Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    In my case LIN, when I received my groceries, despite being told by email that tips not necessary, I gave the very nice, young, helpful driver enough for a coffee. He seemed genuinely surprised but he was so helpful, staggered up a long drive with two loaded boxes, climbed four steps and took them through to the kitchen, plus, and a big plus in my books, played with an excited Jilly.
    15% tip in my case. Problem in the future though, I use so little actual real money these days, where to find loose change to tip good service especially if housebound.
    Another modern conundrum!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2018
    So far for me I'm still able to visit a supermarket and this morning just after 8am I was in, shopped and back home to unpack before taking George on a long stroll across the moors. It's a pleasant day with lots of sunshine so after enjoying a cup of coffee on the deck I will now contemplate some gardening before my legs and back stiffen up. Yesterday I received a phone call from my GP practice to let me know a doctor will phone me on Monday afternoon to discuss the results of my hip x-rays so hopefully things will move on.
    I've just phoned a good friend who has been having a myriad of tests after a shadow was found on one lung and she will be operated on next Monday to remove a section, hopefully keyhole but obviously that depends what a biopsy shows.

    Anne, ah yes the cash issue. It seems I either have a £20 note in my purse for ages never needing it or I'm down to a few pennies, usually when I'm rummaging for car park change!

    Lin, I think tips are about recognising good service so certainly wouldn't offer one if I wasn't happy. There are more and more people doing such work on what we call zero hours contracts in the UK and I do wonder how they manage to keep a home going and bills paid if they don't know from one day to the next how much they will earn. Such matters are swinging back to Victorian times before unions were around to protect workers, in other words gone from one extreme to another! Selfishly I'm delighted I'm retired!

    Sandy, it is so sad when divisive political events occur that come between families. We have a similar problem at the moment with our referendum decision to leave the European Union and I gather from friends who use facebook it all gets nasty with comments flying back and forth. I used to defend my voting decision with explanations on why I felt the need to leave but now I just say it was my democratic right and change the subject. I'm not sure I'd be able to keep quiet about a sexual predator being elected to high office and another on the way though!
    I've just read the feel good Friday news about a 99 year old lady fulfilling a lifelong dream to carry out an indoor skydive. Next on her list is wing walking!! :D Now that's worth reading about. B)

    We are over to the next page again so no going back for me or I'll be lost.... I'll get myself lunch then crack on in the garden if those clouds don't build up too much.
    Happy Friday.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited October 2018
    Happy Friday! :) Another cool wet day which made me turn the heat on to get the chill out of the air. I played catch up yesterday and watched some of the shows on TV that I have recorded and today will do the same. If I get the motivation I will go grocery shopping but we will see.
    Lisa and the boys are on their way to Virginia with her parents and so far things are going well with the kids.
    I did weigh myself today but my smart app didn't record it. I do know that I gained a pound from last week which was much more after last weekend but managed to lose all but one.
    I am back to riding my bike which feels so good so I should reach goal or under soon.

    Jackie, I basically ignore the remarks on Facebook without any comment so as not to get into any debate. I respect the rights of others and wish all would do the same. I hope the weather held for some gardening.

    Anne, since Bryanna is a server and I also was one many years ago, I am a 20% tipper and sometimes more. Our tax rules have changed since I was a server and any tips given on a credit card are taxed so in most cases I like to leave cash if I have any. Being lazy today it would be a good day to try and use a grocery service but I am sure I will just go later.

    Hello to everyone else and I hope you have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    JACKIE, you will never guess what's on "escape to the country", the HURLING STONES! 4000 to 5000 years old! Just watching them on TV right now. Annie.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a coincidence and how exciting Anne! Do let me know if they buy a property near me. :)
    The Flying Scotsman is travelling through Cornwall tomorrow and I'm tempted to search for a quiet spot to view her as she flies by my area. Never seen her before!
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    edited October 2018
    I guess we will never know Jackie. "Thinking about it". Property most favourable was near Bodmin (town).
    I'm not surprised you lost your bearings in the misty fog. Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Soggy day here and quite chilly. Both John and I are feeling under the weather. Sort of like a cold but there is always nice hot tea and soup. We have a few things to do around the house. But dear John has to retrieve the trash bin from our little road. I will be in the dungeon changing the ink cartridge on my computer. Always a challenge...I usually make a mess and call John. Maybe I can pull it off this time all by my self.

