Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello again, yes the election or at least the voting is over. If it stays as we understand it right now, it will be a good thing. Our democracy is a wonderful compilation of ideas from the ancient Greeks and we even adapted the English Magna Carta. Checks and balances is the magic of our democracy. So if the democrats control the House of Representatives we will have that check and balance. I have always been a student of government. It effects everything we do and how we live.

    We have sun and it is predicted for a week of dry sunny weather. Yea! We still have much to do outside. I am slow and not to great at hauling much around. But I can help with what I can do. About Charlotte the huge spider...I will let her live but I think I must downsize her web. When ever I get out my can of bug spray, John takes it out of hand and gently tells me to unhand my weapon of mass destruction. If she bites me, I am going to bite John in retaliation.

    Anne: I agree your loaf of bread looks wonderful and much better than bread machine bread. Baking bread is a therapy. And is tastes and smells amazing!

    Jackie: I do remember all the eye drops after my cataract surgery. Good grief it felt like I was constantly chasing the clock. However the improved eyesight is worth it and it will be over before you know it.

    Sandy: I can feel your uncertainty and can well understand your situation. I put myself in your shoes and I think this is a condition that is “liquid” as they say. Things are bound to change are not settled yet. You are wise to remain calm and not cause further chaos. I am not an expert in any way but I think you know we all care about you and your welfare.

    Lin: enjoy the day and happy crafting. Making something beautiful always brings joy.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2018
    To little SISTER MARIE on your 88th Birthday
    From your big sister
    <3 BUZZ
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good evening. A very busy day once again. I did attend the usual 2 hours of Tai Chi/Qigong. Then zipped by to attend the Holiday open house. Oh my, just loads of beautiful items but passed up most of them. A trip to the grocery store, a quick landing at home to drop off the groceries. My big mistake, I turned on the TV and the horrific press conference was on. Eeeck. So, I left as soon as I could. And again, I was off to more Tai Chi and Qigong. The two hour class just kept going and it ended up over three hours long. Yipes! Home again and the day was pretty well over, got my mail at the box, slogged through the email and had my supper.

    I was signed up for a webinar but just a few minutes into it and I decided it was not for me. Second half is tomorrow evening, pretty certain I will pass on that as well.

    Sandy, tough situation. Wishing you calm waters. People can be unreasonable.

    Anne, very nice looking bread. Glad you felt like pounding something. I still say you may have days where just loading up the machine may fit just right. You already have the machine and know how to use it. I have some things I would love to give to someone but don’t have any people in mind. A Yonanas machine, a soy milk maker, a bread machine and a crock pot. If I thought it would be worthwhile, I could try to get an appointment at the consignment store. But I don’t really think they would sell.

    Patsy, the election dust has hardly settled and the craziness starts again. I am sorry I saw any of the press conference. So Charlotte spins on and on. A protected spider.

    Buzz, I am sorry to hear of the upset in your community. Very sad news about your chaplain. I hope something can be done to reinstate him.

    Jackie, glad your eye is feeling better. You are such a fast healer! Very good news. Now get me up to speed, you are almost finished with projects in your house? Just tiling needed in your new garden room? Or did I lose track? One of my neighbors had a POD storage container delivered on her driveway today and a small moving van was there as well. A van was also in the driveway with wording that indicated they do home restoring/renovations looks like she is doing a very big project. Wow! Starting just as we head into cold weather seems like bad timing to me. But then I do not know what they are doing. I can only speculate it will take a long time and cost a lot of money!!

    I have to do my dishes and straighten up a bit. Then I will likely read and nap!



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hello sneakers, my car was dropped off at the garage first thing for its annual service and MOT re-test then i walked George home through tbe village... about 2 miles. It's a good day for housework and I've also phoned a friend whose had surgery on a lung to remove cancerous cells. She will find out next week if chemo also required but meanwhile sounded positive.

    Lin, you've kept up with my projects better than me and yes, hopefully just the tile laying in garden room left thank goodness. As for that press conference I thought the behaviour disgraceful and a sign of things to come so think I'll go back to avoiding the news!!

    Anne, that's one amazing loaf and I'm sure tasted delicious. I'm going to pick up ingredients for bran muffins this afternoon on the way home from the garage so wish me luck with the baking as it's a few years since I made them. Photo to follow if they rise and don't burn!!

