Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. George and I still enjoying our company and we are having lots of laughs as we walk, talk and visit local water holes (as above!!) Yesterday's pub lunch was delicious but unfortunately a family with badly behaved children sat directly behind us and were so loud at one point we considered picking up our food and drinks and taking ourselves to the other end of the bar. It was interesting to watch a 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl still in nappies control the adults by screaming loudly or climbing on to seats to open windows and come close to falling out!! More dramas this morning over nothing more than 2 coffees and a shared hot pasty at a farm shop cafe but I won't bore you with that!!

    I've read everyone's posts and giggled at dear Katie's hair woes, been delighted Lin's lessons went well and Sandy was chilling for the weekend but oh dear Buzz, still the internet problems hitting you! I've tried to look at your emailed amazing photos but this iPhone won't display so will head for my laptop now. My friend is staying until Wednesday and we have invited another with her little dog to come here for lunch tomorrow so George will have company too!

    Will be back to posting regularly from Thursday. Hugs to everyone
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Had a great time with my friend, her loft apartment is very nice. We walked and checked out the vendors but I didn't buy anything. Like Jackie we laughed and talked and got caught up with everything going on in our lives. I stayed for the first half of the Bears game but unlike Patsy we weren't happy with the final score. Today I am going to see the kids for sure so I can't mess around with my time this morning. I hope everyone has a good day and life is good for you.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Crazy day! I got to use my leg compression boots this morning and they were the start of a rather relaxed day, I thought. After lunch it occurred my nails were looking grungy, so I got our all my usually unused materials and tools and really cleaned up and polished and teabagged splits, etc and set about building layers of care and color and was beginning to apply the French Manicure touch, beautiful white tips, when my doorbell rang. I carefully opened the door with my wrists (just try it!!!) and there were my beautifully dressed neighbors looking shocked at my state of neglect, asking if I had forgotten the party1 What party? Oh my gosh! A sort of cocktail party anniversary celebration for my dear neighbors , a younger couple parted by his Parkinson's disease which has wasted him physically but his brain still functions as the brilliant journalist/humorist he has always been! I closed all my bottles, grabbed clothes that sort of matched and ruining my still unfinished wet nails I just locked my door behind me and hurried upstairs to the party room, embarrassed, late, and made to feel so welcome by the small group of invited guests and hosts. I was showered with wine, lamb chops, meatballs, Spanikopita, chicken in peanut sauce, cheeses, and whatever else was on the table, and then was introduced to the tiny number of attending guests. Vibrant ladies in their 90s who had lived fascinating lives volunteering or working on just about every continent existing, and none ready to give up yet! However, 2 of the 3 men present were in wheelchairs. I'm not sure what that tells me, but I enjoyed my new acquaintances tremendously. Tonight, I redid my nails, dozing off between coats! Never a dull day! Tonight, I learned the 93 year old who so entertained me was a nun; without the habit, one can never tell!
    Well, of course I did not go to tonight's dinner, but I'm considering skipping Weight Watchers this week. Last night's holiday dinner was superb. My self discipline was not!
    I see this new day is opening with that most dreaded in my memory...9/11! Remembering is just as vivid as though it were yesterday. I'm sure we all choke up just thinking about it!
    Better thoughts to sleep on, and wishing you all a splendid night's sleep!
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.....................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Odd jumping as I try to post...tomorrow........,..
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Lost my post. I see we are asked to stay silent this morning in honor of 9/11 remembrance. I will try to be back later. Meanwhile, broadcast TV is certainly not holding back on commercial breaks.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) This is a somber day remembering all those lives lost. I did as was asked and did not go on Facebook from 8:46 to 10:28, from the first plane to the last.

    I did go see the kiddos yesterday and can't believe how fast Charlie is growing. Robby went to pre-school so I had alone time with both Max and Charlie. I could see Lisa was exhausted so I tried to entertain them as best I could, however with Charlie nursing and eating on demand it doesn't give Lisa much of a break. I was exhausted when I got home and slept from 11:00 pm to after 9:00 am. Big money bingo tonight, hoping for some good luck for a change.

    One of the slates broke in my horizontal blinds so I am going to take it apart again and fix them since the broken slate is about to drive me crazy.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A day of remembrance and dedication! I do remember the feeling a overwhelming fear and sadness. That was the last day of national innocence. Everything changed after that.

