Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Bump! Back later!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a morning! In my shower room this morning I thought I could hear a drip, drip outside but then we were still having the occasional rain shower after an horrendous night of high winds and torrential downpours. Anyway, when I later took George out for his walk I noticed guttering had parted company with the downpipe and the outer wall was soaked so my plan was to retrieve my ladders from beside my garage as soon as I got home and climb up to fix it. Unfortunately when I collected the ladders I could see the neighbours' builders had accidentally spilled wet cement and sand on them so putting them together to run up the wall was so bloomin' difficult it took me nearly an hour, not helped by the bracket that one ladder slid through to connect to the other had been bent, who knows how!! I think in the end it was pure adrenaline together with a heavy hammer that got everything working and me up to the gutter to connect it!! Once completed I did laugh at myself for getting so frustrated and decided to walk away leaving the ladders in place for now because I need to either use a sealant to secure everything or even a small screw but after a toasted cheese sandwich and coffee for lunch I'm telling myself to go back to it tomorrow.

    I've done my supermarket shop and purchased wholewheat flour to make my muffins which I'll attempt tomorrow after the Remembrance Sunday service and parade. This afternoon I will watch international rugby and little else!

    Not much else going on but after my cross morning it's probably just as well!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good COLD morning everyone. Feels like temperature is 4 degrees. Oh yes, I plan to stay inside. All plans to go to interesting events swept away. :)

    The last of yesterday’s laundry is put away, a few sweet potatoes are roasting and the sympathy card I need to take to church with me tomorrow is almost finished. My donation check is written and the gift for a friend is ready to go. I have done a bit of Tai Chi as well.

    Okay, that is enough for today right? :D:D

    Patsy, happy birthday wishes to John. I tend to keep many of the cards I receive, especially snarky ones from friends. I do always look at them a number of times before surrendering any of them. Especially little note cards with newsy messages inside. Love them. They do tend to build up though.

    Sandy, I am so glad you got your car fixed up. I have been thinking about my vehicles and how I should take them in for a checkover for winter but neither is due for an oil change. A check of the vehicle is free with an oil change at both Honda and Toyota. I would image it is quite costly without service. Dealerships are fun aren’t they?

    Jackie, I agree with Anne, very interesting topics to me as well so all you wish to offer is wonderful. I am glad you share with us. I liked the horseshoe photo. I have never had one in my home.

    Anne, how are you and the Bean today?

    Buzz, hello. I hope you got some rest last night.

    I am going to post now but a notification flashed by me indicating Jackie just posted something somewhere in the Sneakers group.

    Hugs all. Must crush boxes again. The wages of ordering online. I am trying to save any that might work for acrylic paint pouring. My next probable project. Maybe in the spring when I can have the house open.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It is also cold here and a good day to stay in but I will go to Mass and then stop to visit Babe and Daisy. Won't be too much longer before our Saturday visits will stop.
    I am still thinking about going to my son's for Thanksgiving but would really like to take the train. My only problem is I am not familiar with the area of the train station and if it is safe to leave my car there for several days. An Uber would be too expensive and I am not sure I can find anyone to drive and pick me up. Will work on that this week.

    According to the dealer report card they suggest I get my air filter and cabin filter replaced and a front toe alignment for a total of $218. I will try to get this done if I decide to go to my son's but not at the dealer. They always charge too much so I will use a local guy.

    Jackie, please be careful with that ladder, remember your hip. When do the guys come back to tile the floor, maybe they can fix your ladder. I also loved the story of your former owners but when did you decide you had a ghost living with you?

    Lin, I think you deserve a day at home, try and relax although I don't think that is in your wheel house.

    Buzz, busy times for you as well, don't forget to take care of yourself.

    Patsy, send my birthday wishes to John, he is a lucky man to have you do all his favorites.

    Anne, did I miss your post today? Hope all is well.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Frustrating day here and freezing at one degree below. Plus a very high wind that had me and Beanie blown off our feet.

