Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Another beautiful much loved pet, Daisy Mae, SANDY. I have to say I missed my Jenny far more than my husband of the day!
    All these pet avatars should put any peeping toms off as we begin to look like "The Kennel Club!"
    Mikes coming over which will make Jilly Beans day. Me also!
    I've done my half hour walk on normal legs. Yesterday I had arthritic type joints. I guess another product of the Pfizer jab.
    Enjoy SATURDAY,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2021
    Midday and walk it’s completed. My BBC weather app is telling me porkies because it shows blue sky and sunshine when in fact thick clouds are drifting overhead with occasional light showers on my laundry that’s hanging out to dry! 😠 Summer arriving next week apparently but I’ll believe it when it happens. A day of continuing to carry items from A to B to clear downstairs continues and that is as exciting as my life is. Actually I am excited to finally be getting the work carried out because I started this process over a year ago when we hadn’t heard of COVID-19.... too long living in mess.

    While sipping my morning coffee I’ve been watching an interesting you tube video conversation between Dr John Campbell and Prof Tim Spector the scientist whose Covid research app I’ve been contributing to

    It’s quite long but they cover several areas that some or maybe all of us will find informative about our underlying health conditions, even my melanoma diagnosis. Lin in particular; you may already know about recent studies into our Microbiomes but I thought of you as I listened and it seems Bob’s partial fasting is an ideal way to assist his immune system. You seem to be on the right track too Patsy and I will be shopping for a decent bottle of red wine!!

    Another hilarious teapot Lin but for me it would be another accident waiting to happen as I get older and more clumsy!

    Enjoy your day with Mike Anne.

    A great paint job Sandy and yes, one Charlie could be bearable but just my luck a lot more would hatch out!

    Loving our kennel club! Must get on. Have a great Saturday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member

    Been a busy few days. Stupidity reigns…went to BlinkFitness 6am forgetting it was Sat and opens 7am. LOL. Went back later. Took advantage of 70 degree temps with reservations at Zoo, ice cream stand (I had low sugar yogurt). Fired up the grill for the first time this year. High’s back to 30’s forecasted for next Thurs/Fri. Tomorrow a “great great" nephews 4th birthday party w/ a Camo theme (not my best look) :D .



    Jackie – Thanks for the YouTube re: Dr Campbell and Prof Spector etc. will listen later in the day. I definitely think my fasting and years of daily Vitamin D have played a part in my current health. It won’t cure my heart issues, but has helped other diagnoses. I have never gone this long without getting sick enough for a couple days bed rest (knock on wood)).

    Obviously most of “our group” fall into the compromised high-risk category and need to take precautions accordingly , but I also like to read various articles from different perspectives given all the younger healthy people I know. This is one I was reading yesterday:

    Lin – That teapot is more than a bit “unusual” LOL.

    Gotta take a break and get cleaned up from gym workout and already 10am. Hoping to squeak out a second grilling if the weather plays along.

    Back later. Bob :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,387 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sun is shining for now but rain is coming this afternoon. No movie night but I am sitting so Rob and Lisa can have "date night". Pandemic date night consists of them eating dinner in their bedroom and watching shows together with a locked door. The kiddos and I will watch a movie after I bring them Mc Donald's happy meals. I will probably be there later than usual since I will be putting them to bed and weekends they get to stay up a little later.
    They have opened up Illinois to 16 and above for vaccinations, it is hard to get an appointment. I am hoping Lisa, Rob and Bryanna can get one soon. My 57 year old son has an appointment for Sunday so they should be able to visit soon. <3

    Bob, busy bee you are are, always on the move. The zoo looks like fun and perfect weather. Have fun at the party and I am sure you will look great in camo.

    Jackie, will try and watch the video when I have time so thank you for sharing.

    Annsie, enjoy your time with Michael today and glad the aches and pains went away.

    Lin, do you think you could come and settle Ewok down? He is adorable but the kids get him all wound up and then he gets in trouble, poor guy. He spends a lot of time outside in the yard but seems content.

