Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello, had a sort of busy morning, very rainy morning I might add. Not that I did much in the way of housework I mainly made a typed list of all the groceries I usually buy so I won't forget any items when I order the groceries on-line. Then I did just that, ordered on-line for Thursday delivery. A very nice woman phoned last night to ask if I was happy with my first order and of course I was delighted. Hope this coming one is as good. I get $5 off for being a new customer.

    JACKIE, when we lived in Derbyshire I got a very irate phone call from the woman doctor who lived behind us. Her cats hadn't figured out the cat flap and where sitting outside in the rain whilst my Thelly was fast asleep inside on her pink satin bedspread. He was a very intelligent cat and despite offers of adoption he came with us to Canada at the age of nine years.

    Wow SANDY, I can't imagine loaning my ex a hundred dollars, mind you he's well off and I'm not! I take it yours didn't remarry?

    LIN, your day out turned rather adventurous didn't it! and traumatic for your friend!

    BUZZ, I hope my days of pushing my shopping cart to the grocery store and pushing it back are over!

    PATSY, I don't think you've posted today. The last was Katie's new toys. Jilly hasn't got that many. She has her favourites which come out all the time. In particular a very dilapidated and slavery, soggy baby rubber bone which has lost its squeak. We've hunted everywhere for a replacement for when it is no more. She loves it so much she takes it to bed with her every night.

    Sorry girls, boring post but today is indeed a very boring, rainy, stay in sort of day. I think it is coming from Sandy's area.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Okay! The dark days have kicked in and it is time to drag out my happy light and start taking Vitamin D again. It is always a surprise to me when I get these symptoms each fall. It is a yucky feeling but the good news is there is a strategy that is very helpful. Our son suffers from the same problem. In our phone visit last Sunday he also mentioned feeling yucky. Inherited yucky!

    Katie is trouble with John. He walked into the house from his trip in town and Katie was excited to see him. He was also carrying a plastic bag filled with stuff from the hardwear store. She leaped up or rather threw herself at him from clear across the room. She knocked him down and he fell on the hardwear and on the ceramic tile entryway. He has a bruised hip and ribs. I tell you it was scary. No broken bones but sore and painful walking around. Katie learned some interesting new words from John and he let her know just how much he disapproved. They have made up now but it took awhile.

    I am staying up on the Supreme Court hearings but I have become rather sanguine about the outcome at this point.

    Sandy: bless your heart, you are a caring person. I don’t have an EX but our son does. He also helps his EX when the need arises.

    Lin: your zoo visit sounds great. I really feel for your friend. I often have days like that...accident prone and things just go cattywampus. Is that a word? Anyway, you know what I mean.

    Jackie: your gardenroom sounds so wonderful. It has been a creative experience to develope that room. Can’t wait for you to start enjoying it.

    Buzz: I lose track of how quick we use fresh fruits and veggies. I buy too much, planning to cook and serve all that great produce. Then sadly, I don’t. A lot goes to waste. So I am going the opposite direction now. I always need to go to the grocery Store! I am always out of something.

    Anne: I love rye bread, especially the real dark rye. I think it has a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder. But any rye bread is just great. Enjoy! Your Mike will enjoy your bread machine as much as you will. We love our grown kids!

    Uggggggh we have fog and mist. Time to put on some cool music and get to work.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK, ANNIE GIRL, I must straighten you out! Those grocery bags were loaded, and my poor dear of a bus driver finally figured out how to load them on my walker (which was on the back of the bus) so I could get them upstairs. I could barely move the walker! $134 in groceries for ONE person??? I must be out of my mind!
    I just had my "yearly" housecleaning (a gift of the community,lol) which includes screens, windows and my wall mirror! My refrigerator could not be budged, but I'm happy. I even made the bed with all the fancy-schmancy pillows! Right now, I have a large bag of prunes stewing away with cinnamon sticks on my stove-top I must see if something else belongs in it!
    Tonight is our community residents' show, and we heard from last night's audience it was fabulous. I did not attend last night as a friend died and I spent most of the evening with his new widow, trying to help her decide which of his many hundred carvings she should share with funeral goers. I don't envy her clean up task as he carved prolifically, in their apartment! Hundreds of tools and carvings name it.
    Early dinner tonight, so I'd better come to, and get ready with a touch of lipstick!!! I'm ready for a nap instead!
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always believe something Wonderful is aboit to Happen!.........................

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Today it's foggy with a hint of sunshine later if it ever manages to burn off the murk. In spite of the mist George and I were up to the moors by 8.30 because the chimney sweep's visit was becoming more complicated by the minute so I felt it would be necessary to be home when he arrived at 9.30. Just as well because the neighbour's builder apparently phoned them last night to say they wouldn't be here to let him in to their property so she had come home from work just as I arrived. All sorted, she went back to work and I've now let him in to hers and left him to sweep their 2 chimneys then he will come to me.
    Those bloomin' Hurlers had me confused this morning as I walked George round them a few times rather than wander too far but then lost my bearings for a minute. Just in time I worked out which circle I was standing in and what direction I had to walk to return to the car otherwise I might still be up there!!

