Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited October 2018
    Good morning, no Mah Jongg this morning but have been busy sorting out my birthday calendar and making phone calls. Waiting for return calls and/or emails. Meanwhile, Anne, I love the beautiful rescued blooms! Good for you green thumb! And I must say, Jilly is indeed a very opinionated little soul. I also could not feed raw to my dogs due to digestive issues and my fear of purchased raw chicken. Later, I couldn’t touch any type of raw meat so it was for the best I would imagine.

    Jackie, wahoo, progress in your house. Lovely. Does this mean the stove will be all installed today? And you will be warm? Drat, wasps!?!?! Stay clear. Dear George, a fan favorite. He is very cute of course. Glad he cooperated with the pat from a stranger.

    Sandy, I understand tired and I haven’t been chasing after grandchildren! I went without coffee this morning for quite a while as I got involved in lots of paperwork. Wow, I was dragging. Now properly fueled I hope to get more accomplished. Woo, a phone call and I haven’t lost my post (I don’t think). Many tough decisions in life. God bless and keep you.

    Hello Patsy and Buzz. I must have missed your posts.

    Hugs to my friends.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2018
    Why am I not surprised? The builders returned after lunch to grout the tiles only to find the cement hadn't set and would slide if anything done to them. Off they went again saying they will be with me early in the morning so long as a delivery expected elsewhere doesn't arrive until after 9! No Lin, I can't see the stove going in much before the weekend, just as the temperature rises!
    One good piece of news is a neighbour just popped round with my missing shoes, apparently left in the porch of a rather shady character living round the corner. She had gone looking for a missing parcel of hers and found mine instead! He'd obviously taken a look and decided size 6.5 female shoes weren't much good to him as they feel damp and a hole has been made in one corner of the box so they're sitting under a wall heater but my problem now is having received a refund, do I tell Amazon, after all they feel 2nd hand now. If I can find out the courier had to pay for the loss I'll keep this to myself! Feel free to tell me if I'm wrong or being dishonest. :o

    Sandy, such patience lovey with both ex's. Do you ask what this money hubby #1wants to borrow is for? You don't have to tell me but it would be my first question and unless an absolute emergency I don't think I could because it's called making a rod for your own back. ;) We now know about Babe so this is just a continuation of a pattern isn't it.... make a bad decision then get depressed and regret it. Nothing you can do but listen. I say "you" because I'd probably be yelling at him by now and getting nothing back but high blood pressure.... mine!!

    Anne, raw meat dog food is all the rage at the moment but rather than buy from a butcher we have vacuum sealed bags for sale in farm shops and similar establishments. Of course George gets his raw meat from the occasional still warm dead mouse that Brady brings him which I find disgusting but have decided it's too much hassle to try to retrieve them from him. Certainly I wouldn't feed raw supermarket meat to him or the cats because there are too many bug issues and I feel if I won't eat it myself I can hardly dish it up for them. All sorts of hormones injected into the North American food chain, I assume in Canada too so maybe be careful with Jilly's.

    Just gone 5pm and already getting dark now the clocks have gone back so I'll plug in the heater and get a meal organised.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Oh no!! Jackie, what a nasty turn of events again! I am so sorry. These events sound similar to the things that happen to me. As far as the package, no, I doubt the carrier paid anything. At least here the USPS doesn’t seem to be responsible for anything but maybe that is just here. Massive dollars worth of merchandise shipped these days so a certain amount would be expected to go astray. Nice that your neighbor brought them over. I would see in the next few days if you even want them given the damp and the damaged package. Don’t decide yet. Chances are they aren’t like new by now. If you contact them, let them know they were not delivered to you by the carrier, the package was damp and damaged. If they want them back someone else should pay the postage. With damaged items they usually tell me to keep them. Might not be worth opening up another mess! I would likely toss them out, particularly if they were musty!

    More than what you wanted to hear.

    Hope you found something yummy to eat.

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Just to let you know, Jilly only gets organic chicken USUALLY which is expensive but the good news, although I couldn't afford it for a big dog, she's weighs just over 8 lb so she doesn't eat very much. However the last batch which she wouldn't eat was from the delivery grocery which certainly tells me something because it wasn't organic although "prime" whatever that means. An emergency visit to the Organic Garage and a cook up last night has her back to eating cooked with the usual scattering of discarded rice and peas on the floor. I feel like Queen Anne with a royal food taster because the delivery grocer batch is now in the trash can and I'm back to grocery shopping at Organics with my personal shopper Michael, lol. Mike said he would eat the discarded chicken but if Jilly turns her nose up, he's not getting to eat it either! I'll never be a rich woman girls, not with this dog and her discerning taste buds. We think something must be done to the grocery chain meat for Bean to refuse to eat for three days! Bleach? Salt? Yet to us it seemed normal. I tried it seeing I cooked it!
    One word JACKIE, if you can manage it, don't let Brady or George eat the mice. Why, because the only time English Thelly got worms was from eating mice. He never caught them in Canada being an aging cat when we brought him over here.
    Nope, you aren't wrong or dishonest. The couriers fault and it's a miracle you got the shoes. Pennies from Heaven as it were. Ignorance is bliss on amazons part and they should choose their staff, or couriers more wisely. Lesson learned all round.
    Think I'd better shut up for the day and take the full Bean for an amble to walk her brekky off.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    I am in the minority here but honesty is the best policy. My guess is if you let Amazon know someone opened the package and the shoes got wet they will tell you to keep them or they will send you a return label with them paying the postage. Just my opinion.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! Sunny day but a bit chilly. I think it will be an errand kind of day. Not my favorite but things must get done.

