Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh happy day! Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I do not have to roast a turkey. John and I are having salmon (gasp) and no green bean casserole! John wants all the usual side dishes even dressing but without turkey gravy. We have now officially entered into full- on Weird stage of life. Our son will be having Thanksgiving with his sailing friends. Our daughter will be at home with her family but I will take her a few things for her thanksgiving dinner. She cannot eat solid food because the periodontal issue is still unresolved. I will try to devise a plan to help without being hysterical. Not easy, I can really get hysterical over this! There is an old saying that is so true. Mothers are only as happy as their least Happy child.

    Katie was born into a really great situation. A big family of healthy litter mates, on a lovely family farm. They were kept in a play pen in the family laundry room. The family had 5 children that were constantly carrying the puppies around. I think it is just the breed. Katie is nosy, active, independent and intelligent but stubborn. She seems to have given up the disgusting habit of poop eating. But I never count on anything! She is our love but she rules the roost around here.

    John is doing something out in his shop. I am making cranberry relish and looking at huge salmon fillet! Wonder if I can fold it into a shape that looks like a turkey?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, read your post re: an hour of legs up and here I am, following MY hour or more of legs UP! They look slightly better, but I dare not step on the bare floor or I might scream
    (from the pain in my soles!). I found a pair of loose slippers with velcro fastening so I wore these blue furry monsters and went to dinner in Mike's electric wheelchair looking very inelegant but who cares! And I must remember to get my LEGS UP!
    I try picturing JACKIE with a shy pup, and it's not easy! In time, I think she will learn to trust you from brother George!
    By the way, this swelling has not caused my weight to fluctuate much and I haven't really gained!
    I'm trying to find an unsubscribe address or number in Harper's Bazaar, and it's like that proverbial needle in a haystack! It was one of those "freebies" offered online for answering a survey, and I suddenly realized the year is almost finished and I do not want their auto-renew!
    Does anyone expect our beloved "orange top" to yell "Put her in jail!" about his daughter's use of a private email server for government business! His hole gets deeper!
    ANNE, your refund story gets more and more complicated! We so seldom hear of receiving a higher refund of any amount of any kind!
    I'm stumbling badly over nte typing and realizing how late it is suddenly! So wishing those of us who celebrate Turkey Day dxkpngprb4wf.png.
    And to all of you...
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY to all Sneaker friends having a good old tuck in today.
    Here it's FREEZING, minus, yes minus -13 C which translates to 8 F for old fashioned girls like me. The coldest it's been since last February apparently. I shall make scones today to have warm and buttered with my evening tea. I still eat dinner at lunch and the later meal is high tea or teatime. Definitely old fashioned.
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY to all the pets sniffing around the dinner table for turkey or salmon fillets.
    Jilly Bean.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited November 2018
    Happy Thanksgiving and happy Thursday to folks who are not celebrating Thanksgiving today. I have finished a load of laundry, printed out a return slip and packaged up a pair of shoes I had ordered. I really wanted these shoes to work out. Lovely red Tai Chi/Martial Arts shoes but alas, my old beat up feet are not a match for these gorgeous shoes. I started to make some mushroom gravy and have gathered my contributions for today’s meal.

    Now it is coffee and a bit later a bite of breakfast. I have no idea when we will eat today. It is always kind of whenever people and food converge. Haaaa.

    Anne, so sorry is it dreadfully cold for you. I like to watch a bit of the Macy’s Day parade and I gather it is exceptionally cold with officials telling folks to wear all warm clothing that the have! Oh my. It was quite foggy here this morning but temperature is going to be okay. Sunday and Monday are on tap for quite inclement weather. I will stay home if it is slippery. Hate that.

    Buzz, my goodness, your poor feet and legs. I hope today is better. Your slippers sound quite good to me though. But I don’t have to dress for anything. I have been known to wear pj bottoms in the evening.

    Patsy, I am still giggling about folding a fish. Of course, my mind went crazy, thinking of folding and folding as in origami. Turning a fish into a crane or something equally elegant. I will stop now.

    Sandy, hello. Enjoy your day.

    Jackie, what is your crew up to today?

    Must check my cooked mushrooms.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Happy Thanksgiving to all sneakers celebrating today.

