Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My afternoon was so lazy I fell asleep watching an old episode of Homes Under the Hammer. It was 5 years old and lots has happened to our house prices in that time so wasn't too enthralling! The 2nd rugby match is on at the moment and I'm preparing a chicken and steamed veggie meal as well as keeping an eye on Betty who is chewing one of George's collars but I don't want her to swallow anything she shouldn't.

    Anne, you take off the oldest and largest Aloa leaf by cutting with a knife at the base of the plant then trim the pointed top and down each prickly edge. Slice the remaining leaf in half through the soft centre top to bottom then when you open it out you can spread the jell of each side on a wound, cut or burn. You'll find it gives immediate pain relief and heals the injury quickly and usually without a scar.
    Yummy scones but my problem would be eating only one... It would never happen!

    Lin, after a stay in hospital we are entitled to 6 weeks home care and physio but I'm an independent soul and know I will crave looking after myself after a short time so long as there's food in the fridge, books to be read and a jigsaw to work on! It's important to keep moving so your friend's husband was lucky not to seize up! Friends have volunteered to walk the dogs until I'm able so I'll just have to work out where they go for the couple of days I'm in hospital. Our waiting times for operations are around 12 weeks so a plan will be in place by then.
    My 4x4 was a Ford Maverick which was very heavy on fuel so I couldn't justify the cost of running it once I retired. My little Citreon C3 is perfect for me except in extreme weather when I generally decide to leave it in the garage.

    Sandy, house training definitely 2 steps forward, 1 back and she's become very sneaky about poo eating because she knows I'll quickly take it away so does her best to hide away. Even my dressing gown pocket is now holding poo bags just in case! :| Carrying her outside every couple of hours saying pee-pee is cutting down the indoor puddles and I know we'll get her clean one day.
    Yes we can all dream when it comes to a favourite car. Mine has always been a Mercedes-Benz sports car although not sure that would be so appropriate around the country lanes. :o:o

    My chicken is cooked so time to steam veggies.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks Jackie, I have written the Aloe instructions down just in case it doesn't disappear in MJs car with the rest of the desert cacti, rain forest Tarzan and plants. Haven't seen him yet swinging on the long vine in the bathroom.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sandy I guess in the end, we have to learn to adjust or get used to whatever happens physically! Typing is hard on my fingers, so I keep missing letters! Your carpal tunnel seems to have met its challenge!
    Hello and good afternoon. Saw a devastating movie winning all sorts of foreign film prizes, but I found it too true and too depressing! Name: OMAR. I think a Palestinian movie, and it opens with a what the orange wonder wants between USA and Mexico? Not a movie to watch if one isn't feeling tip-top!
    Dinner time!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello fellow campers! We had sunshine and blue skies for about an hour. We now have gray skies and mist in the air. Darned cold, as well! Oh well. Katie has been out for her run and in and out dragging sticks and a blackberry vine inside. She insists on at least 200 trips outside every morning. Then the same in the evening.

    Now I have to pay the piper, as they say. I must eat way way less for at least until closer to Christmas. I am going to balloon-up even bigger if I don’t attend to my indulgence from berry cobbler with whipped cream topping. Breakfast is an orange, lunch, if any at all, will be veggie soup, dinner will be baked chicken with leftover veggies. Knowing John, he will have gravy over the chicken plus cranberry relish and leftover cornbread dressing. I will abstain. I gave him permission to nag me.

    My favorite car is some sort of red sporty car, convertible, of course. We have one in the garage. A
    Z car, almost brand new. But getting into and out of it is an exercise that isn’t very pretty to see. I look like an old elephant struggling out of a pair of tight pants. Whew!

    I also have aloe plants. I tend to just use them up. I cut off leaves to medicate cuts and burns and even rashes. Ever so often, I have to get a new one. I just use them up before they grow enough new leaves.

    Be safe out there, dear sneakers. I understand we have bad weather on the way. If it is too risky out, forgo those errands and maybe even church. Could a day of contemplation and meditation substitute for church during really inclimate sundays?

