Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,121 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Spent a lot of time on the phone this morning as I am doing laundry. My ex SIL that I am visiting in Arizona in December called with bad news about a mutual friend who just died. Sad when friends die, but in her case she really wanted too and was in hospice.
    Since I am the only one in state I will go to her service to represent those who can't.

    I did not go to Babe's after all, I stayed home and made myself a chicken breast on the grill.
    It was a chilly and dismal day so once I had my video call with my kids my mood changed.

    I am going to call to see if I can get an estimate on changing those filters and front end alignment. I really would like my car in the best shape it can be since it is six years old.
    Still interested in taking a train to my son's house but waiting to see if Bryanna could drive me to train station.

    Anne, I only send cards to my family for the holidays with the exception of three close friends for Christmas. I do send cards all year for birthdays and anniversaries, just not homemade ones like Lin does. I have to be honest though and tell you I buy my cards at the dollar tree because they only cost a dollar or less.

    Lin, good luck at the dentist, hopefully it is only a cleaning.

    Jackie, so excited to see Cheers, will you keep her name, I love it!!

    Buzz, are you feeling okay? I sense some issues that you aren't discussing.

    Patsy, my son wants to go back to Portland (he is kidding) because Illinois weather is too cold.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My fire is lit and while I was just visiting next door to make arrangements for cat and hen care while I'm away it roared away so I walked back into a hot house! George doesn't seem to mind though as he's stretched out in front!
    A travel cage and puppy pads have been bought as well as packs of treats but I couldn't find a pink collar I liked so will take one of George's spares and buy new once Cheers is home. I'm not sure about that name Sandy so will hold back on changing until I get to know her personality.
    That's sad about your friend but if she was ready to go it's a happy release for her. Remember the happy, healthy times.

    Anne, I keep trying to cut down on cards every Christmas but then I begin to receive some and feel guilty, most from friends I no longer see so it is at least a way of knowing who is still alive.... isn't that a cheery thought!!

    Lin, I'm excited too so do really hope the dogs get on when they meet... can never be sure with George!!

    Decision to be made on salad or steamed veggies tonight.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello there! A chilly morning here but sunny. I am really okay with that. We had an unfortunate event with Katie this morning. Most mornings I eat 3 prunes with my cup of hot water and lemon. It is my usual morning thing. I turned my back to get my cup of hot water and lemon, leaving a small saucer with the prunes on the kitchen counter. Katie leaped up on the counter and wolfed down all three of the prunes in an instant. I instantly called our vet and he said she is going to have diarrhea and cramps. Just perfect! Sweet Katie can be a big pill and I am amazed that she did this. She has been a good girl for months. Shows that you can never take our canine family for granted.

    A dear old friend of mine emailed that her husband is in a very bad way. I fear for him. He has had two years of suffering from one thing after another. The thing about this couple is that she is the nurse and primary care giver. If he suffers...she suffers.

    We have lunch this week with our musician friend and wife. Always have anxiety about how this will go. In truth, it really doesn’t matter. This dear man is not the same and never will be. He is just a small part of that funny talented musician that he used to be. It is good for him to get out of the house.

    I do love Christmas cards from friends. I usually send Christmas letters instead with a photo sheet, just for a visual update. We all change and adjust. I used to send hundreds of cards back in the day. Now I send letters to very close friends and family.