    Another cold day but nothing like Anne's temperatures. I'm going to have to find a warm jacket for Betty and since none of my friends knit, unless secretly, it will have to be a shopping trip tape measure in pocket! We managed to walk for an hour then I stopped off at an Aldi store for groceries and when I returned to my car George and Betty were almost snuggling, well that's what it looked like. I soon realised Betty had trapped poor George in a corner of the seat and his usual grumpiness did make me laugh!
    Both of them now snoring so I'll try to get on with chores.

    Buzz, I'm loving the image of you in those blue furry slippers and I'm with you, comfort is everything where feet are concerned. Continue to wear them when you get time to pop them up for a rest. As for the orange man, I have no doubt that story will be tagged fake news and his followers will as ever believe him!

    Katie had a perfect start in life and continues that perfection Patsy since she obviously fell on her feet when she came home with you and John. Betty is already showing a funny personality especially when she does her best to catch her tail, a tight curly little thing that can't be reached however hard she tries but then her face lights up in a beaming doggy smile. Happy Salmon day to you and John. I do feel for you with your continuing difficult mother/daughter relationship and can only send hugs to see you through your visit.

    Anne, baking is the best idea when it's so cold outside and may those scones rise to their hearts content! I wish I could get myself organised to cook my main meal midday because it's a good way to control weight. It happens occasionally and it's those weeks I usually lose a pound or two.

    Must get on with my chores and my stove needs to be lit right now!

    Sandy and Lin, enjoy your festivities too

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Looks like little Betty is adjusting most happily to her new way of life JACKIE! Jilly grins just like you describe the little girl. Isn't it amazing how once we and dogs lay aside the burden of baby and puppy rearing we shake off the shackles of life with happy abandonment and chase our tails. I wonder if she will persuade our George to give up his tibetan monkish behaviour (although the present Lama doesn't appear to be at all grumpy!) But then, he wouldn't be our George would he and they say opposites attract.
    The fruit scones are all made, piping hot, and I'm just having a small leftover bit which I baked for tasting purposes. Actually they turned out pretty good. I made scones two weeks ago from an American recipe, good but more like biscuits. Then I tried Jamie Oliver's recipe, again good, but not sweet enough for my now Canadian taste buds. These are a mixture of the two recipes and are much more like the British scones I remember. If I don't get too piggy they should last me 10 days, one a day! Freeze well, scones, fortunately.
    Blue furry slippers BUZZ! Bliss is blue furry slippers! I wonder if the orange man is pulling the turkey wishbone right now and I wonder what he's wishing for, lol.
    Sorry your shoes weren't the same success LIN.
    Well my scone morsel is no more so I suppose I ought to do some housework because it isn't a holiday here.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member

    Have a wonderful holiday for those of you celebrating and/or a wonderful Thursday. I will be celebrating with the kiddos and their parents and my son's father. I am grateful to have you all in my life and wish you nothing but love and happiness.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy thanksgiving all! A foggy rain cold day here. Light the fireplace and pretty music already going. No word from my poor sick daughter but our son has bought his bottle of bubbly as his contribution to the Friendsgiving dinner. He also has a batch of very fancy afterdinner mints. He said he hoped they make it to the dinner. His girlfriend, Jen, keeps offering taste test.

    Food as a central reason for a gathering is as old as human existence. The sharing of nutrition with others. Being aware enough to know that food and being near people you love is a life fulfilling event. Ican’t share any food with you all but I am grateful you are in my life. Know you are being thought of, and wishing you well my friends.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, 1 lost one post already! Enjoyed a wonderful Turkey Meal with 8 others, and I brought a special pre-dessert of my favorite Incredible Edibles dark chocolate covered strawberries, which everyone enjoyed as much as I! Then to the auditorium to view Crazy Asian People (or something like that!) during which I got one of my infamous upper thigh/groin cramps from the seat, I guess, and Yechhh, tried standing , bending , quietly stamping----nothing helps until it decides to go away on its own! So I probably missed the key parts of the complicated story, but am I glad I was not born into such strict culture as shown in this movie! The actors were all so beautiful I kept getting mixed up regarding who was whom! Another movie about a rescued elephant this evening, but I think I've watched enough today!
    I must get my feet up, and my Restless Leg RX n before I climb the wall, so please forgive me until this siege is over. I will repeat over and over SANDY's " I am grateful to have you all in my life and wish you nothing but love and happiness." You are a blessing to know!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Ate too much food yesterday but it was a wonderful Thanksgiving. Today we are supposed to reach 50 degrees so I plan on putting my balcony Christmas decorations up which will probably lead me into doing all the rest. I just can't decide how much I want to put up inside since no one really comes to visit and it is so much work. I don't usually leave the house on Black Friday due to all the crazy shoppers so it is a good day to get the decorations done. It is hard to believe but I just realized I leave for Arizona two weeks from Saturday for my grandson's graduation. The wedding will be here before I know it.