    Time to press on with some cleaning... boring but necessary. o:)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) No time to chat, sitting for the kiddos most of the day so I will try and get back later.

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm not sure what's happened to me. I'm suddenly all gung ho for baking. Like it's my new hobby. Well I decided to make my own Christmas cake after all these years but can't find candied orange or lemon peel anywhere or glacé cherries and pineapple. Few stores stock them apparently. However all is not lost, I think a store called Bulk Barn stock them, they do sell British products so I'll have a look on Saturday. Imminent baking project, fruit scones. Good luck with the bran muffins JACKIE. Whatever my bread looks like, it tastes fabulous, and is far superior to the store mush that mascarades as bread here. I have one question, is Violet the ghost keeping quiet as you change and update and beautify "her" cottage? You have made some gorgeous improvements so she probably approves. George certainly does!

    I watched that press conference as well until I couldn't stand watching the buffoon man anymore and went back to bread pounding instead. He is totally unbelievable, almost a cartoon character! But then, that's how we viewed Adolf years ago. I noticed he said something about himself being magic! Black magic? Oh Anne, ignore, and go back to bread pounding.

    Well that's my penny worth for today. I shall keep away from all news casts today. Too depressing.
    Bye from me,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello. Spent the morning with the library ladies. I am at my old health food store and wow, they have gluten free, vegan, no salt vegetable soup, homemade. I got a cup as the smell is so wonderful. Hope to stay healthy. At least it isn’t much soup and I have a cup of hot water. Yummmm.

    Enjoy the day Sandy.

    Anne and Jackie, enjoy your baking projects.

    Must move along to my Tai Chi lesson.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2018
    Anne, Violet has been quiet so far and hopefully that means she approves. In the past her appearances have occurred when she's happy with changes apart from when the roof was renovated but I'm convinced that was because the builder threw an old horse shoe found under the eves into a corner of the garden! Funny you should ask actually because walking with George back from the garage this morning I stopped off at the non- conformist chapel where their parishioners are buried to take a photo of the gravestone of the couple who built my cottage and lived here over 100 years ago, Richard and Jane Carter. I always imagined Violet must actually be Jane!.

    It's got a very Celtic design which is completely different to others there that are plain and simple and the circle of what looks like the sun makes sense since they named the property Sun Cottages... more research to be done!!

    Tired and cosy in front of the warm fire.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    How intriguing JACKIE! More research definitely needed. Did you put the horseshoe back? I have one here. If you do reinstall it be sure to have the circle at the bottom and the two ends pointing at the sky, U shaped in other words. This, as I'm sure you know. Is to prevent the luck running out. I wonder what Janes maiden surname was. Maybe Celtic? Carter brings us back to horses and maybe a connection with your horseshoe. I hope you can find out more about Jane (my mother's name).
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2018
    JACKIE, Despite enlarging as much as possible I can only make out Richards and Janes names and I think he was 58 years old when he died. Oh and sun cottage. Is it lichen on the stone or just chipping and erosion? I wonder what the carving within the sun means? Roman numbers? Not really. Whatever, fascinating. Thank you for sharing. Anne
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Mystery History right in JACKIE's backyard! How exciting!
    PATSY, your side of the election went well and I'm jealous! Florida went very close but with Republican Trump followers taking all! We lost Nelson and a young fellow running for governor , but so close, there will be recounts for both. Former Governor Scott now leads as Senator by 16,000 points and I hope he loses as he has made his billions illegitimately by stealing from Medicare, etc. He's another Trump! For ordinary people, the Florida elections are a disaster! :'( !!!
    Meanwhile, our community is broken up by the firing of our beloved Chaplain. The slogan of our places is "Where Loving Kindness Lives", and we are trying to get the Directors to understand that their treatment of this man who has done so much for so many belies that slogan! It's so depressing.
    I'm in desperate need of sleep, so please forgive me for not greeting each one here, but accept my hugs and I'll be back tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!...........................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Not to worry, dear Buzz! We took the house and all bills must go through the house!! We have oversight now. We have a check and balance. If you read the signs, You can see huge cracks in that armour of the current administration. I know we still have some big issues but we can deal with them. I have high hopes. It is odd how there are regional personalities. The Pacific rim has always been very liberal. There is a slice of the Atlantic coast that is liberal as well. The other regions have their cultures as well. Florida has been aligned with the conservative south for as long as I can remember. We are indeed divided. We have always been, it seems, and it continues to this day.

