Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What can only be described as a mucky morning, low cloud (so low in fact the Canada geese tipped the tops of the trees in their morning flights practicing heading north) and drizzle. Now the wind is increasing as we expect the remnants of a tropical hurricane to cross Britain tonight. If Jeri is still in Scotland she's going to get a soaking!!

    I'm about to get myself ready for another trip to the big city, this time my regular dentist check up but I will detour on the way home to a clothing store for some new jeans needed for our daily walks.

    Happy Monday.
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    I SO envy you JACKIE, again sizzling heat here! I cooked Jilly's chicken, rice and veggies at 6 am in the relative cool. AHH !! It was already 80 F in the house. Whilst her stew was cooking I did my half hour walk. At this point I've just crawled out of a tepid bath and feel slightly less of a heat ball.

    Michael might pop by today because he needs a haircut before going back to work this afternoon. He likes the Italian barber on the Main Street. I sort of hope, for the first time ever, he waits until after Wednesday when hopefully cooler stuff rolls in. Definitely don't feel like cooking lunch.

    I gather the washing machine blew up on the first day of his visit, then his dad had him digging holes around the basement walls to find a hole through which a weasel had joined them. The good news was, the weasel ate all the mice that had already moved in, the found hole was duly cemented up and the rest of his time was spent arguing with wife number two who I remember as a rather argumentive soul. His dad as usual was his uncommunicative self during the arguments so I would guess wife no. 2 was quite glad to have someone to argue WITH, them apparently living not only in the wilds, but halfway up a mountain. He kept me entertained anyway yesterday when he came over for the grocery shop. The new washing machine was delivered on the day he drove back to civilization and so he did a huge wash last night on leaving jill and I again grocery stocked up! Aren't parents the giddy limit!

    Talking of parents, Marie's troubles continue with her poor husband. I can hardly believe what she is going through. Anyway, Marie put the full reusable blue bin out for the garbage men, and Tony brought the still full reusable bin back in, at which point Marie took it back out again. We were talking of long marriages yesterday on the Sneakers and after 40 years he now calls her the cleaning lady. I'm almost loathe to tell you this, but about 10 days ago their 21 year old nephew drowned in Lake Ontario. He was camping with a bunch of friends on one of the Toronto islands. She is such a sweet woman Marie, and I'm so worried for her because she is obviously losing weight, and in a way, her husband.

    Well must close in case Michael shows up. Thought, in old age we become observers don't we!
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    PS. Michael's decided to stay home and sew buttons back on various clothes items. Tells me he is good at this because of his military training.
    We, The Bean and I, are having a cold lunch, thank the Lord for small mercies!

    Me. 😅
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Foggy cool morning. I am feeling the humidity so I will require a bit more stretches and maybe two exercises sessions today. Am and pm. Let me tell you, that is a real chore for me. Unlike some lucky people, I do not enjoy my exercise sessions. I endure them! But they keep me upright and moving around.

    We watched a miserable football game on Sunday evening. Cowboys vs the NY Giants. Really! I watched, dozed and looked at John with Katie snuggled in his lap. John was doing his usual armchair-coach thing and Katie barked her encouragement. We then wondered upstairs for a dinner of cereal and fruit. Can you think of a more old foggy thing to do?

    Anne: it sounds like your friend will have to make some changes soon. There is no way around it. It will be hard but better for both of them. By the way, Michael sounds like a really wonderful guy to spend vacation time doing such disagreeable tasks for cranky people. I have a friend who is caring for a husband with advanced COPD. She is doing okay but the stress is killing them both. Heartbreaking to see and hear about their life. You and I are counting our blessings, I am sure.

    Jackie: I do remember my mother sighing in resignation, “after a certain age, it is just patch, patch, patch.” We do seem to require the services of professionals on a regular basis. Our marine layer is getting thicker and I hear the fog horns on the river now.

    Buzz: take care, my friend! You really must get your rest. I am not very good at taking naps but I know it is are nessary at times to recharge. Can you do that if needed?

    Coffee, exercise, then oatmeal/raisins/cinnamon with almond milk. laundry then a quick brush for Katie. I ordered several new turtleneck shirts to wear under sweaters this winter. Boring but comfy.

    This week could be the start of something big.......
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    "This week could be the start of something big" PATSY comment.