    Have a great day everyone, keep staying safe and wear your mask.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,486 Member
    edited March 2021
    Good morning. Getting ready for Sunday morning church services. We actually have sunshine today ☀️☀️. That makes me smile.

    Sorry I did not get here yesterday. I was busy around the house and corresponding with people and was off for my second shot in the afternoon. If I do not get Covid after that sardine packed together experience, I will be very fortunate. Yes, people had on masks but there were no instructions or staff to offer assistance. Very disorganized and as people were unsure what to do and of course we all wanted to get our shots and get out, it was a mess. Some people were getting 1st shot and they needed a different place to check in but it was not labeled in any way. Most of us were there for a 2nd shot. You were lucky to get 12” of space as you waited in a long line. I was glad I had a probably not too good KN95 mask but better than my homemade cloth mask and I did wear gloves. No wait time at all afterwards, just out the door.

    When I got home I was dizzy once again so sipped tea and then went to bed.

    Sandy, very good of you to look after the kids. Did you get home at a decent hour? And no, I am laughing, no way I could settle Ewok down at all. I am not a dog trainer or a dog whisperer. I just love dogs. ❤️

    Annsie, how was the visit yesterday?

    Jackie, I was corresponding with a friend who lives in town but treats his lot like it is an acreage. They use every square inch for something. They have a lovely garden and also a chicken coop. They got them to raise for the eggs and he has a schedule for replacement chicks. They are also hunting for some land as he wants to expand to raise more animals and expand the garden. I hope they find something, they do love things that work better out in the country and the kids would love it.

    Bob, what fun you have. Thanks for the photos. Enjoy the camo party and by the way, I would want a goat or a llama or something after visiting the zoo.

    Patsy, good day to you.

    Teapot dissertation

    “ ...Haviland Limoges. I believe the backstamps date this pot 1894-1931, probably toward the later part of the range.

    In the 1840s, David Haviland purchased whiteware from many Limoges factories and had the pieces decorated in Paris. In 1865, Haviland procured his own factory and began producing porcelain blanks as well as hiring a local decorating staff to complete the process under one roof. By making and decorating china in one location, Haviland revolutionized the industry in Limoges, France.

    Charles Edward Haviland and Theodore Haviland, David’s sons, began working for the family porcelain business in 1864, and by 1878, the company was the largest in the area. The brothers took over the company when their father died in 1879, and split the company in 1892 after a difference of opinion. In 1941, Theodore bought out his brother's heirs to form one company yet again, using the original name: H & Company. The firm remained family-owned through 1981.

    Most Haviland patterns made before 1926 were not named. In an effort to try to identify the many patterns, Arlene Schleiger worked in the 1930s and 1940s to develop a numbering system referred to as “Schleiger numbers.” This one is Schleiger 42E.”

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2021
    Fascinating history to the teapot and Haviland family Lin. Thank goodness someone had the sense to catalogue the patterns! Today’s choice is beautiful.
    What a stressful time you had receiving your 2nd jab! Who on earth was supposed to be in charge... no one by the sounds of it. We are having to wait 12 weeks for ours and I just hope it won’t be another case of politicians ignoring scientists’ advice. We also have the worry of infectious Europeans arriving in large numbers as once again we leave our borders open... hey ho!

    I’m still moving furniture, china, glasses and dog beds but hoping to finish in the next hour. Our clocks sprung forward overnight so at least the evenings are lighter and I will be able to potter about since there won’t be anywhere other than my garden room to sit. The tv has been perched on a dresser in my bedroom and I’ve checked reception is good as it’s Line of Duty tonight!

    An interesting article Bob so thanks for the link. Drop America and replace with most Western countries and you’d find similar concerns although at least our UK media is guided by regulations that ensure political or religious ownership is not allowed.

