Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    edited November 2018
    SANDY, we are with you all the way and please feel free to let us know when anything upsets you. Re: Babes son, forewarned is forearmed and I for one am very happy you are seeing the attorney today. Make notes before you go so the attorney has the full picture of the sons personality and your fears and also be sure to tell him that the son will be handling his fathers finances, a BIG warning sign!
    Now, why can't you pick Babe up at the sons house without going inside, and you and Babe have lunch together at a restaurant or your apartment? It will give Babe a break from being with sonny boy and family all the time, and I presume Daisy will love to see you as well. I think for the moment I would keep quiet and not tell Babe about your attorney visit in case he spills the beans.

    Miserable looking day, but I'm "happy" to report Jilly Bean didn't lose her voice after much yapping and wolf howling at the unfamiliar noises outside last night. Me, maybe, from telling her to put a sock in it. But not mine!

    Bye for now, and good luck Sandy,
    Another option would be to pick Babe up for mass like you've done in the past.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2018
    Oh Sandy, I'm so sorry that controlling, bullying man would have the nerve to phone you and lay down rules. Occasionally I received similar calls from my step mother and got to a point where I found it best to tell her I was going to hang up and did just that. If you can, tell Babe that is what you'll do if Phil phones again so he can pass it on. Controlling people are devious, or think they are, putting the onus back on their "victim" and in effect he's trying to say it's all your fault Babe is upset so he'll do you a favour even if you are hostile. You know none of it's true Sandy so don't be pushed about, please! Yes, tell your attorney everything he said because it proves you have good reason to be concerned. <3<3

    My day began with me heading for the shops for early supplies but as I reversed out of the garage the builders arrived to grout my hearth.... hooray! We were all relaxed as I made them coffee and we chatted about one of them wanting to live in Canada although France was a good alternative and before they left (my purse a lot lighter!!) I asked if they would consider tiling the garden room too. They are busy but will put me on their worksheet for about 5 weeks time and strange as it may seem, I trust them! I was just getting cranky when it was cold and the job seemed to be dragging! When they did leave I took George on to the moors in the sunshine for a walk then stopped on the way home for groceries. The outside of the garden room needed a wash down because dust from the tile cutter had stuck everywhere during yesterday's heavy rain so I did that before cutting and chopping wood for kindling. Now I just need the stove to be installed, hopefully Saturday or Monday.

    Buzz, are you still using CBD to help control pain? It has finally been legalised in the UK after some heartbreaking stories about children suffering epileptic fits whose parents took them abroad to access CBD and it had a profound affect. Finally our government listened! I hate to read you are suffering! <3

    Anne, over time I learnt ordering shoes online could be precarious at the best of times, usually because they were smaller than they should be, probably because they were sold out of China but now I order a half size up and am extremely careful to check who is selling them. Before I went out the first time this morning I tried on the now only musty shoes and found them extremely comfy so considered popping them in the washing machine except they look suede and are Pumas so silly to ruin them now they've finally arrived at my door! For now I will just keep airing them!!

    Time for my cup of tea so I'll wish Patsy and Lin a good day and go pop the kettle on.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello, I am at the library with friends this morning. Having lots of fun. Chatter, chatter, chatter. I did make a trip to Trader Joe’s early this morning so that out of the way. Tai Chi lesson this afternoon and hope that goes well. My sinuses are problematic, again, still, whatever!

    Sandy, best wishes. That son is a dog, although I hate to demean the canine kingdom with that comparison. Take care of Sandy!!

    Anne, Jackie, Buzz, take care. Be well.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello peeps. The fog is rolling in but I guess that is to be expected. Halloween was very quiet here. One lovely thing about this small town is that all the downtown merchants give out treats to the kids in costumes. Even the parents are in costume as they usher the kids along. We were at the post office and were charmed at the scene. The town was full of Halloween costumed people also some walking doggies in costume. The local dentist gave out toothbrushes and tiny tubes of toothpaste as well as a little toy stuffed happy tooth. A great time was had by all.

