Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Here is dear charlotte at work. I think she needs to go to spider heaven. She is too big and her construction area is getting in my way. John is fascinated by her and all of her catches. I am not fascinated!
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Wow, that's one industrious little spider. Think of all the bugs she's stopping creeping in cracks through to your living quarters! I could do with a Charlotte to eat next years mosquitoes!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Whoopee, Charlotte is building Patsy and John their very own ferris wheel.... what a clever lady!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    I’m with Patsy, Charlotte would scare me to death.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    George and I have enjoyed a long walk on the moors although my hips were complaining a bit so every now and then I stopped, considered turning back but instead decided to give myself goals to reach.... a large granite slab, a row of bracken or gorse bush in the distance. I made it to the top, sat and admired the view with George by my side then back we went, he at full tilt, me slow but sure! Rain came in about 8 hours earlier than forecast yesterday so the hens didn't get their house cleaned out and plans to scrub the inside of the greenhouse also went to pot. It's mild and overcast at the moment so once I finish my coffee I will attack both jobs.
    Hebe my cat walked over my printer and now I can't switch it off because it just flashes lights at me. I know cats are renowned for this behaviour but still, annoying but then now I'm smiling because she could hear me pushing buttons and has come back into the room, rubbed round my legs and is now investigating the flashing!

    Anne, my mother had size 8 feet and dad's were 11's so I tend to think the only reasons for mine being 6 are having them squeezed into hand-me-downs that were too small and lack of protein due to the rationing that continued in the 50's because my toes have always curled up like little maggots!! Nobody's fault, just a sign of the times. When it comes to protective face creams my pedicurist has turned to Johnson's baby lotion, an idea she got from an elderly client who apparently has the most beautiful skin. Of course a lot's to do with our individual DNA but Alison says she can already feel a difference in her face and now uses it on clients' feet and legs when massaging so I should soon have baby feet!!

    My morning has flown away so I must get on before the weather changes. Wishing my friends in the US whatever you wish for yourselves in tomorrow's results. Just seen on our news the man crooning about rolls of barbed wire as if it were something exotic to be hugged.... bizarre!

    Hugs to all.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good morning, yesterday’s miserable weather has drug along into Sunday. Wet and cold. But not the white stuff thankfully. Had a nice time chatting with the ladies yesterday. Also got a bit of work accomplished.

    Well, we have garnered our extra hour of sleep and most of my clocks are set back now. Nothing but back to back political ads so it will be wonderful to finally get to the election on Tuesday as that will solve that problem,now if we could solve our actual problems as easily.

    Patsy, thanks for the Charlotte photo. Not a particularly attractive spider but oh what a web! I don’t know if I would clear her away but I will say any creepy crawling thing that dares to live inside my house, fair game!

    Jackie, I am sorry your hips are talking to you. Ouch. Have you solved the printer problem. I always hope a power down and reboot will fix all ills. If only right?

    Anne, are you having damp weather today? A day of phone calls and visits?

    Sandy, I hope your hand is feeling a bit better. Maybe you could try a rub in CBD product? So many people get fabulous results. I must say I really have not. Sometimes a bit of relief but not long lasting. No longer than my beloved Biofreeze.

    Buzz, neuropathy, horrible stuff. I receive a weekly email newsletters for celiacs. There was an article this week indicating some studies say that female celiacs are more likely to have neuropathy. Autoimmune disorders are difficult to understand.

    Well, time to move along. Apparently the post office delivered a package for me in a parcel locker late yesterday. I hope it is not the leaky one or if it is the leaky one that the contents are wrapped in waterproof material.


  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Glorious day here if chilly. With the time change Jilly and I woke up at the same time, she yapping at passing dogs and me a-raring to go!

    Oh boy JACKIE if the rationing and ill fitting shoes are correct in your small foot size, what on earth size would mine have been naturally. !!! Ill fitting shoes ring a bell in the rusty cloisters of my mind! Blisters, the bane of my childhood.

    You know I once upon a time used Johnsons baby lotion. Forgot all about it, I stopped because a colleague at work said - okay it might work but SHE didn't want to smell like a baby. I guess I didn't either, but today.........! If my face becomes smoother than Charlie's bottom I'm all for it!

    Are you celiac LIN.? If so you have my deepest sympathy. One of my friends has it and it took ages to be diagnosed. When it finally was diagnosed he had lost a tremendous amount of weight, but today is a normal weight and very careful.

    No Michael today and maybe no Mark and Mary Jo either. Privately I'm looking forward to just feeding me and The Bean. Just a change, wouldn't like it permanently.

