Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    We are just venturing out. The weather channel says 62 F but inside the house it's still 81 F.

    Pretty picture LIN.

    JACKIE is inspiring me to paint my jaded bathroom. However, this will probably pass.

    If it really IS cooler, time to get down to some serious housework. I've been mentally fantasizing. Wouldn't it be nice to have a live in cook/housekeeper and HER husband who creates a fantastic garden and veggie plot and takes the Bean out on inclement days. Oh and drives me to the stores in my very own RR.
    Dream on, Annie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Still no winner!! 13 numbers left. No win at regular bingo but did need one number for $500. I don't think I am going tonight as I would like a good night's sleep before driving tomorrow. I am doing laundry now, will go for a manicure later and to the bank before packing and getting things ready. I will bring my IPad so you will still hear from me, whether you want to or not. lol
    I bought Babe a new rod and luckily the guys putting in his new toilet were still there as they hung the rod and had to make some adjustments. It isn't as good as the old one but he is selling so it doesn't matter. At least he is all calmed down and so am I.

    Anne, your fantasy sort of sounds like a princess, a dream we girls probably had as small children. I do have a cleaning girl but just once a month because I hate cleaning among other things. I am not sure what I would do if I didn't drive but my mother managed so I guess you adjust.

    Jackie, do they make earphone or earplugs for dogs? Sorry you are being hit with bad weather but can't wait to see the finished garden room.

    Lin, beautiful flower, too bad it was raining. I hope today is a better day.

    Hello to everyone else, I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Well, you got the princess bit right SANDY, lol. Princess Anne, however this one ain't got the real ones money! We dream on! Going to cut back some foliage this afternoon. Just the same as George, Jilly will help by barking at everything that passes. Very protective our Jilly, but hides behind my legs if the one barked at approaches. Just a big sissy.
    Anne, the one who's the scullery maid.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers!

    Sunny and cool. We are to get showers tomorrow but then on Friday we are to get a real rain. Still a bit nervous about fires but as we get more moisture, things are less worrisome.

    I wrote a long boring post yesterday and it seems to have gone into that internet outter space. So giving it another go today!

    We are watching football again on sundays. John is so funny about that. He wants me to watch with him. Katie is always excited about this. She gets to sit on the couch next to John and get lots of pets and ear scratches. John does his very famous armchair coach strategy. I try to figure out what is happening while eating popcorn. Air butter. John says it is like little pieces of hard foam rubber. I love the popcorn but have no idea about the complexities of football.

    The spiders are going crazy. Every time I go outside, I fight my way through a a new web construction.

    I am putting together one of my favorite lunches to eat on the deck. There is a bit of sun and the deck is warm. Asian Lettuce wrap chicken. A fall picnic! Then if the weather holds, I will continue cleaning the deck and window screens.

    I might enjoy a cleaning lady but as I have discussed before, it would not work. John wants us to remain as independent as possible. Actually a cleaning lady would be overwhelmed by the shear mountain of tasks we try to do around here. There is always a project in process. While we are still upright and mobile, I will hobble around and try to take care of our home. Let me add that I don’t promise a great job just an on going effort.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited September 2018
    Good afternoon. Tai Chi this morning and then straight home only to realize I had a Court le of books I had to pick up at the library. So another short trip. Did a big load of laundry today and wonder of wonders, it is all put away now! I spoke to my insurance agent and texted with a few people. I made a lovely lunch today. A mix of gluten free spaghetti, oriental veggies and a no salt vegan chili. Lovely combo and I have both pasta and chili left so I can make something else tomorrow.

    Patsy, your lunch sounds even better than mine. Yummy! Always something going on. That seems to be the case for everyone in the Sneakers Group. And by the way, I like the plain old popcorn. I put a couple of Tbsp in a brown bag and zap it. That works for me. And I dewebbed my house a while ago and so far, the spiders haven’t hemmed me in again. Haaaa.

    Anne, I hope that as you hack the foliage that the darn mosquitos don’t get after you again. And Jilly, no barking! It is somewhat cooler here and the weekend is forecast to be lovely with the start of autumn. We shall see right?

    Jackie, I am glad you found a paint color that you like. Take care on the ladder as you paint! Gosh, your neighbor’s project sounds like a major undertaking. I hope they do not drive you crazy! Perhaps some short visits away for a couple of days at a time would help preserve your sanity.

