Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Lunchtime and we’ve not walked yet due to me having to wait in for a delivery. If the roads weren’t so icy I would have taken the dogs out early but one of my neighbours messaged to warn me black ice was everywhere creating chaos. The main problem is we can go through many winters and never see freezing temperatures so when it does occur too many drivers don’t know how to cope. Thank goodness for my Canadian winter experiences!

    A beautiful day with lots of sunshine so wrapped up I’m in my element and have been cutting up lengths of wood that were once the frame of my original chicken run. I’ll be stocked up with kindling for some time!

    Anne, we dog owners were warned during our first lockdown that pet kidnapping had increased tenfold because so many people stuck at home decided a dog would be a good idea. I might have mentioned at the time how suspicious I was on one of our walks on the moors when I spotted a man appear to stalk me so I left the pooches off lead knowing they would run away if he did try to grab one. I’m sure I would be ready with a hefty walking boot in the nether regions if anyone tries to grab a member of my family! 🥴

    I’m set up to work on the dog walkies jigsaw and have placed the outer pieces and will now fill inwards. What a time waster but so relaxing.

    Hopefully the plastic fascia board I’m waiting to be delivered won’t be too much longer so I can get out with the dogs before the temperature falls.

    Have a peaceful and safe Friday.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Time for a quick “Good Morning!” to all!

    Lots planned for this morning. Gym completed at 6500 steps (see pic for interesting stat). Time to work around the house, get cleaned up…pit stop at mall for one additional “nice” cheap frame on the way to Uncle Jack’s house to see his new car and then surprise him with lunch. But will need to find what restaurants are open in his area, if any. Fortunately, he doesn’t live in the city.

    He is only 89 and the way his mind works – no doubt planning his next car after this one! In the meantime, when I first woke up I thought it was Saturday… LOL -



    Jackie – You hit the nail on the head. Karma doesn’t always seem to happen but when it does unfold like that it brings a smile to my face. Jean and I have always said…we’d rather be alone experiencing life than be with the wrong person that only added misery to our life. Hmmm – I might use that “sixpence” phrase just to play with people.

    It’s going to be a FREEZING day today… only 20 now and not leaving the 20’s all day…but no snow so all is good. Better than “good” is the “Great News” on your bowl cancer…. CONGRATS!!!!

    Anne – LOVED your story and you can see my thoughts in the above post to Jackie. I could share some stories but it would be waaaay to long. Seems there is no way to happiness without going through the pain. In the end, it is all worth it. My ex is married to that old neighbor and thrilled for them both (Karma for sure LOL). I’m with you on cruelty to animals…when I read of someone abusing an animal I wish I could deliver equal justice. I recall one guy that left his dog out in sub-zero temp chained up…. Told Jean I would have done the same to him!

    Hello to everyone else – so long for now. Bob

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :) My daily walking friend who is 78 years old and a Hospice volunteer, is scheduled to get a covid vaccine today. The medical practice we go to has scheduled vaccines for their patients ages 70+ for next week.

    :)Sandy, When were part of an RV club, a couple in the club in their late 80's bought a new very expensive RV and got a 30 year loan to pay for it. I guess it's never too late.

    :) Jake keeps talking about buying an electric car, but since we buried ourselves in a car loan for our 2017 Subaru Forester, it is unlikely that we'll be car shopping any time soon. I love the Subaru and have no desire to make a change, even if we did have the money for it.

    :) There was high wind and fireworks last night that scared Bessie and she slept on the floor next to my side of the bed. She felt safe enough to walk this morning and the wind and fireworks had stopped.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Doing laundry and cleaning house. Put in another order to a different store for the items I was missing Wednesday, hoping they have them. Took down the hallway Christmas decorations as my neighbor's Christmas was yesterday. Tomorrow we celebrate Max's 4th birthday with food and movie night and of course presents. Thanks everyone for the encouragement to buy a new car, I am still thinking about it and will let you know.

    Barbie, my ex SIL also told me I should buy an electric car because if they change any laws in the future I could be fined for a gas car. I told her that will probably be after I am gone because I really would like a Honda CRV. I just never bought a car by myself so a little nervous on doing something like that. Sorry Bessie was scared of the fireworks but glad she found comfort with you.