    Have a glorious back to standard time (hurrah) day girls.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Tired after sitting for kiddos yesterday so parents could go to a movie. I will be going to Mass today and then coming home to rest. All of a sudden Babe's son thinks he is my new best friend or something. He called me yesterday to ask me to set up a program for Babe to watch his granddaughter play baseball live on the computer. It took me most of the morning because I couldn't get it to work and once I did Babe didn't like it anyway. I hope this doesn't become a habit in him calling me because it stresses me even though my son said I should be grateful he wants to keep things amicable. Babe is hoping that we can figure out a way for him to deposit the money he gives me into my checking account so I don't make waves The problem with the letter from the attorney is that when I asked him what happens if Phil puts all the money in his name there is no sure way of protecting me.
    Please don't worry about me, I will figure this out somehow.

    Anne, I do love the smell of Johnson's baby lotion,but not sure I want it on my face.
    I am a Pond's girl always have been since my mom used it and had great skin. I know that feeling of being alone and like it most of the time.

    Lin, the Tylenol seems to be helping and if I stay away from my computer it really feels good.
    I will still go for the splint tomorrow just to be safe. I wouldn't even know where to get CBD but will keep it in mind.

    Jackie, please be careful with your hips, you don't want to damage them too much to make surgery even harder. My friend fell and shattered her hip and has now trouble walking even with a cane. I hope the weather co operated and let you get those outside chores done.

    Hi to Buzz and Patsy, but time is getting short once again.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning! Hope all is well with everyone. The time change is always upsetting. Mentally, I think my biorhythms just don’t like me messing around with my clocks. An hour isn’t that much time really. Heck! I can waste an hour doing the most inconsequential thing ever.

    We have a chilly partly cloudy day. Some showers are expected. I am going to try for a happy silly day with lots of colored pencils, chalk, conte crayon and charcoals and while John is watching football, I hope I can do some sketches. Katie and I usually have popcorn and are only just barely tuned into the game. However these projects don’t always mix well.

    Arthritis has a way of making us all try and develop our own special strategy. There are times when I am ready to try almost anything. The new meds for arthritis are so scary and have horrible side effects so I avoid even mentioning these to my doctor. I also have a strange relationship with our primary care doc. I am not impressed with his knowledge or expertise. But he is a good guy. We live in a rural area. Medical care is not super great in any case.

    Exciting times coming next week. What will happen? What’s next? Who’s in and who is out?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Skimming through some of your recent posts, I realize I didn't answer about the CBD which I am still taking...sort of afraid to stop this expensive stuff! Would I feel worse without it? I'm afraid to try that route! Is it a miracle? Not really, at least not for me. Perhaps my hands would feel worse without it, but I use the roller lotion 4 times a day, unless the pain becomes unbearable. Is it better than BioFreeze? I wish I knew! Neither is effective against the numb stabbing burning pain! But I don't want more pills, so I'll wait and see! I take the dropper of cbd oil religiously morning and evening, but my arthritis does its own thing especially with weather changes! C'est la "mature" vie!
    Went to our auditorium the see the 2nd movie about Mamma Mia after brunch. Not as good as the original, and I was confused until I realized it was flipping back and forth in time! Then I just leaned back to let it flow, though it struck me as too contrived! Nevertheless I stayed awake all the way through!
    I'm trying to type on my separate keyboard to see if it's more comfortable using a contraption lifting the laptop higher. Perhaps it will be easier on my wrists!
    JACKIE, your house sounds so lovely, and your workload seems never-ending! Is there any area you cannot handle? I can only try to imagine how your fresh eggs taste! (I think I'm making fewer typing errors!)
    ANNE, what size UK would my French 39s be ? My USA shoes are about a 9,mostly!Sneakers run a size 10 or 11 !!!
    LIN, your gentleman member might also be a good cook; my cousin makes lunch and snacks for the people who come for his wife's card making sessions!
    PATSY, do you have neuropathy in your hands, also? Do any of your solutions work?
    SANDY,were you seeing the lawyer today? I think it was ANNE who made those excellent suggestions about taking BABE out for lunches. I love the idea.

