Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, it's driving me nuts, too. On top of other things,the address bar reads :Not secure and crosses out the https! Is it unsafe or just overlooked?
    <3:* Buzz
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Heavens, it's not me then. Is it them thar Ruskies clogging up our Ma fitness pal, or DT over tweeting.?
    Whatever, things will probably calm down to normal after THE election of the year.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My address bar shows it secure with padlock symbol.
    Difficult to type with one eye covered after cataract procedure and other blurry because George's exuberant greeting when I got home had him bashing his nose against it.. ouch! Robbie been to install my new stove and even with window open to allow smell of hot new paint out it's wonderfully cosy. Wind and rain today as the next storm flies in!
    Back later when eyes less sore.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2018
    LOVE the fire stove. How welcoming on a very wet and windy day here. We've just got very wet after a short trek to the mailboxes. George loves you and like us is so glad the op is over JACKIE and you are home again.
    Me? Well I thought I'd lost you all again. But after much fiddling I'm hopefully back. Not pressing my luck!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Tuesday and/or Voting Day!! :) My cleaning girl comes today so that is when I will go vote. I am also going to lunch with Joe since it has been a while. It is quite windy out and I would prefer to stay in but all will be fine. I also have a secure site according to my address bar. Just give it time girls or just close out of your browser and open again.

    Jackie, absolutely love your fireplace, now that is a flame that will keep you nice and warm.
    Rest your eyes for today, you don't want to strain them.

    Anne, you come up with the funniest ideas, I don't think the Russians give a hoot about MFP, they love to eat and drink.

    Buzz, sorry you are also having problems, maybe both of you need to clear your cookies and I don't mean upchuck.

    Lin and Patsy good morning.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2018
    Just joking SANDY. I think it was or is a problem with gmail actually, not MFP. Mind you, when people get into the vodka you never know what they might get up to !
    The Suns come out, but wind gusts of 80 mph should make Jilly airborne.
    Happy voting.
    Hey,'s changed again from Gawanne32 to 35. This is getting to be fun!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sweet ladies! I found you again. Must run however. Election results will keep me glued to dungeon TV. So glad we are all together again. I love you all.
    Results from doctor visit: More Exercising, less salt, more water, feet prescription from the doc. Hummmmimm. I think I may already have a bottle of this prescription!
    Later, with high hopes,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hello, have been busy with one thing and then another today. I was sort of waiting to see if my group was going to play Mah Jongg this morning but I didn’t hear from anyone so I kept on with sorting things, putting things away, crushing empty boxes, cleaning out some old boxes of teabags, texting with friends and getting my Arty lessons up to date. All downloaded, printed materials compiled and downloads copied to a memory stick.

    It is cold and windy today. It is finally book club evening. I am not certain I will go. I am in my old comfortable clothing and don’t really want to up my game to sit in a room trying to listen to discussion of a book in which I have no further interest.

    I think I would rather just keep puddling along, keeping at things and probably going to bed early. Tomorrow is Tai Chi/Qigong, an open house at a local gift shop, afternoon Tai Chi class and I would like to attend everything! I need a nice hot shower and need to review the Tai Chi forms we will be doing tomorrow.

    The nice long conversation with my friend yesterday was lovely. I was surprised to hear that she doesn’t have any close friends now and has no interest in having the kind of friend who keeps in touch regularly. She likes having no plans, no commitments, and getting together once every month or two with someone for lunch. Having weekly groups, or classes and that type of thing has no attraction for her. We are all very different. The two of us get along so well even though we hardly ever see each other or keep in touch.

    Jackie, I hope you heal up quickly and wow, what a lovely stove. Marvelous! Just stay cuddled up with George and enjoy the fire.

    Patsy, I hope the election results are heartening. I have some online episodes of Doctor Blake I would like to watch if I have time. I will get the election results tomorrow. I get too wound up.

    Anne, good grief. What horrendous winds! That will blow you and Jilly away. Yipes! A number of people on my news feed said they could not use MFP yesterday and someone said it was a worldwide event. I don’t know, I always could get on the site but sometimes it took a very long time to load. One day I had to login repeatedly. I mean each time I wanted to use MFP. And I kept getting messages that I would be required to change my password. I ignored them all and so far have not had to change my password. I hope you are here to stay!

