Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    What a lovely thing to say JACKIE. Thank you ! I didn't post yesterday because the family came over. Wasn't exactly a PARTY - more a shrub and bush pruning, but loads of fun with one very excited small dog. More later, because I decided to sleep in on this auspicious day! Who'd have thought! 83 ! YIKES.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited October 2018
    Happy happy birthday Anne! So glad to ‘see’ you each day.

    I agree 100% with Jackie’s comments.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy birthday dear Anne. As we here know, age really is a state of mind and you are that shining example of forever young. I promise to TOTALLY forget that 83 number and will always know you as that ginger-haired girl with the cute little black puppy. Enjoy your day, know that you have a gaggle of girlfriends that care deeply about you.
    Patsy& John & Katie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member

    Have a wonderful day dear friend, I think Jackie said it all!! May all your wishes come true!!

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    edited October 2018
    Oh girls, thank you so much for your good wishes. I am indeed blessed ! I was sort of glad I woke up this morning. Sounds morbid but wouldn't it be ironic to make it to the last day of ones previous age and therefore miss a huge milestone by a few minutes. I say this tongue in cheek of course, but can you imagine making it to 99 years, 23 hours, 58 minutes, and missing the queens telegram by 2 minutes!

    It was so hectic yesterday that The Bean and I are sort of enjoying a relaxing rainy day today. Mind you the phone keeps ringing, mainly folks from my past so rather long conversations about everyone's ailments! A few eye openers I can tell you which makes me realize I really am blessed. I've just had friend Flo's sister in law on the phone long distance. I gather my fears for Flo are well founded. She's never said a word to me but apparently her memory is going, the house is a mess, and the family want to put her in a home. She is resisting vigorously I gather.

    The hair hasn't gone completely grey yet PATSY, and hey, forget man made numbers, today I am still 32 years old. We ALL are. Thank you for your good wishes and SANDY! What an interesting birthday "card", I bet we all enjoyed it. Thank you! Hello LIN, always glad to "see" you as well m'dear.

    That's about it, except I'm treating myself to leggings and a long white silk shirt from my old pal Marks and Spencer's. Am I too old for black leggings? I guess so, but who's really going to see them. No old guys in sight seeing I've outlived them! Oh except for Roy at 87 but he's safely tucked away in Yorkshire!
    Must go and get lunch. Left over bacon and egg pie,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    <3<3<3<3<3 Buzz
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Thank you BUZZ. Rather a good choice for a birthday card on wash day Monday. Clothes pegs and all. God bless.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I would only be repeating the sentiments of all our little "family" if I were to add how much we love that you are with us! A bright spark of creativity, humor, and humanity, That's our ANNE!
    So I'll keep my mouth shut o:)
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About Happen!................................
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    But you DID open your pretty mouth enough to make me BLUSH dear BUZZ. !!! Honestly girls, you've never met me in the flesh, warts and all !!

    Hey, the long shirt and leggings I ordered from dear old Marks and Spencer's on Sunday arrive hopefully today. I hope I don't scare the wee one looking like a leggy giant spider! My birthday gift from Mark, Mary Jo and Derek plus shower gel to lure me and stop me being tempted by the bath. Mike gave me a gift card for books so I can curl up in my leggings when it snows.

    Probs with typing on Ma fitness pal so I'll away for now.
    Oatmeal time, Annie.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just past midday already but I've been on a long walk with George then did a detour into the local town for doggie treat supplies, cat food, pick up a click and collect item that is a car seat comfy support to hopefully ease my back then the hole in the wall... cash for the builder on Friday or Saturday morning. George is now doing zoomies with one of his favourite bunny toys! Yesterday his groomer did a great job so he now looks like a young puppy but she did also find what feels like a lump on one back leg so I've made an appointment with the vet tomorrow morning just to make sure it's nothing nasty.

    Anne, the above sentiments are nothing more than you deserve because it's been a pleasure to get to know you over the years. Hopefully M&S will behave impeccably and deliver your leggings and silk shirt on time. I almost live in the things myself and although when the fashion first returned and I bought a pair I thought I was just taking a retro look back to my teens I've since remembered they are wonderfully comfortable, just a bit of a pain trying to pull them off at night when my hip insists I can't bend so far anymore! Easy though, I just pull one leg down then use the other foot to step on them and raise the leg a bit at a time until my foot pulls through. :D
    I'm sorry to read your friend Flo is struggling with memory loss. It does seem to be almost a common story these days but an extra worry when someone lives alone. Yes, we must all count our blessings and keep both mentally and physically active. It's not a be all and end all panacea I know but better than doing nothing!

