Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited September 2018
    I love rainbows and ancient formations, so thank you for one of each, dear JACKIE!!! Beautiful proportions in your pictures, which might have been a boring mess in less talented hands!
    Interesting question, PATSY, but I don't know whether or not there will be a video of our silly seated volleyball match. It's all part of our "Active Aging Week" plans and we will be transported to St Andrews South for this event, our sister community also in Boca Raton. There are times I feel as if I am on a landlocked perpetual cruise but this one will feel more like summer camp, lol!
    LIN, I missed you yesterday, so was delighted to read today's post. Isn't it fun to receive packages at home?
    SANDY, what lovely pictures of your children's open-style home! Happy your drive was safe, especially after reading ANNE's post about Mike's narrow escape! Fate can be amazing! Mike and I (MY Mike, of course!) had 2 very close calls on our last trip to Israel, in which fate kindly stepped in and saved our lives twice in one day! The outdoor produce market we had just left, and the bus that did not stop for us did not fare as well!
    May you all have a beautiful weekend, weather and event wise!

    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Brrr, I've been sitting too long at my laptop searching floor tiles and then frustratingly, when I found what I want the company's website is playing up. Meanwhile I'm chilled so something warm for lunch, maybe scramble some eggs. George and I got soaked on our moors walk but did manage to enjoy ourselves. Back to the car for a doggy rub down!!

    Patsy, the stones situated just about a mile from my cottage were likely placed there as some sort of pagan ritual site during the Bronze Age similar to Stonehenge. Of course it's all guesswork so I stick to the story of the men turned to stone because they were playing a ball game of Hurlers on the Sabbath!!

    Back later after housework and possibly more painting.
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    It isn't 9am yet and I can't believe what I've accomplished so far. Of course I'll suffer later and won't be able to keep my eyes open during Father Brown tonight.

    Started off doing my half hour 3000 step walk while Jilly slept.
    She woke up and I made the bed and got our breakfast. Oatmeal for me, chicken and veggies for her.
    Next I started the bread making. I'm finding I just can't eat store bought bread anymore.
    That started, off we trotted for our very long morning walk. 55 F, perfect walking weather! Although Jill did an awful lot of sniffing. Huge branches everywhere! I do hope no one got hurt yesterday. One giant branch was lying beside the bus shelter.
    Home, we fed the birds, the chippies, the bunny, the squirrels and anything else that wanders into our garden.

    I spent all summer hot, bothered and lethargic and here I am today raring to go and being my 32 year old self again! I'm definitely a northerner!

    Of course it was men turned to stone and I so agree with JACKIE on this. We have these stone circles all over the place in the uk. Mystical places, they can actually make you shiver if you linger long enough inside them. I hope the academics never find the true reason why they were erected, a bit of mystery is good for us. Gorgeous picture of handsome GEORGE.

    And I'll away whilst I'm still energized.
    Bye everyone,
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Druids circle, masham, yorkshire
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good morning, while everyone seems to be energized and zipping along, I am dragging! Horrible allergies and sinus issues. I am drinking hot tea and have removed most everything from my schedule. I finished a load of laundry, just made oatmeal, did a bit of Tai Chi, and am working on framing a few things. I have nothing else on tap.

    It is quite fall like here today as well but just standing outdoors for a few minutes brings on long protracted bouts of sneezing. That sort of came out of nowhere Thursday afternoon. I wish it would go back from whence it emerged.

    Jackie, George is absolutely adorable. Amazing photo! I too like some mystery so I am pleased with legend. Isn’t that frustrating to find what you want and then are unable to finish looking and purchasing. That happened with a tiny thing I wanted yesterday and the web site displayed a message that I should contact them by phone. I called, no one available. Still waiting for a callback. They must close early on Friday. Haaaaa.

    Anne, you have made me tired with your flurry of activities. Wow! You walk while Jilly sleeps in? What a pampered doggie. We see Father Brown early on Thursday evenings. I watch old reruns of “The Saint” on Saturday evenings now (if they are available). I usually fall asleep before they are over. Eleven is too late for me most evenings. Thank the Lord for your son’s safety.

    Buzz, if you do have any YouTube video of volleyball available, we would love to see it. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

    My troublesome neighbor who is overly concerned about everything in the neighborhood stopped by the other day. He proceeded to tell me my tree is a danger to people walking in the street and when was the last time I had it pruned. He then said it would be more dangerous in the winter when sticks come down on the sidewalk. I laughed at him then as that tree sheds twelve months a year. He said he intends to prune anything hanging over the sidewalk. Well okay but if he falls, he will likely sue me. He also looked over the new box the electricians installed near my power meter. Immediately said it should be locked as it is a danger to children. The installers said most people do not lock them as no one is interested in it. There is nothing that would harm anyone tampering with it but they could cause damage to my system. Sooooo, I put a padlock on it and now have to find a way for the annual service maintenance people to access the key. He has turned people in to the city for parking at the curb too long without moving the car, having a motor home parked on the street, having piles of lumber and building materials on the driveway, etc., etc. And I know this because he is proud of his actions. Argh. I am happy to be left alone. When he is at the door, it is not good news.

