parents need to address this before things get even worse.

    Lovely sunny day. Glorious warm day. Best wishes for great day, all of you in Sneakerville.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Just letting you know I am leaving early tomorrow for our trip to Four Winds so will not have time to post. Behave yourselves and I will try to check in Tuesday on my IPad.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Totally pleased with the Anne made bread JACKIE! I hadn't had a go from start to finish for years and it was immensely satisfying watching it rise under a tea towel. DO have a go. I'm going to get adventurous and try all sorts of different breads shown in my old Joy of Cooking book. It would be wonderful to compare notes. When I lived in Derbyshire in my youth my best friend there, Sylvia and I would bake every Friday recipes from the same cookery book and then sample each other's efforts. It was great fun and one day I had a bunch of Mikes little friends in playing while I kneaded bread. Of course they all had to have a go with a small piece of dough and I ended up baking each child's grubby offering. When baked and by now all golden brown, each kid got to take their creation home with a note from me "don't eat, it was rather grey when it went into the oven". Every parent told me later they had eaten their child's bun. Such is parental love. Me too, by the way.

    Wondering if I can pass on the bread machine to grandson Derek for Christmas. Can't see him using it, but his girlfriend might!

    Mark didn't turn up to prop up the fence. Can't say I blame him, it was freezing here and when Mike came in from walking little Bean he wished he'd brought his gloves.

    Do you gals have "friends" from other groups? Another group caught my eye and I couldn't resist putting in my penny worth. Mainly because they were SO serious! I've now had a friend request from a retired army fitness guy. Not sure if I should accept. He's aware how ancient I am but from my point of view I'm not into the extreme forms of fitness that this group was talking about. "Living longer by regular walking" was the theme, and I just mentioned I was still around maybe because of it. Sort of tongue in cheek. Such an intense group and rather intellectual, but this chap wasn't, and of course I'm not. So what to do. You guys are the only ones I've ever been friends with. Advice as always
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just off to bed but wanted to wish Sandy bon voyage and to have fun!

    Anne, I'll dig out my cookery books tomorrow to see what takes my fancy and let you know as would love to compare my attempts with your successes. Mine might just be grey balls of dough to start with too!!
    When it comes to friend requests, I get the occasional advance when I venture away from the Sneakers but first check them out by clicking on their profiles. Recently I noticed at least 2 had well over 100 friends so I'm guessing either some sort of competition going on or they needed to boost self esteem. Those I ignored!! You can always block or delete any that become a nuisance so maybe give Mr Army Fitness a chance, read his profile first if he has one, he might be interesting to occasionally chat to.

    The wind has picked up outside so George's late night garden visit was extremely short and sweet. I expect our warm weather is over...

    Nite nite
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    If you are still up JACKIE I did check the profile. 6 friends, 4 males, two female of course. All much younger than me of course. Thanks for replying. I'll sleep on it. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Still up, just!! Looks like he's as discerning as you which can't be a bad thing. :)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good evening, church, lunch, finger knitting, and then Thanksgiving cards. Have made a bit more progress.

    Safe travels Sandy with the fixed fireplace. Wahoo!

    Anne, I belong to several other groups and once upon a time, I contributed in all the discussions. These days, this is pretty much my only group but I have other friends on MFP and I message with a cousin le of them from time to time. I have deleted all new friend requests for the last year or so unless it is someone I already know who is coming back. On a different topic, I wouldn’t give up the bread machine so quickly, you may not wish to stir up bread from scratch all the time. It is a handy thing to have.

    Patsy, I am glad you are starting to feel better. Oh my goodness, shots, I think they all make me feel nasty for a bit. Now, on to making Katie look spectacular once again. A very big job for everyone.

    Everyone take care, flu has hit my church. Ack!


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, was hoping to come earlier today, but time certainly flew by today! There was a double movie this afternoon and I was one of the few who realized the second part would be shown after the end of the first. It was called Billionaire Boys' Club, wealthy young men getting involved in a Ponzi scheme with a chilling ending; based on a true story! What a study in behavior!!! When I returned a call from dear Sister ringing and sure enough I couldn't hang up for over 1 1/2 hours! They finally had a successful housel sale of their mortgaged home so at last there is a feeling of relief. After 65 years of marriage, my DS admitted to being tired of cooking ! Their new apartment in a senior community includes meals, but is not a Continuing Care Community. I was concerned, but it seems places like mine don't exist on Colorado!
    JACKIE, I'm so sorry about your contractors' date confusion!When it's finally finished, you and your 4 legged friends will be so happy enjoying the area finally finished! You are so astute regarding "friending" in other groups! I just ignore anyone outside our Golden Sneakers!...And I'm so embarrassed about our foreign policy. I keep asking people how this differs from the rise of Hitler!
    PATSY, happy your "symptoms" have disappeared! I take my shot Monday morning!
    LIN, beware sneezy coughers! Stay well, dear friend
    ANNE, wow! Nothing sounds or smells as delicious as home made breads! My paternal grand mother used to make a dozen braided "challahs" every Friday so she could share the breads with all her daughters-in-law! They make the best French toast!
    SANDY, all's well that ends well, and now enjoy your little trip!

    I may make bedtime before midnight!!
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen..........................