    My hardiest welcome and best wishes to Cheers and Jackie. I am so thankful to Jackie for taking on this little doggie that has had such a sad life. Cheers will need someone like Jackie to teach her to trust and enjoy life.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2018
    SANDY, thank you for noticing my unfocused state a this time. Just sort of overwheled by several happenings, including Chaplain Joel's being fired. I'm working with several others to get the powers that be to change it to a resignation, as he requested. Very painful to watch our fabulous Veteran's Day program yesterday, which he and his wife prepared! And then my DD and her partner are planning to go San Diego for Thanksgiving , but the fires are nearby and I hope they cancel. Also they want to come here, and there are no rooms available so I am a little crazy trying to plan something ! Seems I don't do that as well as I used to! Well, dinnertime, so I'll try to get back later!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good morning! Just designed 4 different cards to have our group choose from as the vehicle to hold the nice check we are sending the Chaplain to tide them over until he finds a new position. would you believe we have collected over $5000 in these couple of days? Clergy does not make much money, we discovered! My card designs are totally different from one another so the deciders will have a good choice. I'm starting to feel better!
    PATSY, I know what prunes do to ME, so I can only imagine your lovin' Katie lol! Good luck!
    JACKIE, I'm so excited for your new addition! George will probably take his cues from you, though a bit of jealousy may appear at first!
    SANDY, I feel it is a blessing when a person is freed from suffering. My kids understand I want no measures to keep me going on and on and on! Of course I plan to simply go to sleep one night...!
    Hugs to ANNE and LIN and actually all of you! If I go back a page, I'll probably lose what I have now, and since it's after 4. I want to log off! I'm late due to problems with a purchase from Amazon that arrived today...damaged, wrong billing , etc, and it took 4 phone conversations to straighten it out. My ears are sounding sing-song right now!
    Good night, sleep tight...manana!
    <3 Buzz <3
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen,........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh Buzz, let's all go back shopping in small stores that understand customer service.... I know, little chance of that anymore! Sometimes life likes to chuck everything at us at once which is incredibly testing but with enough sleep we can press on regardless so GO TO BED!!! <3<3<3

    I'm off on my travels once my phone has fully charged because I will need the satnav app to guide me into the wilds of West Wales!!

    Naughty Katie helping herself and of course she won't learn... they never do! I do hope there wasn't too much mess to clean up Patsy!

    Anne, smother yourself with the baby lotion. It really does make my skin feel so much better after just 4 days and we can pretend it's a luxurious, expensive product!

    Sandy, my car is 12 years old so I make a point each year to get a proper service that includes changing filters and oil and checking everything including tyre pressure. I only average about 5,000 miles annually but like to feel as safe as possible and you are being sensible to do the same.

    Good morning Lin, no doubt off out to participate in all sorts of energetic hobbies.

    Take care everyone. I'll do my best to message or send a photo tomorrow and let you know how we are getting on.

    Hugs to you all. Jackie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good morning, hope to hear from Jackie tomorrow! B)B)

    A sunny and very cold day. Off to play Mah Jongg in a little while. Coloring with friends this afternoon. It should be a nice day.

    Buzz, I hope the upset regarding the dismissal is settled soon and that whatever is done is fair and equitable. I know, that may be too much to ask for.

    Patsy, I am sorry to hear that your friend’s husband is not doing well. It hurts the heart so doesn’t it? And it is true that people can fade away quite slowly as your friend the musician. Good for you to continue spending a bit of time together. Ah Katie, bad doggie. I hope the prunes will not make her ill. I had a Husky that would grab anything in a heartbeat. He had stealth skills.

    Sandy, did you find a place yet take your car? After a not-so-great visit with the dentist, my tire pressure light in my car was on so headed off to get my tires topped up with nitrogen. I wanted the make an appointment for a tire rotation but the service guy said wait a couple of thousand miles AND they are usually booked 3 to 4 weeks in advance. Yipes!

    Anne, how are you? The Bean? And the plants? Stay warm please.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,121 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Meeting friends for a birthday luncheon celebration. Winter has arrived early even though the sun is shining the temperature is only 29 degrees.

    Lin, yes I made an appointment for Friday. I have used this place before for Bryanna's car and feel they are fairly priced. They come recommended off of our neighborhood next door website. The only bad thing is that it will probably take two hours and I have no one to pick me up so I will just bring my IPad.

    Jackie, I never have a problem with Amazon so I use them for most online purchases. I can hardly wait to see how George and Cheers get along, take a picture as soon as you get her.

