Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    My first smile of the day as well BUZZ about the auditorium ceiling! but what fun you had! This volley ball has really opened up your life hasn't it. Congrats sent on such a close call.
    Second smile of the day - JACKIE.......with a hornet in her knicker drawer. Oh no! I presume thankfully you didn't get stung!
    I must say us seniors do NOT live boring, sedate lives as presumed by most folk under fifty.
    Just got up. Sleepy head is still in Her bed. Her Pomeranian ruff is growing back and she managed to pull her head out of her new collar yesterday as we viewed a neighbours cherubic brand new baby. With the fur it's difficult to know which notch to use. She was a very good girl and sat when told to, no running off after the neighbours three year old, so panic on a busy road was momentarily.
    And that's all that's happened so far at ten past six AM.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A warm sunny day is supposed to be happening here today. Sun hasn’t showed up yet. we do have a deranged little bird that keeps pecking at one of the windows on the deck. I go out and shew it away and minutes later the crazy bird it back pecking at the window again. I am not sure but I think this bird is having a nervous breakdown.

    Apart from Katie going nuts about the window pecking bird, life is pretty much filled with trying to keep us up and running. The doctors office called to schedule a fasting blood test...2 times a year I tottle in there for the tests. I get a report months later. Then it is hours of research trying find out what the report means.

    I decided against the walk-in tub because I get chilled sitting in the tub waiting for the water to drain out before I open the tub door to walk out. I also get impatient waiting for the water to fill the tub. I love the hot shower and it warms me up. Jump out and into my bathrobe before the relaxing warmth has dissipated. Then a lovely smearing on of lotion, and I am ready for a good nights sleep.

    Ooooops the bird is back. I read it is some sort of territorial thing. Odd and annoying.
    Press on dear ones,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) No win at bingo but it was an interesting evening. My friend had gotten bitten by a bee on Tuesday on her little finger. Tuesday is was red and itchy but yesterday her whole hand was swollen and red even swelling down her arm. Her husband kept saying it was from the anti itch cream she was using but I thought it was infected. One of the volunteers was a nurse so we asked her and she agreed with me that my friend should leave and go to urgent care. She listened and my other friend and I had to watch their cards until bingo was over. They gave her a shot and an antibiotic and told her to ice it. I haven't heard from her today to see how she is doing.
    More bad news for Babe, each day brings something new. His daughter found out she has MS and will be getting treatment and therapy. I think she is 57 so of course Babe is more stressed than ever. This morning he called and said his son fell at work and broke his wrist in three places. Babe feels like he is living under a dark cloud and I worry about him.

    Patsy, from google:
    What do I do to stop birds from crashing, pecking windows?
    Decrease the reflectivity of your windows:

    Pull down your shades: white curtains or blinds can make it difficult for birds to see their reflections.
    Car mirrors can be covered with paper or plastic bags and held on with rubber bands, if possible, move the car to a different spot.
    Put the screens in operable windows to make them less reflective.
    Consider soaping your windows for a couple of weeks during the nesting season.
    Break up the reflection by hanging something, placing decorative window films, or using 1-inch-wide tape or ribbon to create vertical stripes every four inches on the outside of your windows.
    Move houseplants away from the glass and close curtains over windows and sliding glass doors whenever possible.

    Anne, I am proud of Jilly for listening to you and not running off. Good Girl Jilly!!!

    Jackie, I too giggled with your remarks and can't wait to hear the hornet story. I agree with everyone else how wonderful you look, slim and young.

    Buzz, great news, congratulations on such a close game. Again I have to say what a wonderful decision you made when moving there, it sure is keeping you young and beautiful.

    Lin, your life is so busy did you at least get some birthday cake for your special day?

    Meeting day, I have to get moving.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Now there's a thought PATSY, waiting for the water to drain before you open the walk in tubs door! Thanks for the useful to know tip! Think I'll stick to a shower after all. The one I've got works for a few times then sticks solid on the opening/closing knob until bashed with a hammer. Mark will probably buy new fittings. Annie.