    Bob, your gym does sound like it takes extra precautions with Covid and especially with you going so early there should be no problem. I love Michaels but haven't been there in years. Wow, hard to believe Elvis is gone for so long and would have been 86 if he had lived.

    Jackie, your lunch looks good and healthy, keep up the good work. I don't remember the story of the suspicious man but I think a good swift kick would have deterred him. We had a lady on our news who left a dog in her car with the keys in the car and someone stole the car with the dog inside. They found the car but not the dog and she was frantic. A few days later they did find the dog and he was reunited with his mommy. I just don't understand why you would leave your keys in your car even to just run in a store. I don't even leave my phone in my locked car.

    This house is not going to clean itself so I better get moving. Stay safe, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I am thrilled hear the vaccines are appearing everywhere. I am sure ready for mine. I will need to find who and where I can get mine.

    We do worry about Katie. She would run right out into traffic in front of a car. She is very shy around strangers and runs to John or me. We try to socialize her but as the vet says, we are talking personality traits and the pandemic has affected our pets too in many ways. She is a happy and active sweetheart but is a total basket case. I guess she lives in the right household. We all share common traits here.

    I am trying to calm down about the political news. But it does drive me crazy. I keep having these thoughts of deserted islands and living like Swiss family Robinson. It might not happen with us. Our grown kids would look at us in horror. “Living with you and dad would just be too scary to even contemplate! You are like the Adams Family.”

    Cold and wet again here. Doing a bit laundry and making veggie spaghetti for dinner. tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, mushrooms and black olives on whole wheat pasta.

    Starting a new series tonight called Mr. Robot, I think. John found it and ordered it.
    Sounds like it isn’t my kind of series. I have my sketch pad at the ready near my TV chair. Or I can always slink off into the dungeon. I know...I am sounding rather judgmental and not open to anything new. Okay! I am resetting my attitude right now.
    Press on and roll up your sleeves and get ready for your shot!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,127 Member
    Hi, another overcast sad looking day. I was chugging along this morning when I hit all stop when a friend called. We discussed current events as well as all of our mutual friends. Always searching for news on how everyone is getting along.

    I had gesso’d a 2-page spread in my journal and had cut out elements to make the birthday card that I need. One short so this one will be blue. Her favorite color.

    Quick lunch and then a Zoom call. This will be an 8 week long class. Good grief. Homework? Well, I see failure in my future. It is a decluttering class and my gosh, they immediately conjured up Marie Kondo. I am not a fan. I hate bare spaces. I thrive in lots of familiar objects and happy clutter.

    Everyone else is much more productive than I have been so let’s see what I can offer.

    A teapot, albeit a late teapot? No information provided but I like the shape of the teapot.


    My half stick pastels arrived this afternoon. I know, I purchased something else but I am loving the colors and will inhale much dust using these! Here’s a little brochure for them.


    Everyone, continue to live safely.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    From Anne
    Hello everybody, quick early good morning from me who is about to change the bedding, mine and Beans for a nice clean start to Sunday.
    Much discussion about cars yesterday. I have never owned a car, could never afford to buy me a car, never yearned for a car and personally wish the darn things had never been invented. However I did learn to drive, got a licence but that experience made me realize I most definitely should not be driving. I managed to get to work for 22 years by paying the more competent. Amazing really. So much easier in the old country with double decker buses and dear little trains. However, although I've never personally owned a car over the years I have bought one new car for Mark so he could get to work and university in his hay day and three second hand ones for Mike in his hay day. One actually had flames coming out of the floor boards when we used it to transport us, Jenny the dog, potted plants and suitcases on our escape from Quebec, BUT it survived for what? 600 miles! Mike was 17 and the driver and Mark was 14 clutching Jenny. I sat looking at the Tarmac through the rusty floor!
    That experience made me realize cars and Anne don't get on! Give me a horse and buggy any day!
    Mind you, I would have loved to have joined Mark when he learnt to fly a glider. I figure it's easier not to hit other gliders in a glider, lol.
    So here I am, size 8s firmly planted on Mother Earth and about to get moving at a suitable age related totter.
    Hope today is good and despite virus's it should be now alls calm in the south of us country.
    Hugs to all, pets included, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I just wasted about an hour trying to place an order to Red Robin online.
    After I got it all in it didn't give me the 20% discount I was entitled. I had to cancel the order and then called the restaurant to place the order. I asked for manager who helped me another time with a discount but the girl said that the call was remote from another location. Finally got the order done with the discount. Please end this virus NOW!!!