    Buzz, when it rains it pours doesn't it? I hope your days get better and you get some decent sleep. What a great collection your community is giving to your chaplain, I am sure he will be so grateful. Do you have any idea why they decided to let him go?

    Patsy, all I can think about with Katie is Daisy. With being such big dogs the last thing we want is diarrhea especially if they have no control over it. Keep calm and know this too shall pass. (no pun intended)

    Where is our little Anne???

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good day to you, my loves. We have a partly cloudy day. It is quite chilly and there is a gloomy look outside. Time to get cheerful happy light turned on. I have much to do.

    Katie seems none the worse for her indulgence in prunes. She actually handled them just fine. She was in and out the doggie door all day yesterday. But that is what she loves to do if it isn’t raining. I was ready for bit of a rear end clean if needed but all was well! That more prunes. They will be guarded much like chocolate is around here. Another banned treat. She loves the smell so we know that all due caution is necessary.

    It is very intelligent of you sneakers who are getting your cars ready for bad weather. It always tempts fate to let things slide. Things break down In the worst weather possible. We are trying to to get ready for our inevitable storms. Power goes out, no water, no heat, no lights. But we are ready if things get crazy. John says there is a connection. If you are prepared, nothing really happens. Okay!

    Jackie: I am so excited about little Cheers coming to live with you. I think George will be confused but he seems to get along with other dogs pretty well, doesn’t he? The rub will be, can he share YOU with another dog. Katie is very jealous and territorial. She just came that way. Vet says that will always be an issue I need to be aware of. Katie loves our son’s dogs but I can’t give them too much attention. Things are much better now (2 years) I can pet and hold them in my lap.

    Buzz: I can’t help but be impressed by you and your friends who are so caring. This chaplain must be a really good person to have such care from you all.

    Beauty treatment.......I grew up with my grandparents on a ranch. Our skin care consisted of vasealine and bag balm. A salve used on cows teats before milking. Talk about healthy pretty skin! But it didn’t have a great perfume.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I could not begn to tell you how great he Chaplain, and his wife, are. No one will ever really take his place. The reason? Hard to say but his story is that they came into the dining room, late, tired and hungry, and wearing blue jeans, which are not allowed. Someone reported them, and a manager came over to remind them of The Rule, and Tracy asked what she should do, take them off? And Joel, the goof, said "We'll wrap her in a white table cloth and she'll look like she's in the KKK!" That's not a smart thing to joke about in today's climate, since many in our staff have relatives who were victims of the KKK! And we know Joel is NOT racist, and he DID apologize, and even sent a note, and once management decided THE RULE had been broken, there was no going back! I spoke to the manager, explaining Joel's goofy humor was not his feelings, but it seems there were other factors which we don't know. I just know how really much we all love them and our hears are broken, and I will stop judging management, as they are usually very fair and caring. It might have something to do with his sermons not being Fire and Brimstone which some original residents seem to miss! Joel kind of included everyone, no matter what background.
    Dinner and I'm not ready! Maybe back later!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just been on the phone for a whole hour with my friend Flo because she's a birthday girl today. This morning I managed to get to the mall and picked up a couple of Christmas presents amongst other bits and pieces and came home in gently drifting snow which made Christmas seem a little closer. It was rather chilly as well and will soon be time to dig the parka out. The thing that struck me about the mall the most was the lack of help! Not even many of the cash outs open. So sad. I ended up with another older couple as we all three tried to find someone to take our cash. Just for fun we all yelled help in the hope of finding assistance. Finally one lone young woman came! Sign of the times I guess as online shopping takes over. It will all revert again eventually I guess.

    I don't think you will ever know the real reason for Joel's dismissal BUZZ. Maybe something as simple as a personality clash. It happened more than once where I once worked. Looks like the blue jeans was an excuse management was looking for.