    PS. Just ordered groceries on line for the first time. I want to see how fresh things are. Prices are comparable to the store. Thought I ought to have a go to save Mike a journey in blizzard weather.
    Get established as it were. He's still coming over tomorrow and he will programme the bread machine!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    :D:D Patsy, your bird can perhaps see it's reflection so is doing it's best to see it's rival off! That or a few crumbs for breakfast needed.

    Sandy, not so slim behind George believe me and never considered myself a beauty so blushing!! B)

    Anne, good girl Jilly Bean and a possible disaster avoided! George still has no road sense after 4 years so brilliant that Jilly knew to stop and even sit.... That's coz she loves you!

    My carpet is shampooed and disgusting brown water gone down the drain. Also coated the deck with another layer of Golden Maple so after an afternoon cuppa it's the hens turn for a clean out. Also have to alter the timer on their door which always requires sheet of instructions, glasses to read said sheet, screwdriver, new batteries just in case and a lot of patience.

    Hornet later as it's hen time but not so sure the grass will get cut.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited September 2018
    Almost evening! I cannot believe it. Wow. Early morning book drop off at the library, trip to Trader Joe’s, a stop at the bank with the formerly dormant accounts. Grocery dropoff at home. Library ladies (which went late today—lots to discuss and a good turnout today). Stopped for a bottle of water and then Tai Chi lesson. And then we talked and talked before I finally started for home. Mail is picked up, and I am tired. I woke up with sinus problems about 3:30 this morning and didn’t get back to sleep. I am ready to fold my tent for the day.

    Jackie, you had a very productive day. Wow, you got so much finished. Well done we can hear the hornet story another day. A tiny funny story, a young couple now walks their tiny dogs, three of them, multiple times a day. I just went out for my mail and they were walking these tiny doggies once again. One dog seemed distressed and all of a sudden it squatted and started to make a poo in the middle of the sidewalk. The lady was really embarrassed, the guy seemed less concerned. The most unhappy one was the dog!

    Anne, let us know about the grocery order. There are a couple of places where I could order but none have organic produce or the products as normally purchase. Is this the same place where you shop each week? And yes, good Jilly. So glad she stayed with you. Wow..

    Sandy, another busy day for you as well. Sorry for no Bingo win. And what horrible news for Babe and his family. I am so sorry. That is just too much stress.

    Patsy, I agree, great info about the walk in tub. I wouldn’t have thought of it. That really extends the time to take a bath! I hope the bird has moved on. I hate to hear a bird hit the window. It doesn’t happen often at my house.

    Buzz, I hope your day is going well. Will volleyball be a regular thing with this other team? By the way, I cannot stand on my right foot and lift the left with any confidence for very long. Apparently the neuroma on that side has me somewhat off balance. I can balance on my right foot with the left lifted for a while. Interesting week!

    Well, I am really beat. I need a cup of tea and a nap. I have been avoiding coverage of the testimony. It is making for a much better day.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Our Active Aging Week is almost over. Does that mean I can stop Aging? Anyway, Weight Watchers was not the total disaster I worried about, as my weight remained the same. I was so sure it had gone up! One of today's Health Tests was Posture, measured against a wall.
    I did very well on that one except she was able to slide a paper between my head and the wall.
    Tonight's semi-final meeting was called Brainiac, and was one of those things where we had to choose TRUE or FALSE in one test; pick the correct group type in another, and name which word did not belong in a group of words, etc., for one hour. Most of us did very well.
    Of course I watched the "debate" today, and I think the soon to be Supreme Court judge put on a great act, wiping away tears frequently, exhibiting rage at times, etc. So who is the victim? eyes are not staying open and my entire post is about me, me, me! But I'm back to not getting much sleep, so goodnight, dear friends, sleep well!
    <3<3<3 Buzz
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello fellow travelers. I watched quite a bit of the debate BUZZ and found the good doctor very believable, but what a show from the would be judge! I always thought judges were "dignified" and act or not I hope I never get to be judged by this emotional judge! Tears, rage, gulping down water, "it wasn't me yer honor", sort of thing. As a "furriner" very entertaining.

