Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited October 2018
    Hello Sneakers, another evening of tornado watches and warnings so far none in my immediate area but very odd to have two evenings in a row with tornados in October. We have had periods of intense rain again today. My sump pump is doing its job once again thank goodness. The weather coverage started around 5pm I think and it is still going strong with the scary updates as they track one tornado after another as they march along. Ack!

    Otherwise, a morning of Mah Jongg and an afternoon of coloring. Filled my vehicle with gas during a lull in the showers and reset the check engine light (again) when I got home. My mail still has not arrived. Expecting a package with communion cups. Will not be pleased if that gets soaked since the box holding the stacks of cups is cardboard.

    Time for all of us to get some rest. Sorry for all the lost posts today. And very sorry for continuing bedevilment of the mosquitos Anne. Good luck at Bingo this evening Sandy. Sleep well Jackie.

    I will just trot along here. I am reading a book and would actually like a little nap!

    Hugs all.

    Tomorrow is a busy and interesting day. Several hours of Tai Chi and Qigong, a quick trip to get some sweet potatoes (I hope), a bite of early lunch and then off to a special two hour lecture/class on the teaching and methods of Sifu Fong Ha. A local Tai Chi instructor studied with him last summer in California and is going to share what she learned with a group of us. I have my little notebook and pen at the ready!

    Stay safe.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I didn't know what Cheeto meant so I looked it up, got a very interesting story about why it is used in regard to orange glow and then I forgot to post it. Now, I can't get the post back! But it's an appropriate name for him, for sure. Was unable to sleep as I had a dreadfut RLS attack on my left leg, so I got up and came to my favorite toy, where I learned I need a new ethernet cable, and once I got to Microsoft and Dell, neither would recognize my password! Dealing with their security took me all the rest of the night and now it's morning so it doesn't pay to go back to bed!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear, it seems Laugh the Pug will not be coming to live with us after all because after a home check yesterday with a nice man who thought I have an ideal home her current foster mum was sent his report but doesn't feel it would be secure enough even though the garden is fenced in. To be honest unless you live in Cornwall and know how so many cottages are back to front where we use the garden door as entrance it's difficult to describe so although I started to do my best with the member of staff at the shelter in Wales who phoned I quickly decided there was no point and told her I wouldn't want to go against the wishes of Laugh's foster mum. Perhaps the fact she was moved to the other side of England the day after my adoption application was accepted was something telling me it wasn't to be! Back to the drawing board!!

    A beautiful day here with a warm southerly breeze and we enjoyed a gorgeous walk on the moors first thing. Sitting on a rock halfway through our stroll I looked around me and could see I was surrounded by a Patsy oil on canvas creation. On a clear day it's just stunning as the bracken dies down turning a golden bronze as it goes.


    Once home I chopped up rhubarb and created a mix of chutney that includes dates, apple, onion, spices and something new to me, unsulphured apricots because that was all that was available in our farm shop. I'll have to do a google search.

    Goodness, more mosquitoes, tornadoes and hurricanes trekking across North America and flash floods in Majorca and Italy so the weather remains topsy turvy.... take care dear Sneakers who might be in their path.

    In my lost post I told Lin who I think asked, that my new stove will be plain black to sort of blend into the old cottage and Sandy I love the look of that electric fire with flames which will certainly give you a warm glow. Taking out my old stove and installing the new one with the addition of a metal plate to sit it on as I will be retiling the hearth too will cost close to £1,500.... gulp!!

    Must move on because our forecast shows it could be raining by 6pm, just 3.5 hours away!!

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    It's sizzling hot here today and then it starts the downward trend. I've just taken Jilly for a long walk and the world is turning magical with the colours coming in. Here's the vine tumbling over my fence just starting. It will turn red.
    Mark is popping by to put another top coat on the window frames, and I've just washed all Jill's bedding and my own.

    Oh, and I've ordered this weeks groceries from Longo's via Gateway. One can tell them if you don't want a substitute item LIN and I've discovered I'm on a reward points system.