    Mike was supposed to show up early, but when he got to his local gas station the power was off. Probably lines down due to the high winds. He went home and tried again one hour later. Power back, so tanked up he started to drive here, tire warning on his dashboard. So he nipped into another station to put air in. Started to drive here again but there was a traffic jam on the ramp to the highway. No warning, but construction on the highway with one lane open. Decided to give up and go home, except one hour later he is still crawling along. He's phoned everyone he knows out of boredom while not moving!

    Meanwhile back at the ranch I decided to give Jilly a vitamin tablet which she has because I cook her meals. The joys of wonky eyesight, Jilly didn't get her tablet because about to open a new packet I discovered I'd bought CAT vitamins, but even worse, Mikes just phoned, still stuck on the highway, that his auntie Pats husband Len has passed away. His dad phoned him as he still sits in his car.

    Great day all around it appears.

    Please, please, keep off ladders Jackie! Horrified! Your hip could give way just like my Moms did!

    A good day to stay in with our heads under the blankets.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm just topping some of the indoor plants with soil. They look a bit depleted. Hope I don't kill off Mary Jo's. It's that sort of a day. MJ says it's okay if I kill them off because although she has a gorgeous outdoors English cottage garden she hasn't much luck with indoor plants, but it's not her, it's the situation of the house I think, not enough sunlight streaming through the windows. Mike was in the traffic crawl and standstill for over two hours.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Isn’t it interesting? We all had an unusually frustrating morning. Mine was just a draggy feeling after a really restless night. And now have an event that happens regularly around here. John is happily building a fire in the wood stove. I am already hot. So we have this temperature differential thing. I like a cool environment and John likes a very warm environment. It is funny really.

    I swept away most of the big spiders web and she has now rebuilt everything. She is huge and active. I don’t like to see that web covering my living room window.

    Both John and read vociferously and I like to use my iPad books app to get reviews and sample the first few pages of any book I am interested in reading. We both like the Lee Child mystery novels. At least we used to like them. Several good writers from the past have decided to turn their writing over to an accomplice. The whole approach and characterization has changed. This new book isn’t Lee Child. I think I am through reading political books for the time being. I enjoyed them but for the moment all has been said. Michele Obama’s new book looks interesting but I guess I need a break from Washington right now.

    We will be having a small thanksgiving. Our big hope is to see our son. If not we will get a reservation at a nice restaurant and enjoy the fact that someone else will be cooking and cleaning up after. But in truth, I loved the big family event and I didn’t mind all the work involved.

    Lin: I have done the acrylic pours, especially in my design classes. Color therapy! You are right about the potential for off-gassing and huge messes. I have used everything from liquid dish soap to silicone as a medium additive. It is fun and absolutely addictive! Give it a try! You can do small pours in a cookie sheet for card designs.

    Anne: you can order doggie vitamins from several pet catalogs...Jeffers for example. A big jug that will last her almost a year. Katie takes pet tabs daiky. She loves them!

    Jackie: good grief! Do be careful. I am sure you are careful but what pickle to be in. Your rain gutter needs fixing immediately and you have a hip issue. What to do? Try to do it yourself. It it is a risky enterprise at best. I am still gasping at your bravery.

    In a world where you can be kind!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY. this is for JOHN, a little soon, but well meant!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!...........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello, my thankful turkeys are close to finished. Need a sentiment for the the inside of the cards and maybe a few more leaves on the front, maybe.

    Moving on to colder days. Haaaaa.


    Thanks Patsy I will be well prepared before I start to pour paint. Everyone who’s tried it says I must give it a go, so I will.

    Back to work!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good morning. Church day. I am sure once again there will be veiled hostility since I did not participate in the annual turkey dinner. So be it. The building will still reek of turkey meat, not my favorite.

    A bit warmer today and sunshine. Yippee!

    Take care all. Hope to get home early.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mark and Mary Jo took off for Florida five minutes ago. Last message to me before boarding plane "see you in December". I'll miss them, but I guess all the plant watering will keep me busy!

    Mikes coming over today after his ordeal yesterday. I'm going to try and find candied peel for the Christmas cake. It's very hard to find in Canada. Oh and we've all decided not to send any Christmas cards this year, none at all. There's a rotating postal strike going on here anyway.