    LIN the groceries are coming from a regular local grocery store (not organic garage who doesn't deliver) and I could buy everything organic on the internet site, which I normally do when using the store so all should be well. Hope the veggies are fresh though! Will let you know after arrival.

    Mikes coming to man the controls of the huge bread making machine, even Mark was surprised how big and heavy! I keep thinking of the poor little chap who staggered up my stairs with it. His legs were positively bandy! I had to drag the box on the floor to the kitchen where it became marginally lighter after the packing was removed. Again, will let you know how the bread turned out.....or not.

    And so our day starts,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ooh! Our weather has turned cooler so I'll be wearing layers to finish the last coat of preserver on the deck in a bit. I took George on the lower section of moors because I could see low drab cloud hanging over our usual place but then had to deal with lots of sheep all eyeing us just in case they got chased. My floor tiles for my garden room were delivered first thing so now I just have to wait for a builder to lay them. After that I popped into town for coffee and cake at a charity event coming home with an extra piece of courgette and lime cake to enjoy with my afternoon cuppa!

    Anne, goodness that breadmaker sounds industrial but I bet it makes a lovely loaf. When i worked I often made my own bread by hand and wonder now where I found the time. I did consider a breadmaker a few years ago but decided it wouldn't do my waistline any favours!

    Buzz, when I get out of bed in the morning I first lean against a wall and push myself against it 5 times, feet about 12" out and slightly parted. It sets my posture right but can't say it remains that way all day! What fun you've had in all events so hopefully it will be repeated. As for that judge, me thinks the man doth protest too much!!

    A quick regail of the hornet story then outside with the preserver. On Wednesday I had lots of washing drying outside and rather late in the afternoon thought to unpeg, drop into the wash basket and bring indoors before the air became damp. The basket was left at the bottom of the stairs to carry up when next I needed to go to my bedroom. A couple of times in the evening I heard a buzzing sound but assumed one of the many wasps had flown in during the day although couldn't see it. When I went to bed I carried the basket up and began to sort items but as I flattened knickers down into their drawer I heard the bzzz again from under my hands so pulled them back out one at a time until a pair made a terrible noise making me drop them on the floor. Carefully unfolding them, still expecting to see a small wasp, out crawled a huge hornet so I covered it up quickly and stamped on it several times then looked again. Well these creatures are I think indestructible because it was still moving in a menacing way so this time a pot of cream was dropped in its head and left there. When later I finally turned out the light I thought I heard bzzzz but told myself I was being paranoid. Ha, yesterday morning getting dressed I did hear it loud and clear so lifted the cream pot to find it STILL alive. I'm afraid at that point the pot of cream was used as a hammer until it really was dead. All I can think is thank goodness it didn't get the chance to hibernate otherwise one of us would have got more than a shock when next wearing the knickers!!

    On with my afternoon chores.
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    LIN, thrilled to bits with the order! Everything super fresh. Hope they keep it up because I will definitely use again.
    The machine is very large, much larger than my blown up one, and makes loaves of 2 lbs. JACKIE.
    I used to make my own bread as well, but the deformed, wrongly set wrist did me in. The recipe section is huge! Croissants, pizza dough, cake mixing, you name it, even jam making! I really just need it for normal bread and buns and maybe a Sally Lunn. This make is supposed to last 30 years at least. Cross fingers on that score, but who will inherit it? If it does that is. The grands?

