Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My gals gave up on sofa sleeping , packed up and drove up into dreadful weather all up the east coast! If anyone has ever driven in Florida's downpours, you KNOW how scary they can be! Their visit was short and sweet, and I hope next time they will give me enough warning so I can reserve an apartment for them. They like the temperature around 69/70 while I prefer 74, so I froze to accommodate them or they wilted to accommodate me! Will I ever get my computer back to remembering me, or my cell phone to look like mine again? Though I must say I love the new picture installed on the cell desktop! See for her latest group of paintings. She will have a show this spring at a top NY Gallery!
    So after they left, I went to the gathering to say farewell to our chaplain and his dear wife, then dinner with a favorite group that I thought I had cancelled, and afterwards a dark movie during which I slept the entire time! I think it was Hungarian, titled "1945" and I wasn't the only snoozer!
    JACKIE, I recall weeks of muscle strengthening prior to hip replacement, and I think it paid off! Great luck to you, dear friend! <3
    I'm after midnight again, and just screaming for sleep, so forgive me, you all, and please accept my hugs and XOXOXO!
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    The graduation was wonderful with my grandson graduating with honors. His fiancé from Hawaii is beautiful and very nice. Not sure she is ready for our family but then again they will be in Hawaii.
    More celebrating tomorrow so better get some sleep.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The bleakest winter's day yet with a cold howling wind, driving rain and clouds so low I can barely see beyond my garden. Both dogs are snoozing on the sofa, George with his head on my knees after I spent an hour on the phone catching up with friends. He still hasn't eaten but in the night had a messy accident so his tummy obviously not yet right. I'll cook some chicken for later. His groomer is due tomorrow so I might phone her to postpone for a day or so.
    Bravery over my hip replacements doesn't come into it I assure you. It's all to do with hating how slow I've got although know one day I'll have to accept it, just not yet! I'm lucky to be otherwise healthy which gives me the option of the private hospital still under NHS care otherwise might have reservations. Patsy an 8 hour operation, now that is brave and thank goodness it was a success so we sneakers can enjoy your company!
    Oh dear, I'm going to have to brave it, don raincoat and boots and refill the coal scuttle... this is when a real fire loses its charm!! Seems we are all wet and windy these days so I'm sending lots of warm hugs to you, my lovely Sneakers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good morning, the laundry is chugging away, the online bills are paid, I have a warm cup of coffee and am now thinking of everything that I might be able to accomplish today. All tiny things but it would be nice to have them out of the way.

    Jackie, oh, I am shivering in my shoes thinking of the cold and wet weather you are are enduring. Ah, filling a coal scuttle would be unpleasant. I hope the coal supply is close. My grandparents had a corner of the basement walled off and they would get coal deliveries through an outside chute. By the time I spent loads of time with them they had converted to a gas furnace but the little room was intriguing to me. Poor George, I hope your tummy straightens out soon. And sorry your I had a clean up to do Jackie. Hello Betty!

    Sandy, enjoy the continuing celebrations. Sounds wonderful. And the lovely young lady will acclimate to the family in time I am sure.

    Buzz, sorry your company had to leave but it is wonderful that you were able to have a little visit. Rest up a bit!

    Patsy, thinking of you and hoping you see a peek of sunshine soon. Hugs.

    Anne, how was the grocery delivery this week? Are you going out today? Or maybe baking bread again?

    Time to check my laundry and darn, the coffee is just about gone.