    JACKIE, you could be Cheers new mommy soon. Exciting. I don't think George will be a problem because he has lots of doggie friends. I wonder what you will name her? Something similar to Cheers? We should all come up with ideas - just for fun, because once you meet the little soul something will come to mind. My contribution, similar names to Cheers? Cherie, Cher, Charlie,(Charlotte) Shelly.

    Prunes PATSY, oh no!! So glad for you that a disaster didn't happen!

    SANDY, you are suffering the same temperature as us! To counteract I'm going to bake scones tomorrow. I've got the cream and strawberry jam at the ready so should be joining you and Jackie on the Sneakers Pound section. I've only to sniff a buttered scone and back come the lost pounds.

    And how about you LIN, are you keeping cozy warm? The plants are still looking normal, praise the good Lord. Only 15 days before the cruisers return!

    Well, it's teatime, so have a good evening dear friends,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Heading home with a very special package on back seat of car!! Still a fair way to go so will tell you all about her tomorrow.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,121 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Going to see the kiddos with Bryanna this afternoon. Lisa has a dentist cleaning and wants us to come early so she can pack for their trip tomorrow. I am going to bingo tonight so have to leave there earlier than usual. Our luncheon was very good and we had lots of fun. I am tired today but will forge ahead.

    Jackie, your special package is just wonderful. I hope she behaves for the ride home and adjusts quickly. I can't wait to see how she and George get along. Drive safe!!

    Anne, I blew any diet yesterday, they gave my friend a free dessert tray and I just couldn't resist the coconut cream pie, it was out of this world. I am just so weak.

    Patsy, I am so happy to hear Katie had no side effects and is her happy self.

    Buzz, I am sorry you are losing a good friend but you will always remember the happy times you had with him. He sounds like a good man to me, but they do sound like they in force their rules which could be a good thing.

    Not sure what Lin is up to today, but I hope it involves some fun.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh, well done!! JACKIE !! What an absolutely little sweetie - even if you are into pee pads. She looks very well cared for. I hope our George takes her under his wing and keeps her safe from other dogs, somehow I think he will. You had to wait for her, but somehow I think it was meant to happen this way. Wishing you a safe journey home.

    Well, we awoke to snow on the roofs. Not too nippy for our morning walk, and I soon got warmed up baking the scones which are my downfall as well SANDY so don't despair. I'll be joining you and Jackie soon I guess, because lunch today is a big English scone lathered in butter, cream and strawberry jam.

    The plants are still alive and I've just watered them!

    Talking of Katie, PATSY, and her taste for naughty things I'm beginning to wonder if I've got a dog with Vegetarian taste buds. Brekkie - a bowl of shredded chicken, a bit of rice and mashed yams. What to do with a dog who scatters the rice far and wide, ignores the chicken, but gobbles up the yam! She likes bits of English scone as well. She did eventually eat the chicken but the kitchen looks like a wedding with rice scattered far and wide!

    Roy's just phoned, said he's just remembered I had a birthday a month ago even though I teased him on the day for forgetting. I'm afraid I'm in the same boat and getting quite forgetful at times.

    Hope our BUZZ is feeling a little better about her friend's departure from his post. Sad. Will he visit Buzz?
    And where IS LIN? Hiya Lin, hope today is a good one.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    edited November 2018
    Hello. Astoundingly beautiful Jackie. Continue to drive safely with little Cheers. Thanks for the photo.

    I am home briefly after morning Tai Chi classes. Having some lunch and heading out for more Tai Chi and a stop at the pharmacy and grocery store on the way home.

    Another cold and sunny day. A bit warmer though which is just fine with me.

    Anne, well hopefully a nice conversation with Roy even though there was that stumble over your birthday. We all have our moments don’t we? I just worry they will become frequent. As for Jilly, maybe her tastes vary by the day, just like ours. It just wasn’t a rice day! Haaaa.

    Sandy, you are the busiest of us all I think! I hope you get some rest soon. I am glad you enjoyed the luncheon even if there was a treat. I think that’s what treats are designed for.