    Oh dear Patsy, sounds like your John got a far too enthusiastic welcome from Katie but then she only did it because she loves him. I'm sure he knows that really and can I add that George is driving me mad at the moment because he knows the chimney sweep is around so it's bark, bark, bark so I wonder what I ever did to adopt him. That thought only lasts a few seconds of course because I know he is doing his best to protect me from the man with the brushes!!

    So sorry Buzz to read another friend has died in your community. Not something to ever get used to is it.

    Anne, that's such a funny story about your cat Thelly sneaking into the neighbour's house. The chimney sweep has just told me a cat snuck in past him while he was sweeping next door so I've been in to check it wasn't Brady again!! Talk about fickle, cats don't care where they live so long as there's food and a warm bed. :D

    Robbie the sweep just left and since he found a broken plate at the back of my old stove I've made the decision to replace it with a new smart one with flat top so I can sit my kettle on it!! He's a smithy by trade and so clever when it comes to chimneys and stoves plus he loves George even if he barks at him practically non-stop while he works!

    Drat, if I turn back a page I'll lose this and know I wanted to respond to both Sandy and Lin. I'll get on with a few chores and pop back later.


  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Just a quick hello before the day starts, and what a start? I see Donald is back to his old self just when I was beginning to think he was starting to get warm and cuddly. No wonder young women daren't say a word until they are older and stronger!

    Heavens what's going on outside, loads of dogs barking at each other and of course Jilly joining in from the inside, she and George are kindred spirits in that department!

    Talking of George and spirits JACKIE, please keep away from the Hurlers on misty, moisty mornings! We don't want you and George joining them by turning into stone! Strange things happen on "them thar" moors. Maybe tie a long piece of string to the first stone to find your way back if you venture forth in the mist again?

    We've had two days of rain, but a very watery sun is now peeping through. Strange weather, it's our thanksgiving this weekend and the temperature is forecast to be 30 degrees! What! The leaves on the trees are barely turning colour yet! I've been invited over to Mark and family for dinner, but will probably decline because Jilly is still in season, their house is posh, and maybe they feel "never the twain should meet". I don't want to leave her alone for hours and their dinners CAN stretch for hours.
    If we don't go, I've got a leg of lamb which is a rare luxury over here and Jilly loves a nibble. Anyway, I've put feelers out, after all she's almost back to normal.

    Annie and The Bean.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2018
    Not to worry Anne, we're never short of a leg of lamb on them tha'r hills so I wouldn't go hungry if lost!!

    The sun has burned through and it's hot by October standards which is as well if I'm without my stove for a few weeks. Phew but busy outside making the most!!

    PS Agreed, just when I thought that man couldn't be more despicable.... there was one lady right of camera though that didn't change her expression so I don't think she was impressed. The rest of the women in his audience should be ashamed.
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Agree, the women should be ashamed. Wouldn't a few booes and hisses be lovely, even better a few eggs and tomatoes thrown at the boor of THIS century.
    Had a thought JACKIE. If you do get another dog, could George teach him/her to bark as well?
    Lovely photo, make a nice painting or jigsaw.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited October 2018
    Happy Wednesday! :) Yep, you guessed it, no winner again and only 11 numbers left. I needed one to win the game at a chance for the big money, let me tell you my heart was pounding. No bingo win either, I will be glad when the big pot is won so I can stop going there since I haven't won since I started months ago. Hopefully, tonight will be different.
    It is going to go up to the 80's today so as of now windows are open and hoping I do not have to turn on the A/C.

    Anne and Jackie, there are no words to describe our embarrassing leader. I have no idea how he has so many supporters and how mean they are to the opposing side. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but bullying each other is just not accepted. My roommate for Hawaii is one who is just so mean in expressing her opinion I am not sure how I will put up with her.

    Jackie, love your photo and although I am not familiar with the story of the Hurlers, please don't get lost and turn into stone. Do you every get strays in your pet door?

    Anne, you can always get those little panties they have for dogs in heat. That way you can enjoy all the festivities with your family. I didn't realize your Thanksgiving was so much earlier than ours. BTW, my first husband and I were married 14 years, he later married one of our boarders and divorced her after 14 years, he then went back to dating his high school sweetheart who had sent him a "Dear John" letter while he was in the army. We both married on the rebound which is why it probably didn't last. We have always remained friends for the sake of our four children. Life is too short to hold grudges especially when children are involved. It doesn't work for everyone, my son and his ex-wife despise each other, daughter or not.

    Buzz, you are a kind soul, always there for people in need. Your community is lucky to have you.