    Seems quiet here today but I do hope everyone is doing well, the pets are adjusting and life is good for all of us.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good afternoon. I spent more time with my friends yesterday than I thought I would. When many of the people had left and it was just a handful of people, we had a lovely time giggling at a movie and chatting. I left when the last family was packing up as our hostess was very tired. Then I felt guilty. But not that much. Haaaaa.

    We did have some excitement just before the meal was served. The smoke alarm went off and my friend thought it was due to a bit of overflow from a casserole in the oven but she opened the oven door and smoke billowed out and she said there is a fire in there, a real fire! No one moved so I said toss some baking soda over it. She did and the fire was out. After opening some windows the smoke cleared up quickly and we went back to our merry feasting. These folks are so incredible. Not one word all day long about what I was eating or why I wasn’t eating what they were. That acceptance is rare, almost nonexistent in my world. So happy.

    Then I was up last night over and over with leg cramps and foot cramps. I wore different shoes in her home, ones that have never been worn outdoors but also have no support at all so, I was tired when I got up and didn’t get an early start.

    I did a load of laundry, cooked some quinoa, put sweet potatoes in my countertop oven, took the return shoe package to UPS, dropped off a return book at the closed library’s after hours drop, and made a short trip to the Walgreens near my house. I am glad I did my errands relatively early before it started raining. So rain now and snow expected at some point Saturday/Sunday. Sunday is not only the regular church services but also a celebration of life for a friend’s father starting at noon and then Hanging of the Greens starting at 5pm. I am afraid that I will likely only make it to church to do the regular communion duty and will skip the remainder of the day’s events.

    Sandy, I hope you get your decorations put up while you have decent weather. And very glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Buzz, your dark chocolate covered strawberries sound stupendous. Yummm. I think I saw the movie you mentioned, “Crazy Rich Asians” and very over the top rich for certain!

    Hope everyone else is okay and that we will hear from you later.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It seems Betty doesn't like walking in the rain so George and I had to encourage her all the way this morning. We didn't go far because I had an early hospital appointment to chat with an orthopaedic specialist about my painful hips. She showed me my x-ray and pointed out a lot of wear and tear in both as well as lower spine so after some discussion and test of movement generally I'm being referred for at least one hip replacement on the most damaged side. As I thought it is a routine operation these days so she advised me to stock up the fridge so I can come home after a couple of days in hospital. Now the wait!! Not much else happening after a wet miserable day because I felt the need to rest after quite vigorous manipulation. George is beginning to relax around Betty who today pulled every item out of his toy box and collected them into a nest she created as if she thought them to be puppies. Early days but she is settling in really well.

    Sandy, you are always well ahead of me when it comes to thinking about Christmas but then that's a good reminder to me to at least start planning!

    A long interruption of my post when neighbours dropped in to see how Betty is doing then I made myself a tuna salad so may have missed new posts but will send this on for now.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We have our normal rain, cold and dreary weather but...all is cheery and bright inside! We had a really great thanksgiving. John insisted on doing the kitchen cleanup. There are times when I cannot believe how thoughtful he can be. I am indeed thankful for this crazy guy.

    Our dinner was relaxed and delicious. Even if I was the cook, things all turned out just right. Sometimes I sort of go off the rails and cook up stuff that would classify as TOXIC! But not this time. We then watched one of my favorite football teams “emerge victorious.” I have gathered all my Christmas movies and stacked them near our DVD player to enjoy during this season. Just had to remark about that movie “Crazy Rich Asians.” Huh? This was a colorful extravaganza of a terrible movie. Why did this get such great reviews?