    Buzz, love you my friend. Hugs. You are a kind and caring person. The chaplain is lucky to have you as a friend.

    Patsy, wonderful to hear that Katie did not get ill from the great prune caper. You made me giggle with the Vaseline and Bag Balm comment! Have a happy day.

    Hugs all. Time to move on again.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Greetings dear sneakers, our day is foggy, rainy and cold! Good day for a fire in the fireplace and pretty music. Today is John’s birthday so I am baking that berry cobbler and his salmon fillet. I don’t really mind fixing a special birthday dinner right to his specifications. We have gotten to the age of “Please! no gifts, I have everything I need or want.” Visits from family and friends and few special acts of affection and kindness are the luxury items we all crave. We are blessed!

    Speaking of acts of affection, John wants us (Katie and me) to sit in the family room and watch a guy movie with him after our birthday dinner. OKAY! It is his birthday. We will sip a glass of bubbly while watching some action film with lots of explosions and car chases. Aaaaaaargh!

    Jackie, interesting photo for me to see. When we first got Katie, they recommended we get a wire crate for training. We bought one and tried to use it for her. She screamed and cried for what seemed like hours. She seemed tormented by sight of the crate. So we donated it to our vets clinic. Other doggies find a crate like their little security place and go in to it on their own. Not Katie, however. Your dear little girl seems very comfy and relaxed in her crate. We are all like dotting aunties, wanting to pet her and play with her. Welcome home, CHEERS!

    Anne: Katie gets bored with her food as well. I keep a small bowl of “blue buffalo” kibble out for her which she ignored most of the time. Then one day she decides that is just what she wants. Some days she eats all her chicken and veggies, some days she doesn’t! Spoiled? I prefer to believe our fur babies are just very intelligent. Don’t you?

    Lin: my sincere congratulations on your dedicated following of tai chi. It is truely a way of life and discipline. It suits you. You are so disciplined in your life, I am inspired by you.

    Buzz: I think about your chaplain and the facility rules...there are people who find that kind of restriction oppressive. It is rather silly. A prejudice against a fabric! We belonged to the country club locally for years. They had the same rules. They have a wonderful golf course and tennis court. But after retirement, We decided not to spend the money we usually spent on dues. We still see friends and we have lunch with them other places. John lives in his jeans and sweaters, and hates dressing up with suit and tie. In truth, John has never enjoyed golf and is only enjoys tennis with our son. The mainly just horse around! I love all my various decorated jeans!