    Sandy: as expected this arrangement with Babe isn’t going to go well for anyone. I hope some alternative living situation can be worked out for him. This is a heartbreaker. I am so glad you are checking in with your attorney. Be well and try to stay calm. Go to an extra meeting to help soothe the nerves.

    Jackie: you deserve a metal my friend. I am amazed at your patience and stalwart spirit. Living in a cold house takes a special effort. I would be grumpy and yelling at the workmen. You can imagine how that would expedite the situation. Great that the shoes fit and might someday air out.

    Buzz: so sorry to hear about your hands. I understand exactly. Mine just go numb at times. I use everything...aspercream, CBD oil in a lotion, special arthritis gloves. There seems to be no magic bullet for this. You are in our thoughts and we love and miss you words of wisdom.

    Lin and Anne...have a good day.

    Getting ready for a day of cooking. Veggie soup and herb bread.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Drat! I worried so about Philip and then told myself I was acting paranoid! Unfortunately, he acted up exactly like the bully he is! We live in a country that still cannot figure out how to deal with a bully so if we put our heads together, perhaps we can destabilize 2 bullies with one stone! I just hope SANDY's lawyer has some excellent advice! Plus which those wonderful meetings might be very helpful!
    I learned tonight that a special dedication ceremony my lawyer friend/neighbor will require me to be dressed, fed, and down in our lobby by 8:45 A.M. Since it is to be held outdoors, I hope the transportation allows for my walker. I know it is an honor to be invited, and I wouldn't hurt her for the world, but I know I need to get to sleep early tonight! So everyone of you have a pleasant evening and sleep well!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Making hay while the sun shines! It's glorious and George and I walked for an hour over the moors before I headed for the farm supply store for a fresh bale of bedding material for the hens. A brew of coffee is on the go which I will enjoy outside on the patio with seagulls crying overhead. When I lived in London as a child I was told it was a sign of bad weather coming in off the sea and those noisy birds could be right because the weather over the weekend looks pretty wet.
    My weight is up again reminding why I only used to get on my scales once a month rather than weekly because it does fluctuate so much. I was good though because driving back from the farm store I was tempted to do a left turn into a local post office that also sells pasties thinking oh well, what the heck but steeled myself and drove on!

    Have a good Friday everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Friday! :) The good news is my weight is down 1.5 pounds but the bad news is my hand is really messed up so I am going to see a hand doctor this afternoon. The attorney was great and patient and said I had options, one of which is adding an addendum to my separation papers saying the Power of Attorney (Phil) has to be sure I get paid every month or he faces prosecution. I got home and there was a message from Phil to call him which I ignored. This morning Babe asked me to call him to avoid a war, I asked why he is so afraid of him but no answers. I finally gave in and called him ready to hang up on him and he started by apologizing for yelling at me to which I answered you bullied me. He of course turned the tables to say I yelled too but then settled down and said I just want us to get along for my dad's sake and that I was welcomed at this house to visit his dad. He is one of the best manipulators I know but I agreed we were good (not really) just to get off the phone.
    I still am getting something to protect myself because I really don't trust him at all.

    You are great friends and if this is TMI for all of you please tell me. A lot of you went through this with me 6 years ago so it is probably getting old.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Looks beautiful out this morning but chilly. This is trash day so I was up rummaging through the refrigerator for “items that are past due!” Still feel very sleepy because I haven’t had coffee yet. Katie is still lounging in her bed, not sure why we are having such a slow morning.

    There is a golden light this morning. I love that kind of sunlight. I guess it is sunlight coming through the fall leaves. They are falling fast now. Katie tracks in a lot all day long. There is an enormous spider hanging outside the living room window. I keep watching it. I made a mistake by naming it Charlotte and we are watching her build a significant web! I want to spray her with bug spray but John keeps saying there are millions more so what’s the point. The point is, I am afraid of spiders.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ooooooooooops....forgot to sign off. Coffee in hand while watching Charolette spin her web. Have a lovely day everyone.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy, great advice from your attorney. From what you've told us Phil continues to behave true to form and sadly, Babe too. Stay strong lovey and look after your future whatever that bully tells you. We're all family here so believe me it's only concern and love we feel for you so you can tell us whatever you like... or not!
    Hopefully you can find out what's happening with your hand and get relief.