    Odd about your chaplain, Buzz. I wonder what happened to get him crossways from the administration. Personality conflict I suspose. I hope he has a new position that feels right.

    John’s birthday is next week. I am baking him a berry cobbler instead of a cake. He really doesn’t love cake like I do. I also have to fix his beloved salmon again. It is his favorite. He is doing his own shopping as well. His foot size has changed! He needs all new shoes, boots and slippers. Our son called and he is swamped this time of year. I hope he can get here shortly after Thanksgiving. It is a holiday when he walks in the door.

    Stay well everyone. This is cold and flu bug season. It is everywhere around here.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Snow predicted for today, except we are next to the lake so it's usually a little north of us. This trend reverts as the season progresses and the Lake cools down. However, terrific wind gusts have the fallen leaves swirling in a dervish dance. No point in raking. It all looks very beautiful from THIS side of the window. I hope the garbage men get moving otherwise there will be dustbins and dustbin lids everywhere. Marks just phoned. Can he bring some of his leftover wood over. I told him he'd better move it because since the "new" neighbours have all realized I'm a single person with little garbage I've become the dumping ground for their over the limit stuff. The dustmen must think I've got 10 kids!
    I tell you, even in old age we continue to be useful!

    I was thinking about the sun symbol on the Celtic gravestone JACKIE. Could it maybe be connected to the Hurler Stones, Stonehenge etc. as in sun worship and the ancient (still going strong) Wicca religion? Richard and Jane are buried in consecrated Christian ground so probably not, but like you, I find it all very intriguing.

    Well I better get moving before my lad arrives, the elder just phoned on his way into work.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good morning, no Tai Chi today and I have taken advantage of staying at home this very cold morning! Laundry is chugging away and I am assembling the ingredients for a batch of soup. No recipe today, sort of normal for me, just throwing what I have in the Instant Pot. Always veggie soup. No snow here overnight and I am happy that part of the forecast was inaccurate. At least for now.

    Jackie, very interesting grave marker. I wish I could decipher more of the words. I really cannot make out much. Do folks do rubbings on markers in your area? That has been sort of popular from time to time here’s especially on very old markers. Another project for you? Research? Do you have Parrish records or online databases? Quite intriguing.

    Anne, people do that here as well. They stuff their extra discards in any empty spot. My handyman will actually pick up the extras and put them in a bin of a client who is on vacation or out of town and not putting out trash that week. Very handy!

    Buzz and Patsy, our state is in an uproar regarding the Iowan currently serving as acting Attorney General. He was controversial here and not well liked. There were protests at courthouses late yesterday afternoon calling for his immediate replacement. So, politics will continue to be a mess in my opinion. We have potential 2020 candidates making appearances in our state, testing the water I guess. Insane to want to do that!

    Sandy, good morning. I hope you got some rest after your time with the kiddos!

    Oops, I hear a buzzer for my laundry. Time to rescue clothing before it wrinkles.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Friday! :). We had some snow overnight but not enough to stick on the streets. I am at the Ford dealer because my car is acting up. I saw there was a recall on Facebook so they are checking to see if that is the problem. It stalled without warning going to bingo and is just acting weird. I really hate Ford but can’t afford a new car or even a used car especially under my current situation. If they tell me it is not the recall I will probably take it somewhere else to have it fixed since Fords over charges.

    I will get back to you later.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Surprise. It is snowing now. :o
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    After almost three hours I am back from Ford Dealer with a fixed car at no cost. They replaced cannister purge value which was a recall. I am glad I saw the recall on Facebook because they did not send out notices yet but it was on my online account that I very rarely check. Now if I decide to go to my son's for Thanksgiving at least I know I will be safe.

    Our snow has stopped for now but we are not supposed to get more than an inch. I am staying in for the rest of the day and just chilling. It was a long day yesterday but Lisa was very appreciative so all is good.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Although I live on the other side of the pond I could have told you all that a huge mass of white over our forecaster's shoulder indicates lots of snow in Anne's part of Canada and well as Chicago Iowa areas! We have a storm raging outside at the moment so I'm glad I'm not out in it, in fact put off a visit to my 93 year old friend Les when I saw what was coming in. Although he lives on his own Friday is usually a visit from his cleaning girl for most of the day so I know he'll have company.