    NOT my rear quarters I hope Patsy, 4th day of deprivation and diet!!! Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) The boys really enjoyed the circus and when they are happy I am happy. It was about 90 degrees outside and under the tent it felt like 120. Lisa ended up stripping Charlie down to her diaper because she had a long sleeve shirt on her. Lisa herself felt woozy from the heat and since Charlie is attached to her with her carry on thing she was worried. During intermission we went inside the park district building to cool down so we did survive the heat. They came in to my house after and let me tell you those two boys have lots of energy. Enough said.

    Today my cleaning girl is coming and I am hoping to get to the bank and to get my oil changed for my trip on Thursday. I am looking forward to seeing my son and DIL but not the drive.

    The low carb and exercise are going great so far, the only problem is in eating low carb I am not eating as many calories as MFP wants me too so they won't let me record my diary. Oh well, at least I can see how many carbs I am eating.

    Have a good day and week.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello friends. Yesterday just slipped away in a flurry of ‘stuff to do’ once again. After church, I hit a store trying to see if I could get my friend’s watch going again. It is her birthday this week and she only agreed to let me try as I said I was doing it for her birthday. The bad news is that a new battery did not put it right. The man said it will not hold a charge? I may try to appeal to the jewelry store later this week but doubt it will help. I had spoken to this friend for a long while on Saturday afternoon. I then finished birthday card and on Sunday morning I found her a lovely mum. Okay, so I struck out on the watch errand but moved on to the drain opener I needed. The Walmart nearby did not carry the brand I wanted. So onward home to order some online. Turns out the Walmart near me had some so I did an order that I could pick up at the store. Got my Rx at the store and then off to pick up the drain cleaner. Finally finished moving this and that in preparation for today.

    Thus went Sunday.

    This morning I swept out my garage and the sidewalk and took out the trash while using that super duper drain cleaner and downloading some lessons online that will disappear later this fall. Also paid a few bills and balanced my checkbook

    Have been cleaning fruits and veggies and am cooking some green beans. Also called to schedule my furnace inspection.

    The guys are here ripping the house apart. Ha. Just kidding. Running a new electric line across the basement and various and sundry things. The electricity will be shut off later and I don’t know the expected duration of that task so have some backup batteries charged and the phone fairly charged up. With all the prep, it certainly will not be off long.

    I am going to the Botanical Garden tomorrow and am thinking about trying to renew my license but it is still allergy season and I am sneezing and rubbing my eyes. Maybe not a good time for an eye test?

    Patsy, there are some exercises that I love and will do until I drop! But there are other very beneficial and necessary things that you cannot drag me to do. I am a bad girl. I adore comfy clothes and never find them boring.

    Anne, oh my, your neighbors are going through their own personal purgatory. I am so sorry. It is so wearing for the caregiver in particular. It must be confusing for the other person as well. I am happy your dear son is home and what a good boy to help his father with some very heavy chores. Should I assume this will not be a frequent pilgrimage?

    Jackie, now that is low! Canada geese at treetop! Woooo. I hope your hips are recovered from that heavy work of the other day. Happy dentist trip.

    Buzz, sorry you are having posting issues. I wonder what could be going on with your laptop? I heard Microsoft will start charging users for staying on Windows 7 at some point. Maybe someday they will charge everyone each year.

    Sandy, happy Monday to you. I probably have missed your post in my slowness to hit the post reply button. I trust your day is pleasant.

    Hugs to all.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited September 2018
    Must dash off for dinner, but ANNE, are you talking about our founder MARIE? And her husband and nephew? Oh my goodness! I feel badly for anyone suffering such problems, but even worse if it's MARIE's husband exhibiting such dementia that he no longer knows her!
    Must run, and I have an important Director's meeting after dinner so I may not make it back tonight . XOXOXO to everyone.....
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Heavens NO BUZZ, not our Marie, I'm talking about my neighbour who is becoming my friend and HER husband, Tony.
    Glad to sort that out. No worries for you!
    Hugs from Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. Well it's post tropical storm Helene for us and now waiting for the next one! A windy night so some debris to sweep up but George and I did manage a lovely walk on the moors just the 2 of us because I told Scruff's mum I don't want him picking up as much mud and muck as he dis yesterday in the woods. Met a lovely lady I have spoken to before who is a retired nurse and we chatted in the sunshine about all sorts including a book club she runs, the unfriendly local gardening club that we now plan to gate crash together and a local yoga class run by a 72 year old that sounds more up my street than the young thing, lovely as she is, who seemed to think I had the body of a 21 year old!!

