Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Talking of roses, I've just bought a glass vase filled with gorgeous pale pinkish purple rosebuds to take to Mary Jo. Mikes bought a bottle of wine so we are all set except for taking Jilly. I think our thanksgiving is a leftover from the British harvest festival. No pilgrim fathers stepping ashore here in cloaks and black buckled hats. THE season starts as soon as the stores are cleared of Halloween paraphernalia and out come the Christmas trees and baubles.
    It's a drizzly day here, the sort of stuff that wets you through. So all dressed up with lank dangly hair! Lovely!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited October 2018
    To Anne and Jeri!


    Happy Sunday! 😃 The battery on my power surger has died and I woke up to a high pitches siren type noise. I have taken the battery out and ordered a new one from Amazon which will be here Tuesday so I will be on my IPad until it is replaced.

    Anne and Jeri, enjoy your holiday! Being with family means more than the meal.💕

    Jackie, Ewww and double Ewww! Tell Brady to stop bringing critters into your home! I swear I would be upchucking if he did that to me! I am sorry George wasn't happy with you but he doesn't realize he could have gotten sick. Life is always so exciting with our fur babies.

    Patsy, the best thing we can do is vote and hopefully change our current senate. Nothing we can do about it now, it is out of our control. Enjoy your funday Sunday football day with John and Katie.

    Buzz, I wear boy shorts and a conservative tankini top. I have seen other elders wearing suits they should not but if they feel comfortable in them, God Bless.

    Lin, busy day at church and other things to keep you busy? I hope they are fun things.

    Well I wasted my morning with my power surger so it is already lunchtime and I haven't eaten or showered. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh thank you , SANDY! I just ordered 2 blouson tops and a pair of shorts and a full (waist high and bottom completely covered) Bikini bottom so I'll have a dry set waiting on sunny days! These are the tops, Both D cups, and I hope they fit!!!
    My view of what's gone wrong is our total involvement with these TV programs that make so much of nastiness equating with POWER!!! I never watched the wretched one in any of his TV programs because I couldn't stand him then! I think he's still playing a role while he's also the puppet of a scary group of power hungry super wealthy conglomerates. They want more, more, more! The other thing I really do not understand, and this is treading on dangerous ground, but I feel safe with you dear friends: where and how did the Evangelical Church get tied up with backing this evil man so strongly? His very demeanor goes against most of their teaching, and yet they so staunchly support him, no one can do or say otherwise! What on earth is his magic hold on an entire following?
    Like PATSY, I'm finding myself in he doldrums over the fate of my country! ANd since my smartphone was hacked, I've become suspicious of too many things! Maybe a small sip of wine (I really never drink) might ease the worry, huh? Gotta run, as usual. PLease stay my friends?!
    :( Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited October 2018
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    Oh thank you , SANDY! I just ordered 2 blouson tops and a pair of shorts and a full (waist high and bottom completely covered) Bikini bottom so I'll have a dry set waiting on sunny days! These are the tops, Both D cups, and I hope they fit!!!

    :( Buzz

    Love them both Buzz. My shorts are more like shorts since I don't want to have to shave
    Sorry if that is TMI.

    These aren't the ones I bought but was just giving you an idea of what I meant.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited October 2018
    Good evening. Yes, I was busy at church today and surprise. I joined the newly forming Worship Team, for now at least. Spent most of the afternoon and early evening finding music, downloading, digging out my keyboard and sending recommendations for future songs. Will be practicing each week after church and the Saturday evening before each performance. But, they hope to bring in more young people and phase out us old folks. We are just included to get things started up. So don’t know how quickly I will be tossed aside but I always liked having the youth choir and performing with the band in the old days. So a little flashback. Haaaaaa.

    Interesting bathing suits. I hope you all find whatever makes you comfortable. One of my friends found a two piece that she likes and now she goes to water exercise five times a week. She is hooked!

    Anne, did you have a good time today? How are you Jilly?

    Political angst, just part of living in America at this point. I am a White church-going Christian. I am not a supporter, never have been and never will be. He tapped in, to my way of thinking, to the very Conservative Rush Limbaugh type of crowd. He hit their hot button issues. I would venture to guess many supporters are not people who attend or regularly practice any faith!

    Off to read for a while. Need to get up early and sweep up the basement a bit. Furnace service people will stop by sometime tomorrow and the furnace is making a kind of clunky noise. I hope it is not an expensive noise!

    Hugs all.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2018

    This little girl could well be living with me by the end of the week! Just have to endure a house check and long drive to visit her foster home but all sounds good on the phone.