    I have been thinking of decorating the inside of our house for Christmas this weekend. It is like with Sandy, we don’t have as many guests as we used to, so we would be decorating mostly for ourselves and our son and his dear girlfriend. I wonder if she will be officially a family member soon? Who knows? I need to let the chips fall where they may and keep my suggestions and ideas to myself.

    Jackie: your little fur family is really starting to look relaxed and happy. The potty training will be happening soon, I feel sure. Good luck with your hip replacement. You seem to be in good health otherwise, so that will make recovery quicker.

    Buzz: those cramps are torture. There are all kinds of folk tales and strategies to help, some or none of them might work. Bars of Irish spring soap under your bottom sheet near the foot of the bed, dill pickle juice, French yellow mustard, potassium pills, I confess, I have tried them all. I am investigating a lotion with CBD and a bit of the other stuff also in it. Desperation drives us to odd solutions.

    Lin: what a great Thanksgiving. Your dinner sounds like our son’s celebration. They call it a Friendsgiving dinner. They had a grand time and they all pitched in with the cleanup. They even ran the vacuum and mopped the kitchen afterward. Is that great or what?

    Laundry and start the holiday decor!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Indeed JACKIE, good luck with the hip replacement! I think Betty really appreciates a fire warming her back and George looks resigned to his fate as Betty wins him over. Maybe she will Mother him?

    A much nicer day here which meant Jilly got lots of walks with her favourite human, Michael
    I acquired an Aloe plant today from the Organic Garage food store. It was languishing in a dark corner and I felt so sorry for it. Repotted it looks quite perky and if I decide not to keep it, when Mary Jo carries all her plants to the car it will just blend in with all the other pots. Of course I could end up with the whole lot ! In which case forget Christmas decorating.

    So.....not much going on here, but I'm so pleased everyone enjoyed thanksgiving so much.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Most people seem to recover so well from hip replacements these days, and JACKIE, although 10 years ago I had it done, I was told my 2nd one would have to be done as soon as the 1st one healed, but after 10 years, my second hip never needed replacement! Now my ankles and feet...; that's a whole different story, Ugh! PATSY, none of those Grandmother's myths ever worked for my RLS; but Pramipexole has helped me keep my sanity for over 10 years Problem is, I seem to be developing "augmentation". If you are interested in learning more about Restless Legs, go to and check it out. I don't know why it didn't form a link but this site has been a little skittish for me tonight! Anyway, the CBD lotion and also the roll-on work somewhat for my neuropathy (the tingling pins and needles and burning sensation in my hands) but nothing other than the Pramipexole helps my RLS! A neurologist supplies the prescription for me, and I need .750 mg every evening. It also puts me to sleep, which is why I gave up driving! and why I drop off here so often while typing! I fell asleep before midnight, and then this site wouldn't accept me back again for almost an hour!
    SANDY, may you have only wonderful events ahead of you, always! And LIN, never change, dear friend! ANNE, keep on cookin', by golly! But no more romaine! Gotta get to bed!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.....................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I see the link DID form!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.....................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A cold damp day so after lunch I will be settling in front of the fire to watch international rugby matches. We walked in the woods after a rather heart stopping drive through a flooded section of road. It's times like that I miss my 4X4 that sat high off the ground!

    Anne, my Aloa plant has been a godsend over the years with its wonderful healing gel and I'm guessing with your green fingers you already know to only water from the bottom then before you know it you'll find it large enough to split so you can keep half if the other goes to MJ.
    How were your scones? Delicious I bet.

    Buzz, the 2nd hip replacement will be up to me if I want it but was told I won't realise how much I've been struggling until the 1st operation relieves the pain so will probably opt for the other. A friend who went through this last year said much the same.

    Lin what a wonderful Thanksgiving you had with friends who sound like a great bunch of people.

    Patsy, you do make me laugh with your talk of toxic cooking because all that you describe you've created in the kitchen over time sounds delicious. We can all have disasters of course!!

    Sandy, I agree with Buzz that you deserve to only have wonderful events and fun trips to look forward to. It hopefully makes up for the difficult times.

    Snoring dogs so I'll creep away and prepare lunch.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Much warmer here at three degrees. The fruit scones turned out okay and even more okay with butter, jam and cream! JACKIE. I've never had an Aloe plant before. How do you get the gel? Cut a "leaf"?. Thanks for the watering tip.

