Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2018
    Running late, so a very quick note from me for now.
    Just to say Betty, and her name suits her very well, is the luckiest girl in the world and a few future runs on the moors will soon have her sleek. Well done JACKIE, you really are a saint!
    JOHN, fear not the eighties, they aren't bad at all, in fact can be a blessing when one needs help. Just look pathetic, bleat "I AM 80 after all" and you will see.
    Hugs to all you sneaker saints,
    PS. JACKIE If it's a dreadful, windy and rainy day and neither of us want to go out in it, we resort to a back door pee pad. I just point and say "go pee pee" and Jilly does even if it's only farthing sized! She learnt - go pee pee - very quickly. Unlike Katie I never leave her alone in the garden, too many small dogs stolen around here and especially if unspayed.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good morning.

    Jackie, so glad you are all home again and safe. And now for a new start. Betty has landed in a wonderful haven. Slow progress I would imagine after years of puppy mill conditions. You are her angel. I hope she gets along with all your other animal buddies, cats, dogs, and the hens. Fingers crossed the house is not destroyed while you are out.

    Patsy, John’s birthday sounds marvelous. Surrounded by loved ones and having favorites for meals. In other words, being catered to quite nicely. Now for another pleasant day for all of you.

    Today looks to be a pleasant day, a trip to Trader Joe’s coming up soon. Then library ladies followed by a Tai Chi lesson. Then I will work on cards when I get home. I find I am motivated to work on them when there isn’t a lot of light and I am tired. So while I think I am eyeballing everything in the perfect place and everything is straight, I see when looking them over the next morning they are all a bit wonky. Oh well. I was trying to work on cards while casting an eye on old episodes of Murphy Brown last night.

    Buzz, you make my mouth water with the descriptions of your dinners. Oh my! How can you NOT eat some of everything? Early to bed sounds wonderful!

    Anne, since you have upgraded your wardrobe I would imagine you are quite stylish now. At coloring earlier this week, a friend said oh my, how lovely, you are wearing a coat with color! I was kind of shocked. It was just a dull green barn jacket with a brown collar. She said I always appear in black and/or gray. Haaaaaa. I had never noticed.

    Well, a friend is having her fourth surgery of the year today if all went as planned. This one is an ankle fusion rather than an ankle replacement. She had to report to the hospital by 5:15am. I hope she doesn’t have a long wait. Her last surgery was hours late and she was perishing from thirst making an IV hard to start. Sidebar, I find it horrendous that you must report to the hospital so early the birds aren’t up yet, wait however long they decide to make you wait, have the surgery, recover for a few hours and then find your way home. Everything costs tons of money but care is in short supply. My friend and her husband had to find a van/ambulance surgery to get her home and in the house as they have steps into the house and her husband has bad shoulders and cannot help her in and out of the SUV and up those steps. Okay, end of rant.

    With that cheery thought I will leave you with best wishes for the day.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    edited November 2018
    Happy Thursday! :) We are having a lot of snow coming down at the moment so I am deciding if I want to drive to my meeting. I am also supposed to go to a wake this afternoon but again not sure about the snow. The first heavy snow is always the worst so I will see.

    Jackie, Betty is adorable, chubby (no offense) but adorable. I am thinking she and George might be a little upset with you leaving them so I hope I am wrong. Please let us know how things are when you get home.

    Lin, your poor friend, I agree with you 100%. I called my doctor the other day to have the nurse tell him that my hand no longer hurts so maybe I should cancel the nerve test. I am still waiting for a call back on what to do. It seems to me the hospital should have someone to help her husband get her home and up the stairs. We pay so much for health insurance and things seem to be going downhill.

    Anne, I agree with you age is just a number but comes in handy when we need help. lol

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's getting to look a lot like Christmas outside. In other words SNOW. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Everything going well with George getting used to Betty and both surviving my absence at my hairdresser. My neighbours popped in to meet the new arrival and although nervous she coped very well ending up having a snuggle.
    It's bedtime now so I'll see if she will follow George into the garden rather than my needing another mop of Dettol!!
    Brrr Anne, snow! We might join you next week as I see it's going to get much colder.