    My kitchen counters are overflowing with veggies from the allotment so I'm going to be busy sorting out for pickling, soup or freezing. We enjoyed our walk on the moors this morning just George and me and hopefully will meet up with a friend for another walk after a phone call from my GP to discuss x-ray results. Watch this space! Also received a letter this morning from the hospital to say I'm booked in for my 2nd cataract procedure on November 6th.... hooray, I was getting a bit fed up with one good and one not so good eye!

    Let's be honest Buzz, the man will say whatever it takes to any group to gain support although he hasn't a jot of faith or principled belief in anything but himself. Unfortunately many don't care so long as their own agenda is pushed forward.
    Those swimming outfits were exactly how I saw you so perfect!

    Sandy, my cross mood doesn't last long with George when he decides these disgusting bits are presents for him and him alone and of course Brady just gives me a cross-eyed stare, rubs against my leg and wanders away! :o

    Lin, sounds fun so I hope your music group will be successful.... you can pretend you are a teenager all over again!

    Anne, hopefully you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving meal with your family even if dear Jilly Bean had to be left at home. Before I adopted George I always said to people who fussed over their pooch it's just a dog but a different story now... we live and learn. Our Harvest Festival has been and gone with the Harvest moon, most having celebrated September 23 but with climate change affecting our farmers it could soon move out of September or maybe we'll have 2 celebrations a year!!

    Back to my kitchen for my own little harvest festival!!
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Can't hang around because everyone will be here for lunch. Thanksgiving is really today, but everyone here thinks Sunday so we can all recover on Monday. Jill was as good as gold but enormously excited to see Mike and Anne back. She slept until 8 this morning, so I don't think she slept much the 4 hours we were gone! Great time over at M and Ms and Hobbes is the most beautiful, huge bundle of fur imaginable and such a good natured Puss. His tail is like a foxes brush.

    So this is really to wish JACKIE the best of luck with the little sweet faced pug girl! Won't she love scampering on the moors with George once she realizes she's FREE.!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Laundry Day. It is going up to the 80's today so no more heat and possibly air conditioning, our weather is so odd. I managed to move my desk to get the old battery out and also to plug in my desktop and monitor so I can use them until the new battery arrives.
    My back is sore today but hopefully it is just strained from moving this monster desk.
    I have to have everything off my balcony tomorrow so they can power wash it either Wednesday or Thursday. I am thinking of getting rid of my propane grill and buying this new one I saw on Amazon.
    I can use it indoors or out and I love my small George Foreman so this sounds perfect.
    I just need someone to carry my old grill down for the garbage tonight if they even take old grills. Also need to know where I can bring my propane tank so research will be going on today.

    Anne, Happy Thanksgiving once again, this time Jilly is included so your day should be perfect. Hobbes sounds like he is beautiful, picture please.

    Jackie, I am so excited for you and hope "Laugh" will be a perfect little sister for George.
    She is so cute and your home sounds perfect for her.

    Lin, how exciting for you to be part of the Worship Team. How wonderful that you know how to play keyboard and sing. I would love to be able to sing but even the nuns in my grade school told me to just mouth the words when I joined the choir. I was devastated.

    Patsy, I hope you are getting some of our warm weather and sunshine. It has been so dreary lately the sun is amazing.

    Buzz, may I ask how your smartphone got hacked? If is an IPhone it really should be protected.

    Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello. Another wet cold day here. I need to do a few errands today, even in the wet and chill.

    I am madly hunting for new slippers and a pair of shoes that are comfy, cute and are slip-ons. There is no use in wearing ugly shoes unless one is gardening or some other messy kind of work. My personal philosophy here.

    Jackie: the new family member looks adorable yet desperate. Such expressive eyes and that special pug expression...melts your heart. I hope George doesn’t get jealous. Katie doesn’t share too well in the beginning. After she gets to know people or other doggies, all is quite jolly. Cats are not Katie’s favorite kind of friend. I love them of course.

    Anne; how lovely! All your family celebrating thanksgiving together. You may not realize how special that is. Fixing lunch for your family is a lot of work but Jilly will be a perfect little hostess.

    Lin: I didn’t realize you were a musician. How wonderful to be part of a group. What is your instrument?

    Buzz; great looking swim suits. Perfect for you. I see swim shirts and even swim skirts at our pool. What ever people feel comfortable in, is the way to go.