    Last blast at clearing then I’ve promised myself a cup of tea.... enough of an incentive for me!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    LIN, I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience. Our government was slow off the mark but I have to give them full marks for the clinic I attended. Started with a young chap at the gate directing Marks car to a spot, the doorman directed me to a young woman who guided me to various desks to show health cards, proof of age etc. Finally guided to a chair three metres behind and in front of another chair. A very efficient nurse and a 15 minute wait after the jab to make sure no side effects and then to be led out the back door with a doorman who told me to watch the uneven step. I really was impressed.

    BOB that's some long article! I'm not clever but I do wonder if someone is out to destroy western society as we know it. Anybody else feel this unease? I mean who on earth would put thousands of mill workers etc out of work by transferring their jobs to China. The rich I would guess wanting to get even richer. Anyway I won't carry on about land and property being bought up by foreign investors, but I for one feel very uneasy about the way the world is shifting and evolving.

    We had a super day yesterday with Michael's visit. We all enjoyed it. I've just put in a grocery order for Wednesday before the Easter panic buying starts and no delivery slots are left. Among items ordered, traditional fish (haddock) for good Friday dinner, a chicken to roast on Easter Sunday and best of all the stores freshly baked hot cross buns for any old time. I love Easter and people are starting to decorate inside their homes with white painted branches sporting hand painted eggs dangling from ribbons. I guess it will still be isolation time, no Mary Jos wonderful meal but I hope Mike who lives alone will come and share the chicken with Bean and me.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,387 Member
    edited March 2021
    Happy Sunday/Palm Sunday. :) Watched mass live on TV and will be taking a ride to pick up palms in my church parking lot. I will also stop to pick up an Edible Fruit arrangement for Joe for his 97th birthday tomorrow. I will either give it to him today or tomorrow depending on if his family will be there to celebrate.
    I have a zoom call with my kids at 4:00 and will try to fit in my bike ride as it is still too cold to walk.
    The kids were fine yesterday and my son and Lisa were grateful for the "date night". They came down around 7:30 and said 4 hours of TV was enough but did enjoy their time alone. I stayed while Lisa put Charlie to bed to keep the boys entertained so I got home a little after nine.

    Anne, I am glad you had a super day yesterday and smart thinking about getting grocery order in early. I should do the same although I am treating to Outback for Easter dinner. No cooking, no mess and the kiddos can enjoy the Easter gifts from the Easter bunny and from Grandma.

    Jackie, how is your back holding up with all that moving? How about your hip? I am going to presume you don't have a giant TV that you moved upstairs? I don't think I could lift mine. Funny how your time change is a different day than ours but I wish they would just leave it at day light saving time all year round.

    Lin, wow, I am also sorry for the confusion with getting your second shot. Like Anne, ours was perfect with the National Guard helping everyone and keeping social distancing. At least you are done and had protection from the first shot so should be fine. Sorry you got dizzy again, what shot did you get, I forgot.

    Patsy, I hope all is going well in Portland.

    I better order the fruit arrangement and get in the shower before time gets away once again. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thanks for reminding me Anne. Half the country will head in this direction for the Easter break whether lockdown allows or not so I need to stock up on a few hot cross buns!

    Sandy my tv is a small 32” screen, mostly because the rooms in my cottage are small but also I don’t watch a great deal.
    I’ve just set the heater in my bedroom to come on around 8.30pm so it will be cosy by 9 and already the pets are eyeing up spaces on my bed!
    I enjoyed a moist piece of baked cod and steamed veggies so another cup of tea and some washing up then I can finally relax.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited March 2021
    Amazed! I couldn't sleep last night and was up far too early. So had lunch of quiche, a few Brussels sprouts and a few much enjoyed chips (french fries) then went off for a nap as it poured with rain. We have just woken up to brilliant sunshine 3 hours later. Some NAP!!
    Almost teatime lol. And you will be cozying up with the pets watching Line of Duty JACKIE. We are in sync for once !!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just finished watching episode 2.... Oooooh!! 😧😮😲

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Can't wait for episode 6 on Netflix JACKIE, but I guess I will have to. Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,332 Member
    :) I love Sundays because it starts with grocery pickup and includes a walk with my friend that I see once a week. Jake and I spent a lot of the afternoon watching TV together--him in the recliner and me on the exercise bike with my knitting. Now I'm off for my evening walk and phone date with my friend in California.