    Do you think someone could drop accidentally of course a pot of cream on someone's head south of the border. He's certainly got it in for Canada, but so far we are ll ignoring him, just an annoying buzz in the background.
    Cheers all, time to don the old pinny, Michael and bread making about to start.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Very cool day here with temps in the 50's, but will go up to 60's. I am going to see the kiddos today so Lisa can pack for her trip to Virginia with her parents. She was going to be the maid of honor at her cousins wedding but it was cancelled. Since her mom and dad rented a house for the occasion they are still going. My son doesn't go, one because he has to work and two he doesn't like crowds. (side effect of being bipolar)

    Anne and I both lost weight this weigh in so congratulations to us.!! I hope the same for Jackie on Monday!! All are welcome to join us on the pound a week club.

    Anne, enjoy your bread machine, I used to have one when I lived with Babe and loved it. That was before I started eat low carbs so now I try not to eat bread.

    Jackie, you are a brave soul, I would have been scared to death with that hornet. I wouldn't be able to sleep unless I knew he was truly dead possibly from a shoe. I am glad you didn't get bitten but check your laundry when taking down. lol

    Buzz, I also watched part of the debate but missed her testimony. I am just so tired of the people on Facebook who are making jokes about all of this. Even though I am Catholic there was a good reference to the men who came 35 years later to say they were abused by priests and they were believed but because this happened in high school they think boys will be boys??? Talk about a double standard.

    Lin, I try not to watch too much news but Judge Judy was interrupted for that debate so I ended up watching for about an hour.

    Patsy, I am sure you are watching every minute but take some time for yourself.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers, yes I have been glued to the hearings. I have been spending too much time WATCHING TV. This Supreme Court nominee has me scared to death. As a teenager I was very nearly assaulted. I escaped because I could, at that point in my life, climb onto my horse without a saddle. I rode bareback a lot. I was chased by three guys that worked for my grandfather. They were scared of my horse that was very spooky and tended to kick. I understand the terror that woman felt at the hearing. I was not secretive at all. I went to my grandfather and he called the sheriff. These guys were very bad people and had done other crimes. The thing that really gets me is that these guys went to jail but not for harassing me or any other girl, but for stealing a pickup. Therein lies the way things went back then. And still does!

    Enough of that negative stuff! The day is sunny and warm. I have a new bag of potting soil and I have been getting stuff together to repot some house plants and freshen up some older potted plants. I seem to let my house plants go until they threaten to curl up and die. I will be out on the deck, playing with dirt and plants. John loves to play jokes on me with my plants. He pokes seeds of various odd things into my house plants. Sprouted Avocado seeds, orange seeds, pumpkin seeds and watermelon seeds crop up in middle of a house plant. Hummmmmmm?

    Anne: enjoy your new Machine! It will only take you a couple of times and you will be churning out wonderful treats for yourself and your sons. I have a friend that always brings his wonderful bread to pot lucks and gatherings. He has a great bread machine!

    Jackie: hornets are tiny devils with wings. I think they are mean and my grandmother used to say they were not like bees. They can bite and sting many times, unlike a bee. True? Not sure but I don’t want to check it out!

    Sandy: enjoy your visit with those adorable grandchildren. Has Robby and Max discovered Angry Bird yet?

    Buzz: what a great week you had! I would love that sort of thing. I am glad you didn’t waste your time watching and hearing about the hearings. Nothing good can come of this but we must keep hammering until we find a way out of this crazy situation. Very proud of our young senator Jeff Merkley. He is a real live wire!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited September 2018
    Hello friends. A cold and drippy day here. I am home for the duration now. Yippee. It was another early Tai Chi/Qigong morning. Afterwards, I went to pick up some frozen veggies I love that were on sale. Well, too popular. I only found one bag remaining! I prowled around for a little while and added to my bag. Checked out and discovered when I got home that she had not given me the discount. Argh. Add that to my free Starbucks reward the other day which was not free—they deducted the value from my card. It has not been a great week for my wallet. Haaa. One last stop at the shop that offers a discount during your birthday month. Lots of fun poking around.

    Home, with a load of laundry chugging away and a batch of sweet potatoes in my little countertop oven.

    Patsy, giggling, I have visions of odd sprouts popping up out of your plants. I forget to water my few plants. That’s me these days, I either overwater or dry them out altogether. Happy plant potting!