    And it's Armistice Day. 100 years since WW1 when three of my great uncles got killed. Gentle men not equipped for war. My grandad survived, their brother, because he was born lame and didn't go to war and very happy my great grandmother must have been.
    Must away,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Sunday. A showery one but with lots of sunshine thrown in so quite pleasant. A walk on the moors was followed by coffee while I watched the Remembrance service and march past which thankfully, after a very wet morning in London was all held under blue skies. My lunch was a bowl of the delicious lamb and veggie soup made a couple of days ago and a very boring sandwich but now, having cleared out the top shelf of my baking ingredients cupboard and thrown away mixed fruit, glacier cherries and baking powder dating back to 2013 I'm gathering what's left to attempt muffins. Unfortunately I can't find Dolly's recipe card brought back from Canada so many years ago, a lovely lady that loved to bake.
    Yesterday I phoned the shelter that has so many ex breeding dogs up for adoption and asked them to put my name forward for another pug cross. This morning I received an email asking me to phone to talk to them about the adoption which I did but the person I need to chat to wasn't around so I'm now waiting for a call back.

    If I don't hear in the next hour I'll call them again. Cute isn't she!!

    Lin, I can't help thinking some of your church congregation is quite mean considering they are religious. Hostility because you don't eat turkey is not Christian but I bet it's the same that worried about a few crumbs on the floor!!

    Sandy, When I first moved in to this cottage and did a lot of alterations I became aware something or someone was about but mostly doing nice things like wafting the scent of baked bread or the sweet smell of violets round me when I finished a particular DIY job. It was only when the roof was renovated and stripped back to the eves, then left with a huge tarpaulin flapping in the wind for a couple of weeks she became “noisy”. All is settled now so hopefully my efforts are appreciated since I removed 1970's botch jobs and tried to bring the cottage back to a Victorian style.

    Patsy, my independent streak has me hating asking for help, it's been with me for so long now. At least as I've got older common sense has generally prevailed so I take my time and think things out rather than rushing up ladders with gung-ho enthusiasm! My neighbour just popped round to ask why the ladder was against the wall and when I explained she said I must get her round to at least stand at the bottom of the ladder for ballast next time!

    Anne, you obviously have green fingers so I wouldn't worry about killing off any of MJ's plants. The fact you are topping up the compost must mean they will be most grateful and sit up for you!
    My paternal grandfather was seriously injured during WWI in a place called Loos, France and left in no man's land for 3 days during which time a German officer came upon him and gave him water to drink saying he would return for him later. His own people found him first and doctors told him that drink saved his life so in a weird way I owe my mine to the German officer too and always send him thanks on Remembrance day. Of course we'll never know if he survived.

    Just had a call to say little Cheers has been reserved for me!!! Just got to sort my journey out now.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I am so excited for Jackie, Cheers is just adorable and will love her new home. Congratulations to you and George who will be her big brother!! I have no plans for today but I am thinking of possibly going to Babe's and making him some stew. I think he needs a good home cooked meal but will see how I feel later.
    Check out googles search page and click on the picture, it is very moving.
    Two of my sons served in the Navy but thankfully neither was in combat.

    Have a great day and remember our Veterans.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Cheers is adorable. Good luck this time JACKIE. Talking of which, Michael has gone home with the garage horseshoe. I think he's hoping his luck will change. I hope mine doesn't with its departure, I've been very fortunate and lucky up to now !
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dear sneakers! It is a beautiful mild sunny fall day. And I am gratefully remembering those who served in the military all those years ago. I get a catch in my throat when I see the looming similarities in our political climate now and then. We need to remember and learn from the past.

    I think baking has a special feeling of nurturing and therapy. Making something that requires us to be more involved with our food preparation is good of us, I think. Baking bread or roasting veggies, no difference really. Lin, I wonder about those people who feel hostile about other’s food choices. I am trying to understand the reasoning there. Especially in a church setting?