    With that I should get moving, the handyman is suppose to stop by to do some munching for me. With weed mat and rock.



  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    LIN. Wish your troublesome neighbour could meet mine - Harry who I've put up with for 28 years now.
    Harry would keep him occupied with complaints if he lived next door until they both kick the bucket!
    Then there's Tony the chopper down of healthy trees of course on the other side.
    Your neighbour should try baking bread. Keep him occupied all day, lol,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Almost noon, and I wakened early , pumped the legs for an hour, got on the scale and up 2 pounds from where I last felt a failure and stayed home from weight watchers. Just received a call from a friend asking if I'm OK, as she hasn't seen me the last few days. Actually, I was thinking I'm feeling somewhat lethargic, though nothing seems wrong, so I must be eating incorrectly and feeling the results! I'll straighten up right now!
    JACKIE and ANNE, I think living with ancient stones nearby must make for feeling so connected to your country's history! It made me wonder how much we have here in the USA from Native American that we should feel proud of, and I think we tend to brush aside much of the history not involved in conquering this beautiful land. Which reminds me that I have always wished our National Anthem was Oh Beautiful For Spacious Skies (America the Beautiful) rather than The Rockets Red Glare!!! Not that I'm unpatriotic, but I tend to treasure a different sort of life than so many other people, I guess!
    LIN, what a meddlesome neighbor you have! Will he ruin your tree if you encourage him to prune it? Hope your allergies disappear quickly so you can resume your busy life!
    I have several cards I've been putting off making, as I don't feel especially inspired to personalize them (meaning I can't recall anything that "stands out"), so I'd better get started!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good afternoon. I have stopped messing about with my frames. Just heard my friend has dropped out of the Monday Art Show. More explanation followed on top of, I didn’t finish enough to want to hang anything. The show was opened up to people beyond the usual Seniors who are members. They opened it up to all amateur /professional artists in that city. They are now overflowing with exhibitors, per my friend, most are professional. That took the wind from my sails. I liked to take some crazy things I have been working on since few of the people there are professionals. I am now re-examine my items and most likely will remove my super crazy pieces. Too shy to put them out. Don’t know what I will decide to take that will not feel humiliating. Argh. Why didn’t someone tell me this earlier?

    Buzz, my neighbor won’t hurt that tree. It is a clump of river birch I believe. It has survived loads of abuse. Haaaaaa.

    Oh cute, a little squirrel just ran down the top of my fence. A quite noisy motorcycle seems to have him on the run. Haaaaaa.

    Working on Halloween cards now

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi there! The day almost gone and I have been very busy doing cleaning etc. Boring stuff but I hate living in a totally cruddy house.

    Have a great Sunday, everyone. I will check in tomorrow. John is watching football and I will be sketching and eating popcorn.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2018
    Torrential rain and high winds in the night kept waking me and this morning I held off walking George after I saw a forecast for clearing skies. By 10am I thought we'd better just get on with it and headed for the moors where we both got swept along, George loving it of course, then just as we returned to the car park a blue patch of loveliness crossed over our heads and out came the sun. George's groomer drove in to walk her 3 dogs so we stood and chatted for a bit before I headed home, got a coffee brew going and thought about chores for the day. Definitely some hoovering and then out with the paint brushes..... again!!

    Lin PLEASE, DO show your super crazy pieces because there should be nothing humiliating about letting your imagination fly and knowing how amazing your work is I don't think you could create anything other than wonderful. Deep breaths and off you go with the zaniest you can put your hands on!! :D Oh dear, don't you love busy-bodies who have nothing better to do. The overhanging branches I could deal with him having a grumble about but demanding you lock your electric box is beyond a joke. Such patience you have.

    Buzz, certainly our chequered British history is interesting and gives us a sense of where and who we came from like it or not but your North American history, if you include the indigenous people, is just as fascinating..... someone should tell the Orange man that the first trace of village life is in the south west where by the 2nd millennium BC gourds, squash and maize are cultivated and the natives derive their crops from the more advanced civilization to the south in Mexico!!! No wall required back then! I didn't know this myself, just looked it up and it's all out there so perhaps it's a subject worth introducing into schools.

    Patsy, ooh, another popcorn day.... enjoy your sketching while John coaches from his couch!