    A busy start to the day with an early walk to miss the beginning of the storm then the car was loaded up for a trip to the local tip with all the useless items I've collected from garden, shed and garage over the past month or so. Good to see the back of it all but I'm sure there's still more to find!

    Anne, that is lichen on the stone, something we see on stone everywhere because our air is so clean or at least that's what my Aunt Margaret tells me... her subject is the environment, even written a couple of books on the subject. A few years ago I searched census records online as well as parish birth and death records so ended up with a file of information on the 3 original cottages but came up with a number of confusing anomalies that had my head spinning! It was parish records that directed me to the non-conformist graveyard now kept in good order by volunteers and you're right, Richard was 58 and died in 1871. Jane's information is less clear, probably because it's close to the ground and the damp has created even more lichen but getting close up I can see it reads she died in 1882 aged 63 but not in this cottage, rather in the next hamlet that was called Railway Terrace back then. I've taken a close up of the sun and whatever the hieroglyphs are because I think that will tell a story of its own! Their daughter Hannah lived here with her husband Benjamin after marrying in 1855 and tragically lost 2 small babies, 4 month old Samuel in 1871 then 3 month old Laura in1873 both buried in that same plot. They did go on to have a boy they called Samson which I think a brilliant name and wonder if it was because he was strong from day one. So you see I found out lots but looking further back becomes difficult but then miners were moving into the area at a great rate when it was booming so they could travelled from afar. Don't worry, the horse shoe went back under the renovated roof and others found in the garden are perched in a variety of spots round the cottage.

    Sorry if I'm boring you but probably not as we both love historical mysteries!!

    Lin, rubbings used to be very popular and I remember doing some myself on a visit to Westminster Cathedral in my youth but that stone is so weathered I'm not sure much would show but I will take a closer look next time I drop in there. Today was a home making soup time for me too, a lovely chunky veggie, chickpea and shredded mutton one with a teaspoon of mint sauce. You may remember on the return trip from Norway I bought salted mutton in Lerwick on the Shetland Isles that even after following all the instructions on soaking overnight was inedible so I froze small batches and today added one to a large pan of soup and hooray, the salt is barely there so a lovely warming lunch it made! Viewing your current political dramas from afar I'm guessing the man in the big house is determined to surround himself with like minded people and doesn't care what anyone else thinks of them... a case of self preservation!

    Time for me to cook although perhaps salad will be a better option after a rather naughty meal last night and another gain in weight!!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh my goodness, you are not boring me at all JACKIE! Absolutely interesting as far as I'm concerned! Also interested in you bringing the horseshoes inside, and when the garbage men are gone and I fetch the bins in, I'm going to fetch my huge carthorse of a horseshoe in from the garage as well.
    We've only had pouring rain in banana country down here, but its bone chilling cold and so gloomy that I've got all the table lamps lit.. Yesterday was so beautiful but today most of the trees are stripped bare.

    Mark and Mary Jo came by before going on their Caribbean trip, not only with their garbage but with 7 huge plant pots containing Mary Jo's beloved plants. She doesn't trust our Derek to pop into their house and water them. That was a shock I didn't expect so with my planters it looks like a jungle in the living room. I didn't even know they had all these plants, but they live in a big house so not noticeable like my wee home.
    Mark is still suffering with his back but has decided to return to work in January after a whole year off to try and cure it. He decided he might as well sit at his desk at work and suffer, as sit alone at home and suffer. Personal trainer, and other manipulators of spines couldn't put poor Mark together again. So it's not just us older generation suffering. He's 54. The good news though I hope, he won't be expected to travel to all these world hotspots in the future.
    Looking forward to reading anything else you find about Jane and Richard, Jackie,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It has been a cold cloudy day but we have been busy. Just doing little chores...the things to keep life under control and somewhat organized.

    We often get cards, those little inexpensive ones for almost any occasion. I love hearing from friends and family, no matter the occasion. I tend to keep the pretty or clever ones. I now have a huge collection that needs to be downsized. I rarely get a handmade card like Lin makes. I have a few and I love them. I even have a thanksgiving card with real turkey feathers.

    John is now getting birthday cards. They are usually funny ones...some would classify as raucous. He loves them. Not really sure we need to keep them but the ones he especially finds funny, he keeps!

    This might be one of those nights that I fix a bowl of cereal with a sliced banana and call it dinner. Not sure why but my brain is on pause and all energy escaped out the back door.