Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We had clear skies and sun for several hours this morning. It was lovely. However a marine layer has rolled in and we have fog and mist. That’s okay because I have things to do.

    Just heard about the earthquake in Anchorage. When we lived there, we went through some pretty scary earthquakes. You cannot believe the terror one feels. I guess it is similar to what you feel in those tornado/hail/lightning storms. Mom Nature is a fierce lady! I need to try to get in touch with friends in Alaska. I am really worried about them.

    Saw this funny quote...”do you ever stand with the refrigerator door open looking for answers?” Yeah, that’s me. Hunting for delicious sweet low calorie things to eat. Hummmmmm. Maybe that is a real oxymoron. Not sure what a oxymoron is but it sounds bad! I will look this up.

    Washed a new shirt and ALL of the buttons came off in the washing machine. I don’t have high hopes for this cute shirt. It was one of those boutique fashion shirts that was big in style but obviously small in quality. Why can’t we have both? Only the plain boring clothes seem to have good fabric, good fit, and good construction. I seem to be drawn to funny creative high style. The kind of thing that falls apart in the washing machine.

    Well, to work! Sewing on buttons, watering my house plants and continue working on my several homemade Christmas cards. I am doing tiny little paintings on watercolor paper to attach on the cards. I will print up a message in some arty font for the inside...then the important part....a check or a nice big chunk of cash. But t is fun to paint this tiny little painting.

    Katie is potty trained but that’s about all. She comes when called, when she so desires. She eats when it suits her, oh I could go on and on. We love her dearly and she is as spoiled as we let her be. I guess we trained her to be the boss of the household.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good evening, first, I have never had any food with money added to it and I don’t feel deprived! Second, if I laundered a new blouse and all the buttons came off, I would be making a trip back to the store! They need to sew the buttons on for you or replace the blouse. Although they will be well attached when you finish with them Patsy.

    It was a nice day. Tai Chi/Qigong classes, some chatter with a friend there and then off to meet my long lost friend. We had a few hours of discussion and I enjoyed it! Then home to finally get around to the laundry and worked on the Christmas card I agreed to make for our Tai Chi teacher. I promised to have it there next week for people to sign. Almost finished.

    Tomorrow is a get together at the library to work on projects and some time is set aside for making tags for Christmas gifts. Should be fun BUT the weather sounds horrible. Rain, rain, rain and snow and whatever! This morning the roads were slick and the parking lot was a bit frightening. Our recreation center is part of a complex with other buildings including the high school and the indoor pool. So lots of traffic and people can get kind of wild as they zoom in and out and hunt for parking places. I was very sorry to hear an employee at the high school was hit in a crosswalk on her way into work yesterday morning. They showed some video of the scene and the poor woman’s insulated coffee container laying on the pavement on its side. That made me very sad.

    Must run along and start packing for tomorrow morning. I do plan to do unless we have a downpour of Biblical proportions.

    Hugs all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hmmmm, I thought I had signed in earlier, but I don't see my post so I guess I was dreaming! I am also not of the fruit cake lovers as I also don't care for the fruits that have been held in containers waiting to be whipped into shape. I never eat canned or jarred fruits, so thank goodness, they are only served twice a week! On the other hand, Sunday night we are having a potato pancake party, and I love potato pancakes! It's so nice that the establishment accommodates the different ethnicities and faiths living here, and tonight the dining room was so festive with holiday decorations put up by a group of residents who love holiday decorating! They are collecting for a fresh start for next year, as many of the trees and other things have seen better days!
    I used some new cushions I bought from Costco when I went to the auditorium tonight to watch a requested oldie, "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?". It was definitely not my kind of film, though I thought the reviews were good when it emerged; but the cushion did not help one bit as my thigh//groin cramp set in again, as it does when I sit in the new chairs bought when the upstairs was being renovated. So I now have one more set of useless cushions!
    I hope no one has friends or relatives in Anchorage, where they had a massive quake today!
    I was also listening to the quake (I thought!) in the "collusion" investigation, and was certain this was the straw that will break the camel's back! But no, his followers are a true cult, and they talk in glowing terms about his accomplishments! Have they no shame?
    Midnight approaches and I'm desperate for "Beauty sleep"!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!"
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited December 2018
    I've just got up and I'm grinning away to myself at the reaction my packets of raisins and sultanas have caused. Honestly girls haven't you ever eaten 'trail mix" bought from health food stores? Or a packet of raisins to nibble on? That's the dried grapes, cranberries and nuts that go into fruit cakes and scones.
    Sixpence to find in the pudding? Just Superstition promising of riches to come in the coming year and fun to hopefully find.