    Anne, well for Canada to appear on the Al Jazeera news, something I usually watch on a Sunday morning, is a big event and my goodness that tornado in Ottawa looked horrendous. No wonder it was more than a bit breezy in your part of the world too but I'm glad no damage came your way.

    Sandy must be having a great time as no news is good news!!

    Lunchtime already so I'd best get on.
    Happy Sunday

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Wasn't the tornado something else JACKIE! The damage it caused! But I'm so pleased no one got killed or badly hurt. Apparently Canada gets an average of 60 tornadoes a year, something, along with mosquitoes and humidity the powers that be don't tell you about in their emigration booklet we received in the seventies. Lol. Otherwise I have to admit Canada is a pretty neat place to live.

    You mention indigenous people and we have a lovely reconstructured village here of longhouses, skin drying frames and veggie patches. I used to love going there with Flo, the dogs and her trusty old estate car. Lots of school children learning bead work etc. The native people both here and in the USA had a rotten deal, but what's new! So did the celts and then the northern English under Willie the Conk. Nothing's new under the sun!

    I agree, oh LIN.........DO SHOW YOUR PIECES! Remember we can't please everyone, BUT you do please us!

    Everyone, have a lovely cool Sunday. High of 68 today! This morning 46F. Good night sleep for me and The Bean after watching Father Brown at Christmas. Woke a few happy memories of me dressed in my Aunt Alice's kimona (brought back from Japan by Uncle Donald after THE war,) and "acting" the king who brought the gold to baby Jesus. All of 11, I got the acting bug after that in the form of amateur dramatics. Not being a beauty in the wildest of imagination, I got the comedy character parts which were far more fun anyway!

    Ooh, I do whittle on don't I! Family day, so must away!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Sunday! 😃 Having a great time with my son and his wife. We have been busy and going out for dinner for my last night. I hit some tennis balls with my son on the court today and it felt good. Yesterday we went to two wineries and some site seeing before going for dinner. I will be leaving sometime before noon tomorrow but will be back again. The weather has been perfect so I hope it holds up for the ride home.

    I hope you all had a great weekend.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just returned from the welcome to Active Aging party! Received my "Passport" with the week's agenda and there's no way I can attend everything planned to keep us aging beautifully! Much of it is interesting, though, and if I can find a bathing suit I can squeeze into, there is a special aquarobic class tomorrow morning for arthritics!!! Is there anyone over 55 who does NOT have arthritis??? The week is filled with testing at 1 PM every day, lectures, games, brain buster groups, lunches and of course special exercises. And the, of course, my seated Volley-ball competition! No one seems to know about a videotape, and I should charge up my iPad and find someone who knows how to use it! Oh my goodness, the battery is at 0%. I simply cannot be trusted with devices!
    ANNE, just keep "whittling on", as it is delightful to read your escapades and thoughts!
    LIN, super crazy is often super creative, so don't be concerned. If anyone asks about something, just return the question with "Well, what do YOU think it means?"
    PATSY, I've heard cleaning is a form of therapy so if it makes you feel better, just do it! The reason I keep a cleaning helper every 2 weeks is it forces me to organize my clutter!
    JACKIE, your energy astounds me. Washing a dog is no easy task, yet you seem to flourish almost as much as George from his baths! You are so right about American history! People lived here long before the gun toters decided they needed more territory! I do worry about where our current civilization is headed!
    I've decided to go to tonight's movie, The Leisure Seeker, with Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland, so I'd better get ready.
    Hope SANDY is having a great visit! We think of you daily, in case you're checking!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.......................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited September 2018
    Good evening. Church today with all the kids and grandkids from one family attending together today. It was lovely to see them together.

    I did some organizing and packing up this afternoon so I won’t have as much to do tomorrow for taking mynthings to the art show. My Internet connection has been slow to non-existent. I hope this will post.

    Buzz, have a wonderful week. All the activities sound very intriguing. Enjoy?

    Sandy, happy to hear your visit has been wonderful. Safe travels home.

    Anne, how was family day? Do you still have Sunday phone calls with family and friends? And yes, I would love to put our neighbors together. They deserve it. Haaaaaaa.

    Jackie, did the paint brush(es) get more use today? If so, good for you. I don’t get to many things. Always assume there will be another day.

    I was very tired today and feeling yucky. Sinuses are swollen up and so are my eyes. Small bits of outdoors have me sneezing up a storm. I don’t see any frost in our upcoming weather forecast so I guess this will continue for a while.

    I am going to the zoo with a friend on her birthday so I need to start to make a card. I usually don’t see her so I send an electronic card. Must think of a theme for her. And start on it Tuesday. Who knowns how long it might take? With me thinking my way through it, probably quite a while.

    Well, I am going to try to post this now.