    Nite, nite
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2018
    JACKIE, how could anyone not fall in love with your little Betty? Do they make false teeth for doggies"? By the way, I have met an "overweight" pug in the past 2 years, and Betty is positively tiny in comparison! The other one looked like a pig ready for you-know-what, and drooled fiercely! Will you be taking her on your moor walks? And how DID George react when she came home with him?
    Time has totally escaped me while designing the perfect "poster" to accompany that $6000 check my friend ended up collecting! Today he was given one for $1000, which he tried declining, thinking D.J. had perhaps "lost her marbles"! So she called her daughter, who explained Mom was fine and wanted to help our friends through their rough spot ! Truly, we all loved them! I finally decided on a full page of sentiment, accompanied by several pages of names of donors using the same background design as the verse on each. I then copied the same background onto full size page with that background, added an address and glued it to a white 9X12 envelope. I tried copying the card before making e few changes, and hope the following gives you some idea of the sentiment!

    And the following printed in a lovely font in a blue that looked great!

    Dear Joel and Tracy,

    and Best Wishes!

    Because you’ve been so great to know,
    There’s sadness in our parting,
    Along with many hopeful thoughts
    About the life you’re starting.

    Please try your best to stay in touch,
    And please remember this–
    You’ll always be remembered here,
    And you’ll be deeply missed.

    I was not planning to go down to dinner tonight since I had been too preoccupied to make plans. Just before opening my refrigerator, the phone rang and a familiar voice insisted I join the table of the man who has been collecting the checks! I quickly grabbed my bag and went down, and enjoyed the socializing. Sat down once upstairs again, planning to watch Rachel Maddow and woke up close to midnight! My aching arthritis foretells of weather change, and we are expecting a big temperature drop overnight! I always enjoy the cool periods.
    Except for PATSY's quick post (Tell JOHN he's welcome!) I don't see others tonight. So off to the Land of Nod I go!
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Now I found today's posts when I edited my previous one. Sorry it is so large. I was not able to copy the poster including the sentiment, so I had to do it in increments.
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    Good morning. Off to Tai Chi soon and then a couple of errands before returning home. No snow here yesterday so the roads are okay. I am sorry so many folks got blasted with this nasty winter storm. We may have rain/snow overnight. Our turn will come soon enough.

    Buzz, very lovely card and verse. That will be something they will want to keep with them always.

    Jackie, I hope everyone was able to sleep last night. May the day go well. Betty has eyes that just melt my heart. Hugs.

    Anne, just heard of the record breaking sale of the David Hockney painting. Amazing. I do enjoy his work. I wonder what he thinks of someone receiving $90+ million for his work? I hope you and Jilly are all tucked in warm and safe.

    Sandy, snowed in? Several of my friends are leaving next Tuesday to visit family for Thanksgiving. They are all flying to their destinations. Well, that is the plan but the weather may cause some problems.

    Patsy, have you had your luncheon with your friends? If so, I hope it went well.

    I have orders coming from both California and the East Coast. All are delayed and an Amazon order that should not have had any issues as it was just shipped from Kansas but the post office routed it to Ames rather than Des Moines. Now the order status says they are trying to get the shipment back on track. Probably a two day delay. I could have driven there and back in two hours.

    Well, must move along.

    Hugs all.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a delightful card Buzz and your poem sentiment appears perfect for what you've told us about the chaplain and his wife. Hopefully you will soon hear he has found a new position where he can continue to administer support and love to those in need.
    No new teeth for Betty I'm sorry to say but she is already coping well and today learned to take a training treat in her mouth rather than off the floor. George is grumpy and generally sulking but on the moor felt more comfortable when she came close. The cats are keeping their distance probably thinking she is the dog next door that chases them... early days.

    Lin, another Sneaker facing snow. It's my only reminder at the moment of the onset of Winter. Today's walk was relatively mild but I sense a change in the air and can't complain because we've had a great year with lots of warm sunshine. Packages going astray... I know all about that frustration. Perhaps we should all shop at M&S!!