    Buzz, my browser indictates I am at a secured address, htttps. So maybe you will have to log out and then back in again or maybe IOS is different than windows. I get messages like that at other sites when I am using my Windows laptop. Too confusing. I hope you are feeling well.

    Sandy, I am confused about your apparently shifting diagnosis. If you feel better maybe it doesn’t matter what it’s called. I have never seen that type of brace. It looks like it makes it difficult to type.

    Hugs everyone.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2018
    I'm feeling rested and eyes settling so as I sit with feet up in a WARM room I'm thinking thank goodness my day is almost over. It began with a stressful trip to the hospital because we heard as we set off only one car ferry running across river to Plymouth which meant more traffic taking our bridge route then another alternate motorway closed due to lorry fire and advice to get on to our road. We ended up in one big traffic crawl so although we gave ourselves plenty of time actually arrived a couple of minutes late. Of course when my blood pressure was checked it was way high!! Never mind, the procedure was uneventful, our journey home fast and just in time to greet my new stove! Debs my neighbour walked George in the rain this afternoon then he dried himself... guess where?

    I missed what seems to have been another MFP glitch but thank goodness we didn't loose you this time Anne.

    Hello to everyone but I will now take a couple of paracetamol and have an early night. Not sure if USA election results will be in when I surface in the morning but will check and hope for the best for everyone... :|:|:|

    Hugs to all
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    A very wise little dog, our George. He knows a good thing when he sees it!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Jackie, another beautiful picture that should be framed. Sleep well.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My address bar seems back to normal, and I keep falling asleep! Very much upset having learned last night that our beloved Chaplain has bee fired! I won't go into the reason, but having spoken to his shocked wife, he might have received a slap on the wrist, a 3 day
    suspension, etc, but firing a man at age 58, who has been an inspiration and true friend to us all is unacceptable in a company priding itself on "Where Loving Kindness Lives"! We will fight this tooth and nail!
    Good luck with your new eyesight, JACKIE , and fireplace!
    I'm making too many mistakes so it's past my bedtime! Love you all!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    To our dear friend MARIE

    Have a wonderful day

    Many hugs ~ Jackie <3<3<3<3
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A very happy birthday MARIE! Wish you could rejoin us more often. We miss you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's raining!! One of those days when not much has been achieved apart from walking George round the village and I'm looking at a duster and furniture polish that have been perched on a shelf for the past hour! A good night's sleep and I woke to find my eyes feeling a whole lot better and I'm now on the drops routine for the next few weeks.
    Interesting election results for our American friends that prove just how divided the country is but I do hope things don't get any more nasty than they already are although I'm guessing a blame game is about to start!
    Already dark here so time for a cuppa then plan for an evening meal.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I decided to make bread from scratch today. Felt like having a good pound! Quite pleased with the result and will either save my machine for when I'm OLD or give it to grandson Derek and Bev.
    I bet you aren't kneading bread MARIE! I bet you are being thoroughly spoilt on your special day with a great big birthday cake!
    The winds died down a little bit today. Yesterday was impossible to walk Jilly. Even great big me was in danger of being bowled over and the waves crashing on the Lake Ontario shoreline resembled the ocean.
    Hope everyone is recovering from a possible late night!
    Sorry the following isn't a birthday cake Marie!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Glad the election is over but I agree with Jackie, this will not stop the blame game especially on Facebook. I did my part and voted even though I am not happy with all the results. I just wish we could take a break from politics for a little while. But that is just me.
    To change the subject and catch you up I have decided sending Phil that letter wouldn't accomplish anything. The attorney can't guarantee me the protection I would like so what is the point? My children agree that sending the letter would only create more havoc. I think it would make Phil more hostile and it would be like an ultimatum. So for now I am leaving things alone and trusting Babe when he tells me I will always get my money. I have some questions for him when I see him Saturday but only time will tell.

    Marie, if you check in, I wish you the happiest of birthdays. I hope you get to spend time with your family and all those who love you.

    Anne, the bread looks so yummy I can almost smell it. Since I seem to be gaining weight again I decided I better go back to my low carb way of eating so no bread for me.

    Jackie, I am glad your eyes feel better today but take it easy a couple of days and try not to bend over too much.

    I think I will cheer myself up and go for a manicure. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time