    Anne, you are so nostalgic lately but I love it. Flames coming out of the floorboard? Is that literally or was in just a metaphor?

    Lin, an 8 week long class on decluttering?

    Patsy, not sure I heard of Mr. Robot, will have to check out on google.

    Sorry but I am out of time, we are meeting early for party and I would like to ride my bike before I have to leave. Stay safe and have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,127 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hello, MFP has been cranky with me and I haven’t been able to get to this page. Finally!

    Here’s a fan teapot that I would like.


    I have been doing a little bit of cleaning, finished another birthday card, and watched my usual Facebook Live show. It was great today.

    And yes Sandy, 8 weeks on decluttering. Different emphasis each week but I didn’t know that they wanted photos. If I had known that, I would have passed. I won’t be sharing at all.

    I found this gent on Facebook and love the videos he posts there. Here’s one that made it to YouTube.

    Okay, everything locked up again. I am quitting while I can post something.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Cold but beautiful sunny day. Started the day with blink and decided afterwards to visit Target at 8am to buy the new Barry Gibb CD for Jean… “Greenfields: The Gibb Brothers Song Book Vol. 1 (Target Exclusive, CD” lots of fav artists also on the CD. No traffic at all and store 95% empty.

    Back home for a clean-up and then a grocery store shop – there was a 2-jar limit on Jean’s fav daily peanut butter so I maxed out. LOL. Lunch was primarily Buffalo Chicken Burger, 1 patty, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Tomato, Spaghetti Squash, Banana Pepper Rings, Red Onion, Organic Spring Mix, Celery, Cucumber… Plan to watch Blue Bloods with Jean this afternoon. Again – under the circumstances not a bad day.


    Sandy – Laundry and cleaning… Like death and taxes. Good luck with your store order. All our Christmas decorations are down and away. I did manage to chide Jean when she walked me to the door as I left for groceries. The outdoor mat still said “Seasons Greetings” and I expressed my sincere “mock face” disappointment. We laughed and she said the backyard flags still hadn’t been changed either.

    You’re right about the gym…VERY safe. Best wishes on whatever car decision you make. Here is 89-year old Uncle Jacks’ new Rogue. God almighty –more gadgets than I would ever use (or him LOL) But he loves it and it puts a smile on his face – so that’s all that matters.


    Lin – Wish I could send you some of our sunshine. We had a lot of cloudy days last week – glad Little Orphan Annie dropped by…. Good louck with that class and your “homework”.

    Anne – Funny how we change over the years when it comes to cars. In my younger days, I attended the new car shows every year. Loved every so often getting a new one. Of course the first “brand-new” car I had didn’t even have carpet – but the price tag was the same as getting a tooth capped today LOL. My plan for now is to buy what will likely be my last car in about 2-3 yrs. Both Jean and I are active individually and use my car when together. Still – compared to the old days our mileage is next to nothing (especially for Jean).

    You wrote that you got a license “but that experience made me realize I most definitely should not be driving” and that reminded me of my mother. I was a teen before I found out she ever drove a car. The ages with my siblings is wide-spread and it wasn’t until my older sister told my mother had a license but stopped driving because it just made her too nervous and uncomfortable. I never did see her drive. Wishing you a healthy day.

    Ok – time for some TV and a fresh cup of coffee!

    Best to all Bob

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ohhhhh brrrrrrr! A cold mist on a dreary day. I thought things couldn’t get any worse but the news just seems to be getting darker, scarier, and more depressing. I think this pandemic has caused me to see everything through a dark veil. So the drama of our weekend is that John had a gold crown just fall out of his mouth during dinner. Friday night and no dentist available, of course! Adding to the drama, I cut the bottom of my foot on something (?) bleeding everywhere as I limped to first aid kit. After applying a very thick bandage that will not allow a shoe, I am in slippers and limping gingerly around the house. What happened? I think I must have stepped on the side of a metal leg on one of my drawing tables. I have mentioned that I am a world class clumsy.