    Anne: I think you will bring happiness to the plants you are plant-sitting for MJ.
    Happy Sunday!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my! Just saw the photos of Jackie’s new adoption. How heartbreakingly adorable! She has such a n expression of concern and worry! “Will I be living in a nice home with nice people?” The answer is absolutely! It will be fun to hear about each new adjustment and adventure with the new family member. Has she ever been around kitties? Her life is about to become very interesting. Walks on the moors and on a is easy to imagine that it will take a bit of time to become comfortable with her new life.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lots of luck JACKIE! Cheers is adorable even to me (was never fond of the "Pug" type!) and I think how wonderful introducing her to George will have amazing results. I must go watch
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. Another showery day for me but I'm still going to attempt a walk on the moors with George before visiting my 93 year old friend I put off last week because of the storm. After a chat with my friend Pat I've made plans to get to the animal shelter on Wednesday morning via a stay with her Tuesday night. A route planner tells me it will take just over 2 hours to get to the shelter from her house whereas if I went straight there from Cornwall the journey would be over 5 hours... too much driving in one day there and back. It's all very exciting and I now have to buy puppy pee pads for the floor, possibly a travel cage although I do have a canvas one and most importantly a pretty collar and lead! Also I mustn't forget Pat would like me to take a pack of our local farm shop sausages and a few Cornish pasties! Cheers has spent her entire 4 years in a breeding cage Patsy with no opportunity to meet kitties so that's going to be fun. The shelter usually do a "cat check" on their dogs just in case they have a prey drive but she looks far too innocent wouldn't you say?

    Anne, any sign of your luck changing insist that horse shoe is returned especially if it was found in your home!! I do believe good luck can be passed on though so Mike must place the shoe in a prominent place so it knows who it is now looking after! :D
    The Johnson's baby lotion regime has begun and after just a few days my legs feel so much better with no sign of dry skin. My arms get a smothering too but I'm using up a face cream before trying it there. At the supermarket where I purchased it the prices were odd because the 500ml one was £1 cheaper than the 350ml so you can guess which one I bought!

    Sandy, did you make that stew? I'm betting you did and am sure Babe appreciated it.

    After a long chat with Pat on Skype yesterday afternoon it was too late to make the muffins so the ingredients went back in the cupboard, minus the out of date things of course.

    Now I must get George out for a walk so I'll wish you all a good Monday once up and about.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good morning, up late this morning and now must hustle along to the dentist. Ugh.

    Jackie, yippee, what a cutie! Squeal with excitement. And soon Cheers will be home with you. My goodness, you sorted the logistics oh-so-quickly. Wonderful. Wishing you all the best and safe travels. Excitement!!

    Buzz, good day. Glad you popped by to say hello.

    Patsy, good morning my friend. Mulling over the mix of the past and the current path of society is fraught with depression for me at least. Hoping you a happy day with John and Katie. Hugs.

    Sandy, did you see Babe and Daisy yesterday? Darling Daisy. It you stopped by, I bet she was very happy to see you.

    Anne, hummm, gave away a horseshoe? Well I hope you do not need to take it back. In other words, may no ill befall you.

    Must zip, dentist will be cross if I am late.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh no LIN a visit to the man/woman who makes strong men quiver in their boots. Think this afternoon, and it will soon be over.

    You've certainly moved quickly on little Cheers behalf JACKIE and I hope she will soon be cuddling with George in front of that gorgeous stove and fire. Mikes going to Costco today and he's picking me up Johnson's baby lotion. Hope we don't all develop moustaches! For some unknown reason my late mother was convinced most things applied to faces would cause one to be hairy, but I suspect it was to stop her offspring from wearing too much makeup. So far I've avoided joining a circus.

    We've just done a swift gallop around the block because it's rather nippy out there. MJs plants are still alive in the watery sunshine. Only 20 more days to go!

    Since I started telling folk I won't be sending Christmas cards this year it seems to have been greeted with relief from mainly the elderly, the younger set don't bother anyway, ie, grandsons. To be honest these days I just enjoy seeing the family, usually Christmas Eve for Mary Jo's Christmas dinner and cracker pulling and then having quiet time at home with Jilly, a glass of port wine, and a book. It will be here before we know it, so I'm thinking gift buying.

    But at the moment I'm sheet and pillowcase washing so I'll away and wish everybody a most happy washday,