    Katie goes through times of being bored with her usual food. I keep a good quality dry kibble out for her all the time and she gets two meals a day. These are a mixture of veggies and chicken. There are days when she is just not interested in any of it. I think really domesticated doggies like ours take on some of our habits and peculiarities. We get bored with the same food all the time. However doggies do have tender tummies. They can eat bugs and sticks and grass but different food causes them to throw up? Don’t you just love them?

    Our son always says he should have been a builder. They have a great life. They are constantly in demand. They give you a price for the work they are to do but it always ends up costing more. They give you a date they will start work, but they don’t show up. They give you a completion date, but they are never finished by that date. Our son said in his work, there are no sloppy deadlines. Do it for what you signed on for, on the deadline or you will never get any more contracts. The film industry is unforgiving!

    I feel like one of those old Cajun fortune tellers we used to see as a kid. I feel big changes are in the wind. Things seem so unstable worldwide. Bad? Maybe! Good? Possibly! We are like leaves in the river of life. The current and tide carries us along no matter what we do. We can only cling to high hopes.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    FYI...I emailed my attorney and since he said no charge to come to see him I made an appointment after my meeting on Thursday.
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    SANDY, Well done. It can't hurt to have a chat and your mind will be eased whatever the outcome. Be sure to tell your lawyer the full facts about any down the road future fears you have. You are not being disloyal to Babe just protecting yourself if there is cause from a third party, the son.
    By the way your advice about the parcel was good, but why open up another can of worms? The onus is on these companies to provide good service. By contrast to JACKIES experience I've nothing but praise for M&S and the courier they use. I've just completed a survey they always send on the couriers performance, and thus have my name added to their monthly draw. Not that I will ever win a shopping spree but this way M&S keep the courier service on its toes and themselves on the quality of the clothes they sell. Incidentally I presume my parcel won't be left if I'm not here to sign for it. The courier gives plenty of warning on this via email and I can choose my own time/day etc.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Darn, I didn't want to say anything, either, SANDY, dear generous kind wonderful lady! STOP enabling your ex!!! ANNE is absolutely correct. BABE built his own misery and it won't improve, but it appears you have a decent arrangement from the separation. I just hope Phil cannot change things when he gets himself in trouble! Excuse me for saying what a fool Babe has been. You are lucky to be more independent now! By the way, your little Charlie looks so priceless in her "costume"! Yes, your little family is delightful!
    My hand neuropathy is really messing up my typing! I hope the missing letters don't bother you as much as they do me. In my earlier post, mod should have read Donald Trump's mob!
    Got my house ready for m cleaning helper, but then received a call that since it is the 5th Wednesday in the month, she'll see me next Wednesday instead. At least I cleared away for her!
    LIN, thank you for your advice, and I will try to follow it until DT comes up with the next outrage. Aargh, then I'll forget and get madder than heck again! JACKIE's advice is along similar lines, and you're right. Since I cannot control events, I must shut my eyes! But then who will take care of the situation?
    Ah, PATSY will take over again!
    Can't type properly anymore so you're off the hook!
    Goodnight all...
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!..........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited October 2018
    Just a quick note. I am up on time this morning and ready to blast off for a morning of Tai Chi, a stop by the grocery store on lovely discount day and then an afternoon Tai Chi class before crawling home.

    Buzz, we can only try. I know it is difficult. It is a world of daily outrage. Sigh.

    Sandy, cannot hurt to discuss it. We love you, Babe loves you but we all know Babe’s family would do you wrong in a heartbeat. Hugs.

    Patsy, if big changes are in the wind, I pray they are positive and peaceful changes. And yes, your son is spot on! For builders and handymen for certain.

    Good morning everyone. Many good thoughts flying to all of you.