    Sandy, glad everything is straightened out for now. Lots of preparation for you today. I should have purchased gasoline today, I am getting down to fumes in my car. It was so foggy and humid this morning that I just did not want to do an extra errands. Have a safe trip my friend. Sorry about the lack of Bingo wins.

    It took several hours yesterday to get my driver’s license renewal. System problems and loads of people waiting. And spending time in the Botanical dome was just fine, I didn’t need the gardens, especially since I am in serious sneezing season. Haaaaaaa. And I think I may have found that little art supply store yesterday but as I drove by it appeared to be closed and it was midday. The other store I wanted to visit was open but there was no power in the area so they could not take credit cards and couldn’t make change for cash sales. I was not destined to visit either spot yesterday. There was a display of photos printed on metal in one wing of the building yesterday. I loved it! All photos of fireflies taken by the photographer by stomping around in the wild getting wet, bitten and generally surviving in miserable conditions to capture lovely images. Unfortunately I kept getting reflections of me and/or my phone in all the photos I took so mostly all ruined. Believe me, they were just outstanding.

    Let’s see if I can post something.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I forgot to say...I’ve been meaning to tell everyone that my new very favorite thing to do when I am grumpy is to watch Jeanne Robertson on YouTube. She is so funny and cute and about our age. Her stories are like the ones we all have in our family. She has a lot of her short stories on YouTube. She is from north Carolina I think. If you need to giggle (and who doesn’t?) just spend a few minutes with Jeanne and you will be smiling all day long!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everybody. How do I get to 11:30 PM when I try to be more reasonable at 7? I must fall asleep somewhere in between! But I think tonight I got lost downloading some beautiful fonts which I probably will not be able to add to my card programs anyway. I do get lost online!
    You all sound nicely in control today.
    LIN, those fireflies are amazing! And the flowers were lovely, too. Such talents! I'm about to enter m nice freshly made bed. PATSY, I wish I did not need a cleaning lady either, but whereas Mike and I would make the bed together, I attempted it once he was gone, and almost fell just doing the tight tuck-ins. My balance has gotten worse and my hands almost unusable! So my Liz comes every 2 weeks and she enters, swipes around, takes my sheets out of the dryer , does some vacuuming and makes the bed, and we chat about current events, and when she leaves, I do what she didn't finish!!! I'm not good at ordering people around, and feel guilty at not being able to do things I used to do, so my cleaning lady and I have become friends who sort of work together! And she's a whiz at the Smartphone, so she's attempting to teach me where to find things!
    I stayed away from the Break the Fast buffet tonight as I keep remembering Weight Watchers on Thursdays. And since I don't fast, there's no point in eating all that heavy food they served in the dining room tonight. Tomorrow's my busy day, with volley ball following WW's and then an important health care meeting after VB. I really prefer quieter days, but they are rare!
    So goodnight all. SANDY, a pleasant trip, and JACKIE...happy painting.
    Oh, the news from DD's spouse is mostly all bad! Palliative care, which is 1 step away from Hospice! Yet they want to plan one last trip together, driving to California, where they lived for so many years. I suspect it's to say goodbye to her friends.
    Oops, 4 minutes to midnight so 'nite all!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!...........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another murky day with low cloud, fine drizzle and mild temperatures so I walked George locally again. A short reprieve from barking yesterday when nextdoor's builder had problems with his digger but this morning it's repaired so here we go again. I'm doing my best to comfort rather than show my frustration but my best plan will probably be to turn up my radio, climb the ladder and get on with painting then George might just wear himself out.

    Anne, this morning on BBC Breakfast they covered the agony many carers go through as every aspect of their life is turned upside down while doing their best to deal with a loved one suffering dementia. One speaker was from a charity that offers moral support and I wondered if it might be worth Marie checking if such an organisation exists in Canada.

    Lin, I love those photos of yours and have downloaded the one showing the babbling water through rocks which is gorgeous. Actually, looking again the purple algae one is just as stunning. I do feel somewhat trapped by the builders as there is only a narrow footpath between my property and our parking area but they are pleasant so far and I will get used to it.... only day 2!! :s:s

    Buzz, a trip to California for your DD and her partner sounds like a brave acceptance of where things stand right now. So long as we continue to breath we should grab each day with both hands and make of it what we can so bravo the pair of them. <3

    Patsy, my conundrum first thing was how did the enormous spider running round the top of chicken feed in a lidded plastic container Inside a metal dustbin get there? My only solution, it must have dropped from my head or shoulder as I leaned in which did make me feel just a bit creepy. Your wonderful description of viewing football with John and Katie made me smile. Our Autumn international rugby season is soon to start and I'm thinking I must investigate your healthy popcorn options.

