Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Friday! :) We are definitely into fall closer to winter with it being 39 degrees. No plans for today, it will just be a rest day except for the bike. I can't seem to lose the extra pounds I put on no matter what I do, it is so frustrating. I won't give up though, that is why I am here for so long. lol
    I forgot to tell this little story. The lady called with the estimate to fix my fireplace. One part was $359, the other $146 and $225 for labor. I said no thank you and she agreed. I said do I still have to pay for the estimate and she said yes so I gave her my credit card information. I texted my landlord and told him the results including paying for the estimate which he said I shouldn't have to pay unless they did the work. I went back to their website and right on top it said call or email for free estimates. I copied and pasted it in an email explaining I am a senior and their repairman was here for all of ten minutes. The lady who talked to me on the phone emailed me back and said she made a mistake and shouldn't have charged me to they gave me a refund. I was very happy about that. Now I just pray the new insert I ordered fits inside my existing fireplace and I have have electric heat and ambiance.
    I also texted my landlord this morning to see if he could give me an ETA for the power washing. He said they were supposed to do it and he will check. Still waiting for answer.

    Enjoy your day and keep smiling, it drives people crazy.

    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Just tried to photo a beautiful bird of prey in my Apple tree. Alas it flew off. Smallish with a yellow hooked beak, enormous eyes and brown and cream feathers. I wonder if it could be a kestrel. Gorgeous anyway. I guess I shall have to stop filling the bird feeder for the sparrows, finches and chipmunks again. It was at eye level on a branch brushing my back window so you could say I got a birds eye view of it.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2018
    Not a Bald Eagle I hope Anne! Do Sparrow Hawks reside in Canada? Similar colouring.

    Sandy that is cold and a definite sign Winter isn't too far away. I too must get my exercise bike dusted and back in use!

    One of those days as the wind continues to howl and rain fall. I did get out to pick up a prescription and check blood pressure at GP practice then a grocery shop. George is snoozing so I'm hoping he won't want another walk today.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Finally the marine layer is burning off and I see sun and some blue sky. It is chilly however.

    I called the local political action office and will volunteer there twice a week. John shakes his head and wonders how he got mixed up with a crazy activist. I know this might not have any effect but I feel compelled to try as best I can.

    John has a root canal yesterday and it went well. We dropped off our son’s birthday present at UPS and there is the funnest story ever! As they were attaching barcodes etc they asked, “Do you want the special 2 day service? It will get there tomorrow?” John asked how much? “That would be $71.00.” And John asked how much for just regular delivery. “Oh, that will be $14.00.” So John said to just do regular delivery. She smiled sweetly and said, “your package will be delivered tomorrow, at the regular rate.” Huh? Our son emailed that it got there before noon today.

    My toe is getting better but still requires dressing change and “ looking at!” Diabetics have to really pay close attention to feet.

    Katie has a dog door that she can leap in and out of to walk or run any time she wants. She chases squirrels and barks at crows. Her back yard is fully fenced and belongs totally to her. Katie likes to Watch John when he is out doing his chores. She also takes her frezbee out and drops it at our feet. The clear message is to stop whatever you are doing and throw the frezbee or a ball! So that is how Katie gets her walk in. Her yard is very large and she has room to explore and run and chase. John explains we have a dog dominated household.
    Plan for the worst, hope for the best!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    T least I spoke to DD this morning and she was OK