    In the bigger picture, these things are very minor and classify as annoying rather than a disaster. But still add a bit of challenge to the weekend.

    About Mr. Robot....a very dark series. I don’t think I can stick with it even if the premise is interesting and current in concept. But if you can follow the techie aspects, it is interesting.

    Sandy: the Red Robin restaurants are closing in Oregon. Our son rarely eats or orders there but he said he tried to order during Christmas holidays and was told they were closing. Too bad so many restaurants are closing. I have discussed this with John and at least here in Oregon, we think that restaurants will operate differently for a few years. Things have changed and people have different habits now.

    Lin: a decluttering class sounds like something I need but will never do. I am praying that Goodwill, Salvation Army and st. Vincent DePaul will reopen soon. I will have loads of things to offer them. But I do get lots of stuffed animal toys for Katie at those places. I buy them, put them directly into the washing machine and dryer. Katie waits by the dryer when she sees the toys inside. She likes BIG toys.

    I fear we have more drama in store here on a political scene. More time in dungeon, more good music, less TV and news.

    Al Green....I’m so tired of being alone 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The kind of cold that seeps into the bones today with no sign of the sun because of a freezing fog hanging over us. More problems on the icy roads for drivers first thing so no walk until nearly midday. Hmm, I see as many cars out and about as any normal Saturday so what happened to lockdown? No wonder the virus continues to run rampant!

    As I prepared lunch and also began a soup mix my friend Pat called me on FaceTime and we compared notes on our current jigsaws, something I persuaded her to get to pass some time in this lockdown. She is already hooked on a most complex picture entitled Shakespeare’s London with 1000 pieces.... rows of Tudor buildings along the river Thames. As we chatted she received a phone call on her landline from a friend of hers I know so we thought it would be fun to set up a zoom call. It took nearly an hour with hoots of laughter, sometimes no picture other times no sound but finally we got there and I was able to see that her friend also had a jigsaw on the go so the word is spreading! We will try another zoom meeting tomorrow.

    Just let the dogs out for their last garden visit before bed when even George didn’t hang around. I see the thermometer in the cottage that reads the temperature in the greenhouse is -2c so not sure how my geraniums will survive. My brother that lives in Spain has sent photos of the snow they are experiencing with -35c record breaking temperatures and they grow geraniums everywhere!

    Patsy, it will take some time for eating out to become the norm again if too many refuse the vaccine. Most of our pubs and restaurants are run by small independent businesses that are struggling to survive which is so sad.
    As for your politics, your dungeon is the safest place for the time being. Let the madness die down!

    Nearly bedtime but with a Billy Joel concert recorded at Shea stadium playing on tv in the background I’ll read until that finishes. There’s no disguising his distinctive voice!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :) It's official that the vaccine will be available in my town for people ages 70+ and their domestic partners. The first day of six vaccine days is Thursday and we plan to be in line early in the day :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    From Anne
    No more nostalgia SANDY. I spend so much on my lonesome I'm drifting back in time, but yes, the bottom of the car really did burst into flames - and that was only the start of a day full of mishaps. The car cost me $180 a fortune for me, but it served its purpose. Good for your Mom BOB realizing that it's better not to drive if nervous. Plus bad at judging distances in my case!

    The highlight of my day will be planning my grocery order for next week. I see we are all into jigsaws. Actually they are quite addictive. Difficult to see on my iPad but I do go for the highest number of pieces. One I did yesterday was really difficult. It appeared to be small thin strips of colour and doing the mystery I hadn't a clue what would turn out. Finally a library of shelves and books. Who'd have guessed. The Tudor one sounds wonderful JACKIE.

    PATSY, your poor foot! Please watch it carefully and disinfect the wound. I won't go into why!

    My other highlight yesterday was talking to Barrie my last year snow clearer and a very excited Shelby who Jilly kept clear of. Like most of the street he is renovating his small house. One of the few old houses remaining. He is another one who fled Montreal when the french Quebecers were going through their "hate the English" phase. Must ask him where his dad worked because he's Mikes age.