    To each his or her own of course. Personally I don't fancy grits, anything McDonald's, lobsters, chocolate coated strawberries, (who on earth thought of dipping a nice normal strawberry into chocolate!) stringy things called French fries, give me a good old chip any day, and black grapes trampled up and down on to produce red wine. Oh, and the poor old turkey doesn't get a look in, in this family's household. Mind you to be fair I don't drink red wine because of migraines produced by it.
    This all said tongue in cheek of course because what would life be like if we all chomped on the same diet? Boring!

    Mark and Mary Jo have been married 30 years SANDY and have one son, handsome, debonair Derek. Owner of Hobbes the monster kitten.
    Michael was married for 26 years, actually still is, so about 34 years I think. They've just gone their separate ways like you and Babe. Similar problems. Their son is our very interesting Devin.

    I'm hoping the plants will find their way home today!

    So happy chomping girls on whatever you fancy! Anyone fancy a nice slice of haggis?
    Hugs from Anne who is going to bake mixed fruit scones today ! With NOT canned pears etc, but with packets of raisins - from California methinks.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm laughing at your post a lot Anne as I had left it to you to explain the dried fruit ingredients as opposed to jars of mince (now that word will confuse the issue even more :D ). Not sure what our joyous American friends have been eating but it's certainly not a traditional pud or cake!

    A busy morning as I shopped early before walking so will now get myself lunch and pop back later.
    Oh yes, a new up and over garage door has been ordered after a local firm came straight over yesterday to see how they could help, measured up and hopefully the job will be completed week after next. More money flying out but it had to be done.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited December 2018
    Oh please! Don't let's get into jars of mincemeat (with suet, horrors). Okay girls get your own back. What delicacy do you eat which us Brits would view with horror? Rattlesnake stew with baked beans out on the prairie? Etc.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    edited December 2018
    Dear Anne, there is nothing at all that we consume that is objectionable. Haaaaa. :D


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    What! Nothing from pioneering days, no roasted squirrel or baked in clay hedgehogs!?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2018
    Anne, not too long ago a butcher put a sign in his window selling squirrels as a delicacy (as a joke) and was amazed how many serious enquiries he received. It was around the time we were being told the greys needed to be culled in order to stop our reds becoming extinct so perhaps people thought they were helping the cause!!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And I remember in Yorkshire the gypsies ate roast squirrel and encased hedgehogs in clay to be baked in the campfire embers. Apparently when you cracked the baked clay open the spikes came off with the skin. Didn't Daniel Boone have a squirrel hat with the tail hanging down. Presumably he'd eaten the poor squirrel as he roamed the woods with his musket. Needs must in those days.

    Going back to Christmas cake, OH NO! dates back to medieval times when plums where used instead of raisins. Remember little Jack Horner. Dried fruit was called sweetmeats as opposed to meat. In Tudor times, Henry's banquets were considered the most lavish in the whole of Europe with lots of "sweetmeats". Anyone for roast swan?

    All swans in GB belong to the queen so don't get any ideas for Christmas dinner, Jackie! Watch young George as he splashes through any ponds!

    Hey, the plants are going home this afternoon! I can now start looking at small real fir trees for a change. Jilly's never seen a decorated Christmas tree. We were scared she'd eat pine or plastic needles last year when she was still very much a puppy.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,133 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) We will be celebrating Rob's birthday with pizza and (normal) angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream this afternoon. I probably won't be going to 5:00 Mass so will have to go in the morning. We are having lots of rain and Babe said he isn't moving until it stops raining which could be tomorrow or Monday.