    Windows UPDATE and my posts are all screwed up! Lost almost entire post! Just disappeared. Sympathy to SANDY and hope all works out! Off to dinner!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Patsy, there's a saying along the lines a single drop of water has no effect but many drops can cause a tsunami so you volunteering to help out at the action group could be the start of something big, just believe.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited October 2018
    Good evening, another morning of Tai Chi/Qigong, a stop at the store on the way home. Finally got my few sweet potatoes baked , laundry finished, dug out the scrapers for each vehicle ( it snowed lightly this morning), gathered up supplies for tomorrow (think I will grab an apron too), loaded a stack of CDs into my iTunes library on my Mac, renewed my extended warranty on my stove and renewed my Magic Jack service for another 3 years. Price has increased and the administrative fee is higher. I did opt for 911 service as the cost of that really increased! Now sitting down to reorganize. I would like to cook my cauliflower and my shredded carrots and I would really like to make lentil soup. Just not up to it this evening. Maybe I could tackle one project tomorrow afternoon when I get home. I always find it difficult to start a recipe with loads of ingredients in the mid-afternoon. Don’t know why but earlier in the morning is the best time of the day for me to work in the kitchen. I also have loads of cards to complete but that’s another issue altogether. I did finish coloring all my little autumn bouquets that will be placed on the card fronts. The Halloween cards are ready to address and I am in the hunt in my stash for several starts that could be get well cards and several birthday cards and a few thinking of you cards. I think I am in a hole my friends. Oops! I’ll do my best.

    Patsy, I am so sorry to hear of your infected toe. That sounds extremely painful and a real problem in wearing shoes comfortably. Hugs. Katie is a lucky dog. Wondeful backyard at her disposal and adoring humans. What could be better.

    Sandy, I am sorry the big Bingo win wasn’t yours. I will be a loser tomorrow but I will be hopeful this evening. Haaa. I gave in and bought a MegaMillions ticket yesterday. Boy oh boy, now that would be some LUCK!! Fingers crossed that the insert you’ve ordered will work out. A fire is so cozy. Not to mention a real boost to our comfort in the dead of winter. And no, no chance of a video or an audio file. Trust me, your life is better without that experience.

    Anne, you and Jilly are so industrious (well, once you convince Jilly to get up in the morning). What was the outcome on the bathing facilities? I think I lost touch with that. No decision yet? How are your rescue plant(s) doing now? Did you get any apples this year? And yes, get your paint or at least your drawing pencils out. No time to watch lots of news is a very good thing these days.

    Jackie, I am sorry the adoption fell through. Disappointing but I know you won’t give up. Hey, good news that you have a short-term fix for your stove. Wahoo! Any idea when your new item will be shipped? By all means, if you can find someone who would do a good job on your tile and do it sooner, go for it!

    Jeri, I love seeing your family photos. Always a full house for certain and such gorgeous happy people. Wonderful. Are you now home for the rest of the year? Your trip photos on Facebook were spectacular.

    Buzz, I am sorry your friend needs to move but without her husband, she might be better served in Assisted Living and not being close to an attacker may keep her blood pressure lower. What a world full of bullies. I am disgusted.

    Well, as Sandy says, Onward!

    Hugs and much love dear Sneakers.

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    edited October 2018
    Snow! LIN! Oh boy, we are never far behind you! It's just as well Mark came over yesterday. He cleaned out the eaves and drainage spouts, he cut back Harry's giant lilac tree which was growing over and clogging our eaves and he cut back yet more ivy and pruned another bush. All helped by yours truly and Jilly who kept marauding chipmunks at bay. We now have four bags of ivy and one big pile of branches waiting kerbside for the poor garbage men, plus the normal dustbins because the aforesaid garbage men have to work this Saturday, everything being moved on a day because of last weeks thanksgiving.

    Mike had to work yesterday so he's coming over today instead armed with a fillet of fresh salmon and I just might get him to look at electric fireplaces because your mentioning of the first snow sprinkle Lin has made me all goosey!

    So far Marks fixing of the shower is working especially if I jam a face cloth under the ancient knob to prevent it dropping and jamming into bath only mode. Oh inventive Anne. It's a good job I almost match this 92 year old house in age and therefore have some understanding of ancient bath fittings.

    Whilst we were out slaving, poor Maria from the other side of me came over to let me know her bad luck continues with her moms death that morning.

    I was chatting to my old, now carless friend Flo on the phone later at 4 pm and she had only just woken up from the previous nights sleep. This really worries me, because as you all know I rarely stay in bed after 6 am. It's quite the norm, sleeping until late afternoon for her apparently.