    I'm having a bit of a laze day today, but tomorrow if Michael shows and even if he doesn't I'm making Brunswick Stew which involves pinching some of Jilly's uncooked chicken and is a very warming and delicious stew for the wintry weather. PATSY your food sounds absolutely delicious, especially muffins, something I don't have a great deal of success with. John certainly appears to have thrived on your "Patsy" meals. I'm so used to cooking for myself that I'm not sure how I will cope if I ever have to go into a senior care.

    BUZZ I sympathize with your tingling hands because I get them as well but nowhere near the degree you suffer. So far I've kept off any medication but read your ideas with great interest. Mine are at their worst clutching the IPad. I guess I need a desk top.

    LIN you really DID have the best of thanksgivings with your super friends! Even the oven fire contributed to wonderful memories. Clever girl with the baking soda!

    Are you Christmas decorating as I write SANDY? Don't go falling off any ladders! We need you and your expertise in correcting errors! But mostly we need you and your exciting life style, eg. Bingo wins, trips to Hawaii, toddler minding etc.

    Jill and I are sharing a 10:00 scone, well her little bits have the raisins plucked out and mine is covered in butter and jam, the cream demolished earlier. Plus I'm having a coffee. Sort of enjoying a laid back day after a rather hectic week. Enjoying the quiet with no dramas although I must ask how my neighbour got on with his heart tests.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good morning friends.

    The rain stopped and we have a sunny day today before the nastiness arrives sometime this evening. They are already warning people about driving tomorrow. Go to church this evening is the recommendation but that isn’t an option with my church. They started putting that winter weather advisory crawl on the local TV station. No worries, I do not have to go anywhere.

    Jackie, I hope all goes well for you when you have your hip surgery. Do you have home care options for after surgery? And a dog walking crew? My friend’s hubby had a replacement earlier this year. She waited on him hand and foot until she was worn out. She finally insisted he do things for himself. He is quite a unique person. Everyone who knew him understood he would not lift a finger for himself. Interesting to note he could still shop online! Boxes and boxes showed up for his various hobbies, which he could not even open. My friend did not find that amusing. You gave up your 4 X 4? A truck or an SUV? They are so handy and useful. Oooh, flooded road. Argh.

    Buzz, I will try to read the article from your link but MFP is not working well for me today. Any touch of the screen can put me off into one of those spam Congratulations messages. I log out, shut down the window, open a new one and login again. I think I have repeated that procedure at least a dozen times this morning. I hope I can post this!

    Anne, good for you, adopting yet another plant and a very helpful plant at that.

    Patsy, I agree, I hear of nothing but lovely delicious meals that you prepare. We don’t believe there are any horrors.

    Must try to post this. Fingers crossed.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited November 2018
    Happy Saturday! :) No worries Anne, no ladder involved with my balcony decorations. I put blue lights over the railings and add a big wreath with blue and white lights in the middle. Time consuming since I have to tie them all down in case of a blizzard but worth the effort.
    I will work on the inside over the weekend just not sure how much I am putting up.

    Lin, we too are expecting snow tomorrow so I am glad my church does has Mass today. It will be my last Saturday at Babe's house as he is closing on the house Wednesday.

    Anne, I have to admit I have those lazy mornings almost everyday. I am not a morning person and enjoy my coffee while I am at my computer. My friend told me yesterday that maybe I should consider a part time job for extra money but after not working for 26 years I doubt I could handle the work force, I like to do too many things including travel.

    Jackie, I miss my SUV as well especially in our winters. Some day maybe I will be able to get my dream SUV a Honda CVR. A girl can dream can't she? I am glad the pups are getting along and getting settled. How is the house breaking going?

    Buzz, remember I went to the doctor and he said I had carpal tunnel and arthritis? They fit me with a type of splint glove but for my arthritic thumb. It was annoying and was making my thumb swell so I stopped wearing it. I changed my mouse to a roller mouse and most of my tingling is gone. He scheduled me for some nerve test but I cancelled that yesterday as I think it is a waste of money for the insurance company. I have been making myself aware not to bend my wrists in bed so it is only occasionally that I get tingling which I will live with unless it gets worse.

    Patsy, your Thanksgiving sounds like it was perfect. I am sorry your daughter is ill but it seems you know how to handle the situation. At least you have a good relationship with your son and who knows maybe future dil.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time