    It is a chilly day with scattered showers. I am so worried about the beautiful Carolinas and Virginia. Hurricanes are so forceful and absolutely one cannot withstand the wind and flooding. It has been years since our category 2 here. The trees are recovering but we can still see whole stands of trees that are rotting but the reminants are still visible. Plywood and sand bags are just laughable against these kind of storms. Get your animals and family together and leave right now. We were without power for 10 days and also water. I hope everyone takes this seriously.

    Take care everyone. You are all so dear to my heart. This is the kind of day that has us counting friends and family and acknowledging our blessings.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Indeed, 9/11 lives as vividly for me today as the day it happened. I cannot wipe out the memory of those buildings with all those victims plus all the super brave "rescuers" just being destroyed, along with the many blocks surrounding them! And the K-9 Corp destroyed or forever harmed, along with their masters, several of whom were women. Lung problems in the survivors made their remaining years miserable. As for us Americans, we suddenly woke up to our years of isolation being over! The reality of vulnerability seems to have sunken in, but what have we really done about it, especially now? We have a number of new residents here from the U.K. and a few other European countries and I am so impressed by how differently we view history since WW2! I tend to believe that we were extremely impressed with the Hollywood versions of our history and characteristics, and the cowboy movies that made us out to be separated by the "good guys" versus the "bad guys"! Swagger and bullets galore! Yet I cannot think of a single one of us who fits those descriptions!

    JACKIE, what a great picture of 2 happy friends!
    SANDY, hope your bingo dreams come true!
    PATSY, you are dear to our hearts, too! And yes, let's count our blessings!
    LIN, I hadn't heard about the request for silence, but I certainly agree!
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited September 2018
    Good morning, early Tai Chi morning but thought I would drop a line. Both Mah Jongg and coloring (visiting) were lovely yesterday. The afternoon coloring/visiting was very pleasant as well as a bit productive. My friend who had the private graveside Memorial service for her husband on Monday was there. She described everything to me and said she feels everything is complete for him now and she feels much more at peace. His year long illness was so intense for both of them.

    Worked on cards again. Did some reading. Went outside and removed all the nasty sticky webs from my house. And of course tried again to stop the AC from running all the time. Short of just shutting it off, I do not think it is possible.

    Need to do laundry when I get home today, bake my sweet potatoes and get some things packed up to donate to charity. Etc., etc., etc.

    Sandy, such a happy time with the kiddos. Did you win any $ at bingo?

    Buzz, our dear friendly caring lady. You go all out to attend all celebrations. I would likely have just ignored anyone knocking on my door if I was busy.

    Patsy, hello. I hope you are enjoying your week.

    Anne, dear one, I hope you will be able to return soon.

    On Facebook I saw that Jeri is in Scotland now. Such lovely photos!

    Hugs Marie, Barbie, Diane and all Sneakers.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited September 2018
    Happy Wednesday! :) No winner again, 14 numbers are left. No win at bingo either, so hopefully tonight will be different. Doing laundry today and would you believe after taking the blinds apart and replacing the broken slate that when I was done and looked at them, one slate is a slightly different color. With my OCD I will be changing it today so it doesn't drive me insane.
    My SIL in suffering with kidney stones and he has opted to have them removed with Ureteroscopic Stone removal (google if interested) on Monday. Otherwise the doctor said it could take up to three weeks for it to pass and he has a smaller stone in his kidney they can remove at the same time.

    Lin, I too, saw Jeri's pictures and she looks like she is having wonderful time in Scotland.
    I guess our Monday wash day didn't happen this week with both of us being so busy.

    Buzz, sorry you ruined your manicure but it was worth it to meet some interesting people.
    Things are different today with nuns not wearing habits, some not even veils. I bet she had some interesting stories to share.

    Patsy, I have a couple of relatives who have just moved to South Carolina so like you I am worried about them. I have often said I don't know why I live in Illinois but then I think it seems to be one of the safest places weather wise. Yes, we do get tornadoes but not to often in the Chicago area. Of course we have the worst reputation as far as crime but that again is in the city of Chicago. Always something it seems.

    Jackie, I hope the fun is continuing and George had fun with his playmate.

    Anne, haven't heard from you but will hope all is well.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hopefully back later! A Wonderful speaker tonight after dinner, so I'm just peeping in now to make sure all's well!
    <3<3<3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Well! I knew it! There really is such a thing as internet ghosts. I know I posted more of my bleating about the weather, politics, my allergies and old classmates. Where oh where did it go?