    Sandy, another day of fun with the boys. Good for you and for them. Sorry the wedding was called off and I hope the trip is enjoyable even with the bad news. One of my friends watched nearly every minute of the hearing. She was soooo agitated, I was afraid she was going to have a stroke. She has posted dozens of things on Facebook yesterday, continuing this morning. I don’t think it is good for our health to be so upset.

    Anne, I hope your mammoth machine is turning out lovely bread. You can spend all winter trying and perfecting new recipes. I hope the machine has a permanent location so you do not have to struggle to get it out and put it away. I am glad your grocery order turned out well. So great to have a backup plan. Wahoo!

    Jackie, I detest hornets and wasps. All can deliver multiple stings as I understand it. Ick, ick. Nasties all snarled up in your clothing. I am with Sandy, I would have crushed the heck out of that little intruder when first discovered. I have a murderous streak apparently. Wonderful news that your tile has arrived. Will they be able to install them before winter arrives? And I hope the remodeling project at your neighbor’s house is chugging right along.

    Buzz, again great job. So she could slide a paper between you and the wall. Sounds like you were very close. Now if she had slid a book between you and the wall. That would have been a bit more concerning. I hope you start getting more sleep.

    Hugs all.

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Just letting you know the old homestead smells wonderful with a gorgeous very large loaf cooling on the counter. Can't wait to try it! What a great day, home made bread and an easy shop for groceries that have turned out better than I can shop for myself!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Wow Anne. Outstanding!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hey, I just won two tickets to the craft show tomorrow. I called a friend and we are going. Yippee. If I don’t see you before I have to leave, you know where I will be!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Our week of testing has finished, following today's paper in which we had to use a pencil to follow numbers and letters in order without raising the pencil. You know: 1-A, 2-B, 3-C etcetera. I thought I did magnificently in a short time, but I turned out AVERAGE which was slightly deflating! Now we finish tomorrow with a Chinese Dance group entertaining us at the closing party, then prizes given for something or other (I didn't get details) and we return to normal. It was fun.
    ANNE, I have ordered several times from both my wonderful supermarket and also Costco fresh food! Like you, the choices were much better than I could have made myself, the orders were delivered within 2 hours of my placing them, and well worth the tip I chose to give! Delivery is free on orders over $35, so I don't order often since my fresh produce orders are usually lower. A company called "Instacart" delivers here in Boca Raton. We are allowed to bring up leftovers from dinner here at Edgewater, and I usually have something for the next day's lunch in my apartment. ---Yum, enjoy that wonderful bread!
    JACKIE, Oooooooh! I'm so glad you were not bitten by that mean critter, as their bites are really mean and long-lasting! What kind of tiles did you order? Picture please?
    SANDY, is the wedding delayed or called off? You are right about double standards regarding women being victimized!
    PATSY, whenever I have been home, I've been glued to my TV! We simply cannot agree to put in a Supreme Court judge who comes as prejudiced as this man is, referring to THE LEFT, Clinton followers, calling all sorts of name to groups he detests, etc.! This is what happens with a big-mouthed leader setting examples in bullying and lying! I'm so proud of the young protesters who insisted on the FBI investigation!
    LIN, Have a super visit to the Craft Show. What a stroke of luck!

    Oh, that bathing suit arrived today and the fit is a disaster! Back it goes and either I get to a store or forget about going to the pool! Some things just cannot be purchased online, I guess!
    And yes, I will get to bed earlier tonight, thank you.

    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    A lovely walk this morning!

    Goodness, I thought UK politics was dredging the bottom of the barrel but so appalled at what you are dealing with on the other side of the pond. Yes Patsy women struggled for respect back in the day and nothing much has changed. To see that dear doctor having to face that line of old men and relive her dreadful experiences was beyond belief so maybe time for more women in Congress or were they barred? Watching the judge it looks to me as if Mr T is cloning images of himself... what a ghastly thought!