    I will be thinking of you all and hoping you stay well and safe.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh dear, having never owned a car I can honestly say I don't have a favourite. I just wish they would all disappear and we could go back to beautiful horses and carriages! I know, born in the wrong century, me.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2018
    I just lost my post waxing nostalgic about my favorite forever car; red, of course, and we'd just hop OVER the absent windows (they lifted out!) to climb in! The 3 kids and 2 chocolate poodles loved this car as much as we did, and in the rain, we'd stay dry as long as we could go over 40 MPH! They stayed in the back well, where my 1st husband had built a leather seat for them! The news helicopter several times took a picture of us driving along the Long Island Expressway returning from Montauk; 5 people and 2 dogs in an MG Midget TC? Also , the driver sat on the right instead of the left side. PATSY, what a memory!!!
    JACKIE, though were poor as churchmice, for awhile we enjoyed our Mercedes 300 Gull Wing, even though it was silver. That was a dream in terms of hugging the roads! Until the wiring caught fire and we got out before it was demolished!!! (2nd hand cars aren't always very practical!)
    We also had a Borgward Isabella mini station wagon, and for a very short time, a red Goggomobil! We saw one of those the last time I was in Germany, and Mike finally understood why I used to get excited just describing driving a car with a 3 cycle engine! I always preferred driving a car with a gear shift! Once I married Mike , I learned to appreciate my dependable Camrys, year after year, mostly different shades of red!
    Now to bed to dream about when cars didn't all look alike!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good morning, we had some light rain, then some light snow and lots of wind. I decided I didn’t want to skate to church and we are on the edge of the snow/no snow boundary so we may get more snow before this evening. In any event, here I am at home with my second cup of coffee, a stack of great books to read, many Tai Chi forms to work on, a card to finish, and thinking of making some kind of gluten free pasta that I may actually bake in the oven.

    Buzz, oh my goodness, what truly spectacular cars! You have really lived life! My most exciting cars were a Camaro, a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and my little toy car, a red Miata convertible. Cute little thing but in this climate, a car that could not be driven in the winter.

    Anne, I never rode in a horse-drawn carriage but they seem so elegant with the steady clip clop of the horses’ hooves. But likely cold and drafty. Haaaa. Since I don’t have access to a stable, I hope to keep a car.

    Patsy, a Z car? I will have to look that up. My mom was totally crippled with arthritis and had so many joint replacement surgeries when she got the notion that she wanted a Corvette. She couldn’t have gotten in and out and could no longer drive a manual shift so it was impossible but she had a Dream. My father jumped on her and belittled her quite severely and it was mentioned again. I would imagine she carried that wish with her even if she did not speak of it.

    Jackie, well you will have everything sorted but nice to know there are some options for support in your health care system if you want to pursue them. Yes, gas guzzlers for sure. My Honda Pilot eats too much gas but not like its predecessor, the Jeep Grand Cherokee. It was hard on gas and was always in need of an expensive repair. Hello to George and Betty!

    I hope everyone has a good day.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    When I set off in the car for our morning walk it told me it was 7c which wasn't too cold but by the time we'd strolled round the local woods that had dropped to 3c but at least it has been dry. The hen house has been cleaned out and I spent an age trying to get the timer on their door to work but no luck. They will still be safe as the house is within a closed in run. My neighbours asked if they could walk the dogs this afternoon which was great as it meant I could get on without interruption.
    The fire is burning beautifully and my evening meal nearly cooked so a relaxing time.

    My favourite car of all time was my Apple green Volkswagon Beetle I named Gloria that happily chugged about the country lanes until it's big enemy rust destroyed its floor! What happy memories these motors hold for us, Buzz's MG in particular.

    Our weather changing again, wet, windy and mild for the coming week, in other words typical for the time of year. My calendar is clear so I will batten down the hatches and get on with indoor jobs.

    Happy Sunday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2018
    Just a quick comment because it's Sunday and Mike and I have just eaten Brunswick stew. So a quick note whilst he and Jilly are on after lunch walkies. I never had a car, but I always had a bike. My dad owned a Bicycle shop and repair so me at first and then the boys always had decent bikes until he died and we came to Canada. From a very early age I biked everywhere. Biked to school, biked to work, biked for groceries, biked the 18 miles to the beach at weekends. Almost as good as a horse and carriage, but not quite so elegant.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I have been playing with my new phone which is an IPhone Xr. I changed service to T Mobile and with two lines got a free phone and Bryanna also got a new one. She dropped hers and it was history so she is grateful. My bill will be less than my old one even with payments on her phone so I am a happy camper. Now I just hope the service is good or at least as good as my Sprint service.
    We are expecting a snow storm tonight which could leave us with 12 inches of snow. I am not going anywhere today and still planing on putting up some decorations. Never had time yesterday as it took forever at the phone store.
    My dream car when young was a blue Cadillac convertible. Never got one but my husband did buy me a Cadillac just not the one I wanted. (I was still very happy)