  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    After yesterday's glorious sunshine today is misty, moisty, and downright miserable. Not a good day for the "ghosties and ghoulies and long legeddy beasties and things that go bump in the night". I shall celebrate the day with the traditional old fashioned dinner of 9 (I think) mashed root vegetables. I am short though having only spuds, beetroot, onions and carrots in the house thus only being half protected from the ghosts and ghouls roaming the corridors. A night to huddle under the bed covers with my protective hound and forget the creaks and thuds and bumps are actually made by the furnace and fridge.
    On BBC news this morning I see Canada is getting rid of a very old law - "why Canada still charges women with witchcraft". They don't of course, it's a matter of rewording, they charge the scam artists who diddle naive people out of their savings with tarot cards etc and I see also that the RCMP are finally having the tax fraudsters arrested in India. Most of the people who fell for this scam were new immigrants or people who actually DID owe the government evaded tax money.
    Well that's me done for now, because you will probably notice I can't help but give my unwanted opinions when I peep in over lunch.
    Now, don't forget to walk around with a string of onions around the neck. Don't they ward off vampires?

    Hugs from Anne who was born in this month and therefore entitled to being a witch. Please don't tell the boys in black and red astride horses!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    So the builder sent me a text yesterday to say he would be here around 9.30 and I took George out for a very early cold walk. Here we are midday and no sign of said builder and George is doing his bark, bark, bark like a dripping Chinese torture because he senses someone might visit us!! Patsy's son has got builders sussed completely which is why in the past I did so many DIY jobs myself and am sure in half a day I would have completed laying a few tiles on the hearth without all this hassle, just needs a bit of common sense. Removing the electric fan heater from in front of the hearth this morning I accidentally knocked the corner of the new tiles and whoops, one moved so if ever he does arrive I'm thinking there's more drama to come!
    I appreciate everyone's input and last night I came to the same conclusion as Anne about these now damp shoes. If I am sent a label to return them, for starters I'd be waiting a long time for the courier to find me to pick them up since twice they went to the wrong address so more wasted time hanging around. Amazon goes out of its way to avoid paying any sort of business taxes in the UK by setting up bogus addresses in Southern Ireland so I don't feel in the least beholden to them or concerned about their financial loss from this transaction so that's it, decision made and as Lin commented, leave them where they are for a day or two then probably throw out!!

    Sandy, all I'll say is I'm relieved for you because Phil seems to get away with bullying his father and influences his decisions so as much as you trust Babe things could get worse once they are under the same roof. It's a terribly sad situation but you're getting on with your life enjoying time with family and friends which is so important.

    Anne, both Brady and George are wormed monthly and get a quarterly flea treatment so hopefully no after affects for them although I do worry because Brady catches so many mice he could get a blocked bowel full of fur but nothing I can do to stop him, just hope now he's an adult he won't feel the need to hunt quite as much.......I know, dreaming!!

    A phone call from the builder to say he won't be here for a couple of hours so I've told him to leave it until tomorrow since I have an appointment this afternoon. It's my pedicure and foot massage which is just what I need to calm me down! At least it gives another 24 hours for the tiles to cement hard!! George still grumbling of course although quieter mutterings now.

    Should I watch any news today? I'm not sure I can take much more of here today, gone tomorrow politicians whichever area of the world they are messing with.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone. Dark and damp today. I am just barely creaking around this AM. I am the only one up this morning. John is as usual, a sleepy head and so is sweet Katie. I think of the fun we used to have as kids with our costumes. We would spend the evening at the school,Halloween carnaval. Everyone was there and in costume. There were booths with fortune tellers, go fish tanks, cake walks etc. it was a fund raiser for the school. The sisters had everyone home and in bed early, in time for church the next day. We were full of candy, cake and tired after all the fun and games. Good times!

    We never have any trick or treaters. We live out in the country, down a long dark road. Oddly we never have any problems with FedX or UPS or our mail. We also have a box at the post office. Packages get here without any issues. Thank goodness! We order a lot of stuff. We only send back an order very rarely. Katie is like George, she announces guests when they turn off the main road and are heading down our road. By the time they are at our front door, my head is splitting in two with the very loud barking.

    I have no advice or experience for Sandy. Our son got a divorce but it was very amicable. They are still friends and when our son has some extra money, and she needs a bit of help, he is very willing. Our ex daughter in law also does favors for our son, she baby sits the dogs when he travels. They realized that they were simply not a good match. Sad but true.

    I have my semi-annual blood test on the 5th. Oh I hate doing this. Not sure why but I guess I have a long standing fear of doctors. Ever since my cancer, I can’t feel anything but nervous and dread when going to the doctor. Silly? Of course! I should feel like they are ready to help me.

    Take care everyone and be safe!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    edited October 2018

    Happy Wednesday! :) It should be a pleasant day for the trick or treaters, at least no rain.
    I will go to bingo tonight in the hopes they "treat" me well.