    It's a grey ol' day so a good one to get on with a few easy DIY jobs, the main one being to patch up Monster Brady's wallpaper damage again. It's a never ending task but hopefully one day he might grow out of the habit. I'll do my best to avoid the news as it just makes me angry when so many copycat world leaders are behaving more and more like rogue terrorists... you know what I mean! Take care everyone, it's a mean world right now.

    Hugs... Jackie

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited October 2018
    Good morning, oh my gosh, a sunrise here today! Marvelous, cold but definitely marvelous!

    I have my list of errands to do today. No Mah Jongg so I can spend the entire day on them if needed. Haaa. This is in contrast to yesterday when I hibernated. I only poked my nose out to get the mail and take the trash to the curb. It reminded me of the upcoming winter season and the amount of time I spent at home last year. I guess I am ready.

    I finally cooked enough to provide a perfectly delightful lunch and/or dinner. A big bowl with a layer of mushed up cauliflower, covered by some cooked shredded carrots and topped with the lentil soup which is very thick. Heated up, ah, heavenly. Warm or hot food sits better in my tummy now. Raw, not that well.

    Jackie, my gosh, you have accomplished so much you have me ready to pack and leap to action. However, none of my stops are open yet. Must cool my jets. Bad kitty causing all the wallpaper damage. How old is your big monster kitty? I guess we all have bad habits. I am sorry this habit causes you so much work. Hey, something to make you more comfortable? Sounds terrific. Car seats can be less than optimal.

    Anne, your package set to be delivered already. You have wonderful service. I hope your lovely blouse and leggings are very comfy. I am sure they will be beautiful. You have very good taste and apparently M&S has quality merchandise. Since I live in cartoon t-shirts, sweatshirts and soft yoga type pants, my purchases run to expensive walking shoes and stupendously padded socks. Must keep the feet happy.

    Time to run along. Need to have a nice hot cup of coffee with me in the car.

    Hugs and good wishes sent to all of you.

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    edited October 2018
    A very reassuring read JACKIE concerning leggings. I had a feeling you wore them after viewing that lovely photo of you and George with your friend on the moors I think. They certainly look good on you and I've been updating my image after discovering I can shop online. Digging myself out of the working "girl" trouser suits etc I once loved but are now so dated. Fed up of jeans as well so I hope they work for comfort and casual wear. I was a bit worried I might look a bit like something out of Star Trek. Anyway, IF they and the big shirt arrive I'll write a verdict on the look.
    Anne the "fashion guru" huh!!!
    PS, just spotted your post LIN. It's all about what we are comfy in and what suits our personalities isn't it. I fancy either thick colourful socks or boots with the leggings and once it's cold enough my big red parka. Your meal sounds yummy and comforting. If Jackie is interested I ordered "Autograph" leggings and shirt. Pricey, but it is a gift after all. $94 leggings, $164 silk shirt. I'll save them for our casual Christmas if okay.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I went to see the kiddos yesterday and spent about 7 hours there. Robby went to school and Max took a nap so I had a little one on one with Charlie who is now smiling and cooing. When Max woke up I had some one on one with him until Robby got home and then the two boys and I went to the park. It was so cold we stayed about ten minutes. I will go back to sit tomorrow so Lisa can go to her doctor's appointment and then again Friday for Charlie's three month pictures. No bingo tonight but will go tomorrow and Thursday we are meeting for lunch for a friend's birthday. Busy days ahead but today I am going to attempt to put my new electric fireplace in my broken gas fireplace. Wish me luck.

    Anne, I am happy that you had a great birthday with money for a wonderful new outfit. I don't like myself in leggings but please let me know if you do. If anyone remember the little boy I followed who was hit by a tree at daycare and survived for 5 years, his mother has tuned us all into a website called Ten Dollar Fashion Attic where she is doing some modeling. Everything is ten dollars and I have ordered some tops that I just love. It takes a while to get the clothes but worth the wait in my opinion. As you can tell I love saving money especially since I need it for Hawaii.

    Lin, I am like you and prefer sweat pants and comfy tops unless it is a special occasion. When winter hits us, you will find me in sweat shirts and warm sweat pants. lol

    Jackie, busy day for you but it is what keeps us healthy. I will probably ride the bike today since I have no real plans except for the fireplace and maybe grocery shopping. Paying some bills first will see how much is left after that. lol

    Hello to Buzz and Patsy.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi there dear sneakers! Just had to send a quick alert to Sandy! Your fireplace insert sounds great but unless done with great caution, you could be creating a dangerous situation. The gas from your old fireplace MUST be totally shut off and the lines either removed or at least ventilated somehow. We have a neighbor that did that and quite literally blew up his house. The heat from your electric fireplace can ignite the gas left in the lines, or in the pilot light if there is one in old gas fireplace. Be careful and cautious! This from me, who knows nothing about your situation and I am not very handy! So just wanted to be sure you are okay.