    And talking of Michael, no Michael this week. He is quite alarmed by the statistics. Our hospitals are full to capacity now. Bursting at the seams. It's getting almost to the stage of choosing who they take in with people my age the last to be chosen. I hope the vaccines are the answer to our prayers BARBIE but I feel a bit sceptical as the virus keeps mutating. He says he will never forgive himself if he passes it on to me but I suspect it's more a case of having to take in one very spoilt, totally adorable, Bean.

    Well, on the bright side we've survived almost a year finding new things to do. LIN - Houses decluttered, new recipes tried.

    May your Sunday be enjoyable if quiet,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another freezing day but I sense a change in the air. I’ve walked the pooches, made a batch of food for George and finished lamb and pea soup. Chatted to friends and worked on a jigsaw. A nice relaxing Sunday. 😁

    Happy Sunday. Stay out of trouble!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Sunday. Another cold day…but no snow to be pushed around…so it’s a good day. Almost to 10k steps (400 to go). Jean is off to a “ZOOM BABY SHOWER” at my sister’s home. A handful of family members having a light lunch and then everything else (presents etc. via Zoom. Pandemic or not – Soooo glad men don’t do baby showers. Just finished putting my dinner together ( lemon & garlic Chicken Breast, Spaghetti Squash, garlic & herbs riced cauliflower, & green beans).


    Patsy – Sorry about the dreary day. Amazing how the weather impacts our energy and thoughts (especially when adding news). More amazing is how the cost of a “crown” has skyrocketed over the years…no wonder I have lost 2 dentists due to early retirement (late 50’s). LOL. Mr Robot is a strange series for sure and takes some adjustment. I didn’t think I would keep watching it, yet would find myself doing just that.

    Jackie – Cold seeping into bones, no sun and a freezing fog hanging over you. Paints such a great picture I am glad it isn’t our weather. Being the weekend with more people out & about, I plan to stay close to the home front. As for Spain – I read the headline Friday stating: “Spain sees record low of -35.8 degrees in unusually bad weather” Again – I feel fortunate. With regards to Billy Joel, I was a big fan back in the 70’s and early 80’s (Piano Man, Movin’ Out etc) – but haven’t played much of him recently. Might have to dust some music off. Stay warm.

    Barbie – Congrats on the vaccine and hope the line isn’t too crazy !

    Anne – I think your $180.00 car is like many things I have owned …good enough if they serve their purpose. Good luck with your grocery order. As for puzzles – I can’t believe I found myself looking at one recently… what’s next a tea pot

    Think I will join Anne in saying “May your Sunday be enjoyable if quiet” Bob

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,127 Member
    edited January 2021
    Good afternoon. I attended church this morning and did more sorting out. My goal of one full 30 gallon trash bag accomplished! Yes!! I have given up on getting back to my regular activities and have put my daily stacks away. One for Mah Jongg, one for Tai Chi and Qigong, one for coloring, one for book clubs, one for coffee gatherings, one for church. My little table was really full and now it is clear. Just like my calendar right?

    Another overcast day. We had just a tiny bit of snow overnight. The temperature now is around 30 degrees F. The high for the day.

    Still not spending much time on the puzzle spread out on the table. It is difficult, the pieces are tiny so I am pretty much staying with the iPad puzzles. This app allows puzzle pieces up to 169. No way that would be microscopic. I am comfortable with 49.

    I started to clean out several old recipe boxes I have kept since the early 1970’s. And then I stopped. A recipe in my aunt’s handwriting, a number of my grandmother’s recipes, my mom and finally from dear Blanche, the lady I bought eggs from in 1974-1975. They lived around the corner from us, well, as around the corner as you get on a farm out in nowhere. Buying eggs was a half of a morning’s errand. There was always coffee and conversation to go along with the egg purchase. We bought milk from a farm, also close to us. Went over during morning milking and had a big stainless steel bucket with lid filled from the bulk tank. That did not take as long. They were too busy to chat for very long. Very old fashioned country. Out on a gravel road, didn’t get the county plow very quickly in the winter. Had a creek down at the end of one pasture. And there was a little wooded area up on a hill, filled with hickory nut trees. We harvested nuts and over the winter, I cracked them and we had hickory nuts in our baking instead of walnuts.