    Oooops dryer just beeped...later ladies!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Looks like I never posted my message yesterday! I kid you not, I'm losing it!!! Here it was:
    LIn, love, I would never intimate that White Christians are his support! It has been the Evangelical Church that has been loudly and actively telling their members he is their hope, and I simply don't understand why! A couple of my friends knew, even before he was nominated, that they would vote for him, and they are the most loving, giving couple I know!!!
    They really do believe it was ordained! They never swear themselves, yet they accept his terrible manners in every way! These followers believe with all their hearts he was some sort of savior! I wish I could understand the why of it!
    SANDY, I, too, got the shorts. The tankini doesn't have pants to match! I just hope they fit!
    My phone is an Android, and I had it on the community WiFi as a guest, and it was turned off, but I guess it was still hackable, or maybe hacked earlier and used to access FaceBook. FB stopped it and alerted me, and I no longer use the community WiFi!
    I'll be back later, as I have so much to do!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always Believe etc..................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear, 7pm and already dark outside but never mind my evening meal of chicken and cous cous is cooking then I'll curl up on my sofa. A constructive afternoon since my GP phoned to confirm both hips are arthritic so will refer me for replacements plus different painkillers to try. Robbie the Smithy also phoned to let me know he's in the process of making a plate for the back of my old stove and also ordered the new one.
    A few days of heatwave on the way so I shouldn't get cold!

    Patsy, so many of the breeding dogs have that look as well as hate being handled so of course break my heart but her foster mum says she can see in just 24 hours that Laugh (or Betty as I'll name her) will soon settle and enjoy cuddles. We will have a meet and greet before i bring her home just in case George reacts badly but I dont think he will.

    Sandy, what a brilliant idea the grill is especially with its non stick surface so I might look at one in the Spring to sit on my deck!

    My chicken is cooked so I'll sign off.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited October 2018
    Love the fireplace Jackie. I am having so much trouble finding someone to fix my fireplace and it doesn't help that my landlord is too cheap to put in a new one. I have an electric fireplace similar to yours so I might just end up putting it in front of the other one if it doesn't look too bad.

    Let's just say I am sorry I signed a two year lease because he hasn't done anything promised to me but I have nothing in writing. GRRRRR
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good afternoon. Oh my gosh, there is a sliver of sunlight at this moment even though the sky is filled with clouds. What a nice break. The furnace has been serviced and the odd sound I heard has been diagnosed, a part is wearing out and it is rubbing when the furnace starts up. Unfortunately the part cannot be replaced, they do not make them at this point as the furnace is 10 years old. So, just use it and if some day the furnace does not work they will replace the blower motor. Fingers crossed, that is over $1,000 dollars according to the serviceperson. Better than the cost of a new furnace though. Argh.

    I am working on a card for autumn and hope to make a dozen. I had better hurry! I am coloring a little harvest bouquet and it is taking much more time than I anticipated. I think I have six completed. I am taking a break to look over coordinating card stock colors, greetings, and inks for the greeting. Tomorrow afternoon, we are getting together for a couple of hours of coloring so should get at least one more finished. Will start on one a bit later today.

    Jackie, what a darling little pug. What an exciting time for you (and George). I hope everything works out. I also looked at the link to the stoves. What color are you getting?

    Sandy, I looked at the George Foreman grill. I think I had seen them once before. I have an electric grill but hardly ever use it as I don’t grill veggies often. Something that you can use inside as well as on the deck is versatile. I hope you are working out all the details. There are so many aren’t there? You said you liked the layout of your apartment and the location so I trust you can work things out with this landlord.

    Anne, another day of celebrating but this time with Jilly. Now that seems right although yesterday sounds as if it was enjoyable. It is Columbus Day here but not much of a holiday with the exception of no mail delivery. So it seems odd to have a mail truck running around the neighborhood with package delivery. They never have a day off now.

    Patsy, I just sing and play keyboard (piano once upon a time). It is a lovely opportunity for me to sing once again, for a little while. I had rejected the option of going back to the choir. I had also thought about joining several other groups but evening practices didn’t sound appealing so I backed away. There shouldn’t be too many evening practices for this. But I can always walk away and they can ask me to step aside as things develop. Temporary is fine. I am quite happy to have an outlet for all of my favorite activities at this point! Did you find slippers and/or shoes online today?

    Buzz, Last Thursday a friend read an article that was quite critical of White Christians and their support of the Cheeto. I don’t really understand this. My church does not recommend candidates. It never has. I also don’t understand people who don’t make their own decisions! If my church tells me I have to vote a certain way, I believe we would part ways. So you have placed an order, when do your new items arrive?

    Must move along now. Back to the cards.