    Anne, pee-pee is my main topic of conversation with Betty at the moment so after taking her straight outside when I got up this morning I decided to take her in the car to the moors thinking she could empty her bladder there. She certainly did her best but within minutes of returning home ignored her puppy pad and made another puddle to be cleaned up. So far this afternoon she has used it twice so getting there and I'll walk her and George up the road in a bit to encourage her.

    Hi to Sandy and Patsy.
    More chores for me but I have now lit the fire and will relax later with a cuppa. Sorry, forgot to weigh this morning what with Betty howling on the other side of the shower room door so will try tomorrow.

    This morning's walk

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Now there's a photo to warm the heart JACKIE on a cold and slushy day. I wish Jill could join George and Betty, she would so love a freedom gallop across the moors. If you can put a bit of Bettys puddle pee on her pee pad by pressing the clean pad into it and laying flat once more she might get the message quicker. Well 10 week old Jilly did anyway. The smell of ones own pee I guess! What a subject! Of course it might make George regress!

    The more I read and hear about Amazon the more I'm going to keep off it! If they keep their poor service up, because it can't just be our group, the more likely the malls will make a comeback!

    Beautiful tribute BUZZ, the departing ones will never forget you and everyone else!

    This morning I was thinking Jackie and PATSY are in temperate zones? LIN, SANDY and me are freezing our butts off and Buzz has got warm tootsies! The only good our northern climate is for we won't have to worry if the fridge breaks down! Oh, and it's a good climate for making raisin bread which is rising as I write!
    Better go and have another pound before popping in two loave tins and baking after another rise.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I am taking my car in this morning so again no time. I will be back later.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, thanks so much for the pad advice. I've been wondering if there was a reason for the occasional indiscretions and it could well be when a clean pad confuses her. Yes I'm sure Jilly would love racing round the moors as it's the perfect place for fresh air, hiding places and weird and wonderful smells to sniff!!
    Just back from our short afternoon walk and both dogs now chewing treat sticks with or without teeth!

    Enjoy your raisin bread ;)
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    For JACKIE, made from scratch, no machine. There's life in me yet! We've just had our after lunch walk, but not far because neither of us liked the icy mush underfoot for me, and undertum for Jill. Anne.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And just for fun, here's a FEW of Mary Jo's plants. Add to these cacti and those vines that hang from shelves and are in the bathroom! Sigh. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    I am at the Car Doctor waiting as usual. Catching up on news I see a lady from Iowa won the power ball? Could it be Lin in disguise? I love that she is helping the Veterans and other charities, she is a good person. They didn’t have pee pads when I was training dogs so we spent a lot of time going in. And out. Took Daisy a while but once she learned she never went back.
    Anne, the plants look great,you are doing a good job. Good thing Jilly isn’t a boy, they might have gotten extra watering.
    I forgot to tell you that Lisa had to cancel her trip. Her niece is sick with a RSV and the doctor said it could be dangerous for Charlie so we will be spending Thanksgiving together after all which makes me very happy.
    Meeting a friend for a drink later so I can be her “wingman” her words not mine.

    Enjoy your day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello from a cloudy and chilly Oregon coast. When we have chilly weather it is darned unpleasant! The bone chilling humidity is miserable. We live in sweaters and those llbean vests. Every one goes about in a vest and heavy sweater. It is the Oregon coast uniform.

    We had our lunch and as usual our friend’s wife had a mini tantrum. We understand she is terrified at what is happening to her husband so she reacts by trying to scold him. The message is...”don’t be broken and sick! Be well like you used to be!” I am so upset after these lunches. John says we must endure and help anyway we can. I agree but it is hard to see. Now I will go about my day counting my own blessings, but trying to work out something nice to do for our friends.

    As to amazon orders...we have had good luck mainly. A few returns but pretty good service. We live in a rural area with delivery from the same mailman we have had for 25 years. We also have a P.O. Box. That is also a rural post office. Sort of friendly and inefficient. I think the trick is to have low expectations. We order and are delighted that it gets here at all!