    Patsy, sorry the darker days bring you sadness, does your light help? Maybe John can take you to a warmer and sunny climate for the winter, is that an option?

    Lin, another busy day for you? I have a feeling we might be posting together.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    SANDY, I'd never get Jilly to keep panties on. Jilly the tearer of dusters, stuffed rabbits, socks!! Actually, I don't have a problem, she is a very clean little dog sorting herself out. The only washing is her bed blanket from when she's asleep. It's just that others aren't sure of this when it comes to their own homes.
    You are a kind soul Sandy, you really are, but couldn't you persuade one of his grown children to loan their father cash rather than you? Just wondering. No need to reply.
    Annie the nosy.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited October 2018
    Good morning. We had a fairly robust conversation at book club last night. Opinion was quite divided on this book but it is nice when you can discuss something without people becoming mean and angry. Maybe only at book club?

    So I was off early this morning to Tai Chi and Qigong. Stopped for the discount market day on my way home. Score! My favorite organic frozen veggies were in stock so my freezer is much fuller now.

    I was going to zip over for a half hour of Tai Chi 24 form before running in the other direction for the Sun style Tai Chi class. BUT, their is road construction going on now which makes this quite difficult, especially over the lunch hour. So I will just go to the one class a bit later. Wow, it is roasting hot out there.

    The handyman has been here to fix the piece of hanging trim on my house. It was at the top of the second floor just under the gutter. It was good of him to fix it before a strong wind damaged it further.

    Needed a break there. Back now.

    Jackie, lovely photos but a bit spooky I must say. So no heat until this problem the chimney sweep pointed out has been sorted out. All new heater needed? More barking for George if that is the case. Oh my, and the folks putting down the new tile. Wow, he has lots of opportunities to protect you.

    Anne, I think you are more comfortable staying home for the upcoming holiday. But I am sure you will miss all your family members so a difficult issue.

    Sandy, I wish someone would win that big Bingo Pot. You of course! And again good for you getting along with your ex. Mine does not care if I am dead or alive and most assuredly has no idea whatsoever. But then I am just assuming he is still out there somewhere. Haaaaaa.

    Buzz, I hope you found spots for all your purchases and that you got some rest last night.

    Patsy, I am sure Katie feels horrible about the accident. Hopefully she will be an extra good girl for a while.

    Hugs all. Must get moving.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2018
    Oh my word, 1/2 my post disappeared when I clicked!!! I was talking about our fabulous residents's show last night!
    nd he had everybody in the cast lip-synching so well, I thought they suddenly developed singing voices! Some was plain hysterical, some just plain gorgeous, and some just totally wonderful and this year, he included many of our staff, including our new administrator who was right out of Broadway loving every laugh, and they were in outrageous ball costumes of every different type! Our costumer is a retired art teacher who simply cannot stop working here! She decorates everything she can put her hands on, and makes all the many costumes for every show! And I hate to believe she is a firm Trump devotee, but she is. I love her anyway, though you would think, as an ex-New Yorker, she would know better what kind of a con artist he is! That sort of puzzles me: how otherwise seemingly intelligent and nice people can be taken in so badly by a boorish bully who calls everyone (else) names that are despicable!
    Well, I'm late for lunch, but if I don't eat it, my weight goes UP!!!
    So much I wanted to write, but it will have to wait!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    I have been looking over online grocery options. I have placed a small order with Costco. They will deliver tomorrow. Right now delivery is free. I also placed a Walmart order that I will pick up late Friday morning. There are two other options but I am not trying them right now. One requires a membership and you must pickup your order in a two hour timeframe on a particular day once a month. The last one is a grocery store where I understand you must pay a fee to be able to order and then pay a delivery fee based on what you’be ordered and how far they have to drive. Might look that over at some point but I am less than thrilled with their fresh organic produce. Anne, I am still marveling how easily you found a service that did a good job with your order.

    Boy, that takes a lot of time!


  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi LIN, it was easy for me ordering online. I first chose a grocery store I'm familiar with to see if they do home delivery. They did and use a firm called Grocery Gateway. I've seen their van on my Jilly ambles so figured other folk must be satisfied. They do charge just under $10 for delivery and deliver inside your home if you wish. On the kitchen counter I mean. They also phone 10 minutes before arrival. I thought the fee reasonable for me if I do a big order every two weeks, after all I've no car to maintain, pay insurance on, or pay for gas. If I run out of green veggies I can either walk the 15 minutes to the Organic Garage or rely on frozen and root vegetables. I'm thinking "winter". I'm getting my second delivery later this morning to stock up and then will go to the two week ordering if still delighted. This second order comes with a $5 refund for joining Gateway.