    Hugs all.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The bad news - it's still wet outside.
    The good news - it's 48 degrees later today, 34 at the moment.
    So.....just have to watch out for wet slippery leaves instead of blocks of ice.
    The government have loaded a plane/s with lovely fresh veggies and groceries for our far north neighbours who rarely see fresh fruit and veggies at this time of year. A Christmas gift I guess which I thought was jolly nice of them and our neighbours from the north are very happy as well. I've always felt, well KNOW they've had a rotten deal in the past so there's a bit of making up to do. Love the beautiful art and beadwork. Very talented people.
    We are just waiting for Michael and having cleaned the potatoes, Brussel sprouts and carrots towards our lunch I'm sort of hanging about. Maybe a good time to walk Jilly Bean to the mail box because it rained so hard yesterday we never made it.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hey, Ms LIN you beat me again. Oh to be young and nimble. Lol.
    Yes, I had the groceries delivered last Thursday so it's just a trip to the bank, and maybe pick up some Christmas crackers because everyone loves to pull them at Christmas Eve dinner, read the terrible jokes, oh and wonder what to do with the minute useless toys inside. Not to mention the paper hat which for me, a spring, is sure to be purple ! All adds to the merriment.
    Also spotted JACKIES post. Poor little George. Chicken should set him straight!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday! Waiting for my turn in the shower so I thought I would say hi. My son who lives here in Phoenix will be coming today which makes me very happy as I haven't seen him for a couple of years except on a video call. Vacations are nice but will be happy to get home tomorrow.

    Have a great day
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Vacations are nice but will be happy to get home tomorrow.

    I'll add to that guests are wonderful but it's nice to have my home back again! I'm dragging myself around trying to figure out what and where to straighten things out first! It's 11:56 and I still haven't had breakfast, though I got up around 6:30! I looked to see if my paper had begun delivery yet, but still no paper after 2 weeks so I called the Palm Beach Post and they had no record of my order! Took forever to place a new one, after which the original (and costlier!) subscription popped up! Then the phone started ringing , with 2 out of 3 of Mike's kids (they are at retirement age, but still kids to me!) checking in on me! How wonderful can life get?
    Reading all your posts before eating has me absolutely starved, so get well, stay well, pets included, and eventually I'll get back, if I ever figure out how to stuff the unused deflated air mattress back into its container! Hugs to everyone, XOXOXOXO...
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Shopping is so exhausting, plus three long walks, Michaels worn me out! Nap time.
    Anne had a lovely long talk with her ex husband today. They wished each other a merry Christmas. If this keeps up they will be exchanging Christmas cards next!
    Hi George, Betty, Katie and Daisy,
    Licks and tail wags from
    Jilly Bean.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Buzz: as an expert in dealing with air mattresses/inflatable kiddie pools/inflatable pool toys/vacuum packed storage...try putting the vacuum cleaner hose up against the mattress nozzle. The vacuum will suck out the air and the mattress will become unbelievably flat in no time. Then next time your cleaner comes she can help you fold it and place in its container. It does take two people to urge those mattresses back into their storage bag.

    Life carries on here. John went shopping armed with a long list for most of the Christmas goodies. Our son and his sweetie should let us know what day they will arrive. I guess I will make a quiche for Christmas brunch. It is one of John’s and our son, Damon’s favorite. This will take some research since currently John is cutting out egg yolks. Egg white quiche? Hummmmm we’ll see. Maybe. I found low fat Swiss cheese. This could be a really nasty tasting experiment. I think I will abandon this project right now!

    I spent a frustrating evening gluing a broken part back on my “day of the dead “ figurine. It is very delicate and reminds me of some of our Mexican ranch hands. They came from Mexico each spring and summer to help with calving. I still keep in touch with one of the families. They now live in B.C. of all places. No longer raising cattle, they work in a plant nursery.
    This is wonderful part of Christmas. Reconnecting with friends and family.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The household is taking things easy after a disturbed night. First off Brady knocked a ceramic bowl off the kitchen counter around midnight that smashed into small pieces. Nothing in it for him to eat so just being his usual naughty self! George's upset tummy is no better so twice I had to get up to let him into the garden and 2 other times he pushed his way out through the 2 catflaps then woke me by barking outside. The 1st time I couldn't figure how he got out and thought I was losing it but when it happened again I realised it was his only exit but because the cats have collars to unlock the flaps coming in he was stuck outside. So 4 trips out for him together with a couple for Betty has left me exhausted! Some time spent first thing scrubbing the carpet to clear the mess before a Skype chat with a friend and now with George snoozing across my lap after a small chicken snack I'm hoping the worst is over!!

    Wishing Sandy a safe journey home after such an enjoyable family visit and loving the latest Jilly photo with those sparkly eyes. Looks Patsy as if you talked yourself out of that quiche and I can't think of an egg replacement that would set either.
    Lin, did you get those small jobs out of the way and Buzz is that air mattress back in its box? Patsy's vacuum cleaner idea seems a perfect option.