    Anne, my friend that's just been diagnosed with cancer and is still having lots of tests and scans tells me her sister is going to visit from Eastbourne for a few days for moral support. Apparently her husband is ex-RAF suffering with dementia and when she tried to book him into a wonderful unit run for retired officers he adamantly refused even though he'd have a great time reminiscing but instead insisted his daughter from a previous marriage move in to look after him. Well said daughter is not happy to say the least and is already sour faced about it so poor sister is going to have that on her mind as well as supporting my friend. It's a horrible condition that reeks havoc on the lives of everyone around but as you've said, we can only listen to family members vent and hope one day someone will be brave enough to make difficult decisions. Your dear neighbour is having everything thrown at her isn't she so no wonder she's wasting away.

    Patsy, your food choices sound so varied and healthy. I remember being told breakfast is the most important meal of the day when I often found myself in a rush to leave for work in the morning then recently read that it's a good idea to delay it a couple of hours so the temptation to snack before lunch disappears. All very well if we have the luxury of plenty of time but it wouldn't easily work for me so I'd probably end up going back to missing breakfast altogether!
    Fog horns on the river sounds so romantic but huh, I remember last year's wet summer when one foggy day rolled into the next for weeks on end.... nothing romantic about it!!

    Sandy, what are MFP up to if they don't allow you to log calories? Controlling or what! I'm guessing it's to get you to pay to register for a more complex diary. So glad you all enjoyed the circus although I did feel a bit claustrophobic reading about you sitting in a hot, hot tent! I'd be running outside every time there was a change of acts!!

    Lin, have those men finished ripping up your basement? Hopefully you weren't without power for too long. My neighbour has messaged me this morning to let me know their builders arrive tomorrow to begin work on a new kitchen extension that will mean chaos and upheaval for us all for months. They will block my footpath with a digger to work on foundations so at the moment all I imagine is mud and muck everywhere but I have made it clear I will not tolerate the bullying intimidation I had to put up with a few years ago from another neighbour's builders who blocked our parking area for weeks.... I'm older, wiser and far grumpier!!!

    Time for George's lunch then I'm off out to buy paint for the garden room ceiling if I can find the silver/grey I've in mind.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Argh. My post just disappeared rather than posting.
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Not a good day for posting. See you all later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Babe called me before dinner last night screaming his vertical blinds weren't working and someone was coming to view the house. He demanded I call the blind store where we bought the blinds but all I got was leave a message, so I did. He called again to say the Realtor tried but they don't open or close. I told him I would go there after the lady left from the viewing and ended up taking the whole rod down and then taking all the blinds off. I will go later to take the rod to see if they can repair it and if not order a new rod. He apologized for losing it on the phone with me, but I have to tell you I wasn't happy with his tone or that he expects me to do everything he can't. Vent over!!

    Jackie, the problem was MFP didn't think I ate enough calories thus this message.
    [Based on your total calories consumed for today, you are likely not eating enough.

    For safe weight loss, the National Institutes of Health recommends no less than 1000-1200 calories for women and 1200-1500 calories for men.

    Completing your diary with fewer than the minimum calories noted above will not generate a news feed post for that day, or show a five-week weight projection.

    Even during weight loss, it's important to meet your body's basic nutrient and energy needs. Over time, not eating enough can lead to nutrient deficiencies, unpleasant side effects & other serious health problems.

    To safely meet your goals:

    Focus on consuming nutrient-rich foods and beverages
    Check your progress in MyFitnessPal throughout the day
    Add nutritious snacks between meals as needed/i]

    So because I was upset last night I had two glasses of wine and then was over my calories by 4. I just can't seem to find the right balance but I am not worried about calories just carbs.

    Have a great day, my intention is to win the big pot at bingo tonight.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    I think if Babe is selling the house SANDY now might be a good time to snip the string that binds you both and get yourself a good settlement before Babes son spends everything. Not that I'm a good adviser having received nothing and paying half to break my own marriage, but......maybe that makes me a good adviser after all! Think of yourself and your future. Babes got some growing up to do methinks.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That was a frustrating shop for paint because every colour I'd viewed on line wasn't on the shelves but then having walked up and down the isles several times I saw what looked the perfect match, picked up the pot and headed for the cashier. Just in time I saw a colour chart so double checked... far too dark so back to the search. Finally amongst the professional paints I saw it, Manhattan Grey so tomorrow I'll be in my overalls and back up a ladder!