    Our dogs/cats that live with us and bring such joy and companionship are worth any effort. I do resent that vets and pet supplies are more expensive than human equivalent. It is criminal to use our love and dedication as a way to up the price on all things we use for our fur family. It should be at least in the same price range.

    Betty and George are so cute. What a great little family. It sort of looks like Betty is a much bigger dog than George. Heavier (I understand she hasn’t had much regular exercise) taller and longer. I had this idea that pugs were a small breed of dog. George has a huge personality. I think he can still maintain his position as house general. John laughed and laughed at those two unlikely family members. Jackie you have your hands full. I ‘ll bet you have Betty feeling adjusted and happy by Christmas.

    I have to keep myself under control about my urge to do the same as Jackie. I ‘ ll bet Anne has had wistful moments as well. Sweet Jilly would accept a new brother or sister emmediately. Not so with Katie. She is a love and we dote on her shamelessly. But she demands to be an only child!

    Stay well and safe, dear ones. I can honestly say you all...Anne, Sandy, Lin, Buzz, Jackie and all,other sneakers are very dear to me. In keeping with coming Thanksgiving, I am so thankful for you, my invisible but dearest friends.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    You are so right PATSY, I've wanted a doggie companion for Jilly for ages because she is such a social little dog, but the family don't think it a good idea at my age. After all they have to take over if I suddenly keel over and one Jilly is quite a handful, not to mention spoilt. If I could just wind the clock back ten years..........
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2018
    Michael is coming for lunch having a rare Saturday off! I hope he arrives early because Santa will be passing by our house in his sleigh with all his elves. I also hope Mikes early because the street gets cut off for all Santa's gear and paraphernalia. I suppose reindeer and cars don't mix! Jilly will have a glorious hour or so barking at waving kids, dogs, and parents. Sometimes it's not so bad being a town dog after all!
    Anne - who DIDNT volunteer to be santas little helper!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    9:05 A.M and I just finished all the lists (which I alphabetized) and calculations for the donations and ...well, should I go to bed , or should I "get up"? I just could not break away, knowing that Joel and Tracy will be headed for the West Coast of Florida shortly to babysit for their grandkids for a few weeks!!! At least they won't have to be beholden to the kids for a fairly long while, because we will meet for lunch Sunday with a check for $17,911!!! I cannot believe the generosity of so many of our residents. We collected from 101 people (out of about 360) and a couple gave such large checks we double-checked with their families to make certain they were not understanding what they were giving! But they would tell us how much Joel meant in their lives and it was the least they could give in return! I think I'll have a really good breakfast and go to sleep. And now I feel free to just relax and perhaps enjoy some of our gorgeous sunshine! What a burden is lifted! And I found a great program for alphabetizing since I don't have Office or Word or other WIndows programs that cost more than I'm ready to pay! Hmph! That usually makes a hyperlink but not this time!
    I'm glowing from JACKIE's pups, Anne's photo of my favorite plant, Christmas Cactus and that loaf of shiny gorgeous -looking bread has me drooling! I hope SANDY's car problems are all finished, and everyone should have a glorious weekend!
    <3 Buzz

    ...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2018
    Secret just for you girls, but I swear Mary Jo's plants are looking better than they did 8 days ago when they arrived. I shan't want to send them back when the wanderers return in 11 days if they really are perking up! Careful watering and a touch of plant din dins seem to be working some magic.

    Whatever went wrong for Joel and Tracy they will depart with very warm feelings for the residents of your senior home BUZZ. The person who "sacked" them will be feeling rather guilty on Sunday methinks.

    There was a water problem at Mikes resident at 4 in the morning. Sort of Water gushing like a shower left running. After half hour, Michael got dressed and just as he left his apt. to investigate it got turned off. Probably the superintendent? and probably some sleepy eyed early worker who forgot it and left. Anyway he's running late which means he will probably collide with Santas sleigh OR have to wait until the old gent moves on, Ho Ho Ho.

    LIN, so sorry, but I think whoever paid 90 million for that painting, whatever it's merits, is lacking in little grey cells, but then I always was a Philistine.

    Just heard from Mark and Mary Jo, it's raining in Martinique. Snow melting here!