Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning sneakers! Cold morning but sunny. We are to get warmer weather later in the week. It will be nice to continue the attack on the monumental mess outside. Weeds, leaves, sticks and broken limbs and fallen rotting apples...just lovely!

    We watched John’s beloved football on Sunday evening. He enjoyed it. Katie is his assistant coach. I sort of figured out what was happening.

    I am excited to see Murphy Brown is coming back. I loved that TV show back in the day. Funny and timely as well. They took on some important issues in a way that was easy for people to digest. I have high hopes for the new show. Redos are often not as good as the original. I think it is the expectation of what is really impossible.

    The movie Buzz is referring to is a very well done movie. There is another very edgy movie on the subject of dementia, it won some awards and was fabulous. It was called, “Away from her” starring Julie Christy. There was another one also, very well done starring Julianne Moore. Can’t remember the name but also very sensitive. Of course, Donald Sutherland really can’t do a bad movie. He is just too good. Then there was Helen Muir (sp) she is worth watching no matter what, to my mind.

    Must get after the day’s activities. I am already behind. So what else is new?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Decent day, even though I gave in to 1 + 1/2 rolls at dinner! I was told I did very well in the leg muscle test today, doing 13 "watch- a- may- call- its" (cross arms across chest and do as many sitting -to stand ups as possible in 30 seconds!). For 91, I was expected to do between 7 and 10. Afterward, we had a 19 minute film on communities where residents ordinarily live to over 100. There are places high in mountainous areas, like Sardinia, Alaska, and I can't remember some others, where it is common. No stores, cars, roads, houses as we know them; No worries, little stress, families live together and REVERE their elders and respect them! Food is mostly what they grow or find. No machinery, so they do natural exercising that we depend on machines to do! We decided we've made our lives too complicated to live the simple life! At night, we had a Toastmasters type of meeting, with 1 minute of impromptu speech-making. Our Community is sure working at keeping us functioning!
    I charged my iPad, and thought I was taken off the VB team for Wednesday, but it was a mistake. I hope someone can record all our errors! But it will be fun, which is the whole idea, to me! Tomorrow we get a balance check-up. Mine has disintegrated so I know what to expect!
    I missed a wonderful aquarobic session today, specially designed to help arthritis victims! So I got online and ordered a swimsuit to fit me now! That takes courage... not trying it on! My suits are all too small!
    SANDY, what can I say? Gorgeous family with magnificent you right there!
    LIN, wish you were feeling better really soon!
    JACKIE, I checked with other people and they all thought the film was wonderful and realistic!
    ANNE, Sometimes things blow up for a reason. You will love your new Bread machine!!!
    Hi ya PATSY, hope all is well!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!........................
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member

    Lots of hugs and licks from Annie and Jilly. XxxxxxxxxxxxxX
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lin! Dear friend, all my best wishes for a happy birthday. It seems crazy to wish you a happy birthday without graphics or design. I can only say that you are that true blue sneaker with a heart of gold. Your joyful sharing of your cards and other works of creative pursuit can only be described as inspired. Your sweet nature and honesty are only just a part of you.
    Be blessed and know you are loved and appreciated,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Oh my, thank you Anne and Patsy. What a lovely start to a Sneaker day!

    I am off to play Mah Jongg and to collect several of my birthday offers. A free treat at Starbucks and a special birthday discount at the papercrafting store.

    I am pooped. All the packing, toting, setting up, tearing down, slogging things back in the house and standing on a not that friendly floor in nice-looking shoes (haaaa) did me in. It was interesting. The two sisters with displays next to me (same as last year) have both retired from their art. One is very frail, on a walker and apparently moving to a nursing home soon. I purchased one of her small oil paintings and she labored to sign the back of it for me. Her sister told me she also is selling everything off, no more printmaking for her, no sketching, nothing. She doesn’t want her daughter stuck with piles of prints she said. She is even selling framed pieces from her house. She told me stories of how two of them came about. We said goodbye as she said she is likely not returning.

    Well, with those bits and snippets, I need to move on. Rain coming later.

    Hugs dear friends.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member

    Wishing you the very best birthday Lin. We are so grateful to have you as part of our group.
    Know that you are loved for all you do for everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I have some laundry to do before the fireplace repairman comes this afternoon. Say a prayer he can fix it reasonable. I plan on going to the bingo with the big pot, still hoping for a miracle. Ha!!