    Safe journey Sandy. Looking forward to reading what you get up to!

    The use of a cleaning lady has crossed my mind too but could I cope with having to pick up after myself each time before she arrives? Hmm, maybe not just yet.
    George stopped barking for 5 minutes but then I made the mistake of humming along to Elton John singing There's Something About The Way You Look Tonight!! Big sigh and back up my ladder because next song... God Only Knows. :|:|
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Just got up to blessed cool, but before I get too excited 30 degrees again tomorrow. I'll have another go at the jungle. I only managed one hour yesterday because I'm so out of shape from the hot, humid summer. Jilly watched squirrels and birds at the feeder and chased the poor chipmunks down below. Anyway came back in to watch a marvellous chap of 87 completing the San Francisco triathlon! He swam the bay and pedalled up mountainous tracks and was nowhere near last at the end. What an inspiration! He expects to reach 107 years and because he only looked about 60 I expect he will! I shall get back in training today cutting back the jungle again!

    My neighbour and her doctor have tried all the options available here for dementia sufferers and their carers JACKIE, and there's quite a lot, but it's difficult because she can barely leave the house for groceries. When she chats to me the phone never stops ringing with demands she returns. I think they have the old style Mediterranean view of marriage where the husband is boss and head of the household, dementia or not, rather like Mary Jo's parents had. I tell you, the more I see and view other cultures as a female, the more I thank the Lord I was born when and where i was! Just hope WE aren't expected to adapt to male dominated cultures as immigration continues around the world.

    I guess you could get two TVs PATSY! I wonder where Katie would decide to sit. Probably where a ball is involved. Jilly loves any programmes containing dogs and happily runs to the screen to bark if one appears. This can be in a murder mystery, on the newscast, anywhere however distant.

    Very interesting photos LIN.

    Well must eat my brekkie. I'm starting to adapt to deprivation by the way and have great hopes for scale results tomorrow. Cross fingers!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow! What a delightful day! The weather is just perfect. Cool but not too cool. Sunny and it smells wonderful outside. Indian summer. Katie and I did our exercises outside on the deck. Speaking of the deck, I found two rotten deck boards that John is replacing today. He doesn’t want his chubby wife and wild ball playing pup falling through to the ground.

    I am baking walnut bran muffins this time for John. It is so funny to see him offer to do all sorts of things to free up time for me to bake muffins. He is totally devoted to his morning muffin with his coffee.

    It is really sad but liberating to see our fancy clothes etc go to goodwill or consignment shop. Both John and I had a lot of very dressy clothes. We just don’t live that life anymore. I am tossing high heels and sacks of pantyhose. Oh dear, do I remember fighting with those. Getting them on and off was a fight to the death, it seemed. GONE!

    I am also getting rid of many tablecloths and all those cloth napkins. A set or two will be set aside for holidays. Next will be a cautious look at the China and crystal I never use. As you can tell, I am trying to do another simplifying house clean out. It is hard going, I can tell you! I would love to downsize and move into a smaller one story house. I think that would traumatize John and our son. It is interesting how answers to life’s delimmas often just crop up.

    Deer and squirrels are competing for our ripe apples. John goes out daily to knock more down for the critters. These were supposed to be crab apples. They are the size of a regular apple but are totally tasteless. Strange!
    Be well dear sneakers. Be bold!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Back from Scotland and still trying to adjust time wise. 7 hr time difference is hard on me. LOL

    We loved our bus tour of the Country Roads of Scotland. Lots of very interesting things to see and do. Landed in Edinburgh then headed north. We went all the way up to the Orkney Islands and then across to the Isle of Skye. The trip finished in Glasgow. 8 nights on the road.

    The other passengers were nice, food was pretty good (way too much) and side trips lots of fun.

    Now to get used to being at home again.