    Patsy, dear Charlotte is on the outside of your window looking in so harmless enough so long as she's not allowed access! If you didn't live far away you could borrow Brady the pummeller of spiders big and small.

    My feet are blocks of ice so time for a hot meal.
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    To be honest, despite the furnace doing its job it feels damp and chilly today. It's managed to rain most of the day but the gorgeous foliage around here makes it appear sunny despite the grey sky and the water dripping from it.
    Well my latest order arrived exactly 36 hours from ordering and again I'm delighted. This time accessories in the form of comfy socks and warm beautiful leather gloves. You will all be pleased to read I won't be twittering on about ordering clothing much longer. After almost a year of monthly ordering from M&S I'm finally looking decent again with all the old out of date or tattered stuff gone. I might just try for shoes and take JACKIES tip of ordering a half size bigger. Here I'm an eight shoe but that will be a 6.5 in the UK. I can't believe I've been so happy with the choices Ive made and didn't send a single thing back.
    So now it's just time for concentrating on Christmas. Christmas, already! Where did 2018 go! I think I'll fill an old sock full of treats for Jilly to hang up. Jilly loves old socks and if I fill it with her favourite treats she should have a great time tugging it down! And leave us alone on THE DAY.
    So not much to report. Mike showed up for 3 hours and is now home baking bread. Both he and Mark are into bread kneading etc. I think it's therapeutic for them.
    SANDY, super advice from the attorney and PATSY I think Charlotte is probably more afraid of you than you of her. After all, you are a bit bigger.
    So, I'll wander off and get the Beans supper after hoping LIN and BUZZ'S busy day turned out enjoyable.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Whew, SANDY sure has control over reactions! I'm so glad for the lawyer's advice, and perhaps for awhile Phil will try to stay calm! Dear friend, it is NEVER TMI from you , especially when you might be in for a rough go! Your serenity never ceases to amaze me!
    I sort of giggle when I think of JACKIE and ANNE shopping online for shoes, which would terrify me! Then I remember my experience with bathing suits!!! Which is worse? :s
    I went to my friend's dedication this morning, and it was worth all the foot pain from wearing closed sneakers (I'm strictly open sandals all the way!). The place was a community group of homes for people of all ages who function lower than normal, and a family got the idea of financing an activity garden for all stages of ability! There are raised boxes at different levels, and they grow fruits, vegetables, bananas, herbs, and just about anything you can imagine, and take great pride in the results. And they feel so thrilled about being so productive. A cafe has grown, for which they provide freshly grown produce, and today, the benefactor donated $200,000 to match all donations up to that amount! How magnificent is that? One of the fellows who joined our tiny group put his iPhone camera to excellent use snapping pictures of the beauty of these gardens so that we might build something along those lines here at Edgewater! I'm sorry I didn't take mine so I could share the pleasure of being there with you all! It has taken me all afternoon to get my feet feeling "normal" again, but I'd go again if ever invited! It was also a pleasure to see the mixture of races etc of both the residents and the donors! It certainly would put a lie to the myth regarding all those horrible hordes trying to "invade" USA borders!
    PATSY, did you get permission from SANDY to use the Name Charlotte for you spider? :D
    ANNE, isn't the Bean old enough to learn to cook her own supper yet?
    LIN, how are your sinuses doing today? Hope your feeling better!
    I'm trying to decide whether or not to attend tonight's lecture, "The Voting Dilemma", since it is some Trump admirers who arranged for it. I think I will go to listen politely, and not open my mouth except to smile ! Perhaps I will be able to understand better what keeps them at his beck and call!
    I lost about 1/2 pound this week. Our leader keeps reiterating how important it is to eat enough, or we won't lose! She says add more protein!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    My diagnosis is Carpal tunnel syndrome including right upper limb. Scheduled for a Electromyogram-nerve conduction study on November 30. Going back Monday to get fitted for a wrist splint. Take Tylenol for pain. He said I must have a high pain tolerance as I have had this for a while according to the x-ray. At least I wasn't having a heart attack which can be a symptom of arm pain in women. All is good. You know how this stuff happens to us elders. smh