    Sandy sweetheart, you've oftened admitted to being an enabler and I'm guessing Babe takes advantage of your giving nature. Perhaps just once you need to say that word NO otherwise of course he will expect you to pander to his demands. I could say more but won't!! An interesting comment from MFP and a responsible one too so I'm taking back my cynicism of them!!

    Time to prepare an evening meal... pork loin chop with allotment beans, sweet corn and beetroot.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited September 2018
    Gawanne32 wrote: »
    I think if Babe is selling the house SANDY now might be a good time to snip the string that binds you both and get yourself a good settlement before Babes son spends everything. Not that I'm a good adviser having received nothing and paying half to break my own marriage, but......maybe that makes me a good adviser after all! Think of yourself and your future. Babes got some growing up to do methinks.

    Everything is already done through the attorney and the only thing I get is his social security and his pension when he dies. For now I get equivalent to that every month and hopefully that remains the same after he moves in with his son. One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    As long as you are safe SANDY. That's all that matters to us. We have got to know you, but not Babe who will be under his sons influence when he moves in. 'Nuff said from me except try practicing "No"!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good evening, my dear friends. My day started ridiculously, having awakened around 3 AM and since I was told the nurse would be coming to draw blood some time after 5AM, I figured I would get out of my over 50-year-old nightgown (a beauty in its day!) and look presentable so I dressed and then waited....and waited...and waited until just after 8 AM when she finally showed up! Need I say I needed to get back to bed by that time! But since I had made my yummy steel-cut oatmeal the day before, enough for the week, I decided to have breakfast and get my day started. The nurse did a number on my inner elbow looking for my hidden veins, and I now have a huge bruise to prove how brave I was!
    My community seems to be having phone problems from both AT&T and Comcast, but neither wants to admit it is the company. We all know better.
    ANNE, thank you for easing my mind, though I'm sorry for your neighbor, too. I must say I count my blessings often!
    My cleaning helper comes tomorrow and at least I'm more ready than recently. Just have to pick up my "office"! What a mess of confusion on my desk!
    I'm sort of 1/2 listening to Rachel Maddow interviewing Hillary Clinton on my living room TV.
    sigh. Wonder where the country might be, had she gotten the electoral vote! I shudder when I see the group of all white elderly (mostly) men who compose the judicial committee that will hear the woman who has come forward with her story about the character flaw in our presumed next lifetime Supreme Court judge! Shades of Anita Hill! Hillary is being very candid regarding her opinion of the Orange Bully! And I think I agree with every word she utters!
    SANDY, we are all concerned for whether or not Babe's son will be able to maneuver his father to take care of his expenses, too! He is just too unstable and Babe is too weak! I know you will continue to care for him, but care more for yourself this time! It isn't uncommon for children to gain control of an older parent's S.S.and pension and strip them of finances!
    Paint away, JACKIE, the gray sounds interesting! My DD is now painting her shelves, too!
    LIN and PATSY, high to both of you busy gals! You do seem to find time for most everything!
    I'm off to bed so I can try to get more than 3 hours' sleep! It is catching up to me!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Walking George yesterday evening I picked roadside blackberries and carried them in a spare doggy poo bag then once home stewed them with a couple of cooking apples off my neighbours' tree. It made for a delicious addition to my morning cereal and a good start to the day but all down hill since builders have arrived to begin working on next doors kitchen extension so George feels the need to bark constantly. They will be here until Christmas so it could be interesting times and I might just go mad!!
    The wind has been quite blustery as another storm rushes across us so I didn't fancy a walk in the woods or moors and instead took George round the village and back. Once my coffee is finished I'll don my overalls and get paintbrushes out for the final push in my garden room before ordering new stone floor tiles I've seen online. Oh yes, I also have to search for Chinese Rue seeds for my garden having watched a programme the other evening and fallen in love with the delightful little flowers.

    Onwards and upwards.....

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member

    I liked the Botanical Gardens yesterday but as soon as I arrived it started to pour buckets so stayed inside under the dome.