    Oh-oh, George on the move so I'd better stay right behind him!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good day, home from church. It was the choir performance of the Christmas Cantata this morning. They had performed that one during the time I was with the choir so much of it was familiar. So of course I was quietly singing along, especially the final song.

    The children’s program is this evening but I am not going back for it. I saw some of the rehearsal this morning before church. Some cute kids.

    Jackie, oh my, what a night! You must be worn out. I hope everyone can be quiet tonight. And yes, I got many of my little things out of the way, like changing batteries in my pepper grinder. Haaaaa. I had all the bills paid UNTIL I picked up the mail last evening. Back to it today. Slippers are wrapped up and ready to return, books piled to return to the library, paperwork ready to take to the credit union. See, all very small things! Never ends though does it?

    Anne, love the picture of tired out Jilly. What a lovely day she had. Now, really, a pleasant conversation with your ex? Do we call that a Christmas miracle? If it was me and my ex, it definitely would be. Hope you are enjoying your day.

    Buzz, I believe Patsy gave you some excellent advice about getting that bed back into the package. No need to struggle on your own, get some help. Hugs. I am sure you are busy at something excellent today. Apparently not even a day goes by without some type of entertainment at your residence.

    Patsy, sorry you needed to mend your Day of the Dead figurine. Quiche? Well, no reason you could make mostly egg white quiche. Maybe try a tiny one to see if you like it.

    Going to change clothes, finish lunch and get back to my stack tiny things. I need to finish organizing materials from my last three weeks of the online class. It is now over.

    Hugs to all our Sneakers and safe travels for Sandy.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Very wet day but mild temps. Thank goodness! We are feeling more like we have a good handle on the holidays now. I always declare at the beginning that we are going to be more relaxed about the holidays. That lasts just about an hour and a half. Then I go into full-on crazy time. John tells Katie, “Look out Katie, she has turned into a cross between Mrs. Grinch and Mrs. Santa. She is getting ready to blow! Take cover!”

    I love the children’s Christmas programs. That little play, “The Best Christmas Pagent ever” or something like that, is so cute. I also loved the Bridge to Terabethia (sp?) was another wonderful play often done at Christmas. Polar Express! Let’s face it! I never grew up. I seem stuck at 4th or 5th grade.

    Jackie: we used to give our adorable Mazzie pink Pepto Pills. They are for human use but our vet said we could try a small dose until we could get her into see him. I used the internet and YouTube to find help when our vet was unavailable. Not perfect by any means but helpful. I was always beside myself with worry about her odd occasional stomach upsets. I am sure she ate disgustingthings outside that I was unaware of.

    Sandy: safe travels my friend! We are excited to see photos and hear about everything.

    Lin: your day sounds perfect. Sweet, calm and satisfying all at the same time. I yearn for that kind of day. My personality must be categorically against calm. I can’t figure out how to do that. I am once again trying to scrape out a clear spot in my dungeon. Things have exploded into a devastating turmoil in that little room. I found a candy cane from ten years ago in the Christmas card boxes.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Bless you all, with your informative and entertaining posts today (and every day)! I still am recovering from the intensity of my 2 dear visitors. I think at this stage I value living alone ;) but it was good to see them! Now I will finish off the leftover pizza (such a thin crust!) and catch up on the Sunday news program replays! Where did my day go? Hope George is recovering for both his and JACKIE's sakes! And XOXOXO to you all. Thanks for the advice about that mattress and I will abide by it! And LOVE Jilly's photo!
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2018
    Happy Monday! I am home! Doing a couple of loads of laundry then to see the kiddos. My vacation was wonderful but exhausting. It was great being with family members and meeting my grandson's finance'. I have a busy week getting organized for Christmas and a Christmas lunch with my friends tomorrow. I am not happy with my scale but will work hard on losing what I gained. Glad to be home. I of course have to share a photo of my Hawaiian grandson, Kameko and me. Kameko gave him the lei's, the more the better she said. I also have to brag Anthony graduated with honors.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Beautiful photo SANDY and lovely to have you back. It was a little quiet here. Congratulations to everyone.