    Time seems to be disappearing so I better get moving. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2018
    My forever favorite was the little MG-TC, RED, of course! Never bothered opening the door; just threw the legs right OVER the empty window and climbed in! Totally unreliable, depending on the weather, and if it rained, we stayed dry IF we drove over 40 MPH! Our 3 kids and 2 chocolate poodles loved that car as much as we did!
    Now to bed to dream of days gone by!
    Oh my, This is TOMORROW, and without losing my mind, I confess I don't know whether this is my lost post (last night, a post disappeared!) or the replacement I then tried to recall! Or maybe neither? My mind is beginning to worry me! If it's familiar, please forgive me and ignore this post, and send kindly thoughts to an old friend, ...sigh!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About...something?...................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It has been a nice Sunday! Our weather has been cold and partly cloudy. But the good part was a lovely long phone chat with our son. We had lots of laughs and he told us all about his strange Thanksgiving with friends. The hostess was over the top and they did have fun.

    All of our neighbors who decorate outdoors were busy this weekend. The lights are beautiful. We have never done much outside, just a wreath and bows on the mailbox and on the front step columns. The rain and wind seem too much for us. I have had many decorations fly away! But there is a lovely thing that happens every year in the forested area along the highway. For miles, every so often a tree will be completely decorated with balls, garland, and plastic snowflakes. There are at least 20 or 30 trees like that. No signs and they are not near any house. Christmas mystery!

    I would not worry Buzz! When you don’t get enough sleep, the brain shuts down to conserve energy. My Doc told me that. He said a lot of poor decisions are made by med school interns operating on little sleep, fueled by caffeine and sugar. My memory just shuts off when I am tired.

    We will be watching The Christmas Carol with George C. Scott. Woooooooo. Scary and wonderful!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The weather is absolutely foul here. It's as dark as night and pouring with rain. Jilly did a quick pee and couldn't get back into her warm bed quickly enough. Just a little black nose peeping out of her pink blanket. Not so for us daft humans who don't give in to nature and go about our business still as if we are living in glorious sunshine in some southern land. Talking of which my son and daughter in law landed back in Miami yesterday I believe. They are there for a few days before flying home and collecting the plants......I hope. I've told them to enjoy the warmth and soak up the sunshine while they can!
    Our postal strike continues so I guess the mailmen are also under their blankets with just their noses showing.
    Anyway, it's a good day to wash and get the chores out of the way. Unlike you festive girls I won't be putting up the tree or the wreath or any Christmas related paraphernalia until a few days before Santas arrival. That means my stuff is up about 14 days, hardly time to get dusty! Or a real tree to lose its needles. I love Christmas, but only within the season. This is the pre-run of making the fruit cake and Christmas puddings for me. (Actually stirring Mary Jo's pudding mix these days to make a wish.) The anticipation part. Mind you I love seeing everyone else's decorations but apart from the town square (Santa arrived last Saturday) none of the neighbours are dashing through the rain putting their stuff up either!
    So......a very merry unChristmas Monday to all you gals washing your socks, etc.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our last sunny day for a long time by the looks of our forecast so after a lovely walk on the moors and getting bedding washed and hanging out I've shampood the carpet. A strong pre-shampoo spray has been put on the Betty patches and I'm waiting with window and doors open for it to dry even though with the sun already dipping it is chilly. It certainly smells better!! Next is the dining room that needs a mop over it's vinyl floor... I'm on a roll. :D

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hi JACKIE, we crossed again as usual so just wanted to say hi, with you and me both mopping and cleaning at the same time it makes chores seem easier, both being fellow sufferers. I'm just about to have a coffee after dusting the tops of the window and door frames which I usually conveniently forget.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited November 2018
    Happy Monday! :) Laundry is started, first the sheets before the socks. We had a winter blizzard last night that left some with at least 12 inches of snow. I am not sure how much we have but my tree is very pretty although with the high winds I thought if might come down.
    I will be staying in today even though I need groceries, the streets are not all plowed so better to be safe than sorry. I did get my Christmas decorations up but I cut down a lot. Sorry Anne but with all the work I put mine up right after Thanksgiving and this year going to Arizona it is better now than later.

    So my friend sent me this video and it is very funny. Anne and Jackie might like it better since it is from the BBC but I must warn you that it it very risque so please don't watch it if you are offended by risque things. I apologize if anyone gets offended in advance but I believe it was on TV. There is no nudity or bad language but other things are suggested.

    Have a great day and stay warm.
    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY, that's the best laugh I've had for ages!!! Typical British humour! The tears came I laughed so hard! Thanks for sharing!
    It's on it's way to Michael now.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello all. Staying in again today. Too cold for me. And Mrs. Brown makes me hoot! I never think about looking for those videos in YouTube. Snort, snort, snort! Old British comedies, yes, I adore them. So thank you Sandy.