    Approaching midnight and I know I must sleep far more than I do. Stay well, everybody ;)
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I just learned MFP stopped counting my days sometime last week! I never noticed, since I don't often check! Thanks to dear MauiSue, it's being restored!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Not sure BUZZ, but I think a European size shoe of 39 is a size 6 or 6.5 UK shoe. A six is a Canadian size 8. I think JACKIE will have more knowledge on this. M&S have charts for comparable sizes of both clothing and shoes. It's too early and my mind is still waking up on a rainy morning. So much for early light with the time change! I'll get back later when I've woken up!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello, off in a few minutes to try the early morning, very early morning Tai Chi class. I doubt this will be a weekly event. Too dark, too many people driving to work, and it is cold and wet once again and we are heading to the winter season. But once. Ok.

    Anne, you’ve made me dizzy with the varying size schemes. I know I am a US 11 and European 42. That is the extent of my knowledge. And yes, I do have celiac sprue but am definitely princess and the pea regarding many other things outside the wheat, barley, rye family.

    Buzz, thanks for your comments on CBD. I have a rub on product as well as the oil. The oil seems to make me queasy but that may be the flavoring in the product I purchased. I would prefer to stay away from Rx as long as possible so my bestie is Biofreeze even when it doesn’t do a lot.

    Sandy, good idea to get the wrist support. If you don’t use it all the time it would still be good to have it when you feel you really need it.

    Patsy, I hope your sketching was enjoyable and productive. I have never used Conte crayons. One of your favorites?

    Jackie, is it contractor day??

    Well, must fly, late already.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello Sneakers. A busy morning for me after an enjoyable walk with George on a lower section of the moors although at one point we had a steep climb up a rocky path but I took my time and George was happy to sniff about at a casual pace. On the way home I detoured into town to fill up with fuel, pop into the car wash then a store for George's favourite treats... I'd never be forgiven if I ran out! Driving through the parish on the way to town I passed the smithy workshop and there was Robbie about to carry something inside so I stopped to say hello and check about my new stove. He's planning to install it tomorrow morning and when I explained I have an early hospital appointment in Plymouth for my 2nd cataract removal we agreed I will phone him once home from that then finally the job will be completed. Luckily it is quite mild today and I have plenty to do so won't need to put the electric heater on until this evening. Can't wait to try the new stove tomorrow and warm us all up!!

    When it comes to shoe sizes I know my 6 is EU 39 and seem to remember US sizes are one higher, so 7 but Anne, isn't the Canadian size one higher than American? Silly that we can't have a universal size as it would save a lot of confusion.

    Anne, this time of year my skin dries out, especially on my legs and this winter I'm going to cover myself in Johnson's baby lotion never mind if I do smell like a baby.... there are worse smells!! I'll report back on the results if I see any.

    Buzz, I used to attempt most jobs when younger except plumbing and electricity and am convinced most only require common sense so hopefully if my hips get renewed I'll be back to doing far more for myself.... the alternative is frustrating, waiting for tradesmen to turn up to appointments and then having to watch what I often consider half a job being completed!!

    November 5th and lots of bonfires and fireworks tonight so I'll have to keep an eye on George and hope he isn't too stressed by it all. Since I will be leaving very early in the morning to get to my hospital appointment I'll walk him late this afternoon then he'll get a short walk first thing and my friendly neighbour who is driving me will walk him properly when we get home.

    Well finally I am about to clean out the hen house 2 days late because after I posted yesterday it began to rain quite heavily again so I didn't get it done. Lesson learned, it's 2.30 so I'm going to gather bedding and rubbish bags and do it now!!

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    You and me both JACKIE. I'll buy Johnsons baby lotion next time I'm out. After all it's a darn sight cheaper than some of the nice smelly stuff. If we all start lathering it on, our respective governments will think there's been a baby boon - (by DTs assessment - among illegal immigrants no doubt). LOL.
    Talking of DT I wonder what the polls will show tomorrow. We just get pictures of him on TV letting us all know he's got troops at the ready if the caravan tries to cross his border. Meanwhile we've still got people crossing over here via the States. They are being housed in hotels across the country until assessed. I would guess the migrant caravan trekking towards the Mexican border will continue on to Canada IF they get through. The weather might give them pause though, it's getting a little wintry here".

    Good luck tomorrow JACKIE on all counts. Busy day for you and hopefully a nice cosy evening.
    LIN, thanks for the info. It must be really hard to juggle food and label info in this less than perfect world.
    Keep going with the Ponds SANDY since it works so well for you.
    And PATSY I hope this damp weather isn't causing your arthritis to flare. I try to keep off tomatoes but it's difficult as I particularly enjoy Italian food. Remember, letting a spider live is said to promote good luck, well at least for the spider so that bits true! Hiya BUZZ, we spoke earlier!