    There are lots of foods that I don't eat Anne, such as escargot, venison, ears and feet of some animals, not a fan of mushrooms or onions except for flavoring. In other words I am pretty fussy and stick to basic cooking. As you said to each his own. I do like most of what you don't but not eating things high in carbs so just boring foods.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hey, I'm with you when it comes to escargot SANDY, fancy eating a little snail! I'm rather fond of snails. I've got a couple of blown glass ones. I'd NEVER eat venison or veal either and it would take a lot for me to eat red meat of any kind, especially ears and feet!! I was born in the year of the Pig and have a few ceramic and brass pigs strewn about as well, so however delicious pork may be I cannot bring myself to virtually eat myself!. Mainly vegetarian I will pinch some of Jilly's chicken occasionally. I'm very basic in cooking like you, tried and tested recipes over the years so we have that in common.
    Enjoy Robs angel cake with strawberries and whipped cream - now THAT'S the way to eat strawberries! I think our Victoria sponge cake is the same as angel cake.
    PS The Ms will be here soon to collect the jungle whilst it's a balmy 38 F outside. Won't the LR look bare! Everything survived and Mary Jo will be surprised to see new growth on a couple of plants.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy Saturday to everyone! We have a partly sunny day. No rain so far this morning. I am getting cabin crazy. I think I have been home too many days in a row. Off to get my hair cut and styled. I might get a color just to jazz up things a bit. Maybe not. We will see.

    I like way too many things to eat. I try to think about any of the live creatures and just avoid eating them when ever I can. John still loves chicken and fish. I cook them and eat some but not very often. I love veggie burgers and baked sweet potato fries, spicy chili and most Tex-mex food, I love cake, cookies, and pie and chocolate. As you can plainly see, I don’t have too much trouble finding things I love to eat. Fruit and veggies are big in our house. I have taught John to love them as well. He still will not eat Brussels sprouts or turnips or kale, so I don’t fix them. I think haggis must not be too different than those link sausages. But I have never and never will be eating any. I grew up on a ranch and my delicate sense abilities were not catered to at all. In fact I was ridiculed for not liking meat. I never feel it necessary to criticize what others like to eat. Enjoy it in good health!

    I am still tinkering with my tiny paintings for the Christmas cards. This has once again made me appreciate Lin’s wonderful cards. I do love playing in my paints!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My 2 cents! Until you have tasted a huge juicy ripe Florida strawberry dipped into a dark (obviously for lovers of bittersweet chocolate!) delicious silky chocolate coating, don't knock it! It took a gift box from my kids to awaken my taste buds to heaven!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Also gave up most red meats and cholesterol has normalized! ALso think my neuropathy of hands is not neuropathy but carpal tunnel! When I concentrate on what's happening, it's the right hand and 3 or 4 fingers, plus tendons or something crackling when moved! I'm applying for my M.D. in the morning (Maybe a Doctor)!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Which proves how different our taste buds are dear BUZZ. If I get any huge, juicy, Florida strawberries dipped in dark, silky, chocolate I hereby promise to send the box to you. Now promise me you will send me in return any Brandy filled British Christmas cake left in your socks by that fella Santa!
    Now I'll shut up, but that was a lot of pre Christmas fun girls!

    JACKIE, can you remember a comedy show about Britains secret weapon, an exploding Christmas pudding? It's lurking in the murky passages of my brain.

    Love and hugs to all and hope you will forgive my quirky sense of humour,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, I might try just a bite before sending it on! My tastes do change lately!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Any extra strawberries, please divert them my way. :D
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,133 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Birthday celebration was fun although I ate too much food. I am going to mass this morning, not sure if I am stopping at Babe's or not until he calls. I want to stop at Ross just to check out some tops and boots, other than that it will be a day at home.

    I will try to get back later.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    God day. We keep alternating between rain and snow. My sump pump is running quite steadily. I was concerned this morning about black ice so I stayed home. I am finishing some cards I need early in the week and I have sweet potatoes in the oven. I found a DVD set I bought quite a while ago but didn’t watch it at the time. I am laughing as it is Mrs. Brown’s Boys. Outrageous but such a hoot.

    Sandy, enjoy your shopping. Take care, snowing in your area?

    Not many posting today or maybe my iPad won’t refresh. Never know.

    I am going to have some soup now.

    Hugs all.