    <3 Barbie
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good Morning and a Happy Monday to all. It was cold 1st thing at around 35 degrees and a trace of snow (now gone) – tomorrow it will be 68! That’s our kind of crazy weather. Heading to Blink Fitness soon… back hurt yesterday and I had to skip for the first time in ages.

    BEFORE I FORGET & FYI ONLY: I know a lot of you watch YouTube video’s like I do. Many people I follow tend to speak “slowly” etc. and it is super easy to speed up the video. I often set mine to 1.5x instead of “normal” – I only found this out in the last few months, so I thought worth mentioning in case others were not aware. You can just go into settings for the video you are watching.

    It was a fun 4th Birthday Party / cook-out for our great-great-nephew. He wanted a Camo theme and everyone obliged… (Not sure Jean and I rock that look LOL). He was so cute leading prayer before eating. It was a great time and felt “normal” to such an extent we ended up staying until late in the day. Must say, my niece and her husband are great hosts. Here are a few pics.


    Sandy – I laughed at the Saturday “Pandemic date night consists of them eating dinner in their bedroom and watching shows together with a locked door.” As noted above – the party was fun… but the only place I will wear that Camo tee is the gym or around the house. I don’t care if people hunt to eat (I’m against trophy hunting), but I couldn’t kill anything.

    Lin – Funny you mention getting ready for church. I must say, we look forward to non-TV services in the future. We are actually between parishes right now. Our church of several decades in the city has completely changed in recent years. Most of the people that were the “glue” to church activities have passed on or moved away. The parish we will likely join located near-by limits people and has a reservation system, so we might wait until things open up a bit more.

    The zoo was fun and like you, I love the Llama’s. We do enjoy being members for a quick in/out when the mood hits. Of course, advance reservations are required now….

    Jackie – It was actually the YouTube re: Dr Campbell and Prof Spector that reminded me to mention about adjusting the playback speed.

    Anne – You mentioned: “but I do wonder if someone is out to destroy western society as we know it.” I am very concerned about so many rapid changes being made that are overwhelming the system and people as individuals… there seems to be an intentional push to pit one group against another by race, wealth, ethnicity, religion etc and promoting intentional chaos. I so worry about the degeneration of society in general with regards to what is considered acceptable. And then there seems to be attempts to shift power from states to federal government. Beyond these issues, I have no concerns – but feel like I am living in the world of "Chauncey Gardner" (The Peter Sellers movie Being There). LOL

    Can’t wait til we have access to latest season of Line of Duty!

    Time to hit Blink Fitness – Hope everyone has a great day! Bob :)

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our “heatwave” duly arrived around midday after a very chilly walk with George and Betty. I’ve been pottering in the garden and have just painted on a 2nd coat of clear preservative to the wooden greenhouse. Now need to pop into town to buy a high factor sun screen so I don’t get told off by the dermatologist for having a sun tan!
    Builders have gone for the day!!
    I’ll check in again later.
    Have a safe Monday everyone,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,387 Member
    Happy Monday! :) It is going to be a beautiful day here with temps in the middle 60's. It's a good day for Joe's 97th birthday and my friend's 78th birthday. I will be picking up an Edible Fruit arrangement for Joe at one today and we will celebrate my friend's birthday when all four of us are fully vaccinated. My son who visits with his wife got his first shot yesterday so we have already made plans for them to visit the weekend before Mother's Day. Now if only Rob, Lisa and Bryanna could get their shots I would be happy. On our zoom call yesterday my daughter is still not ready for a vaccine so I told her unless she gets one I will not be visiting with her. So stubborn.

    Jackie, omg, what a mess, even George is confused. How long will this take to get back to normal?? You have reminded me that is one of the first appointments I want to make when fully marinated. I don't see any odd marks but better to be safe than sorry especially since I love the sun so much.