    Patsy, I have the same relationship with my ex husband as your son does with his ex. We are very good friends but we were not a match. He pays me back when he borrows money and is right now trying to evict his roommate who has not paid him for rent which his rent for his lot that his trailer sits on is due today.

    Jackie, I can imagine how frustrated you are with the builder. Why is it so hard for them to get things done on time. I gave up on my balcony boards being fixed this year. I have covered my outdoor furniture for the winter and will wait until spring.

    Anne, no costumes for JIlly correct? I am not a fan of animals in costumes or clothes for that matter. No onions for me, I will take my chances.

    Lin, have fun at Tai Chi, I know how much you love it. Do you get a lot of trick or treaters?

    Buzz, no worries, I am not enabling my ex, just helping him in a pinch.

    Enjoy your day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Anne, I learned the ward off as a necklace of garlic rather than onions. Haaaaaaa.

    Between Tai Chi classes but must get ready to go again! Got several lovely discounted items at the grocery store.

    Sandy, I no longer do trick or treaters but I did peek out as my doorbell rang and I thought it could be a late package delivery. There were lots of kids walking the street. Many many more than the children who actually live around here.

    Patsy, how nice that you have the house to yourself in the morning while John and Katie snooze. And lucky you to have no problems with package delivery. That must be heavenly.

    Jackie, enjoy your pampering! And may your project be finished SOON!!


  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    You are So right LIN, garlic it is! Aren't the kids at school? Our trick or treaters only show up after dark. I don't answer the door either anymore. Not since that late teenager dressed as Dracula leapt out of the side shadows and nearly gave me a heart attack. He thought it enormously funny! No, I only put one small lamp on, have the TV turned low, and let the kids go by. It's not just about being cheap though, my deck at the front is iffy. I only use the back door at the moment. It's such a miserable day here I don't think many ghosts and witches will be venturing far afield.

    Jilly refuses to wear ANY clothes SANDY. It has to be an extremely plunging temperature to get her to wear her padded winter coat. This is just as well because I hate to see the poor dogs in frothy skirts and tiaras!

    I've just ordered a bunch of socks and warm leather gloves from M&S. Hope I haven't tempted fate with my earlier glowing tribute to them and their courier! Don't chuck the shoes out JACKIE! At the very least wear them to muck the chickens out, but I feel they will dry out just fine. I haven't ventured into ordering shoes online as of yet. Worried about getting a comfortable fit.

    Well I've just eaten my mashed root vegetables with a few pinched pieces of the Beans chicken. Stew actually and very tasty it was.

    Today is a good day to snuggle up with a book,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Brady has been shoo'd out mouse in mouth and George is having a crazy 10 minutes doing zoomies after a quiet afternoon watching torrential rain outside. Thank goodness the gutters were cleaned out! A wonderful pedicure with foot massage gave me finally warm feet and I'm now relaxing after leftover chicken stew with steamed favourite Brussel sprouts are back in the shops!

    George has a raincoat that keeps him dry and warm but he still isn't too pleased when I wrap him in it unless it's freezing.

    No ghost or ghouls are going to find their way to my door, Violet is on guard!!

  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    There's going to be a lot of dogs with sore throats tonight, including mine. Anne. 🎃🎃🎃
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, this was a very uneventful Hallowe'en! Hope you all enjoyed it. I treated myself to a mani-pedi, but the leg massages are a thing of the past, as my skin has gotten too thin and bruises easily! But they look so much better!
    SANDY, I must trust your instincts , since they seem to be excellent! I guess we all worry out of love for you, not mistrust!
    We received notice of a 3.5% increase in monthly maintenance for 2019 (Is it that many years into this new century already?) and I doubt Social Security will give 3.5% CODAs!
    I apologize again tonight, but the numbness/burning pain/pins & needles in my right hand is unbearable, and using the computer is just not feasible again! I once started to learn to use voice, but never finished. Best laid plans.....etc! Anyways, No news on my side, but I read YOURS with great pleasure!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!..........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I won at twice at bingo for $117 so it was a good night. My right hand is bothering me not sure if it carpel tunnel but it hurts like heck and I can hardly lift anything.
    Babe's son called me yesterday and the only reason I picked up my phone was because I thought something happened to Babe. He kept me on the phone an hour and it was not pleasant. His main reason for calling was to let me know he is giving me permission to visit his father at his house because his father is so upset that I said I wouldn't go there. He kept saying he did not want to fight but he felt some hostility in me. Really? He said many things to hurt me and even let me know he would be handling his father's finances. I am glad I am seeing the attorney today and you can bet I will let Babe know how upset his son made me once again. I know I said I wouldn't talk about this anymore but I guess I was wrong.

    I am going to try and go to Mass before my meeting so I don't have to go tonight. I really need a meeting today to get my serenity back.

    Have a great day and enjoy each moment.

    One Day at a Time