    So Sad about little Laugh JACKIE. I really thought she would end up with you.
    So I'll away for now, because whilst it's still hot I want to clear more ivy vines. Two full gardening sacks so far.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) The big pot was won!!! Unfortunately not by me. The number chosen (43) was not one I would have probably chosen so all ends well. At least I can go back to one day a week for bingo and start saving some money. After ordering the fireplace insert I got a voice message from the company that came to give me an estimate to fix my fireplace, we have been playing phone tag so hopefully I hear from her today. If it is reasonable and my landlord is willing to help I might just have it fixed. If not I hope the insert works and I can be done with all of this. Tonight is bingo but if storming I will be staying home.

    Anne, I love the vines over the fence, is there a reason to get rid of them or are you just getting rid of weeds? Mark is a great landlord keeping up with all repairs. Wish I could say the same for mine.

    Jackie, what a beautiful picture, another worth framing. I am so sorry about Laugh but it must be meant to be and another pup who needs you more will come into your life.

    Buzz, I don't know how you can stay up all night, I have been sleeping over 8 hours and some days still feel tired. I will be installing my new battery on my power surge today, I hope I don't blow myself up. lol

    Lin, how scary with all those tornado warnings, not sure I could handle that. We get them occasionally but not so much in my area thank goodness. Poor Florida, I pray that they are all safe and evacuated when told.

    Patsy, it is really upsetting when politics start dividing my family as it did on Facebook yesterday. Sister and brother are on different sides but when their friends jump in and start name calling it really got me upset. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but keep it to themselves if it going to hurt someone. Just my opinion.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    edited October 2018
    We are getting rid of Ivy SANDY which is smothering the house. I think the vines in the photo are Virginia Creeper and the leaves are so pretty both green and later red. Definitely a keeper.

    So sorry about your family's friends. The name calling I mean. Politics should be viewed tongue in cheek. They get dangerous when name calling starts.

    BUZZ how on earth do you get by with so little sleep!

    Anne, about to have lunch before the garden onslaught starts.

    PS. Meant to ask, do Georgie and Katie enjoy buttery mashed potato mixed into their chicken/meal etc?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Never before heard the term Cheeto, so I looked it up and what a perfect description of DT!
    "A Cheeto, as it turns out, is an evocative metaphor, and politicians and activists across the spectrum bring up the dusty orange snack when they want to conjure up a certain image of their opponents: That they’re junky, artificial, bad for you, bad for America and likely to leave you with crumby fingers and a weird aftertaste." How about that?!
    One of his followers got into a nasty fight after tonight's beautiful birthday dinner, and showing her true colors, she (usually a pretty blonde) looked just like an angry spitting cat!!!
    I don't think I mentioned one of my friends whose husband is back and forth in the hospital and eats only through a feeding tube...well she was walking out of her door a few nights ago when a new resident across the corridor opened his door and asked if she would like some clementine oranges since he bought too many. She thanked him and he said "come in" which she thought nothing of, so in she went, he slammed the door, grabbed her and stuck his tongue down her throat! She fought him and escaped and called me in panic and tears! I called security, and the called police and also phoned the administrator who returned (It was nighttime). He admitted to it, but when he called his daughters, who refused to come for him, they told him not to admit to anything, so he rescinded it, but everyone had already heard him say yes. Well, my friend was shaking at dinner last night since that man was seated at the next table. After dinner, she told some friends at a table in another dining room what had happened, and a trouble-making devotee of DT came over in a rage, saying my friend was a lier and attention seeker and she screamed horrible things without stopping for a breath! Reminded me of how Christine Ford was victimized for being attacked! Well, I just received a phone call from our assistant Administrator asking for my version of the trouble last night, and when I repeated it,, she said she would call headquarters about how to deal with people so dangerous and disruptive, and find out about providing a lawyer for my poor fragile friend! Our buildings were one big happy family until this group started moving in about a year ago. Well, you can see I'm quite upset, but we'll get through it. Anyway, gotta get moving!
    Went to bed last night about 11 PM, woke up at 2:30 AM, and my legs were having a horrible RLS attack, so I could not lie down and I'll likely fall on my face today! I'll try my lovely lounge now that the legs have quieted down!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Try to Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!..........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2018
    Buzz, what a dreadful thing to happen so why wasn't this man arrested for goodness sake and isn't there a community policy to at least ensure he be kept far away from your friend after all if he was innocent he'd surely think it best? Perhaps that awful screamer will get the next offer of Clementines... one can live in hope!
    A news story was just analising language being used by DT and his party and how "fake news" has become the norm. The current word aimed at any group demonstrating against their policies is MOB in an effort to twist people's conception and since it's being used so much seems to be working!