    Bob, great pictures, your great nephew looks very happy. I think you and Jean rock the camo. I am also waiting for no reservations before going back to my Church in person. I did go to the parking lot yesterday for palms and asked the pastor to bless my new car since my friend did with hers and I was jealous. He said he does it a lot and sprinkled holy water all over the car and me with a blessing. I loved it!!!

    Barbie, Sunday sounds like a nice relaxing day for you and Jake but do you every just sit and relax??

    Depending when Joe's family is there we will try to get together outside but either way will deliver his present.
    Also want to ride the bike as I am holding on to my goal weight. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,486 Member
    edited March 2021
    Hello everyone. Busy crushing boxes as the recycling cart will be emptied tomorrow. I never catch up. Probably because I keep many boxes for the just in case project storage or donations etc. I don’t have great timing on the boxes in and boxes out process.

    Women’s history month means another Zoom call today. This organization usually has the calls at 6 or 7 pm but today is it at noon so I have a half hour until the call.

    Jackie, wow, your house really is under construction. How often will they take the rubble away? I really hope it is completed quickly. I need an appointment with a dermatologist too. I have found some new troubling spots so must get on the list. I would imagine they are very busy as people become fully vaccinated and want to be seen.

    Sandy, busy birthday time! Joe will love his gift. Very considerate of you. Making the decision to receive the vaccinations seems to be as politically heated as a face covering. Did I mention I ran into (well almost given the spacing) to a gentleman that I did volunteer work with decades ago? He was bemoaning that he has made the decision to be vaccinated as he is doing air travel for work but his wife refuses to consider it. That is not making for a happy home.

    Bob, I love the birthday photos. Great decorations and food and happy people, in their camo. Sorry you hurt your back. Ouch!

    Barbie, glad you had an enjoyable Sunday. It must be your favorite day of the week.

    Annsie, are you still doing online puzzles? I am doing the same, not so challenging puzzles, each day.

    Palm Sunday online yesterday was different. They started with a Baptism service, then special music from the choir, a reciting of the people who donated Easter lilies for the church and the names of the people whose memory they wanted mentioned, and finally the message. So they were on, then off, then on, then off. Had to keep refreshing the feed. No reservation is needed at our church because no one wears a face covering of any type. After church they had a party with the Easter bunny for the kids. I was surprised, from the photos that I saw, how many adults and children attended. The kids seemed to have lots of fun.

    Yipes, it is getting late. Moving on.

    Today’s teapot comes with no information. I think it is lovely.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    And me as well LIN but I love daffodils and primroses, especially the ones that grow wild.

    Not much from me today because I am spring cleaning. What on earth does one do with shabby old sheets. Not good enough to donate and I'm loathe to send them to the dump. Throwing out most of my cloth shopping bags. Why keep them when everything is delivered these days. AND that's just the start! I've ordered a new duvet cover and pillowcases with an Egyptian cotton fitted sheet and I hope they are as pretty as their photo! I had my old bedding for YEARS but I still manage to feel guilty when I buy myself something.

    JACKIE your renovation reminds me of the time when I lived in Derbyshire. Our bungalow only had two bedrooms and I had the brilliant idea of knocking part of the living room outside wall down. What a mess! When finished it was gorgeous. We had an L shaped living room/dining room, a second front window, a wide hall off the new dining room with loads of cupboards leading to a third bedroom for Mark. A huge beam supported the roof between LR and DR on which I hung my antique ribbon plates. Don't do what we did though! I only enjoyed our newly renovated home for six months. Rolls Royce was in trouble, Pratt and Whitney offered my ex a job in Montreal and the rest is history.

    Our temperature and weather is always almost like BOBs. Freezing this morning, but now the sun is out and we are at 48 fahreinheit.

    Oh my, Sandy, Mikes friend has just sent me an article stating that the Canada immunization committee is advising the Astra vaccine NOT be given to the under 55s. Wonder why? I'll wander off and have a read,
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Long article but appears to be blood clots again and particularly in women. Some cases reported.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,387 Member
    Annsie35 wrote: »
    Long article but appears to be blood clots again and particularly in women. Some cases reported.