    Phew, I think I almost lost this post, AND it's jerking and faltering so I'm off.
    Bye girls,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wild windy weather continues so when I walked George out to the road before strolling round the village I wasn't surprised to see highways maintenance cutting fallen trees. The builder and Smithy just called in to check what's required with tiling hearth and replacing stove so hopefully the job should be finished by Monday week. Meanwhile it's mild so I'll avoid setting a fire in the old one then won't have to clean it out again!

    Anne, your home sounds similar to one my Canadian friends bought on the outskirts of Toronto in the late 70's. I was surprised because they had loved apartment living but it was an adorable and cosy house with lots of character. They have gone full circle and now live in an apartment again, this time just up the road from you in London! That's sad for your neighbour with everything else she's dealing with and sleeping until late afternoon would leave me feeling sluggish through the few hours left in the day. Could she be dealing with depression?

    Lin, Seems unbelievable to me snow has appeared in your area but that's probably because I haven't experienced any cold weather yet. Oops, that's tempting fate!
    I'm convinced Laugh's fosterer had a friend who wanted to adopt her because within a couple of hours being put back on the available list she went straight back to reserved, too quick for their usual timetable. Never mind, so long as it's a good home plus if I had been travelling across England to collect her the stove installation planning would have been delayed. There's always a positive if we look hard!

    Patsy, George "borrows" the cat's door flap when he thinks something is going on outside he has to be involved in, usually Brady tormenting some poor half dead mouse! He has to hold his tummy in to squeeze through it. :D

    Must get off my bottom and vacuum upstairs carpets while the wind howls outside.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dear ones, I believe we are to have a sunny day again when the fog burns off. We continue to totter along on our chores but I insist we try to schedule in more fun. We got an invitation to a big really fancy retirement party. It is for one of the women bar pilots. She was one of the first women to get her certification. This was a big deal. She is charming yet tough as nails. She is retiring with huge hooplas. John is less than enthusiastic about going. I think it sounds delightful. But I don’t think I want to go without my date! So I will put my head into dreaming up some other scheme for entertainment. One of my challenges is to avoid us becoming too isolated.

    Sweet Katie is barking at ??? Believe me, her bark can be heard in the next town! It is loud and with a high pitched almost whistle at the end. It gives me a headache. I am taking an aspirin and she has settled into her cushion for a nap.

    Had a phone chat with the volunteer coordinator for the political action group. It is shocking how many people do not vote on the mid terms. It appears the 18 year olds are not aware of the vote and even less about the several important issues facing Oregonians. I will not try to influence their vote but I do hope they try to get some information before voting. This is harder than I thought it would be. But we will continue to encourage people to exercise their only way to have a voice.

    I would leave here and buy a big condo but John would go bonkers relatively soon thereafter. He loves his tools and his shop. I knew even when we were in college, he loves to work with his hands. He really can fix almost anything. So here we will stay!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sunny but chilly day. Will go to Mass and then for my weekly visit with Babe and Daisy. Not too many of these visits to his house left since he has sold the house.
    I have very mixed emotions about this and I don't know why. I think he will be better off with his son but I really don't think I can go there to visit him and Daisy so he will have to leave the house to see me. I will miss our Saturday's but have to take it one day at a time. He seems excited about it so I should be happy for him but things just seem so final. I will be fine, there were a lot of good memories along with the bad at that house but I would never move back there. He belongs with his children, he really doesn't understand marriage. Thanks for listening, no need to comment.

    Patsy, could you send John here please? I am waiting for my electric insert to put in my gas fireplace but could really use someone to remove the guts and cap off the gas line. It would be nice if they could put an electric outlet inside of the old fireplace but I will manage somehow.
    First I have to get it to see if it even fits in the opening. I will probably end up having someone else do this for me if it seems too confusing.

    Jackie, I have forgotten, is the new fireplace going to burn gas or coal or what?