    Anne, a beautiful vine and something I once considered growing on the face of my cottage until the thought of all tbose spiders using it as a ladder put me off!

    Sandy, it's such a shame what's happening in your country but you have the right approach... stay away from the nastiness even when family is involved.

    Black clouds overhead and a promise of 2 days heavy rain and strong winds. Hope my old stove gets fixed soon!

    Time to eat
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good morning all,

    I’m sitting in the eye doctors office waiting for Ed. He’s having trouble with his vision and they are doing a lot of tests. I’ll have drive home.

    Thanks for all the Thanksgiving wishes.


    What a great time we had and actually 2 kids are missing at the kids table. LOL

    I’ve been way busier than I want to be. Trying to organise and cull huge amounts of files on my computer. I want to buy a new computer but I want my files to be in order first.

    As well I am determined to get my genealogy in a more organised manner as well.

    All of this is part of a #100daychallenge I’ve set for myself.

    Best wishes

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Beautiful sunny day today. Tomorrow is our son’s birthday. He is still our baby but he is 55 yrs. old now. He is in shock and a bit depressed. I think he had a life goal that he has not met yet and is going through an adjustment. Something we have to do from time to time.

    John has his yearly eye exam today. The delivery of the firewood is now in a big heap near John’s shop. It will benefit from today’s sunny weather. It was pretty wet when it was delivered.

    We also have ivy that is beautiful but unruly! It threatens all the trees and actually digs into our paved driveway. Blackberry vines as big around as a garden hose wth angry thorns are our big problem. Very odd, this year we had very few blackberries. Our blackberries are usually delicious but difficult to pick because of the fierce barbs.

    So far our political differences has stayed civil. Thank God! I am so upset I would become irrational if a debate were to happen.

    Buzz: your description of your friends attack really brought back a horrible memory for me. I had a similar event and the guy was a teacher that John supervised. It was quite a mess. But as it happened, I had a knee jerk reaction that worked in our behalf. I actually punched the guy very hard in the lower abdomen. He went to the doctor and eventually the hospital. He told them he fell. I never said a word to the doctor or anyone but John. John threatened him, and suggested he find work elsewhere. Things were not handled properly in those days. It was ALWAYS the woman’s fault!
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    edited October 2018
    There was a chap just like the one in Buzz's resident in my late Moms senior home. Wandered the corridors at night trying the ladies doors. He was closely watched but I think he should have been locked in his room. To be honest, is there one woman in the world who hasn't had problems at one time or another. Funny story coming up. One of my moms senior friends was walking with her cane on the river bank when a chap jumped out of the bushes and exposed himself. "Don't tell me you are actually proud of THAT" exclaimed Moms friend and promptly whacked the offending object with her walking stick. The fellow yelped and ran off and moms friend was commended by the local police because they'd been trying to arrest him for ages after numerous complaints and he never showed up again. She was the toast of the seniors.

    I've just come in and I'm sweaty and I'm filthy. Now didn't you all want to know that. Before Mark showed up I mowed the two lawns. Just finished when he came. Then he hacked at the ivy and I cut the long streamers and bagged them. Another job done. Oh and he finished the painting. It rains tomorrow supposedly.