    Looking forward to your assessment of Costco but not sure if they deliver here. I bet they do. For me, I value a bit of independence and I hate the boys having to take me on long grocery hauls, although they don't seem to mind. I will still have to rely on Mike for the pet store and banking for cash. If online shopping works it's certainly a boon for us as we age.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello lovely Sneakers. Another foggy day that meant a planned walk on the moors with a friend was moved to the local woods. The Canada geese are on their practice runs again low over the tree tops so I don't think it will be long before they head north. A pasty is warming in the oven then I'll be off to my hairdresser for a tidy... George's turn next week!

    Sandy, don't worry sweetheart we watch with fascination from the other side of the Pond at the bizzarre antics and appalling opinions of that man knowing that for so many Americans he is a total embarrassment although as Buzz commented, there are others who seem to be mesmerized. If he doesn't one day cause WWIII you will all look back on his term as some sort of tasteless reality show!!
    My cats wear a collar with a magnet attached that opens their cat flap so strange moggies can't get in without one. My neighbours' cats have a posh catflap that reads their microchip but Brady sneaks in when they have a door open and don't spot him but have for now stopped feeding him so I can hopefully get him on a diet!!

    Must get ready to go back out so wish you all an enjoyable day.
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    edited October 2018
    LIN, groceries just delivered and just as nice as before. Hope you have the same experience. $5 off for being a new customer and over $10 in reduced items, toilet bowl cleaner etc. Paid for the delivery, and some.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! It is about 6:30 here and pitch black outside. Katie and I are up doing our exercise but John is still in bed. He is our sleepyhead. As much as I tend to be a social person, I love a bit of time to drink my coffee and tune into the news and views in the morning. The happy light will be next to my reading chair. I am going to get a couple more to spot in the kitchen and my dungeon.

    We do live in interesting times. The gallery is having an artists potluck and listening to other painters, it occurred to me that I was seeing a cultural shift. As we have said for hundreds of years, art is the big mirror of the day. Everyone was saying that art has become artless today. There is a crass expression that is becoming popular. We had a great time sipping awful wine and complaining about change.

    I, for one, think the home delivery is a wonderful thing. Back when I was a little kid, there was delivery of certain things. Now it is returning. As long as we are careful about the delivery source and stay safe, it is a time saver and as Anne said, helps us maintain independence.

    Sky is lightening up and time for more coffee. Not sure what the day will bring. I had the strange thought that sneakers deliver friendship right to our home and heart. Home delivery is wonderful!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I finally had a win at bingo, in fact two for a total of $150. I am not going to my meeting today as Bryanna is picking up her sister from school but needs to go somewhere for an hour so she asked if Isabel could come here. No problem, she is well behaved.
    I would love grocery home delivery but I shop at Walmart and they only offer curb side pick up. Another grocery store offers delivery but their prices are higher so I will just continue to do my own physical shopping.

    Patsy, wow exercising at 6:30, I am still turning over at that time. Good for you. I hope the lamps are helping especially since it is raining.

    Jackie, the cat collars seem very high tech but safe. I am glad no other critters can find their way in. I have many friends and a daughter and son in law who are fans of Trump, we just agree to disagree except for a few who are always posting something to cause a stir on Facebook.

    Anne, I am glad the grocery service is working for you although your boys are so good I am sure they don't mind taking you shopping. It will be great when the snow starts flying. I think my ex is too embarrassed to ask his children so he calls me instead.

    Lin, good luck in your search for delivery.

    Buzz, not sure where the rest of your post went but we got the message.

    Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good morning. At the library, chatter is at a fever pitch given the developments in the news.

    Moving on after this for a Tai Chi lesson.

    Sandy, congrats on your Bingo wins. Wahoo!! Delivery options are much more expensive adjust trying things out. If I cannot drive for some reason it would be nice to have another proven option. Enjoy your day.

    Patsy, oh yes, Sneaker friends are a gift and definitely home delivery!!

    Hugs. Must run now.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    I received my few items from Costco late this afternoon. Signed for them, exactly what I ordered but I had no idea I would be asked to tip. I received both an email and a text encouraging me to give feedback on my order and to tip the driver. Hummmmmm.


    I am going through pick up my Walmart order tomorrow. Interesting process.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yes, LIN, tips are mostly how these delivery persond get paid, and most are young college students needing extra money! I generaly add between 15 and 20 % of the bill for the tip . It's still worth it to me to have groceries delivered right to my kitchen!
    I managed to get to WW today before the funeral bussing us to the funeral home in Delray Beach. Up 1/4 lb, and leader says probably water. My swimsuit arrived today, and I wrenched my shoulder trying to pull it up!
    received a notice from Facebook that someone rie to log into my account, while an email from my son containing pictures got stopped by "mailor daemon"! The address was wild!
    I'm Sleepless in Boca, for a change, and my thinking seems to be affected so, I'll get to bed and return when I'm less fuzzy!
    <3 Buzz