    Anne, does Mark know that the faucet drips? He could replace it with a new one.

    Lin, will you remember us if you become rich?

    Buzz, glad you got a hold of your daughter and she was understanding.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited October 2018
    Good afternoon friends. Cold and breezy but at least the sun came out this afternoon. The little bit of snow disappeared almost immediately but apparently we may get more tomorrow afternoon. Darn wind has been blowing the beautiful leaves from the trees. I want Indian summer! Another youthful memory. The climate has changed.

    Well, went to the club get together this morning. After it was over, I did go to the huge craft show at a church not far from there where one of our club members had a booth. I talked to her just a little bit as she was intent on speaking to any customers. Ran into several ladies I knew which was nice. Then home, lunch, working on cards, finally cooked the cauliflower and am lining up the ingredients for the lentil soup. Maybe tomorrow afternoon?

    Well, no winner in this household. In fact the jackpot grew again although I did hear there was one million dollar winner last night. Darn.

    Sandy, I hope you enjoy your visit today. I wish Daisy could come for visits at your house. I know, life is what it is. I hope the changeover of the fireplace goes smoothly.

    Jackie, and I also hope your stove changeover is a quick and uncomplicated job. And I see, makes sense now, the fix was in on your adoption. Very likely. Probably nothing personal but just a friend she was looking out for. Something will work.

    Anne, sorry for the continued sad times for your neighbor Maria. And very sorry about Flo’s decline. Very difficult to witness (even by phone) when you’ve had such great times together. Glad your shower fix is working for you. Wahoo!

    Patsy, finding fun that both you and DH agree on sounds like a bit of a chore. Good for you! Volunteering is positive action. Way to go!! There have been many groups beating the bushes registering people to vote. The numbers are surging, at least that is what I have heard.

    I must run along now. So many things to do, so little energy. Haaaaa.

    Tomorrow will be mostly a church day.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lost 2 more posts, and am too sleepy to keep this going!
    <3 U no whom
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The clouds have lifted as the most recent storm moved away this morning so I took George on to the moors for a good long walk. He's now happily trying to be nosy through the fence at my neighbour cleaning her hen house. I always know when she's doing that chore because I see his waggy tail bouncing down my garden! A lazy Sunday for me even though every day is now a day of rest if I choose but I will clean my own hen house out after lunch then do the usual tidy in the cottage so you see nothing really to report. Oh yes, last night I finally watched the movie Hidden Figures and loved it.... who'd have known? Also I've spotted another little dog up for adoption that looks adorable, is fostered in Plymouth which is just 20 miles away and is a Westie so I'll sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning.

    Sandy, my new stove will be a multi fuel one that I can burn either coal or logs and I'll probably do both depending on temperatures and weather.

    Peace and love.... Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Monster Brady with one eye on my cheese sandwich!!

    B) Jackie

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) Another cold but sunny day. Waiting to hear from friends if we are meeting for the Bears game. If not I will just stay home and get caught up on the shows I have recorded. I did go to Babe's after Mass and let him know how I was feeling about him selling the house. It is like final step in our relationship and although he claims we will see each other it won't be the same. He also said that his son's wife is not happy that he sold his house because they agreed that they should have moved into Babe's house. The only winner in this is his son who gets his way once again. I do wish them all luck because they are going to need it. I talked to my sponsor last night and I am fine just trying to figure out God's plan in all of this.

    Jackie, what a beautiful picture of Brady, is that in the garden room?

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Sunny Sunday and John and I will watch a football game later. My toe will need a bit
    of TLC and a dressing change. I am trying to remain positive about this crazy toe. It is maddening.

    Slept late but I can still get the day started properly. Our firewood stacker (John) really wore himself out yesterday. Trimming trees and clearing out the covered area that holds our firewood. He gets focused on a task and doesn’t realize that it is time for a break or even a drink of water. That is when I turn into the proverbial fish wife! Yelling at him...come in this minute and eat your lunch!