    A nice shower now for me feeling slightly recovered sitting on the sofa and reading your posts.
    Then a mindless night of telly watching. Jill's fast asleep after having to protect us from chipmunks at the feeder.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited October 2018
    Good evening. Lovely day of Tai Chi, Qigong, and more Tai Chi. Enjoyable class, lovely lecture and some golden nuggets recorded in my notebook. I did get to the store as well as I had hoped and now have sweet potatoes again. No idea when I will get a chance to bake them. This cold evening has been a combo of playing the keyboard, reading and working on cards. Not bad at all.

    More clothing needed for tomorrow. Brrrrrr. It is ladies at the library day. And the library has cancelled us out for the remainder of the month. I guess we will need to discuss an alternate location or a few weeks off. And then my weekly highlight, Tai Chi lesson. Wahoo!

    I also got in a card class for next Tuesday since the weekly Mah Jongg game is cancelled due to not enough available players.

    Everyone please take care. Evil abounds out there these days. It is astounding how many women have been accosted or assaulted at some point. Mankind is quite beastly when it comes down to it.

    I waited too long to post once again. My eyelids are drooping!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My kitchen sink is piled high after an early start preparing dog food and more chutney so that will be my first port of call now I've changed out of my soaked jeans. It wasn't too bad when we left home for a walk but halfway round the village the really heavy stuff hammered down so I think I must have looked as bedraggled as George by the time we reached home again.... a complete contrast to yesterday but at least it's still relatively mild. George had a good rub down with a warm towel then went silly running round with one of his toys. I on the other hand dried myself off but resisted the temptation to throw my toys in the air!!
    A good day to sit quietly and sort through a pile of papers that's been building over the weeks as I'm sure most can be thrown away or burnt although I need to check if anything important has been buried.

    So that's my day but on the heavy subject of assaults etc that so many women have confronted including my own extremely close call 40 years ago, my hairdresser was telling me last week that several times when she has attended dance clubs without her husband her drink has been spiked by total strangers but luckily she's realised and found her friends before the effects take hold so they've looked after her. Every woman, whatever age has to be so careful and unfortunately suspicious.

    On that cheery note I'll head for my kitchen sink!
    Hugs to you all.

    PS I meant to tell Lin that last night I saw a programme about Tai Chi that told us what you probably know already. They researched its benefits against Zumba classes and the results were amazing as they were parallel in increased muscle strength, healthier heart, energy levels mental health and blood tests showed a lower risk of chronic disease so all in all, less huffing and puffing for the same results..... probably why you do it!!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dear ones, I can tell that this busy day will require a brief nap at some point. I was rather restless last night. Change in the weather? Maybe...

    I must continue with a few mundane tasks such as mopping the kitchen floor and a bathroom scrub down. I need to vacuum but I know that John will be on my mind. He has a difficult root camel today and it is our son’s birthday. I will call him and we are trying to squeeze in a weekend with him. He is busy at work.

    I have an infected toe that requires a dressing change and application of antibiotic cream. I am to keep it up when ever possible. The foot stool is slightly uncomfortable for my knee so this is very inconvenient. What a whiner I am today.

    Jackie: making chutney sounds like fun. I never think of doing that. Chutney is one of those recipes that can be changed and altered at will or need...and still be wonderful. I can’t help thinking that it is was so sad that the little pug didn’t come to live with you. You would have provided a a loving home for her.

    Lin: you are making music again! you know how I love music of all kinds. I cannot sing on key and while I took piano lessons as a child, it never stuck with me. I still croak along to songs I love. Music is therapy for me. There is music on our CD player almost constantly until we close down for the night. I wish I could make music on some instrument. My friend, the jazz musician, still plays with the symphony and the jazz quartet. He only plays the music he knows, the rest he just sits quietly and taps his toe. It is wonderful for him and for us to hear him.

    Anne: hope you are not fighting with too many mosquitos and spiders. We continue to be plagued with an unusually large population of spiders this year. I have cleaned webs from the window screens twice this fall. They are back and there are huge spiders looking in the window at me. I fear I must declare war. I will lose but I will go down fighting!