    So glad you didn't get that one Anne. You listened to your heart and head. Good job.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,486 Member
    edited March 2021
    Changed my mind.....delete
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful morning so I found a quiet spot on the moors with no lambs in sight for us to amble. The builders arrived while we were out and already the surfaces I wiped down last night are covered in a fine dust, the faces of Dave and Joe too! The plan is to have all the old render and plaster off before the Easter break then I can decide if I want any exposed stone. At the moment I’m thinking not because the small rooms will feel closed in. I’m expecting them to be here about 3 weeks what with Easter pausing the work. A hired skip has been ordered that should arrive some time today then all the rubble will be wheelbarrowed and emptied in it and hauled away by the hire company. It’s quite tiring for me just watching but thank goodness the weather is fine so I can either potter or sit under the garden umbrella.

    The first time the weather has been hot enough to operate the automatic roof vents in the greenhouse!

    When I first purchased this cottage Anne I had a long list of renovations I planned to carry out but was made redundant a couple of years later so only basic repairs were carried out. Hopefully I won’t pop my clogs before I get to enjoy these changes!
    I expect you had a mother or grandmother who used to make serviettes and hankies out of worn cotton sheets like mine. Then there was wartime when nothing was disposed of so I was brought up in a 1950’s home where that recycling continued. Enjoy your new bedding... I’m betting you will love sinking between newly covered bed and duvet!

    Skip arriving! Off to direct....

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,332 Member
    :) Yesterday was a day of great adventures. We went to the post office to mail a paperback swap book, to curbside pickup at the library to return a book and get one that was on hold, and to our favorite Chinese restaurant to get take out. I realized that the one change I've made since we got vaccinated and our county relaxed some rules is that I didn't wear disposable gloves to the post office.

    :)Sandy, I like being active. Sitting and relaxing annoys me. I like to talk to my friends while walking, and watch TV while riding my bike. The closest I get to sitting and relaxing is my time on the computer while I eat my breakfast or lunch at the dining room table with Jake.

    :) Temps are freezing overnight but warmer during the day--suitable for pulling weeds.

    <3 Barbie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hooray JACKIE the ends in sight. I wonder if the odd stone exposed around the fireplace would work if you can imagine what I mean. Could look quite attractive against a plain painted wall. Sympathies on the redundancy, in a way I was made redundant as well when I got dumped and lost my old way of life. It All worked out for both of us!

    I ordered the duvet set from M&S. It's a pure cotton blossom embroidered set - white and the trailing blossom is on the edge of the pillow cases and trails down the duvet cover. Thought it appropriate for an old house and very spring like. Hope it's as pretty as it looks. Couldn't manage a photo at this point.
    My mom would take a worn in the middle sheet, cut it in half and then sew the outer edges together to make a new single bed sheet, and she used to carefully unpick Dad's shirt collars and the back would become the front when resewn oh and my cousins royal airforce shirts were cut down to make my wartime school blouses. Honestly don't we have it easy these days! Old sweaters unravelled to make new striped knitted sweaters, pullovers, mittens etc.
    Talking of mittens:
    We warm up today! 17c or 66F. Must get some Vitamin D sunshine!
    Have a gorgeous day everybody,

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Mornin Ladies –

    Going to be a gorgeous day today with sun and upper 60’s vs this coming Friday with a 33 degree high and 23 degree low forecasted. Jean already suggested we cook-out for dinner. She is headed out to breakfast to meet “the girls (maybe a couple guys)” that worked together and are now retired of “lost” their job. It has been a few months. Gym was good and may take a 2nd walk. I was “sloppy” on my eating last week and made sure yesterday was back to my usual.