    Well it appears a new Supreme Court judge has been unofficially chosen. Regardless of thousands of protesters, over 2300 lawyers sending signed petitions arguing against the current nominee, a retired Supreme Court judge speaking out against the current guy, being accused of attempted rape several times, multiple incidents of excessive drinking and these are just a few issues. His actual writings of record are alarming in and of themselves. We are in trouble here! I believe in that that old saying...if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything! Enough of my prattle for the today!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I reread my post and I guess I need to beg your forgiveness. I do sound like the maniac that I am. I go crazy with concern sometimes. I will try to regain my composure but it isn’t easy for me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited October 2018
    Hello, Tai Chi morning, followed by a stop at Fresh Thyme where I had a lovely coupon to use. Was quite disappointed that quite a few veggies were conventional only. Huge store though and I looked around a lot. Took my purchases home and then off to pick up my trial order with Walmart. Very disappointed in it. Many substitutes and some items totally unavailable, I rejected most of the substitutes. Got a revised receipt later by the way. I also stopped at Walgreens and started using up bonus points in the largest amount possible. Program is changing Nov 4th I think and the max reward on a purchase will be $5. I currently still have enough points for two $50 purchases so will endeavor to use them up in time.

    Still did not find organic zucchini and organic Japanese red sweet potatoes. If I had just gone to my normal stores I would likely have found those items, saved time, and been a happier person. Haaaa. So I have not found an ordering service that works for me. I am looking for a service that I can use if I am unable to drive for some reason. Illness, injury, etc. Looks like I’d best stay healthy.

    Did a couple of loads of laundry, some paperwork and texted with a friend.

    Meanwhile all my phones ring multiple times a day now. The usual scammers with a layer of political mess on the top. I have stopped answering any of the phones unless I either recognize the number or a friend’s name pops up.

    Sandy, I ordered four items from Costco as a trial. I don’t think I will tip for leaving them on my porch. If I had a bigger order and/or I needed things brought into my garage or something, yes I would tip. Meanwhile they charged my credit card a 15% surcharge with the caveat that the final order total would be adjusted within 7 days. Guess they assumed I would tip that amount. They didn’t realize how incredibly cheap I am. Haaaa.

    Patsy, I had C-Span on for a while this afternoon. I am sick. Enough said.

    Anne and Jackie, why in heavens name would the hurling stones be on that show? Are there properties near these historic stones? Hummmmm.

    Sandy, one of these days I will need to get a lottery ticket again. I think the jackpots are huge again. Haaa.

    Buzz, hello my friend. You were up very late last night. Wow! I ended up with horrible sinus problems this morning and sat up to start hacking and blowing stuff out of my head this morning about 4am (ish). An hour later I thought my head was fairly clear but gosh, I could have used the sleep. I don’t know how you get by on so little rest.

    Tomorrow is a paper crafting day at the library. I will probably just take some markers and do some autumn coloring.

    I think I will try to catch up a bit on sleep tonight. I will take my cough drops and something to drink along with me this time.


  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    LIN, although it's a house buying show, places of interest in the area are also shown. As well as the prehistoric stones a rescue place for injured, orphaned, native English otters was also visited. Delightful little creatures, have you been JACKIE? Maybe it's not open to the general public. I can well understand what drew you to that part of England. Me too, if I ever inherit!

    Online shopping seems to be a big disappointment in your area Lin. I've joined but it's for future emergency use really. You know, if we all get flu or a blizzard strikes and I need something before the boys can dig out! This coming week I'll be back at my usual Organic Garage and maybe use "Gateway" once a month to keep my hand in. I've never heard of Japanese red sweet potatoes. Apparently nothing so exotic here, just the usual russets and Yukon golds etc. with the odd Caribbean yam thrown in the mix.