    Hugs all round.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, you echo my recent feelings about ideas running dry when needing to make cards for certain people! I just made a card over which I agonized for weeks, and after 3 different beginnings, I finally finished one almost like what I wanted, but still, not exactly what I had hoped to express! Gnashing my teeth does not help!!! Yours will be perfect, I have no doubts...
    SANDY, unexpected a welcome...your greetings today. Sounds like a perfect visit, and drive carefully coming home!
    Well, I saw the movie tonight, The Leisure Seekers, and talk about a couple of real pros,- - -that's Mirren and Sutherland! "Traveling in their family Leisure Seeker vintage recreational vehicle, John and Ella Spencer take one last road trip from Boston to the Hemingway House in the Florida Keys before his Alzheimer's and her cancer can catch up with them." ...The reviews weren't great but my audience loved it! Much was touched upon that we seldom talk about or even recognize, and it held a certain bitter-sweet quality neither Rotten Tomato nor Roger Ebert seem to understand! I see the reality of this film almost on a daily basis, and we all felt the movie handled the difficult subject with great empathy and honesty! I also loved recognizing the areas Mike and I had often traveled on our road trips along the East Coast on the way to Florida! I would be curious to hear from those of you who see it what YOUR response is!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!......................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited September 2018
    Happy Monday! 😃 I will be heading home in about an hour. Wonderful time with wonderful family.

    Have a wonderful day,
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Lovely photos SANDY. For some reason your son reminds me of my eldest.

    My bread making machine blew up yesterday. It got very hot whilst making raisin bread and poof it was gone! Mike came over for lunch (lamb chops much enjoyed by us AND The Bean) and he took me over to buy a highly recommended Japanese model. Costly as well, but it's supposed to last for 30 years, not that THAT will benefit me, but maybe will Michael. We had to order it and it's supposed to arrive tomorrow. I think Mike will have to be around when I make the first batch of bread though! The front panel looks like an airplane cockpit.

    Lamb chops, reminded me of poor long gone Lam Sun who pursued me many years ago. To no avail I might add. He called me Princess Anne and I privately called him lamb chops. Here I go reminiscing again, definitely a symptom of old age I believe!

    Weather, ah, a cool and blustery morning. Little Bean could barely keep grounded on our early morning walk. I'm glad I'm not a little Bean. It can't be much fun watering the grass with a cold wind blowing around the tail region can it!

    Monday is always busy, washday etc. So I'll love you and leave you,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good morning, trip to Whole Foods our of the way and picked up reserve books at the library.

    Buzz, I have never heard of that movie, I must make a note about it. There, I have placed it on hold at the library. Enjoy your week!

    Sandy, safe travels home. Thanks for posting the photos here. Now for a win at Bingo this week.

    Well, I have a few things to do, then must change clothes and toddle off. My compromise is to take lots of stuff with me and will only hang what I am comfortable with after scoping out the other displays. Haaa.

    And it seems I am feeling a little worse today. I am afraid I have caught a cold on top of the allergies and sinus nasties. Is that even possible?

    Hi Jeri, Patsy, Jackie, Anne, Marie and all our Sneakers.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My day is rapidly disappearing with me only doing little tasks that were calling out to me..... pot up last winter's Cyclamen that survived our hot, dry weather only because I thought to sit them in the shade. They are now in the garden room looking happy! Also a white geranium that has to stay indoors or turn pink.... something to do with acid in the air, now there's a thought! First thing we met up with Scruff, her new sister Misha and their mum for a walk on the sunny moors. Misha's first experience of wide open spaces and she loved every minute, even going into one of George's zen moments! Walking back towards the car park we met a friendly lady with 2 dogs that loved playing zoomies with our 3 as we chatted, even George!! They are apparently Cirneco dell'Etna, an Italian breed from Sicily with big pointy ears and a lovely temperament although apparently rabbit hunters. After our walk I dropped George back home then went grocery shopping when I somehow spent a fortune or maybe the cost of food is rising!!

    Wonderful photos from Sandy. Great to read you had a wonderful time and can repeat it soon.
    Yes Lin the paintbrushes were in use yesterday when I completed one full ceiling cover but it does leave me with a crick in the neck so I only paint every other day. Sorry to read you're not feeling great and I do hope it's not a cold you're developing.
    Buzz, I'm not so sure we can always consider us humans civilized as such.... work in progress eh!! That movie title does ring a bell and reading your synopsis it's one I'll have to watch out for, sounds interesting.
    Anne, good luck with the new breadmaker. Just don't do what I tend to with new items, which is not to bother with the instruction book but push all buttons and mumble to myself when it doesn't work the way I think it should!

    Well, well, time for a cup of tea with digestive biscuit so I'll get into the kitchen. Hello to Patsy and Jeri plus anyone else missed.