    Jackie – You’re one busy lady “pottering, walking, painting and popping into town.” Tired just thinking of it all. Nice pic...I can almost sense what it feels and smells like. Assume you will be taking Vitamin D vs. laying in the sun LOL. (Was signing off and saw your second post and photo – absolutely beautiful! Jean would be jealous.)
    Sandy – Ya gotta love some sun and warmer temps. Wow a 97th birthday and an Edible Arrangement – I LOVE THOSE – especially the pineapple covered in chocolate (not exactly on current menu – but I can still recall the succulent taste).

    Thanks on the photos. You know you are aging when going to the birthday party for your nieces, daughters baby LOL. As for the Camo – it was great – as long as we kept out little jackets on….not much of a Duck Dynasty person (although they had it on the TV and I took the opportunity to jokingly mock my side of the family – fortunately we all have a good sense of humor).

    Next week we get our second shot. While we weren’t crazy about getting it & my daughter didn’t pressure in anyway – we both knew (given her own actions) it is something she likely would appreciate. When she found out we had gotten shot #1 – her “cheerful voice” replied. “that’s great!”. Glad you and your new car got blessed.

    Lin – Glad you liked the photos. It was fun and my back seems to slowly be getting better. I only missed the one day – and a post gym hot bath always feels good for a couple hours. Happy box crushing! LOL Love the tea pot – would look great in a “sun room.”

    Anne – Hope your weather improves. You have reminded me that I need to get my office in order “again.” Don’t know how I do it but every time I re-organize and spruce things up – 10 days later I am back to Fibber McGee's closet.

    Time to get dressed and head out! Enjoy whatever sunshine you can grab! Bob :)
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! Hahaha I’ll bet you didn’t even miss me! Our WiFi went down. It took multiple phone calls of doing this and that and entering this and that and trying this and that. At last we are up and running. We had No email, no MFP, no google news or research. Good grief....over 300 email spam etc had bunched up, just waiting.

    We might have some sun today. We had afternoon sun yesterday. We have our second shot on the 7th. We have an anniversary on the 3rd, giving each other a jab in the arm and a nice homemade dinner. Some champagne and sugar free cookie for afters. Our daughter put together a CD of some of our favorite songs from long ago to accompany our anniversary dinner.

    Our son found a early shot of moderna. There is a site called vaccine finder that finds places with extra vaccine that needs to be used quickly. Yea! We are getting our whole little tribe jabbed!

    Ooops raining again. Katie wants in and a brisk toweling off Nice reading everyone’s posts and we are all just scooting along.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I was just wondering if you were okay PATSY when whoof you appeared. Anne. ❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,387 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Warm but windy, the kids should be able to play outside. :) I hurt my hand yesterday carrying too many things and almost slipped off the edge of my garage step and somehow hit my hand. It is much better today so it is not broken, not even swollen, I think more like a jammed finger or knuckle. Just can't lift anything heavy.

    Patsy, good to hear from you and glad you got your internet service back and running. My son and Lisa are getting closer to getting a vaccine as well. Sounds like you will have a quiet but wonderful anniversary with lovely music.

    Bob, funny but I split an dipped pineapple with another lady visiting with Joe yesterday, it was delicious. I just hope Joe can get all the fruit off the skewers or that his son will help him. He eats low carb so maybe that wasn't the best choice for him. I can't help myself from pressuring my daughter and my son, they both live in hot spot states, meaning Florid and Arizona but you are right I can't control their choices.

    Annsie, your new sheets sound beautiful, you will love them. As far as the old ones if they don't have any holes just donate them, they could help and unfortunate family.

    Barbie, I do like being active but the pandemic has slowed me down. Lisa and I are hoping to do a lot with the kids as soon as we are able. They need to get out and have fun, this has been very hard on them especially Robby.

    Jackie, what a beautiful garden, you really have fixed things up and I hope you get to enjoy it all for many, many more years.

    Lin, that would really stink if your spouse opted out of getting the vaccine and you got one, kind of selfish if you ask me, which you didn't. :p Another friend passed away from Covid I was informed yesterday. He was 88 and married for 30 years, just became a grandfather this last August. So sad.