    My trip was great and I might go back for Thanksgiving since Lisa will be gone with the boys to her brother's house in Alabama. I am thinking of taking the train next time if I can figure it all out.

    Still trying to get caught up on other things so will be back tomorrow. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Funny day. For a start, rain. Then my bread machine arrived. The box was so big and heavy the poor delivery guy could barely carry it down the drive, up the steps, and knock on my front door. I could barely carry it into the kitchen, actually I didn't carry it, I dragged it! I've spent a few hours trying to figure it out. If I ever do, not only does it make bread of all description but it also makes pizza dough, bakes cakes, makes meat loaf, and of all things makes jam. I can cope with ingredients of course, but it's the control panel that's got me flummoxed. I might swop with Michael and his cheap, simple machine if he's willing because his brain is bigger than mine. He says "it will be simple mam, you see". AH !

    The big news though is..... I slipped in the bath, not once but twice! This is because there are no rails or handles, you have to heave yourself upright by gripping the very narrow sides of the bath. A wall on one side and a grooved rail holding glass sliding doors make this very difficult. Anyway I've now got a bruised back and arm as the mosquito bites disappear. Some malignant spirit not wanting me to get bored now the itching is gone!

    My landlord, Mark, is very concerned and there is talk of me getting one of those walk in thingies, where, once in, you get to sit on a seat to scrub down. Knowing me, the thingy will probably leak and I'll fall into the basement as the floor collapses. It IS an old house, plus I tend to be accident prone. Of course I could just spend the next remaining years making do with an all over wash like our ancestors did. That is, the ones who weren't Romans or rich. Will let you all know what is decided. He also talked of turning my linen closet into a walk in shower instead of me climbing into the tub to shower. No way! I need my linen closet to store toilet rolls, tissue boxes, hair dryers as well as the more mundane sheets, pillowcases and towels.

    Ah well, let's see what tomorrow brings apart from Michael who might drop by to figure out the control panel before heading for his afternoon shift at work.

    Oh, the heat keeps coming on, so the furnace far.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    TO Dear LIN <3<3<3
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited September 2018
    LIN, may you enjoy many more birthdays, dear friend! I repeat SANDY's sentiments totally!
    My day started with a haircut, or should I say head shave?nne15qqt0g7p.jpg...
    Is that short or is it shorter? I should have gotten it for summer, but I was always doing things opposite to common sense!!!
    We had a Teeter Totter test today and I failed miserably! I could stand on one leg only 3 seconds! I'd better start practising!
    Tonight we had in our auditorium something intriguing called "Opera Kadabra"! This fellow opened his show singing an Italian aria magnificently, and then pulled out a rope for some very entertaining magic! He kept up a clever patter while going back and forth between singing and being a magician! He will certainly stand out from the usual pack! Returning, I was surprised to see my laundry had not put itself into the dryer, so back to the mundane world. A couple of tops require ironing, which I hate! I must sleep so I can wake early as our bus leaves here at 9:45 for our Volley Ball competition.
    I'm glad PATSY liked that film I thought was so good, as I learned a few resident friends hated it, feeling it hit too close to home here! I think that's one reason I thought it was excellent! And yes, I saw the other 2 and they were memorable to me, as well!
    Now for my evening torture hour, as I watch the news while preparing for bed! Sleep well, everybody!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    So sorry Lin, I was away visiting a friend in the depths of Cornwall all day yesterday and missed your birthday.

    I do hope you had a wonderful day doing everything you enjoy.
    <3 Hugs ~ Jackie and George

    Back later but right now I have a local hospital appointment to get to for an x-ray on my hips then a pedicure and in between I might manage a coat of preservative on the decking while the sun shines!!
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    It's a black black sky. I took Jilly out for a long walk before the rain starts again. Thunder during the night kept us awake! Mikes decided to stay home until our usual Friday. It's very sticky and humid but only about 68F. It's been confirmed that we had 6 tornadoes all in residential areas. What a mess! Where do you go if your house is demolished!