    Cool weather here and showers. John continues his building project. I had one of my now famous non-sleeping nights. It is some sort of curse. I am dead tired and yawning and so ready to hit the pillow. eyes pop open, mind kicks into high gear and that is it for the night. Next morning I am in zombie mode. Stumbling around and barely able to operate my coffee cup.

    Ordered the Woodward book. Can’t wait. I actually know most of what is in the book, being the news junky that I am.

    Jackie: you girls look like you are having a lot of fun. I am not sure guys can have as much fun when they get together. John says, sadly, the testosterone fogs up their brain. I don’t believe it. I think they have fun talking about ball games, cars and power tools.

    Maybe Florence will take a hard uturn and head out to sea. I am imaging that possibility.

    Stumbling into the kitchen to make sandwiches and soup for John, the Carpenter, a good Workman travels on his stomach, I have told.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    P.s. everything at JC Penney is really on sale. Ordered a lot of things like tee shirts and extra bath towels, free shipping and 50% off. Great time to stock up on Christmas gifts etc. FYI!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers. Another one of those busy days then I'm off to our main hospital in Plymouth for my annual mammogram, a time I always find unsettling but remind myself I must be grateful for their check ups. A bright day so having stripped the spare bed after my dear friend's departure the washing machine is going ten to the dozen while I make the most of dry weather.

    Your posts have been caught up with so I'll soon be back in the groove keeping a daily check on what everyone is up to. Glad to read Jeri is enjoying her trip round Scotland and Buzz, I did laugh at your nail varnish story then read it out to my friend who thought it was beautifully written. I did tell her you and all the sneakers write from the soul whether it's about sad, annoying and happy family issues or the many other subjects we seem to cover.

    The washing machine has stopped its cycle so I must get the wet items on the line, take a shower and head off to the big city!!

    Hugs to all. Happy Thursday.
    <3 Jackie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and then dinner with friends for a send off to a couple moving to Florida. No win last night, do any of you have a money tree?

    Jackie, nice hearing from you and good luck with your mammogram. Always nice to have company but it is great to be alone again I am sure.

    Patsy, I think when guys talk sports that is fun for them, for us not so much. Thanks for the tip on Penny's but I think I am all set for both trips except for maybe shoes.

    Lin, I did text my daughter and she is in no danger in Jacksonville but thank you for the concern. I texted my niece but so far haven't heard from her.

    Buzz, there is never a dull moment where you live, always something to do. What a great place.

    Time to get moving, I want to buy some circus tickets for me, lisa and the kids. It is just a small one with no animals at the park district in Babe's town.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited September 2018
    Good morning, I am at the library this morning. I have been to Trader Joe’s, dropped off my groceries at home, took my boxes to Goodwill and here I am. Enjoying conversation.

    So am I the only one who has not ordered the book? I should see if the library has it available.

    Later, on to another Tai Chi lesson. Wahoo!

    So sorry for all the people who will be suffering loss from this horrific storm.

    Sandy, circus tickets sound like fun! I am meeting a friend after Tai Chi at our Science Center. I have never been there—I am excited.

    Jackie, I am sorry you have to go for a test today but some things are must-dos.

    Patsy, how is your construction worker doing today?

    Buzz, good day.

    Best wishes to all my friends.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Foggy day here on the north Oregon coast. Well, as you know...things look rather normal. Cool and I see it is really fall and sweater weather, for sure.

    We are devastated to hear that one of the nursing teachers has died in a hiking accident. Her foot slipped on a very challenging climb. She had recently retired and was on the local school board. A very dedicated volunteer and an active outdoors-woman. John hired her as an instructor early in her teaching career. She was a special person with great compassion.

    The hurricane is scary and I am sure it might be one of those water events like the Houston area a couple of years ago. We have been in something like that. The ONLY thing worth saving is family and pets. Actually pets are family! The rest is totally unimportant.

    Lin: yes, my friend! The book is going to an important read. I suspect there will be very little new information. Just driving home what we already know.

    Sandy: so glad your family is safe and away from Florence.