    PATSY, don't despair, all things change in time. I watched a little today on American TV and was amazed at what will probably be the judge outcome. I'll say one thing about the present regime with all the drama going on - I've learnt an awful lot about the American system. However, its hard to believe life has altered so much in two years.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Too late to comment, besides, my comments would probably get me off MFP!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The wind is howling down my chimney with its draughty still to be fixed hole in the back and rain is hitting my windows but needs must, a doggy walk is next. I will get the deed out of the way then return to you sneakers with coffee in hand.

    Meanwhile my only comment on recent appalling events in several parts of the world is it continues to be a man's world ladies and unfortunately too many are still living in their caves!
    'Nuff said, perhaps a cold blast of rain in my face will blow my disgust away....
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good morning, another cold, wet, gloomy day. Getting ready to leave for a day of fun (and maybe a bit of productivity) with the monthly paper crafting ladies at the library around the corner.

    Best wishes to you all. Hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Same as Lin with a cold, wet gloomy day. My only plans are to go to Mass and visit Babe and Daisy. Good day to ride my bike since I can't seem to shed these extra pounds.

    Current events are so distressing including here in Chicago. There were peaceful demonstrations over the guilty verdict of a police officer who shot a 17 year old with 16 shots.
    I agree with the verdict even with the kid yielding a knife, it was just to excessive. Just my opinion.

    I am glad we have each other to voice our opinions and no one gets angry, that is what real friends do.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    So where did the rest of my day go? Our walk was wet and windy and when I was back home coffee cup in hand I decided to log my interest in the little ex-breeding Pug with the dog rescue centre. A friendly voice on the other end of the phone told me someone will be in touch soon!
    The afternoon was spent finishing the painting in the garden room so thank goodness, job done!
    (My iPhone just told me the latest news from the States... so sorry!)

    Patsy, you have every right to feel as you do and I can't imagine how I would react to such crass decision making in my country, not too well that's for sure.

    Anne, My hairdresser is in Bodmin and only about 12 miles away and the river Fowey that runs through our local woodland walk apparently is home to a few wild otters but the exact location is kept secret so they don't get disturbed. I've not seen one yet!

    Sandy, our close knit group is so supportive of each other whatever opinions we might hold which proves to me how special everyone is. Hopefully your time with Babe and Daisy is enjoyable with no dramas!

    Lin, Your thought that someone might have a home amongst the Hurler Stones did make me giggle when I read your post this morning although I did learn when looking at old parish census records a couple of years ago that a handful of copper miners lived on the open moors in tents with wife and several children in the mid 1800's because they couldn't afford a roof over their heads. That must have been so hard especially during the winter months.

    Think I'll read for a while then get some shut eye.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good grief! Well that’s it! We have a new Supreme Court judge and all I can say is ——————! Really! I would move but I have too much junk and not enough energy. I would just leave it but I am too old to start over again. So I am stuck here and I will now volunteer to see that everyone is registered and is encouraged to vote no matter for who but SOMEONE! Honestly, last election had a low turnout because people didn’t like their choices. There were other reasons for the election results but we don’t need to go there at this point.

    Sunny day here. John is out returning some stuff we ordered that didn’t work. I am fixing salmon patty sandwiches and mixed veggies, apple slices for dessert. I would love potatoes but I had some yesterday. They are wonderful but pack a calorie punch.

    Here is a depressing event! I have developed age freckles. How pitiful is that? Doc says I can have them lazered off, that sounds expensive and painful. They are on my chest. I guess I don’t wear too many really low neck dresses these days anyway but...darn it! I don’t really like them.

    I sound like a grouch today, don’t I?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, SANDY, JACKIE, LIN, ANNE, move over for one more outraged human being to join you!!! On top of that, I have this miserable job of shopping (and returning!) online for a bathing suit to fit my too large top and a matching bottom for my too large waistline that will not look huge on my more normal hips! Yes, I'm down to separates: blouson tops with either shorts or swim pants! :'(:'(:'( ...Like 1/2 the day and I still can't find bottoms that fit MY bottom! Maybe I should just forget pool exercises! Forgive my self-centeredness but I'm one unhappy shopper today! Still love you all, and please keep the world functioning for me, OK?
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My morning began in a rather grumpy way because monster Brady had left bits of mouse on the garden room floor for George to find before I had seen it so then of course George and I fell out when I tried to take these bits out of his mouth and very nearly got bitten for my trouble! Well we've walked now and George has been well aware of my grumpiness and spent most of the hour trying to make me laugh by running circles and yes, chasing sheep poo!! It's a perfect day for gardening and I might also visit the allotment with my neighbour to tidy and pick the last of the produce.