    LIN, I hope yesterday turned into a most delightful day for you.
    JACKIE, hope you get good news regarding the hip X-ray.
    BUZZ, another haircut. Short hair does suit your face shape.
    SANDY, resting up after fun times.
    PATSY, busy as always, creative as always, and
    JERI, I hope you aren't one of those clearing early snow!

    Me, uneventful day, SO FAR! Washing sheets and towels. ExcitING!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone! It is to be warm and muggy here. Not my favorite but it is much worse in Portland. As I have said before, it is just impossible to please us here in Oregon. If we go two days without rain we get whiny and start predicting drought. If it rains two days in a row we start getting ready for floods and mudslides! Oh woe is us!!!! (?)

    Today is errand day and a sandwich out at one of our usual eating places. The sad thing is that the manager died suddenly last week. We had seen him earlier in the week and looked great. In the back of my mind I had the uncomfortable feeling he ate too much Fried food. He had that little “front porch” thing going on. He would often take a break and sit with us to chat. He always brought a big plate of French fries. He left us way too soon. He was jolly and loved baseball. Can’t help but feel I don’t ever want to go back there.

    Zowie! Buzz! You look amazing. That haircut makes your eyes sparkle and you look young and gorgeous. I have something similar. I don’t have bangs, picture latter. I need lipstick and a shower.

    Lin: birthdays always sort of get to me. It takes me a while to get my head straight. Am I really that old? No! We are at least 10 to 15 years younger because we have this little group and we keep involved in life. I think you are our baby! No matter what.

    Anne: now I get to be a pest and warn you! Let your son make your bathroom safer for you. A shower is lovely and you can tear out the tub and make that area a linen storage area. Whatever would help you stay safe. Bathrooms are notoriously dangerous. A fall where you broke your hip or pelvis will be a life changing event. It is one of our big fears. John installed grab bars in the shower and near the toilets. Be safe and do as we all try to do...embrace change and be ready for new experiences. I know! I need to mind my own business. We DO NOT want to see you get hurt. Just saying......

    Daybreak and coffee brewing. John and Katie fast asleep. I am up but barely functionable. Be well, my friends. Our friend the musician always said that an hour doing what you love, is an hour you don’t age.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) No winner!! I needed two different numbers for the $500 game for a long time but someone else beat me out of it!! The wait goes on!!!!! I am going to lunch with Joe, my 94 year old friend, he is a flirt, but harmless. Later bingo for another chance at a win.
    Just think of all the money I could save if I didn't go to bingo but then I would be so bored it wouldn't be worth it to me.

    The fireplace guy came and said my fireplace is too old to fix, he wouldn't be able to find parts. He said he could do a conversion to make it work but thinks it would be around $500 or $600. I called my landlord and asked if he would be willing to split the cost but he said he has to think about it. (not as good as the old landlady) They will call me with an estimate and then the decision will be made. It could mean no fireplace which will upset me.

    Anne, we are having a cool day but the sun is out so it is beautiful. Are you sore today after your fall? They do have suction bars to attach to your bath walls, maybe something to think about?

    Jackie, good luck with your hip, if I am correct you are wanting to replace it so I hope all works out for you.

    Buzz, I like your new haircut, it looks great. I on the other hand am trying to let my grow just a little because I am tired of my old hairstyle. Good luck on the volleyball competition.

    Lin, I hope your special day was just that.

    Patsy, hope your weather is sunny and bright today.

    Have a wonderful day dear friends.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Warning duly noted PATSY. Mark coming over today or tomorrow to decide what's best for aging mama. Thanks for ideas and caring, much appreciated. Annie.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2018
    A busy couple of hours all finished off with a wonderful foot massage. I'm so relaxed now I'm putting off mucking out the hens until morning and think instead, because I've missed breakfast and lunch apart from a banana, a few grapes and a crumpet I will plan an earlier evening meal then chill. It's a beautiful day that began with an 8.30 walk on the moors with George in warm sunshine that burned off the mist and has continued to feel more like mid summer.

    Yesterday I enjoyed a long day travelling to a place called Porthleven which sits on the south coast where I caught up with the sister of a school friend from way back when who moved there about 18 months ago. We enjoyed a delicious lunch on the quayside before strolling round the town with George then went to look at the remains of an old tin mine whose miners would have been working a mile or more underground and below the sea. It doesn't bear thinking about the conditions they must have endured.