    Have a great day,


  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Yes, my day turned out pretty good as well. The sky looks lowering and rain is forecast tomorrow, so instead of waiting for Michael to do it, I cut the grass and I really cleaned the lawn mower. No help from Jilly who was far more interested in the chipmunks. Then I attacked the jungle again and the side between me and Marie is looking quite respectable again if nowhere else. The best news of all though was do you remember that "dead" chrysanthemum I rescued out of the church garbage bin? Well its produced loads of foliage but no flowers and I decided it was a hopeless case. However, peering shortsightedly at it today the tiniest little buds are appearing. I am so excited! I feel like the mums mum you might say! If it actually flowers I will post a photo. I guess I have saved all of $15 or so rescuing that poor dead plant! Chrysanthemums are appearing all down the streets doorsteps, but THEY are bought plants, lol.

    I'm doing the same PATSY, getting rid of stuff I will never wear again. Will never be a managers secretary again! Raincoats, tops, suit jackets, pencil slim skirts, high heels etc etc, and so far I haven't missed a single thing. It feels so liberating looking in the closets and knowing I'll actually wear everything that's left. My tablecloths are long gone. Embroidered ones I laboured over for ages replaced by table mats. The one thing I can't part with though is my cloth napkins. Actually some are pretty and large enough to wear as neck scarves, not that I've done that YET. At the moment I am eying a motley bunch of given mugs I use daily but don't really like. You will know what I mean JACKIE, "she who will be obeyed" sort of thing. I have some really pretty ones I've bought myself and I save for visitors but maybe it's time for me to enjoy my own choice! Very intrigued by your muffins though Patsy. If they aren't your own secret specialty a recipe would be much appreciated.

    Welcome home JERI! North, south, east, west, homes best!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Welcome back to North America, JERI! I always regretted not having visited Scotland or Ireland while I was able to travel. My second husband and I had planned to honeymoon to Scotland to the land of his forebears but as you know, poor man's plans were dashed by his demise! Seems like another life!
    I won't even go into my crazy day today, but I just hope the volleyball tournament next week goes better for my team than we did today. Some of our players did not even show up, but our new director was passing by, looked in at our game and , seeing the empty seats, asked if she could help out! High heels and all, she was a real asset and I asked if she might join out team! The more we get to know her the more I like her, and admire her capabilities.
    Also, today I began the necessary plans for starting Physical Therapy to re-learn how to walk properly. I cannot continue to allow my butchered hip replacement to dominate ny physical life!
    My plans to get to sleep last night at a reasonable hour never materialized, and I have had about 2 hours in the last 24, and I cannot stay awake any longer, but I did want to read all your posts, which I enjoyed tremendously! And I think I, too, will join PATSY and ANNE in tossing all my pantyhose which would likely disintegrate if I ever attempted to don them!
    JACKIE, my dear daughter Jackie IS a brave and unusual soul, and her wife (spouse?) also is one to take life by the horns and tug! I just hope they can both take the rigours of driving cross country one last time together! As she puts it, they are in uncharted times but have fought brave battles before! I truly have deep admiration for both of them, along with a heavy sadness. But as we know, no one promised us a rose garden!
    SANDY, did one last stab at the big prize pay off? ANd where was LIN today? Chasing fireflies?
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!..........................
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Busy day so more later BUT had to gloat a little. My week of deprivation paid off, I actually lost at least a pound in weight!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Not quite "Where's Waldo" but I was reminded this morning when we walked round the Hurlers several times.... well I walked while George ran, jumped, generally cavorted then disappeared against the granite stones!

    A beautiful morning on the whole but we did get caught in one squally shower that I rather anticipated having seen a rainbow across the horizon.

    After a couple days of rain I'm making the most of a dry day to clear up a few wayward branches left lying in a corner after the hedge cutting before getting back to some painting. Unfortunately the silver grey ceiling will need a 2nd coat and I always find going round again a boring task. Never mind, once done I'll order the floor tiles in the hope I can find a handy person to lay them then finally it will be a room to relax in. Only taken 9 months!!!

    Well done on the weight loss Anne. I forgot to get on my scales but think having just enjoyed a Cornish pasty for lunch it might be better to wait until Monday now! :s

    Must get on so happy Friday to you all.
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    We have had a severe thunderstorm and tornado like winds warning for later in the day. It's already HOT but then it's supposed to cool down again fairly quickly. I took Jilly for a long half hour walk before the storm starts and now we are waiting for Mike to show up to take us shopping and to buy a new collar for Jill. Her last one disappeared when Amy visited and it's nowhere to be found. She is wearing an old one at the moment but it's a little tight as her Pom ruff grows back in. Oh, and we fed the birds and the chippies their seed before the wind blows them off their perches and feet.