    Jackie: lovely to read that you had a great visit. I confess that the clean up after guests leave never bothers me. I love to remember every joke and giggle as I change sheets and wash towels. Just a thought...would your friend like to join us from time to time? My “teapot is brewing an extra cup as we speak.” By the way, what is hanging from the ceiling at the pub? I love that photo. I would have an enlargement made to frame those smiling faces.
    Press on!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Gracious me! Despite all the partying and celebrations, I lost another pound at WW today! I was pretty good at volleyball, with everyone cheering my volleys, so I feel more comfortable about the upcoming competition. And I fell asleep in my lift chair tonight, and can barely stay awake tonight!
    Attended a marvelous lecturer (college professor and book writer and sexy guy!) whom we all look forward to hearing for his honest of current events. He was not at all encouraged by the coming elections, stating the gerrymandering that he feels has almost assured no real change in support of Congress for the new Emperor! Sounds discouraging for those among us seeking changes! But he believes the number of women will increase in he legislature!
    Hang in there, PATSY!
    Now I'm off to sleep with my hands almost completely numb. Many hugs to each and every one of you dear people and I will stop by tomorrow, earlier , I hope!
    Sounds like the Caroliners are well prepared for Florence, which is now down to a Hurricane 1! Good luck to all in its path!
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited September 2018
    Good morning, early Tai Chi day! And my trip to the Science Center. I hope it will be fun. Unfortunately the IMAX theater is out of commission right now but that is fine, I am sure there is lots to do. Haaaa.

    And I heard there is a little art supply store near Drake. I ‘could’ accidentally drive home that way. But I really am not sure where it is located but the area is small and walkable. The other downside, finding a parking place. It is street parking, no lots. Well, we will see.

    Another hazard on the way home is a store Zumi. Much to look at and not typical merchandise. I get there about once a year. I think a stop may be in order sometime soon.

    Okay, I put my name in at the library for the book. I am number 68. I will probably read it in about a year! Oh my.

    Buzz, what a good time you are having. Congrats on the volleyball prowess! And excellent WW result. WTG!

    Patsy, I am sorry to hear of the tragic accident. Things like that knock me flat. I know we should expect shocks but I am never prepared. All best wishes to you and John as you work through this loss. (Hello darling Katie)

    Sandy, I have never found any seeds for a money tree.

    Jackie, good morning. Hugs for George.

    Anne, I hope the itching stops. What torture. A hug for the Bean.

    Off I go. Hugs.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The dozens of Canada geese rehearsing flight formations should have been enough to warn that Autumn is on the way but now cooler, fresher air that has the leaves tumbling from the trees definitely confirms summer is at an end! Oh well, wonderful while it lasted. Yesterday's hospital visit was what it always is with everyone pleasant and caring but the long car journey plus sitting in a waiting room had my poor hips complaining overnight and this morning so I took a couple of "borrowed" pain killers before finally collecting a delayed prescription. Also bloods taken and x-ray booked so hopefully I'll move towards replacement hips soon. That's enough moaning!! A bit of housework might be in order this afternoon just to keep me moving and possibly a final coat of paint on the low wall in the garden room.... we'll see.
    Shopping this morning I was very conscious of my increase in weight over the past month or so due entirely to my regime slipping and I kept to a healthy selection to kick start some weight loss. It's frustrating that I seem to be saying the same thing every year at this time, i.e I've 3 months to you know when to get these pounds off. What a vicious cycle I'm in!!
    You might like to read an English perspective of THAT book and an interview with its author

    Probably not much different to observers in America but just so you know we feel your pain!!

    Patsy, my friend and I generally stay off the subject of sport unless it's tennis or triathlons (now there's a strange mix!) so my visitor and I did discuss in length Serena's meltdown at the US open before coming to the conclusion she didn't do herself any favours. Don't ask me what we do talk about other than that because I probably couldn't begin to tell you but certainly we never stop chatting even after we have caught up on news of family and friends. For all that I'm enjoying getting back to a routine when I can plan projects and chores. Ah yes, the pub ceiling. Well there is a vast selection of equine fine brass stirrups and spurs along with other pieces that attach to tack but not being a horsewoman I can't say more than that other than what a job it must be to polish all that brass!! I will suggest my friend joins us for your kind offer of a cup of tea... you never know.

    Lin, when I read your comment about the art supply store you might visit it reminded me of what we regularly say...... could have, should have, didn't so you stop off and visit; see what delights that have inside!!

    Buzz, news of your volleyball success is no surprise to me so make sure you do get selected for the next competitive game. It's my opinion it's not so much what we eat but how much and with you whizzing round at volleyball I'm not surprised more than a few calories are being burned..... brilliant!!

    Sandy, a lovely idea that circus. Now animals are no longer involved it's a perfect trip out for all the family and am sure the boys and Charlie will love it.

    Enjoy this Friday everyone before here we go, another weekend! Hugs.