    Press on!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Interesting PATSY how two different sized dogs are so alike. I had a crate for Jilly when she first arrived. She cried and cried for ages when first put in it at 10 weeks old. Out she came and onto my bed and Its lived in the garage ever since. Mike bought it because he thought it would give her security, but none of our past dogs went in them. Travelling though is a very different situation with a new pet and I have a canvas travel case should we go long distances by car.
    Again, like you, I have a bowl of kibble out but it's just a waste of money. Completely ignored by little madam.
    Jeans - I so agree! After years in office clothes now is the time for us to relax. Who on earth makes these ridiculous rules for restaurant eating or club joining! As long as one is neat and clean and washes behind ones ears, that should suffice for anywhere and especially for leisure. The only thing I WOULD ban is rolls of bare flesh hanging over low cut leggings and in full view, or those dreadful pants beloved by certain groups of men where the backside is somewhere down by the knees. But there again it simply offends MY idea of beauty. Oh, not keen on thongs either worn on saggy bottoms, but happily we don't get to see THAT very often, lol.
    Take all of the above with a pinch of salt, and especially if rows of thongs are on your washing line, I'm just having a spot of snowy day mischievous fun.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Amazing, isn't it, how we all somehow adapt? I lived in jeans before hey were even available for women! In art school, where paint ended up over everything one wore, I used to buy jeans in Filene's Basement boys department and wore them with ballet slippers even in snow! Now I actually no longer have one pair! Sometimes when I see them stretch over what they shouldn't be stretched over, I think I'll never wear them again. But when I lose enough weight, I might indulge in colors other than blue! They object to denimit seems! Actually, I begin to see the sense in a rule for looking acceptable when I see how really scruffy some folks choose to be, and messy looking as well. I never was into "dressing up" but I have reversed roles with my beautiful sister who now wears nothing but jeans (she insists Colorado is more laid back than Massachusetts!), yet when she was younger, I always felt like a bag lady when we would go out with her!
    JACKIE, what a beauty your little new one is! Wonderful to think you have saved her from being so used by humans! Lots o' luck!
    ANNE, I suspect you are so right. Personalities sometimes do not work well together, and we may never know. Both sides were hurting, I'm certain!
    PATSY, A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your dear John! 852123i04y7t03pm.gif
    LIN, wish I had your control! You deserve a commendation for keeping up with all your commitments!
    SANDY, you look wonderful and I'm certain the temporary ounces a delicious pie add are not too much of a problem with you!
    We had Dinner at noon today, since this is the day dinner is special for the staff who serves us year round! Wish I had taken a photo of the gorgeous dining room set for tonight. And I saw the menus: lobster, Alaskan salmon, or prime rib? Our birthday dinner last night started with a yummy and gorgeous looking vichyssoise! I had beef Wellington, and gthere was a salad with cranberries, red and hellow beets, and nuts of some kind, out of this world! Our new Irish Sheilagh, head of Culinary, has really gone all out to please us! (So who needs jeans, anyway?)
    My computer went totally daft today and when I tried to call Dell, I got ATT instead with a disgusting Ad on my phone! Weird! I'll go grab a quick bite now. And early to bed maybe?
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Quick note before shutting down for the night...John says “thank you, for the cards and best wishes!” He needed to feel that it isn’t all over with! He hit the big 80 and is fighting it all the way. Isn’t it funny how decade birthdays mean more than the others? The cobbler was a success and the salmon was of course his favorite main course. It is hard to go wrong if you only fix his favorites. Sleep tight, sweet girls. Don’t let your toes fight!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2018
    Good morning sneakers. I arrived home safe but extremely tired having driven most of the day, all in a good cause though. Betty as she is now called because she has a distinct Betty Boop look about her, was stressed for most of the journey, panting rapidly until she finally rested. The cage was the safest travel option for her because I would have hated to lose her at any point although when I got home the shelter's advice to carry the cage into my cottage was impossible because not only was it too awkward on my own but she is extremely overweight so I staggered along the path with her in my arms! That's four years shut in a cage with no exercise and an obvious poor diet because when she was spayed the vet had to remove 9 teeth! It must be a relief for her to no longer have pain in her mouth and she is managing to eat soft food but I'm thinking I'll have to register her on MFP for a diet plan!! The cage is heading for the garage much like Jilly's because when I took it to my bedroom for her to sleep in last night she freaked when I placed her in it then scratched in a panic to get out so she ended up on the bed with me! I can't blame her after so long shut in one, it's the sad truth about puppy farms.
    When I took George into the shelter to meet her he began to shake and shiver in fear he was going to be placed there himself so after a very fast introduction I put him back in the car while paperwork was dealt with. I suppose bad experiences stay with them for life but certainly while I'm around neither will be going close to one again!
    The TV also scared Betty half to death, especially men's faces so it's going to be a long slow haul but at least she seems ok on a lead after I showed her the garden this morning so will try a short walk tomorrow and gradually introduce new things to her. The puppy pads are hit and miss at the moment so the cottage has a strong smell of Dettol.
    A hair appointment in an hour will mean the 2 of them being left on their own for a couple of hours so who knows what I'll return to!

    Have read all posts and sorry I missed John's birthday but sounds like he had a perfect time.

    This photo is entitled "So what am I supposed to do with this?"

    Back later.