    I think Mikes arrived, Jilly all excited,
    Bye for now,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Friday!😃 Arrived at my son's in about 4 1/2 hours with one potty stop. My DIL's family came for a meatloaf dinner to see me, so it was very nice. Their house is beautiful.diksuu5op56z.jpeg
    I love the open concept!
    Not sure what our plans are for today but whatever we do I am sure it will be fun.
    Just wanted to check in.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Day
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello Sneakers.

    Tai Chi morning. Then I had to get gas for the car, it was getting low but my gosh, the wind is blowing so hard and the temperature is only about 60 degrees F now so it felt COLD! Shades of things to come. Finally a stop at Walgreens for a couple of things and now I am home and plan to stay here for a while.

    Jackie, I love the photos from your walk! However sorry that more paint will be required. Won’t they ever come up with true one coat coverage?

    Anne, happy shopping to you.

    Buzz, PT has been a real blessing to several of my friends this past year.

    Sandy, happy visit. What a gorgeous house!

    Jeri, welcome home. I see you and Shirley came sorta close recently! You and Ed really go to interesting places.

    Package tracking indicates the frames I ordered may arrive here at some point today. Yippee.

    Best wishes all. Must get moving.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    TGIF and the weekend begins! It is cloudy and the promised rain hasn’t showed up yet. I expect it to start as we head to the post office and Walgreens. It is cool but not too bad really.

    John got the deck repair done in two hours. He replaced two rotten deck planks so Katie and I will not crash through the deck to the ground below. Whew!

    I am trying new skin products and new brand of bras. (Too much information?). I think I hang on to old formulas way too long. Advances have been made...why not give them a go?

    I ate dinner, lunch and breakfast yesterday and gained two pounds. Back to my tried and true, breakfast and late lunch, no dinner but a cup of herbal tea. I am convinced I eat dinner with John for the social habit rather than real hunger. The non-stop search for the perfect health regimen.

    Sandy: your son’s home is wonderful. It looks stylish yet comfortable.

    Anne: what in the world is going on? Tornados in Canada? We are to have a mild dry winter but I am not counting on that. The muffin recipe is nothing special. Just a basic muffin recipe but substitute a cup of some sort of whole bran cereal like oat bran or wheat bran and one cup whole wheat flour. I use egg whites instead of whole eggs and almond milk instead of regular milk. No sugar but I do use canola oil as a fat source. Whatever nuts I have on hand, almonds, pecans or walnuts. I bake at 350 degrees and there you have it. You can whip it up and in the oven in15 minutes. I always have some in the freezer to send home with our son. One muffin with coffee and a yoghurt cup or scrambled eggs for John, easy breakfast!

    Jackie: wonderful photos. What is the purpose of the huge stones that look like grave stones? I know they are ancient but I no idea about their significance. I know I would want the ceiling of the garden room painted. The tiles will make the room really useable as a plant area. Knowing me, I would try to spray paint but that would be rather time consuming to mask off everything. Can’t wait to see your finished room.

    Lin: keep a watchful eye on that wind storm. Strange weather these days.

    Buzz: are you okay my friend? It is great fun to be part of a team, yea team! Might there be a video of the championship match?
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    edited September 2018
    Terrific winds here. The trees are bending like crazy. We do get tornadoes in Canada PATSY, usually a little north of us and the winds were so bad this afternoon, I almost got blown off my feet when I brought the garbage bin in. I bet one touched down somewhere when I put the tv news on. Usually in the Barrie area.

    Mike thinks I might have saved him from a terrific crash. I had made a quiche for our lunch and he was to take a piece home for his evening meal. He hadn't been gone long when I noticed we had forgotten the container in the fridge. I phoned. Back he came. Later I got a phone call saying him coming back had delayed him and probably saved him from being in a terrific crash. It had only recently happened when he approached. The firemen had just rolled up to put out the flames engulfing whatever was involved in what looked like a pile up. I guess it will also be on the 6 o'clock news. The traffic was diverted to a longer route home. Fates a funny thing isn't it. There but for fortune go you and I sort of thing,

    Yes, two tornadoes touched down east of us towards Ottawa, and 110,000 folks have lost power. Trees down everywhere and here come the first day of FALL tomorrow. AND cooler weather as the wind swept the heat away. 97F two hours ago and now 77F.


    PS. A lot of damage done by the tornadoes. It's breaking news and no loss of life reported so far. (I guess our tornadoes are not reported in the US?)