    We asked a passerby to take a photo of us on my phone but somehow he managed to take 37 of the same image so I'm now having to plod through deleting 36 of them!!

    Buzz, good luck in volleyball match today. I expect to read great things about the event!

    Anne, I was recently given 2 handrails that fix to the shower tiles with suction after I had commented I was struggling to wash my feet as my hips wouldn't let me bend without holding on to something. I do hold them to balance but wouldn't trust them to take my weight. I love my shower because it's just so easy to walk in each morning, or evening if I've been doing something mucky, but do admit I did for some time miss a nice hot soak in the bath after a day gardening.

    The room is filling with wasps buzzing about! Well maybe not filling but there are 2 annoying creatures refusing to leave through the open window so I'll have to do something to persuade them to leave. Ha, picked up my hefty English dictionary and they read my mind and disappeared in a flash!

    Sandy, I hope you get your fire so you can feel nice and cosy mid-winter. Enjoy your date!

    Patsy, that's sad about the manager passing away. At the moment we are getting a lot of public service announcements on the radio about obesity being a killer and the numbers rising all the time but perhaps it's like smoking used to be, a sort of it won't happen to me attitude. I don't blame you for not wanting to return there as I'm sure you feel it just won't be the same without him sitting with you for a chat. Had a giggle with my pedicurist this afternoon who said when she arrived that next door's builders were outside in the sunshine with shirts off, what she called eye candy, then reminded herself that her son was a similar age so I said I'd be more like their granny, never mind mother!! Certainly I don't ever consider myself old or should I say I refuse to acknowledge it? This little group of ours is certainly proof that age is just a number!

    Ok, evening meal decided and it's going to be sweet potato burgers with salad and coleslaw... easy!

    Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday....... GO BUZZ, WIN THAT MATCH!! :D:D:D

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    I agree JACKIE, suction rails sound a great and cheaper idea, but I wouldn't trust them on my tiles when I'm heaving my bulk upright. I do fancy a walk-in tub though! Luxury indeed! No sign of Mark today so far, I know he had to take his car to the garage.

    I'm pretty energetic apart from struggling to stand upright in a slippery tub with no support to hang on to at all. I don't think my lot fancy me going into a senior home here after that murderous nurse despatched eight healthy but elderly people to an early grave with overdoses of insulin. She wasn't caught, she confessed, and will spend the rest of her life under lock and key, but meanwhile lots of grieving people at her trial who wished their loved ones had stayed in their own homes. All three senior homes she worked in failed to notice their residents where succumbing suspiciously. One once war hero had only been in his senior home a few days when he suddenly died.
    Was this news in the USA and the UK?

    I too can understand your reluctance to go to the restaurant PATSY. Sad news indeed.

    Hey! The Suns come out, time to take Jilly to the mail box. My back was bruised and sore but now on the mend. Super photo of you and George Jackie. You look so slim and young.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited September 2018
    Good afternoon! I am so far behind I know I will miss responding to much of what you’be written. Yesterday was nice. Good Mah Jongg game but I changed my plans afterwards, the rain would just come down in buckets so didn’t want to drive out of town. I stopped by the papercraft store that is going out of business and snared a few 40% off items. Got home (dried off) and had some birthday greetings to enjoy! My handyman showed up after the rain to do the little mulching project. Didn’t finish it as he had not brought enough rock. We had a relatively long conversation. Did some research and placed a phone call to my attorney. Surprise, she was there and we had a bit of a discussion and she pointed me along to a helpful web site. I read a bit and unpacked some of my show junk. Still have not finished that!

    Got up early this morning for a nice shower and some online banking before leaving for Tai Chi/Qigong. Classes were good and I made a stop at Natural Grocers on the way home. I then did an online chat to get an online banking problem resolved before leaving again. I did another two hours of Tai Chi/Qigong class this afternoon. Paid some bills and am waiting for the mail. Looks like several more birthday cards are coming to me today. Wahoo!

    Tomorrow is library lady day and my Tai Chi lesson. Also need to stop by the credit union and maybe the bank where I had the account problem today. So there is my boring life.