    Like Anne I'm learning a lot about America and its politics and am glad we have a parliamentary system in the UK. It's cumbersome at times but does appear to be fairer and slightly less partisan. Apparently only 17% of us identify with a specific party these days and it's down to policies and what individuals believe to be right so anything can happen! Unfortunately for America the current Julius Caesar style policy of Divide and Conquer that kept his people arguing among themselves while the main man sneakily built his Empire is working but we all know what happened to him in the end!!

    Buzz, a similar experience to your swimsuit bottom is my purchase of walking shoes that are either too narrow or float like boats but I don't have the patience to go through a returns procedure. The current unworn pair are about to be offered to my neighbour who did recently give me the 2 suction handrails for my shower because her dad didn't want them so it'll be a sort of swap! By the way, I love the swim pants with a loose top look... please don't give up your swimming.

    I've just noticed a strange programme appeared on my laptop so off to investigate!
    Happy Sunday.
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Just me saying hello. Mike and I are going over to Mark and Mary Jo's house for thanksgiving dinner without Jilly who is still indisposed and banned from attending although nearing the end of her season and clean anyway. Mark isn't as "daft" as Mike and me and says although he likes Jilly we should remember she's only a dog. ONLY a DOG! This is wonder dog he's talking about.! I guess he has a point and at least she won't get stood on or eaten by Hobbes the enormous cat.

    I like the idea of shorts and a blouson top BUZZ. Maybe the Victorian ladies who happily swam in frilled long johns had the right idea! after all. I remember my aunt knitting me a swimsuit when I was 8 years old in the war years. Great when on dry land, it sank to my knees when laden with sea water. Never saw it again! But, never forgotten again either! Please don't wear a hand knitted swimsuit, regardless! I swear most of us from that generation suffer in some form from PTSD.

    American politics are starting to fascinate me, but like JACKIE I prefer to LIVE with the Canadian and British parliamentary systems and just view the antics from across the border! Julius Caesar, ah yes! Brush up your Shakespeare Donald! Read today that the First Lady doesn't always agree with his twittering. Excuse my ignorance but does the new judge preside over high profile divorce cases? Well, I guess the female participants won't do any worse than me in Quebec! Start a hidden cash hoard married girls! Good advice from my mom which I didn't heed!

    Today I'm happily in the World theatre audience, my only concern being dogs on heat and mouse bearing cats.

    Have a wondrous Sunday and pretend it's American and British thanksgiving as well as for us up here!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dear ones! Wet and cold here. It is football and pizza tonight. I like it but not as much as John. He does look forward to Sunday football. Maybe I can talk him into veggie soup as a compromise. But I do not want to spoil his fun.

    Thanksgiving in October and on Sunday....sounds reasonable. I understand we in USA used to celebrate thanksgiving in October years ago. For some reason it was changed. I know our thanksgiving is the official start of the holiday season. I do like that. Since our kids are grown and there are no little ones in our midst, the holidays have a different feeling. Still nice but different. John hates turkey so Christmas and thanksgiving dinners are unusual around here.

    As we age I have a desire to make holidays simple but important. We have such a small family and our daughter and family do not mix with the us, I have a bit of sadness about that. I am a romantic. I want the Norman Rockwell family type of holidays.

    Anne and Jackie, enjoy your thanksgiving. Jilly will be fine. She will fuss for a few minutes and then take a nap until you return. Katie rarely gets left alone but she is fine. By the way, do you have turkey and pumpkin pie on thanksgiving? Enjoy!

    Our government used to work. History tells us we adopted part of our government from English parliamentary governance. A bit different now but we used to hold a reverence for our constitution. Currently things are breaking apart. We all see a scary change in the way our government is operating. In our country there is a devisive element that is pulling us apart. There are many important challenges that threaten our quality of life. In truth, almost everyone feels the uncomfortable change.

    We must remember to smell the roses.