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good evening. Tai Chi this morning, followed by an appointment and then an afternoon and early evening of hunting down some information including over 2 hours on hold with Social Security. I got logged into the web site, searched for the information I wanted, it was not there so I tried to ask the question in their chat box. It gave me lots of articles to try, which was unhelpful so I filled in my phone number for a call back. They finally called and asked if I was having trouble setting up an online Social Security account. Really? How the heck did they think I sent in a specific question and category from inside their web site without an account. The rep said I didn’t submit the proper question so she said she would transfer me to someone who would help me, but then I was on hold for two hours. Surprise, the real person could not help me, did not seem to speak English and said the information I wanted had to be on the web site. So all in all. A total screwup. As Sandy says, onward.

    Sandy, I am sorry you have carpal tunnel. Very painful. My friend wears a wrist splint and says it helps. She never cut back on what she does which includes working full time on the computer and crocheting like a mad woman for hours in her time off. Like you, she has a high pain tolerance. Try to take care of yourself. I hope something is worked out to keep you financially safe.

    Buzz, what a lovely day. We have those accessible gardens at the senior center where I attend Tai Chi. It makes me want some in my backyard. They have a lovely assortment of vegetables and flowers or rather they did until we got a killing frost recently. They really are amazing gardens.

    Anne, I am astounded by your results with everything you order whether clothing or groceries! I should have you order for me!

    Patsy, perhaps you’ll send a photo of Charlotte’s creation?

    Jackie, your day sounds pretty good! A happy walk with George and new bedding for the girls. I hope you have some nice heavy socks my friend.

    So tomorrow is a day of paper crafting at the library. Looking forward to visiting with everyone. Not looking forward to more rain and having to wrap everything up tight to keep it dry. I was going to start packing up tonight but I am somewhat cranky after wasting so much time today.

    Hugs. I think I will go to bed!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's the sort of day I would love to curl up in front of the fire and watch an international rugby game on tv but hey ho, no news from Robbie the smithy so the electric fan heater continues to whir and build up my quarterly bill!! He's entitled to a weekend off so I can't complain but hopefully Monday will be D Day although I seem to remember I thought all would be completed 2 weeks ago! Luckily I was ready to walk George before 9am because just as we returned home a few spits of rain fell and now with a blustery wind it looks horrible outside. I must clean the chooks house out whatever because it looks like a week of rain on the way and I like to know they can cosy up indoors if necessary. Even Brady is snoozing on the seat I normally use to sit at my desk rather than out hunting.

    Anne, my plates are size 6 UK and certainly 6.5 feels comfortable, especially this time of year when socks are needed. Good old M&S once again and you know their clothes will last many years.
    NO! Not Christmas just yet please... before we know it the Carols will be playing incessantly on the radio and I for one will be going nuts!!

    Sandy, Ali my pedicurist has just had her 2nd wrist operated on for carpal tunnel and although it feels sore because she managed to bash the scar on something she's delighted with the results.

    Buzz, the community garden you visited sounds wonderful as of course, any activity is so important. I've been following a tv documentary where 4 year olds have been introduced to a care community and not surprisingly the children have brought smiles, fun and laughter into the home as they've shared weekly projects and activities and each child seems to have adopted a resident to be a best friend.

    Lin, a better day for you paper crafting hopefully. What patience yesterday and just to be told the information is there on the website if you look properly. It seems whatever we have to deal with today customer service is out the window. Our tax office is the same and I still think they are deducting too much from my paltry pension pot 9 years on from retiring but try to convince them!! No doubt one day when I'm dead and gone their mistakes will be uncovered!

    Goodness, lunchtime for me so I'll toast a sandwich, have another coffee and find an indoor job that will keep me moving and warm!

    Happy weekend everyone. <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    I am packing for my day with the paper crafting ladies although I probably shouldn’t say that, we have had a gentleman attend from time to time. Mist, drizzle, rain, chilly, a good day to stay indoors here. So everything is swaddled in plastic. Haaa. Just as I had anticipated.