    Anne, I hope you find a solution that suits everyone and keeps you safe. A few years ago I had the handyman install a couple of grab bars for me in my upstairs bathroom. I have always preferred a shower and that is what is in the bathroom off my bedroom. Haha, something that works for me! I hope you heal up and no more slips OR bug bites.

    Sandy, I am sorry you didn’t get a big win in Bingo. Maybe tonight? Gosh, I hope you can find a resolution to the problem with your fireplace.

    Patsy, I am sorry for the loss of your friend. So many situations can seem foreign and just not right when an essential person is missing. Did you try a new place?

    Buzz, adorable haircut!! What a doll...wahoo. I hope the volleyball went well today.

    Jackie, wow to you as well. You look wonderful. So slim and attractive. Although I must say George does not look particularly happy in that photo. Haaaa. What a lovely day. I still think you always manage to get at least twice as much accomplished in a day than I even think about. And thank you for the birthday wish, a bit late makes the celebration last longer! Yeah!

    I am going to venture out and hunt for my mail. Then need to cook something for this evening. No idea what at this point. Loads of frozen veggies in the freezer and many fresh cherry tomatoes so not really worried.

    Hugs to everyone and thanks again for the wonderful birthday wishes. You are so dear to me.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Fell asleep at my desk! And I must give you the sad news that the person in charge of recording our game got wonderful views of the auditorium ceiling, with an occasional piece of the edge of the ball! Our team somewhat fell apart, with 2 members leaving in a huff when told they were "alternates". But finally, we unscrambled and after last year's competition, where we never scored a single point, this year was great fun, and we came extremely close to winning! Wonderful volleys, and after the game several of the opposite team came over to me and called me a star! There team was composed of just a couple of grey heads, and a mostly much younger age, and they rotated players throughout the game while my team had several visibly tired players as the game went on. I recommended to my team mates we just concentrate on having fun, and doing that, we actually came very close, finishing with 21 to 19 in the opposite team's favor. The most important thing to me was so many of them coming over to us afterwards and complimenting our form and sportsmanship, and asking if we might like to meet quite often for 2 games, one for championship, and second game of mixing players together and just having fun volleying! I was happy as a lark with that outcome! Later , back home, I attended the walking for health test, and after 2 minutes of walking (with my walker, of course) as fast as I could, my blood pressure showed 136/67 which they said was excellent, and I walked almost 400 yards (I think that's what they said) and was given a good report. So just yesterday's one foot balance was the only poor test so far. I really cannot stand on just one foot any longer! This week's Aging Actively Activity has been great fun so far and we continue through Saturday's closing party. The ages involved are "Over 55" to several almost 100! My new 2019 health insurance plan arrived yesterday and the fees are sharply lower! That's a Medicare Plus Plan, including dentistry and hearing!
    I guess I'd better get to bed, very late as usual! Your posts were wonderful to read, and pictures fascinating to look at. And yes, I'm loving my wash and wear haircut! So easy!
    One word more: PATSY is right on the button about bathroom safety. It is the worst room for falling! Suction cups are not safe for grab bars as they cannot be trusted to hold to the walls. They must be screwed to studs, using extra length screws! And though rugs seem comforting, they are not recommended unless they are full area rugs. No scatter rugs! Good night, dear friends; sleep tight!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning ladies and any gentleman looking in! A beautiful day here with wall to wall blue skies and warm sunshine so my plans today include shampooing my living room carpet, another coat of non-slip wood protector on the deck, muck out the hens that missed out yesterday and finally cut the grass once the morning dew has evaporated. First though a cup of coffee to set me in the right direction.
    We walked across the moors first thing and met lots of dogs with their owners so a great start.

    Buzz, I was so pleased to read your match report and my goodness, that was close! Sounds like you've made new friends with the other team which will bring you lots of fun and games and maybe next time the camera operator will have a steadier hand.... oh dear, but it did make me giggle!!

    Anne, a walk in bath sounds heaven and with a couple of hand rails might just be what's needed. Can you test one in the shop first to see how easy getting in and out is?

    Lin, haha yes, grumpy George ran circles round me for several minutes not wanting to be picked up because he was enjoying sniffing all the new smells so wasn't prepared to smile for any photo!

    A quick hello to everyone else because the coffee has brewed and furniture needs to be moved before shampooing. I'll save my story about the hornet in my knicker drawer for another day!!