    Sandy: I can understand you must be furious with your landlord. Will he be up for you to arrange and pay for repairs? You then deduct that amount from your rent? John and I have only rented a couple of times in our married life and it was just like your landlord. We held up our end of the deal but the landlord seemed to be absent when repairs were needed.

    Buzz: hope you are well and safe. The storm seems to be on the other side of your state. I’ll bet you got a lot of rain however. That unpleasant and disturbing event is the result of a seriously dangerous man. He is a threat to your entire facility. Demand that he leave! Now!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) No win at bingo. Today is my meeting day and I am looking forward to it as I missed last week. It is chilly here so the heat is on although I slept with my windows open and it was very cold when I got out from under the covers. Still waiting for them to come an power wash my balcony as my outside furniture is inside. Hopefully they will be here today when I am gone.

    Patsy, the jury is still out on whether he will do the repairs when needed, I will let you know. He said he would fix the balcony floor board so we will see if he does that after the power wash. I have a hard time understanding why any landlord/landlady wouldn't want to keep their place nice and deduct the cost of any repairs but that is just me.

    Jackie, sorry you and George got soaked, too bad you don't have your new fireplace. You made me laugh with your toy remark.

    Lin, I would love to hear you sing, any chance of a video?

    Anne, love the story of the lady with the cane, he certainly deserved it.

    Jeri, you have such a big beautiful family. Good luck with your hundred day challenge.

    Buzz, I do hope they get rid of that man, he could be dangerous. I hope you got some sleep last night.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    It's much cooler here, but I still don't need a jacket outside,

    My third week orders just been and everything is still good with nice fresh fruit and veggies. Won't mention online groceries again unless something drastic happens. Cross fingers having tempted fate, lol.

    Not much happening at all but I am wondering why Melanie is off visiting Africa when she could be doing the same in the States visiting under privileged kids and then having dinner each evening with dear hubby. Shipped off?

    Yes, wasn't the old lady brave SANDY! Must mention another gal who was training for the Olympics. She was quietly jogging along on a wooded trail when a loser jumped out of the bushes. She started picking up speed and he started running trying to catch her. Finally she couldn't hear the puffing and panting behind her anymore and turning around she spotted him hanging onto a tree trunk in the far distance completely winded.

    I've got a few horrendous tales of my own from when I was first on my own here and vulnerable but won't bore you. Thank goodness for my teenage sons. Just to say it sure changes ones personality from "happy and trusting" to "on the alert and suspicious".

    I'll just echo LIN and say stay safe ladies. Evil behaviour comes in many guises.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Oops, feel asleep. Hello and good night.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh dear, what a goof I made! I forgot today was October 11 and went about my usual Thursday schedule, busy but pleasant! At dinner tonight, a birthday cake was delivered to a nearby table, and as the staff was singing "Happy Birthday", I felt my blood draining from my face! Today was MY DAUGHTER'S 69th BIRTHDAY!!! Yesterday was my sister's 65th anniversary, and though I couldn't reach her, I remembered to call, But my daughter? All
    week I remembered to send her cards, gifts, greetings, etc! Since it was still her birthday, I attempted a call after dinner, but had no luck. Will I ever live it down?
    Dear friends,PATSY , SANDY, and all of you who suggested his removal. El Cheeto is here with all his bombast and seems to appeal to many of my fellow Floridians. Now our governor is running to replace our Senator, Bill Nelson the astronaut who has devoted his life to serving well and efficiently, while governor Scott has stripped the state of all that is good and decent, just like that other phony business genius (!) and was guilty of fraud to Medcare, big time, while running his huge hospital business. But he was still elected twice, and now I suspect my fellow Floridians will elect another dangerous man! What are Americans thinking? Money? Power? Dreadful behaviour? In your face crudity? And stepping on the most vulnerable members of society by cutting Medicaid, education, and climate change protection! Young students here are so disenchanted with today's crop of leaders, they don't even want to vote, yet that's the only way to change things. And meanwhile the climate is worsening and horrible storms are wrecking this Earth! Poor Tallahassee, and the rest of our nation!
    Thank you all for your stories in support of women! My friend has decided to move on, and will be going into the Assisted Living area, where she will feel safer, since her husband can never return to their apartment due to his condition. JACKIE's and ANNE's stories are great, and I also love the comparison between beautiful Tai Chi and frantic Zumba! did I mention the bathing suits all fit? So I will try my aquarobics again very soon, at least before the pool closes down for huge alterations! LIN appears to be following the gentle path to wellness! And I hope PATSY's toe heals quickly. Ouch! I can feel it now!!!
    JERI, how did you manage to pass on such beautiful genes? What a wonderful family And all those delightful smiles!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Try to Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Storm Callum hit us in the night so rather disturbed sleep for me even though we're only getting the edge of it over us. So George with his rain mac on and me head to toe waterproofs set off an hour ago to walk round the village but less than halfway the little man turned round to face where we'd come from as if to say enough is enough. Actually I was quite relieved because trees are bending rather precariously and power lines sounding like jets taking off as the wind screams through them! Not much planned for the day, just a bit of hoovering and general tidying. Robbie the smithy popped round yesterday with a metal plate he'd made to fix on the back of my stove (no charge!) so I can light a fire if needed until the new one arrives. He will bring a builder with him tomorrow to look at my hearth that needs tiling so I'm thinking if he's very nice I might ask if he could also tile the garden room since I'm still waiting to hear from my neighbour's handyman who should have phoned last week!