    Buzz, rustic black stone slate tiles currently still on the pallet so will photograph once on my floor! Sorry about the swimwear... not something to easily purchase online for a good fit.

    Lin, brilliant and perfect. Do enjoy the craft fair.

    Anne, you're all set for the Winter months when you'll be able to snuggle up to a warm loaf when the temperature falls! Jilly too of course. ;)

    Sandy, from now on everything that comes off the washing line is shaken ferociously before going anywhere near cupboards and drawers! Oh dear, I did get on my scales this morning and after yesterday's charity event cakes I've gained 2 lbs but will check in officially Monday in the hope I've shaken the extras off!!

    Lots to do before sunset so wishing everyone an enjoyable Saturday.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It was an exhausting long day with the kiddos but I sure do love them. They each have their own personality and keep me laughing. Charlie is still a little gassy but hopefully she will outgrow that by the time she is three months. You are all very lucky "auntie's" with such beautiful kiddos. Lisa got all her packing done and some Christmas wrapping, she is one organized lady. I won't see them before they leave on Thursday so the 8 hours I was with them should hold me through until they return.

    It is so chilly I had to turn my heat on, hopefully it will warm up later. Just Mass and my visit with Babe and Daisy are planned which I am happy about. I hope to get on my bike again since it almost seems impossible to do daily.

    Buzz, the wedding was cancelled, it seems the groom doesn't like to work and prefers his school teacher finance to support them. He is lazy as far as looking for a job and even though he wasn't working he paid someone to cut the grass. She told him that maybe they should postpone the wedding until he finds a job and he said maybe they should just cancel. She is fine though, probably saved herself a lot of heartbreak.

    Lin, congratulations on the win, at least someone in our group won something!!! Have fun at the craft show and don't spend too much money.

    Anne, I could almost smell the bread at my house. The smell of homemade bread is just wonderful, brings back memories of my mom's. I think about ordering food for delivery because of my stairs but so far I haven't tried it.

    Patsy, I don't think they watch angry bird but I will ask their mother. I know they like Blue Clues and another show I forgot the name of. lol I really wish I was more involved in politics and researched all the candidates but I must admit I am not very informed. I don't live in the city of Chicago so we have our own town of candidates and I have no idea who any of them are. I usually don't vote in local elections just the presidential ones. I hate to admit that but maybe you sneakers can help me be more informed.

    Have a great day!

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    edited September 2018
    Hello, just come inside for Fridays leftovers after Jill and I did a bit of gardening, or at least tidying up and hacking through the ivy which has had a field day this summer. Yesterday was quite eventful what with bread making, groceries arriving, Michael arriving and to finish the day, Jilly suddenly in season, hence us being in the garden rather than on a long walk. She's quite happy sniffing out the chipmunks, little bottom in the air as the fearless hunting dog peers into nooks and crannies and generally protects Annie from all marauders.

    Looks like there's some agreement among us about the undignified judge. What really finished me off with him was when he said, choking on his drinking water, crocodile tears bubbling in his eyes, "my little daughter of ten years old said let us pray for the woman". I think she would be better off praying for papa!

    What a lucky escape for the would be bride! SANDY. My heat comes on early in the morning, but it's quite pleasant here by lunch. Well pleasant for sun loving you, but perfect for the ice granny who's me!

    Anymore (hornets) ants in your pants JACKIE? Very wise shaking the knickers before bringing them in. I guess mrs hornet was looking for a cosy winter home? I never ever tire of seeing the gorgeous George, thanks. Oh add on. Must tell you, Jilly was barking back at George. So funny!

    I think it would be hard to get a good fitting swimsuit on line unless it's a bikini or two piece BUZZ, and even then....
    I'm imagining LIN having a super day out, laundry all done,

    and PATSY, has the little bird figured out its not a gorgeous female bird looking back at him and just a reflection in the window?

    Well, I will probably go out and do a bit more gardening because it's a beautiful sunny day and alls well with our little world,