    Mike drove his mate to the airport this morning at 5:30 which is remarkable for someone who isn't by nature an early bird. His pal and girlfriend have gone to Las Vegas is it? where the casinos flourish. Hope they bring him a tee shirt back. Doubt it will be cash, lol.

    Well, old time is still a-flying, and I must get a-moving.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Just got back from getting the splint and I am confused. The doctor said I had carpal tunnel but the therapist fit me for the arthritis in my thumb. b68qzc7qownr.jpg
    Short Thumb Spica Finger/Thumb
    Objective: To stabilize injuries to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) commonly known as skier’s thumb, fractures or avulsion injuries to the proximal first phalanx or distal first metacarpal, severe sprains of the thumb, or for arthritic conditions involving the MCP joint.
    How Does it Achieve Objective: It encloses the base of the thumb from the first inter-phalangeal joint to the radio-carpal articulation of the wrist, as well as injuries to the base of the thumb at the CMC joint and wrist, by utilizing heat malleable plastic material and a BOA type closure.
    Although most of my pain is gone I will wear it as needed until the test at the end of the month.
    Doing laundry and catching up on bills.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy and cold today. I really am having a time adjusting to the change in time. Why? Who knows? Seems so trivial but even sweet Katie was confused about her bedtime. And makes her own schedule!

    Today is my doctor appointment and as luck would have it...I have one of my sciatic episodes. I will limp in there and try not to bite everyone’s head off. It won’t be easy, I can tell you.

    I love the facial masks that are sort of like a gel mask. They smooth on and seem to completely hydrate my skin. They feel wonderful and relaxing. They are part of my own spa treatment. I also use oils to condition my poor sad hands and cuticles. Baby lotion smells nice to me and I would use it if that did the trick. I have very dry thin skin. I need all the help available. I use Cetafil lotion and cream. Non-allergic and great for conditioning, Costco has it now. For me, I think a little pampering is a good thing.

    Tomorrow might be a historic day here in the USA. Maybe a course correction could happen. The important thing is to vote your choice. Never let confusion and apathy be your voice. I guess I am preaching to the choir here...I am feeling hopeful. The sciatica has me creaking around in pain, but I am still hopeful.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    George is behind the sofa while bangers and rockets are let off in the distance. I tried to hold him against me but decided he has to be where he feels safest and at the moment it's sofa or under the coffee table. No barking though which tells me he's confused poor boy.

    Anne, the baby lotion is now top of my shopping list above Brasso since I noticed most pieces of brass need a good polish, always a therapeutic job! I see many travelling in the caravan have decided to remain in Mexico rather than face US border guards which makes sense as they are certainly safer there than their own countries.

    Patsy, I wish you well at your Dr appointment. Hmm, sciatica is not a good condition to be hobbling in with but you should at least receive empathy if not much else.

    Sandy, hopefully someone knows what they're doing to ease the pain in your hand. Keep wearing the strap if it helps because arthritis can be unbearable.

    George is still behind the sofa!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    This site is not working for me today; Can't see what I'm typing and the scrolling doesn't work!
    If I hit ENTER I get another line but don't know if I can submit it! Crazy day and nervous about tomorrow! OK, think it will post!
    My bank made an error when I went to the supermarket today; would not approve purchase and it took 45 minutes waiting for the right phone help to straighten out their error! My bus driver had to take everyone else home and come back for me! Now I must go eat. Not a great day :s
    <3 Buzz

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    edited November 2018
    Well as you all know I lost you all again. MFP wouldn't let me in and as before the message was "we can't connect to your server". Well finally I ditched the email I was using, used my secondary one with a new user name and voila, I'm at the beginning again, day one. So let's see if I'm still here tomorrow.
    Mike reckons I should have left well alone because he thinks it might have corrected itself and now I'll probably be kicked off once again in two months time which is getting to be a regular occurrence.
    You will notice I'm now Gawanne35 instead of 32.

    I guess we will be all glued to our TVs tomorrow! And not worrying about MFP in my case.

    I'm so sorry everyone is suffering from joint pains. Including me! I wish we could enjoy our golden years without rusting up like tin cans. The Maker if he exists didn't do a good job on our design in our later years, a bit more lubrication would have been nice. So here we all are relying on creams and potions and Johnsons baby lotions. I think everything, whatever the price, contains good old fashioned Vaseline in the end.

    And I'm exhausted figuring things out on this accursed site, off to bed, goodnight,
    What's going on! Posted and just noticed I'm still Gawanne32! I give up!