    Okay, teapot clock today!


    And this just seemed so me.


    Bob, you need a puzzle for certain. A puzzle of a teapot would be a good start. Thanks for the photos of the new Rogue. Pretty nice looking ride. I love the interior! We have several Michael’s stores in the area and I will be surprised if all stay open. I have purchased a number of frames there over the years when they were on sale but not as on sale as what you purchased. Oh by the way, men do attend baby showers here. Just saying.

    Jackie, what fun, Zooming with friends and everyone with their own jigsaw puzzle?!? Wahoo! Hope you do that again soon.

    Anne, Michael is just being cautious. It is probably a very good thing. I am sure you and Jilly miss him. How is Mark doing? I hope his pain is diminishing.

    Barbie, congratulations on your upcoming vaccination. Your state and county must be quite organized. Not the same here. I think we will be more like Florida with people trying without success to get on reservation lists. I would bet here that people with money will get shots from their doctors without fighting for a spot and waiting in line for hours. Cynical? Yep.

    Sandy, how did the evening go? By the way, I had never purchased a car on my own until I was divorced and my ex wanted our car. I had been making the payments etc. so we agreed on a price for the car. With that in mind I signed over the car to him and you know this is coming right, he never paid me. I had taken out a loan and purchased a used vehicle. I thought I would have it paid off quickly when he paid me, well, not so much. I had to pay it off monthly but I did it. Since then I have purchased another used car and two new vehicles. The first was the scariest. And now there are places to purchase where you don’t have to pay the haggling game. And you can ask your son for advice. You will be okay. Get that CR-V.

    Patsy, how is your foot today? Better I hope. I never watch what all of you guys are seeing as I don’t have the same access but I am looking forward to PBS this evening. Celebration of Masterpiece, then the new version of “All Creatures Great and Small” and I believe a program on Alastair Cooke. It will be a good evening.

    Well, should run along.

    Take care everyone.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    😆😅😂 Puzzles and a teapot Bob!! 🤣🤣

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    edited January 2021
    Happy Sunday! :) Busy day so far, Church service on TV this morning, video call with my son later and then decided to ride my bike. I watched the movie The Midnight Sky on Netflix and highly recommend it. I rode the bike for over two hours and gained lots of calories which is good because I am making myself a steak tonight.
    The birthday celebration was fun, movie night was on their wall so it was like being in a theater. We watched the live version of the Lion King and even though I have seen it, it was still fun. Too much birthday cake with ice cream which I forgot I can't tolerate dairy. Oh well, lesson learned.

    Lin, I am not sure I want a car payment but it is probably something I should do for myself because I think it would make me happy. I was looking at cars through AARP and wonder if they are helpful with seniors. You were and are a brave soul and yet I know I can do this on my own, it is just taking the first step.Cute clock if you are a tea person and I guess I should be celebrating today's holiday. lol

    Bob, you made me think about the Zoom baby shower my DIL and her mom went to except it was over when they joined. Someone forgot to mention the difference in time zones. My family does baby showers usually without the men but if there is alcohol involved some others invite the men. I prefer ladies only since a lot of them play silly games. Nice car Jean's uncle bought.

    Jackie, sorry for the cold weather but we are cold here as well. Glad I took the balcony decorations down on Friday when it was in the 30's. I do love chatting with my friends on Zoom, it is the only way I can see them.

    Anne, sorry no Michael this week, but I agree with Lin, better to be safe than sorry. Gosh, I thought two or three thousand was cheap when I bought a car (with Babe's help). Today what we pay for cars you could buy a house many years ago. The good old days.

    Barbie, congratulations on the vaccine and I hope you don't have to wait in line too long.

    Patsy, yes, it is unfortunate that so many small businesses are closing but some are very inventive with individual igloos and heated tents etc. I personally, don't want to eat in any restaurant or makeshift eating area, I prefer to order takeout and pick it up. We only do that for movie night otherwise I cook for myself.

    Not sure where this day went but it almost time for dinner. Go Bears!!

    One Day at a Time

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    Just for you Jackie!!