    It's one of my grandsons birthdays today. Fancy being born a week before Christmas!

    Not much happening here but I've washed and I've ironed and I've cleaned throughout the house so just waiting for Mark to show up either today or tomorrow to replace the kitchen sink pipes. They are positively ancient and gradually everything needs replacing in this old house. I guess I really match it when you think of parts needing replacing! Meanwhile I've got a bucket strategically placed to catch the leak.

    I might put the marzipan on the Christmas cake this afternoon. Did anybody watch PBS yesterday? It was all about making and steaming the perfect Christmas pudding complete with Brandy sauce. AND the perfect Christmas cake.

    We appear to be having our family Christmas dinner on Christmas Day for a change. Tentatively I might be cooking the turkey and stuffing. Mary Jo will provide everything else.

    Michael went over to his old lady friends house last night for dinner. They appear to be patching things up and I am delighted for him. I think the old horseshoe I gave him is working it's magic in his life. Silly, I know, but things do appear to be looking up for him!

    Hope George is back to his old self and Betty is still using the pee pads JACKIE! Who cares as long as she's not peeing on your new carpet!
    Hugs to all,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2018
    Well, SANDY, the grandson is as gorgeous as I figured your progeny would be, and somehow, the beautiful Kameko inherited your broad smile! Kamaino (Local Hawaiian) ladies are just beautiful and gentle as a rule! Lots of luck to you all! I must go down for several packages which have been delivered; and calls are coming in with regrets for having to cancel reservations for my tables for special dinners (like tomorrow's Gala Night) due to bad coughs and flu! Best laid plans etc., etc! Dashing downstairs so I can return and get into my compression boots for at least an hour before dinner. My legs look like piano legs right now! Hugs to you all...
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2018
    A delightful photo Sandy and what a beautiful couple as well as grandma!! Now you're home safe which is great. With just one week to Christmas I'm not worrying too much about my weight because with all the goodies in the shops it's impossible not to buy just a few. Today at a garden centre that also has a food hall I bought a box of cheddar cheese sticks, wild boar pate, a large bag of Bruchette chips and Cornish gin fudge. Now there's a fattening mix!!

    Last night there was more drama with disturbed sleep as George pushed his way through the catflap several times so this morning I contacted the vet and on her recommendation have put him on a special digestion food. I might get some sleep tonight!
    Cooking late this evening so had better concentrate on what's on the stove.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy again as usual. Somewhat mild temps, thank goodness. I am off to post office and DVD rental place.

    John was right in your frame of mind, Jackie. After all that talk of limiting egg yolks and fat...John bought home, various kinds of cheese including Bree and cheese with cranberries, crab dip and salmon dip. He slyly tells me he is buying all this because our son and girlfriend is coming for Christmas. This sounds a bit off base but I have my inconsistencies as well.

    Sandy: your grandson and his lovely fiancé are a beautiful couple. Will they live in Hawaii? Will he be going on to college? What is his main professional interest? Inquiring minds want to know....

    Jackie: poor little George! It is so worrisome when our little fur children are not well. I get so upset, I can hardly stand it. I call our vet continuously and sort of demand some help. Being the financial conservative that I am, I feel I spend enough at that clinic to demand help when I need it. Sunday or late at night...doesn’t matter! So Glad George is getting help. Katie would be totally uncooperative. She would refuse to eat something new and different. (Sigh!)

    Anne: we both worry about our son and their romantic attachments. I know that when our son is twitterpated by some lovely lady, we are far from his mind. John says that is as it should be. We want our son firmly committed to a good relationship. His sailing crew has a couple and the rest are singles. This crew is almost like brothers and sisters to him. We all know each other and occasionally communicate by Skype or email. The crew is NOT the same as a girlfriend.

    Off to the PO!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2018
    Sandy: your grandson and his lovely fiancé are a beautiful couple. Will they live in Hawaii? Will he be going on to college? What is his main professional interest? Inquiring minds want to know....

    That was his college graduation....he graduated with honors for his bachelors degree in Christian Studies. Yes, they will live in Hawaii thus the wedding being there. They make a beautiful couple and she is super sweet.