    Jackie, I realize our handy helpers, contractors and such need time off but as you said, already two weeks behind. It is disappointing. Thanks for mentioning your electrucheater, zip need to unplug mine before leaving. I just run it a bit once in a while but don’t like to leave it plugged in when I’m not home.

    Well morning coffee was spilled all over so I have been cleaning it up. I have a thermos of hot tea to take with me today so I won’t be making more coffee. Hate being clumsy!

    Wishing everyone well today.


    Lin, the coffeeless
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    Jilly Bean and I trotted off in gloom and came back in a watery sun. Temperature wise it's quite pleasant out so we'll venture a little further after the groceries arrive.

    I can't believe I've been so lucky with online delivery after everyone's tales of woe! Maybe if I try for a pair of shoes my luck will change. I KNEW I had big feet! JACKIE who is taller than my five ft. five ins is the same size in shoes as me! Size UK six! I wonder if long time walking everywhere is to blame? Although I remember despairing of my size sixes when I started work at age 15!

    Oh, and I've decided to give up altogether on make up tinted foundation cream and go bare faced apart from a light shade lipstick to avoid chapped lips. So.....anyone know of a good face cream apart from Ponds to protect from northern winds? The times they are a-changing. I'm bowing and adapting to age. On the TV news last night we had Canada's oldest person, a hundred and ten, yes 110 chap going like the clappers on a gym bike. He DID need a walker for normal trotting, but still, quite remarkable.

    So it looks like a busy weekend for us all. Oh, oh here's the groceries, must go.
  • Gawanne32
    Gawanne32 Posts: 202 Member
    SANDY I Must add my sympathies with the carpel tunnel, I know!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Gawanne32 wrote: »
    J .....anyone know of a good face cream apart from Ponds to protect from northern winds? The times they are a-changing. I'm bowing and adapting to age. Anne
    I just ordered
    FIRST AID BEAUTY - $30.00
    Ultra Repair® Cream Intense Hydration, ITEM 1217744 (at, after reading all the reviews. I thought Neutragena was great until I read all the reviews re: changes in my favorite, which they no longer make! So I'm playing safer with Sephora, and who knows how great it is? At least I get to try all the samples they include in my order! Also, I like Argan Oil, which will be coming as a sample. I find it light and effective for my "mature skin"!
    I lost this post but was able to retrieve it after about 20 clicks of Ctrl+Z! Then it popped back up!
    Sorry about the carpal tunnel, SANDY. I've had it on and off for years, so I got a decent brace I use day and night when it hits. So far, I've avoided surgery!
    ANNE, my 103 year old friend still walks faster than most people, and does not use a walker! But 110?! I won't even think that far ahead!
    JACKIE and LIN, your weather descriptions are giving me goosebumps! It's cloudy and warm here, but I feel a sudden chill!
    My life seems so uneventful compared to all of you I feel I must sound so boring!
    I don't recall seeing PATSY today...Hope all's well.
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good Saturday late morning. We have gloomiest as well but heavy rain is predicted later today. I am trying to catch up on a little email correspondence. I remember when we used to get actual more. But I do enjoy contact through email almost as well.

    The large spider in the window is a little hard to photo but I will give it a try. Of course, she is named after her sister in the lovely children’s book, Charolette’s Web. My kids loved the book and the movie. I think the voice of Charlotte was perfect. Her name has escaped me...not enough coffee. I hate it when that happens to me.

    Our musician friend and wife will be showing us their photos from their trip to Alaska and Iceland. I confess that travel sounds delightful to me except for two reasons. First is Katie. She has no place to board while we would be gone. Our son, in Portland, has a terrible schedule. It is okay for his two ancient old puppies. They are more like throw pillows with eyes. They sleep, eat, poop, and play for about 30 minutes a day. That’s it! That is never going to work for Katie!
    Then there is me and my knee. I hate being inconvenient for anyone with my slow creaking around. Most of all John. But the biggest issue that is non-negotiable is John. He hates to travel. Loves his projects and his shop. So there is all the TV travel shows on PBS and I enjoy tales from our friends.

    Happy weekend. Football tomorrow and popcorn for Katie and me. Also some for John. Last day of volunteering at the political action center, I guess.