    I have been doing some online shopping this morning. Finally found a deal on my favorite organic teas. Wahoo! They are ordered.

    I did a bit of this and that including toilet cleaning and treating a slow drain. Also updated my computer, sent a couple of emails to folks I haven’t spoken to in a while and updated several addresses as two of my friends decided to ditch their old addresses due to data breaches and excessive spam. I missed going to my Tai Chi class but I couldn’t force myself to go out in the cold.

    Sandy, your decorations are beautiful. The snow, not so much. Our snow just plain stopped yesterday while heavy bands of snow hit some locations in the state with over 16”. I am thankful that did not happen here. They said the air was too dry for snow. I guess we have more chances for snow over the next week.

    Jackie, I hope you’ve enjoyed your good weather and sorry you have gray days ahead. And I hope the carpet is in better shape now. I never have had the knack of good carpet cleaning. It is always filthy but I have given up. The professional cleaners I had here used something that made me sick with respiratory issues and itching even though they said they wouldn’t use anything toxic. So I live with dirt. And thanks for the story about Gloria. Good old car.

    Anne, I am sorry you are having a nasty weather day. And how do you know if you should even peer in the mailbox? Do they deliver once in a while? I didn’t put up anything for Valentine’s Day, 4th of July, Halloween, or Thanksgiving so I doubt I will put up anything for Christmas. The house is so full of stuff for my projects, there really is no space for the special seasonal things. And with no one stopping by, I am fine. I will likely plug in my little Christmas tree with the USB plug. I like it near my laptop. I might dig it out today.

    Buzz, I think maybe some more rest would be good. I feel guilty but I do alter my schedule and sleep in or at least lay down and rest. I think it is refreshing. It doesn’t take much for me to feel guilt. Haaaaa.

    Patsy, my neighbors were busy putting up decorations before it got quite cold. I do peek my nose out after dark and enjoy some of them, particularly the ones across from me. He put up a lot but my favorite are those colored lights projected in patterns on the house. I wonder if they are bothered by the light been projected INTO their house? Apparently not since they have them on for hours every evening.

    I should move along. I have some more card work to do and I haven’t been out to pick up my mail for a couple of days. And I know I have deliveries out there. I do like the app the Post Office put out. I know what to expect.

    Take care. Be safe and warm.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello from wet, wet, wet and rainy Oregon. We seem oddly adjusted to the foggy wet weather of our winters. I get really cranky about March and yearn to see some sunshine.

    We are trying to stay healthy, we had our flu shot and we are doing all the usual stuff...water, exercise etc. But one by one it seems friends and family are coming down with flu, colds and worse, pneumonia.

    I don’t think I mentioned this, the restaurant that was managed by our late friend, we met our musician friend and wife there for lunch a couple of weeks ago. The staff had all changed, menu, prices, and the service and food was just deplorable! Which brings me back to my point. Each of us is important and have an important role in the community and life. We may think we don’t matter in the big scheme of things, but we do!

    The video of the British ladies and the glue was funny. I had to watch it twice to understand what was being said. I often have trouble with certain British accents. I suspect they would have difficulty with my southern drawl. Speaking of cultural humor, I love Jeanne Robertson on YouTube. She could be exactly like one of my aunties or my mom. Elegant, beautiful, witty and down to earth at the same time.

    Our son and his sweet girlfriend might be coming for Christmas. Here is the interesting part. They get along beautifully. She has blended in perfectly with our son ‘s sailing pals. His dogs love her. But! She is at least 15 years younger than my son. She has a good career of her own and she is lovely. Money is not an issue in the relationship. He is very nervous about the age difference. She keeps saying they are really the same age in energy and spirit. But he is worried about a few years from now...yet he seems totally besotted and it seems she is as well with him. Interesting situation. More on this later!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited November 2018

    Our son and his sweet girlfriend might be coming for Christmas. Here is the interesting part. They get along beautifully. She has blended in perfectly with our son ‘s sailing pals. His dogs love her. But! She is at least 15 years younger than my son. She has a good career of her own and she is lovely. Money is not an issue in the relationship. He is very nervous about the age difference. She keeps saying they are really the same age in energy and spirit. But he is worried about a few years from now...yet he seems totally besotted and it seems she is as well with him. Interesting situation. More on this later!

    My son is 10 years older than his wife and they are just fine. He broke up with once because she wanted kids and he already had a grown daughter. But he missed and loved her so much they got married and had three kids of their own. In today's world age is only a number, look at all those cougars going out with men half their age. lol