    Hugs to my dear Sneaker friends.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quick answer to LIN, since it is so late again, and I had a scare to fix taking too long! Received an alert from my bank gthat my account had been put on hold due to unidentified activity. Looked like the real thing with proper logo, etc, so I went to the log-in and almost started to fill in address when I suddenly realized it could be a hoax. Called the bank and sure enough, It was a phishing scam, so I forwarded it to and also to the bank. I'm certain both are a waste of time!!! Then thought I'd better change Facebook password again, as I had an alert from them about an unidentified device purportedly from me last Friday. That one was legitimate!
    LIN, that is exactly how I feel as well. There was a law about religious groups losing their tax exemptions if they recommended how members should vote, but the government no longer seems to care. The Evangelical Church continually breaks that rule and actively pushes for Trump very hard! I believe certain Jewish groups are also doing that due to his changing the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem---an extremely dangerous decision! Chip on shoulder move! Somehow Trump seems always to side with the thugs and dangerous leaders! Sign of the times and his own character, I guess! But it makes the world a most uncomfortable place these days! And he's gaining in popularity! I'm in PATSY's camp on this one!
    JACKIE, I'm looking for your new addition's picture, which I must have missed somehow! Can you show her again, please?
    ANNE and JERI, a belated Happy Thanksgiving. I can't seem to do anything on time lately!
    SANDY, I hope your new landlord has simply been preoccupied, and not deliberately ignoring requests! It's not fair to you!!!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    For Buzz.. hope this works as I can't access the website through normal channels.

    Summer weather has returned for a couple of days so lots to do in my garden.
    Back later
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another summer day, must be in tune with Jackie. Big money bingo tonight, here's hoping I get a chance to claim it or at least win at the regular bingo. I managed to get my broken grill down the stairs by myself since I couldn't find anyone to help me. My balcony is empty for them to power wash it tomorrow. Maybe my landlord will fix the broken floor board as well. I put the electric grill on my wish list with Amazon hoping my children will buy it for Christmas, if not I will. I have a small one for in my house so I am good until next summer. I did also put a new George Foreman for inside on my list because the one I have now doesn't have removable plates to clean and is a pain in the neck. I may have found a solution for my fireplace and ordered it. It is an electric insert that I hope fits inside my existing fireplace. If it works I will be so happy.

    Enjoy your day, I hope the sun is shining for you.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Beautiful day here so all gung ho, Jill and I went into the garden to do some weeding and hacking back of undergrowth. 10 minutes later I'm back inside with loads of mosquito bites. I've never known such a bad year for them and so far one mans died in our town from West Nile, several sick with flu like symptoms. I was so disappointed, gardening is one of my pleasures.

    I've got an awful feeling that DT will get a second term. I'm beginning to think poor Professor Ford and her, to me, valid accusations have turned the tide in his favour. Every chest beating prehistoric male in the country will vote him in again. Every male dominated woman will vote him in again. I hope I'm wrong but instinct tells me he won't disappear for another six years. It's a pity the States only have two parties to choose from. Not much in the way of competition to divide things up. Three or more different party members of parliament liven things up here and in the UK as the main and opposition parties vie for their support at voting times.
    I know so little about American politics. I know we appoint judges differently up here. Have there ever been more parties than republicans and democrats to choose from?
    Hard to imagine churches and mosques and temples telling their followers who to vote for. The times are indeed a-changing. Or are they? Meddling priests!! to quote an early British king.

    Well, I shall go back to burying my head in the sand, or I would if the mosquito swarms disappeared!
    Scratching Anne.
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Wow, it's 84 degrees out there. Mark came over to paint a second coat on the window frames and then we hacked our way through the ivy engulfing the house. I've never seen the Ivy grow so vigorously before! Shades of things to come with global warming? He's gone home for a shower and Jill and I are just cooling off on the sofa before I too have a shower. I'm filthy! On this day 44 years ago I was in Quebec and it was freezing cold and snowing. The earliest I had ever seen snow after prior life in the UK. Today, it's like a jungle, heat, humidity and of course the mosquitoes. Instead of strawberries, pumpkins, grapes we will soon be harvesting bananas!
    Tomorrow hurricane Michael arrives in Florida. Stay safe BUZZ.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lost my small post , but it was not cheerful! I agree DT's popularity has gon up and I'm so ashamed! And frightened!!! And embarrassed! It must be a nightmare or bad dream!
    JACKIE, it worke and she's adorable! Thanks.
    The hurricane is not headed my way, but I sure wish it could obliterate MaraLago! It's headed for Pensacola, northwest Florida on the Gulf of Mexico!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    BIG SIGH!! Just lost a long post by tapping a wrong key somehow... these iPhones are far too sensitive!
    Clock ticking toward midnight and I'm yawning so I'll head for bed having earlier saved the cutest little mouse from Monster Brady's clutches!!