    Buzz, it might take another generation before people see the light but right now I'm guessing little will be done to change things unless it's something unforeseen. I think it a tragedy that your friend felt the need to hide herself away from that moron who attacked her if meanwhile he continues to roam the corridors but again it echoes what happened recently in your Senate.

    Sandy, how frustrating it must be waiting for your landlord to get jobs completed but hang on to the fact it's a lovely apartment and where you want to be so once he works his way through your list you hopefully won't have to chase him any more.

    Patsy, a toe infection is never pleasant so I do hope you can soon rid yourself of the pesky thing. My chutney is now sitting in jars but tasting the drops left in the saucepan it came across as extremely tart, possibly because I used cider vinegar, and I'm tempted to place it back in the saucepan to mix in more brown sugar.... decisions, decisions because over time it might be that the dates and apricots will sweeten it without my interference.

    Another mug of coffee then I must rally my energy levels. Looking outside the rain appears to be easing as well as the wind so I might get out for some groceries this afternoon.

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    We've dropped in temperature rapidly. Summer yesterday to definitely fall today. I had to laugh at George turning around on his walk JACKIE because Jilly does the same when she's had enough. She turns around, plants her little bum on the pavement and looks at me most pitifully, "that's enough, Anne". Of course Anne totally agrees and we gallop home at top speed.

    BUZZ, it's all about money isn't it for the greedy men in power. Why care about health care for the poor as long as Mr Avarice can afford it for his own brood. Why be diplomatic when he has a bomb shelter in his spacious grounds. The only hope is what goes around turns around eventually but not before the poor, the disadvantaged, the sick, the uneducated suffer from climate change, bad housing, and appalling health they can't afford to relieve whilst the poor planet struggles to set itself to right with violent storms and rising seas. The rich man in his castle the poor man at his gate. We are returning to medieval times.
    At least your friend will feel safer in assisted living now her support can't ever protect her again.

    JERI, you give us all hope surrounded by your beautiful family!
    LIN, with all your activities and ongoing art at least you can find solace from a world going nuts for a little while, I most definitely should dig out my dusty canvasses and paint brushes and join you again.
    SANDY, it takes my "landlord" a little time to get down to jobs in this house. At the moment I'm staring at blue protection tape around all my windows. I daren't climb a ladder to remove. Meanwhile it's quite a pretty contrast to the grey skies outside! Come day, go day, it will get done one day.
    PATSY, oh my! A throbbing, painful toe! Hope it's on the mend.

    Well, better get showered and take little one out.