    Another sunny cold day. We are burning our wood stove in the morning to take the chill,off the house. I do like that heat better than our furnace. It feels better somehow.

    I read that the last Stephen Hawkins book has been published. He was so brilliant and yet sadly emprisoned in a disfunctional body. I will get his new book. John was the math and physics guy, not me but I like to read about the science. I am also hooked on that crazy English series, Doc Martin. He actually has real medical diagnosis and symptoms. Along with some crazy characters.

    Errands today and Costco. Bleck! I hate shopping. The endless trudging around, gathering boring stuff to cook and eat. Sometimes I love to cook but not today. I will make soup, once everything is put in a pot, no more fussing with it until ready to add more spice and serve. Instant pot to the rescue!

    Huge spider weaving a web of great significance on the window out on the deck. I fear it must go to spider heaven!

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Absolutely thrilled to bits with my new black leggings. Winter warm thickness, perfect. The shirt is great as well but it was the leggings I was worried about. Like them so much maybe I'll never buy a pair of dress pants again!
    PATSY super, super advice for SANDY!! Of COURSE the heat from a new electric fire could ignite any stray gas! Oh my, DO be careful SANDY!
    And PATSY please let the spider do its engineering magic. So wondrous and intricate are spiders webs. The next dew filled morning get out your paint brushes and paint the sun shining through the dew drops.
    I rather like Doc Martin as well. Great actor and apparently not at all like the character he portrays.
    Talking of books, (Patsy and Mr. Hawkins) anybody know any good new mystery writer books I can purchase with my birthday gift card?
    Took Jilly for a trot and came back with a plate of cookies and a chew bone for Jill. I carried the cookies, Jill carried her bone. All from my neighbour Maria. It's my week for gifts and surprises!

    Annie, lover of spiders and all small things in danger of being squashed.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Patsy, I took your advice and texted my landlord to ask him to have the gas capped and remove whatever needs to be removed. You scared me but if it happened to a friend of yours it could have happened to me. Thank you.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    On my way to bed so grateful to Patsy for pointing out those gas versus electric dangers in Sandy's fireplace and that Sandy read it... I was really worried. :o
    Nite nite
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dear friends, I worry I'm "losing it" for sure! I seem to have been rushing through my day to clear things up for tomorrow's clean-up day yet I'm not only not ready yet, but my Trash Sac on the cabinet door under my kitchen sink, broke at the point of attachment and I'm just grateful I had emptied all the garbage a moment before! I have wasted hours seeking a replacement and almost ordered several that would not have allowed the door to close, and finally located the same system, and when it arrives, I will simply re-use the screws already in the door. But hours and hours wasted searching before I located two with a $3 price difference. And it's late, and my day just disappeared with nothing done!!!
    Yes, indeed, PATSY, you did a wonderful deed, saving our SANDY from untimely demise! Like ANNE and JACKIE, I enthusiastically applaud your warning! LIN, I hope your plans for yesterday were more successful than mine! I must get a few hours sleep now. I just feel so darn incompetent lately!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen???!!!........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Sitting for the kiddos this morning, will try to get back later but if not have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    George got the ok from the vet for now as she thinks the lump in his leg is to do with the way he sometimes stands that pushes a muscle in or out! She advised to keep an eye on it of course but wasn't too concerned. After our visit to her we went for a long, long walk across the moors that did us both good so after lunch and a rest I'm now in a warm fleece jacket and ready to do some gardening.

    Buzz, I'm sure we all have days like yours, I certainly do, when nothing much seems to be achieved as the hours whizz by. Much the same for me looking for a thermal cover for the outside tap to stop it freezing in cold weather when after what seemed like hours of searching and almost buying something that only might have done the job for little money I went full circle and picked the same model as the old thing that had been used for years until falling apart. It should have arrived Tuesday but no sign yet.... the usual Ebay problem!!

    Anne, the Autograph leggings you bought look great on the online catalogue and I can see they'd be very comfortable. The high waist makes all the difference otherwise if you have long legs like me you'd find yourself constantly pulling up over your bottom!!

    Patsy, although Doc Martin has been around for years I only recently began to watch episodes and do find myself laughing out loud at times. As you say crazy characters but let me tell you, living not far from the location I'm well aware the Cornish are very much as depicted, even more so at times!! There's something about the actor Martin Clunes that makes me smile whatever he's in although he has played some very serious roles too.

    Lin, Monster Brady is only two and a half so many years of wallpaper tearing to come!! When he first visited the vet he was given a birthday on April 1st which says it all really!

    Sandy, enjoy your day. I'd better get outside before it gets too late.... dark by 7pm these days!