    Have a great day, stay safe and be happy.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The skip was carefully driven down the track without hitting cars parked by the road and this evening is already half full of rubble. Everything I touch is coated in dust but I’ve been advised to hold off doing a major clean while the knocking down continues. I can see Dave’s point but it is unpleasant so will count the days.

    Bob, haha, yes all the Vitamin D advice used to go over my head when I spent so much time outside in sunshine. I’m not sure it’s a habit I’ll ever drop now!
    I’ve always been impressed that you get through your family events surrounded by so much food without succumbing so one little blip ain’t at all bad. My resolve would be straight out the window every time!

    I’m so sorry to read you hurt your hand Sandy but please just DON’T carry anything heavy! You asked about my back and hips recently and I meant to reply earlier. All doing extremely well considering what I sometimes put them through!
    I love fresh pineapple even though it can make my teeth feel over sensitive!

    Lin, I loved yesterday’s teapot decorated with so many Spring flowers. Absolutely delightful. I don’t understand why so many are still against vaccinations although if people fear the AstraZeneca one I get that. It’s all the other Facebook misinformation so many are quick to believe that I find odd but we do live in free societies so to each their own!

    Patsy! Of course we missed you but I didn’t want to fuss in case you and John had been visiting raves now you’re vaccinated! Your anniversary plans sound perfect with something home cooked and yummy. How many years now or shouldn’t I ask? 🙃

    Haha Anne, yes I remember sheets stitched down the middle after a hole had been cut out!
    M&S sell beautiful bed linen and you’ll feel like the Queen!

    8pm here which is my new settle down time now I’m restricted to conservatory or bedroom. Almost dark outside so I’ll stretch my legs on my bed. I have a friend who watches tv in bed every evening but goodness, my back would soon be complaining!

    Take care everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,486 Member
    Hello, I couldn’t get to the Sneakers page this morning. This afternoon I just was able to get to our group when I had to leave for a Zoom meeting. It was a lovely meeting on starting seeds and gardening in general. The lady even made her own seed tape out of toilet paper, glue and seeds. She also showed the planting and the result. She double planted a crop with one vegetable tape on one side of the furrow and a different one on the other side. Amazing. The crop was beautiful and and as one crop was pulled, the other one had space to spread out. Amazing. The homemade seed tape spacing was perfection. Okay, enough of that.

    I heard from a friend this afternoon and she is still quaking. A friend called, not feeling well and her symptoms seemed severe so she and her husband leaped into the car and beat it over to the friend’s house. They finally persuaded her to let them call 911. The paramedics ran an EKG, said she was having a heart attack and they left for the hospital. While there she went into cardiac arrest but thankfully they revived her and placed two stents. Now she is doing okay but is very tired. How fortunate to have such clear thinking friends.

    Jackie, wahoo, the slip has arrived without taking out any vehicles or corners of buildings. That is a good start. They may tell you to hold off on major cleaning but it is your house and you are living through this, they aren’t, so do what makes you happy. And wahoo, the automatic vents work!

    Speaking of houses, a friend is trying to persuade me to sell my house, buy another one with a mortgage so I can deduct the interest on my taxes. Her point is I will pay lower taxes. Hello!! I would pay out more in interest than I would save on taxes. Plus buying a different house would cost a lot more. And the disruption would be massive. I told her I was not only well settled but my roots run deep. It will take extreme circumstances to dislodge me.

    Sandy, not warm here at all and windy so not a very pleasant day. I hope the kids are having a good time. I am sorry you hurt your hand. I hope it feels better soon and that you don’t do anything to make it worse today.

    Patsy, oh gosh, I hate being disconnected from everything. I am glad you are back. But certainly not as happy as you are to be back!

    Bob, our 60’s are a memory right now but should be back by the weekend. If you are barbecuing, enjoy!
    And glad your back is better.

    Annsie, aha, another great order from M & S. I bet you will love the new duvet set. Give us a look when it arrives.

    Barbie, an adventurous day. I am smiling. It sounds wonderful to me as well.

    Guess I had better get back to work, I have been sitting too long.