    Sandy: reason tells you that there will be more drama in Babe’s life. All the research and data says that living with your children is very difficult, even if the personalities are compatible. “Steady as she goes” as our son the sailer would say. Rough weather ahead!

    Brady the cat is gorgeous, as well as what I can see of the garden room. Good luck with adoption. Westies are adorable aren’t they? I understand an urge to increase your fur family. I have that urge as well. John does NOT!

    Sunday is a beautiful sunny day, filled with lovely russet colored leaves, cool weather and a wonderful smell of autumn.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited October 2018
    Good day, as predicted, a long day at church, lunch and then I finally tackled the lentil soup. Just put it in the refrigerator. Pretty good but it may be even better tomorrow when the flavors combine even more. Yummmm.

    It has been an overcast and drippy day. Late this afternoon the drip turned to snowflakes. It is pretty much melting as it hits the ground. Thankfully.

    Patsy, is your choice of football games now over? And are you happy? I hope the toe is on the mend. Good for you keeping with caring for it. Your weather sounds just marvelous. Color me jealous.

    Jackie, Brady had both eyes on your sandwich. Haaaa. What a darling. I see a bit of flamingo popping out behind him. I never did find anything “flamingo” for my house. I did buy one of those little birds that dip their beak in a glass of water over and over. I’d never had one before. It lasted about three weeks before getting gummed up by my water and that was it. No more dipping. Oh well, I didn’t expect much for the price I paid.

    Sandy, that whole situation with Babe and his son sounds like purgatory to me. People get into the most miserable of situations. Keep on taking care of yourself. You are wise.

    Anne, company today? Hope all is well. Hi Jilly!

    I’ve decided to give up trying to attend the mystery book club Tuesday evening. No way to get the book finished in time and I don’t want to hear the discussion and then read the book. If I had been able to check out a copy earlier it might have worked. Oh well, I am sure I will enjoy just reading the book.

    I am going to read for a while. Tomorrow I will start to tackle my lists of cards to send and recipients. Loads of sorting and addressing to do. And still not certain if I will make two birthday cards or use what I have.

    Buzz, hello my friend.

    Take care everyone.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, Hi right back at you! I'm almost afraid to attempt posting tonight after yesterday's frustration, but it almost always follows the monthly Windows 10 update!
    Saw a documentary in our auditorium today called "Three Identical Strangers", the story of triplets born to a single woman who put them into an adoption agency in Manhattan, where they were all separated and adopted by 3 different families who were never informed that there were triplets! They met by accident at around age 19, and the brother-love story takes over, telling of their fame and publicity, marriages, business attempts and tragedy! It had to do with a psychiatrist who wanted to study nature vs. nurture! What a sad story that started out with such promise! And the psychiatrist died before compiling the results of his data!
    Yesterday they showed The Fencer, another bittersweet film that won all kinds of international awards. ---My laptop seems fairly normal tonight!
    PATSY, hope the toe is responding by now. They can be so painful , as I know too well! Did you see 60 Minutes tonight? It was a maddening attempt at an interview with your favorite Cheeto!!! He is such a control freak.
    SANDY, I kind of agree with your description of yours and Babe's relationship. Are his kids buying the house? Is he planning to remain with them? I hope the answers are NO, since it would be disastrous! And they will strip him completely. Talk to your lawyer ASAP!!! G-d may need a little help if it's true :o
    JACKIE, your pets and room look as cozy as I imagined them to be! And I don't think I realized your neighbors also keep hens! What a delightful area!
    I didn't see ANNE's entry tonight, so I hope she had a nice weekend.
    I'm seeing my Doctor's NP tomorrow morning. My lab reports came in 3 weeks ago, and I heard nothing about the results.
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Have a wonderful birthday Anne. You are the bright star that fell into the sneakers forum and have continued to lighten up our days. We wouldn't be the same without your cheery comments and Jilly Bean stories!

    Lots of hugs from Jackie and George xxx