Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy day for me after walking the dogs. I took them on to the moors so George could potter at his own pace but when a shower hit us I decided to return to the car which was just as well because he slowed right up and only just made it. The poor little man has little energy and I could tell lifting him into the car he's lost weight but everything else working so I'm continuing the yogurt treatment. Patsy, living in a rural farming community means vets are generally very practical and no nonsense or at least don't pander to fusspots like me but although it worries me at the time wondering if they are doing all that's necessary my experience has been they always get things right! I must try to remember this fact if another horrible bug hits one of my fur babies although as we all know it's impossible not to worry!
    Lots of shopping later in the day to stock up fridge and cupboards so I can chill and wait for Christmas to come and go!

    Past my bedtime so a last garden visit, especially for Betty, as more rain arrives. A quiet day at home tomorrow so will catch up with everyone then.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    11: 58 again! Can't keep my head up, so I'm just checking in. Couldn't.spend time reading since my pills seem to be working only too well and my eyes are closing! Love you all!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................You know the rest!........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning. A short note to greet you and wish each of you a happy and stressless day as we count down to many big celebrations.

    Yesterday was lovely. I picked up an order before doing a big run through our largest grocery store just looking at everything but didn’t actually purchase anything. Then library ladies morning with a congenial group. Then a quick stop at the health food store where I found two little packages of mini muffins for my friend who is recovering from surgery. I did call her to make certain she wanted them, then on to my Tai Chi lesson. I am becoming a bit more comfortable with Chen style. Some texts, emails, and actual phone calls rounded out a very lovely day.

    Today, it is an early Tai Chi morning once again followed by a run home to await a grocery delivery. Yes, I am trying another service. Fingers crossed! Lunch and then a trip to visit my friend to drop off her muffins. She has had a horrible week of nerve pain so depending on how she feels, I may only stay a few minutes.

    Then I think I am free to do whatever I please until church duties on Sunday. And even more free time after that as nothing is on my schedule until Wednesday, a day forecast to be filled with rain or ice or snow. Maybe I will finally start on the literal mountain of paperwork. Oh and Christmas movies. I have to watch my usual movies and haven’t started any yet.

    Well, boring me must move along with best as well to Daisy, Jilly, George, Betty, Katie, the kitties, and the girls (who are receiving one of those little painted caravan houses.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Happy solstice girls. Tomorrow it gets a second lighter and winter begins.

    We are patiently waiting for Michael to arrive to help me get to the grocery store. Well I'm waiting patiently, Jilly's on guard. We can only think that she associates Michael with garbage truck day. Whatever, she always knows it's "Friday Michael Day". Mike will be arriving with one frozen turkey and the Christmas pull crackers which he found at Costco. Well, I hope he will! Could be interesting if he forgets the turkey!

    I sincerely hope George is still on the mend. It would be awful if the bug spoils his Christmas dinner. Can't stand yoghurt me, so I hope he will be well and truly off it unless he loves it of course, AND Betty doesn't fall ill if he has an infectious bug! I'm very intrigued by LINs last comment.

    Talking of LIN, she emailed me a lovely poem this morning entitled Winter Solstice - December 2018. I must type it out for my collection of personal things I love. Thank you again Lin.

    Hugs from me and Miss Jilly to all you girls and all our pets,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Friday :) I have an eye doctor appointment for my check up, an appointment to get my nails done and then lots of little errands. I might be meeting friends tonight but as of yet they haven't contacted me. No weigh-in until after the first of the year, it is just too stressful to watch my weight go up as I am eating way too much. The golden birthday party I thought was yesterday is Saturday, sure glad I checked the time as I had my coat on and was going last night. Sorry must run once again.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2018
    The shortest day of the year is certainly proving it with a gloomy darkening sky and only 4.20pm! Onwards and upwards to longer cheerful days for us all though!!
    This morning I managed 2 loads of washing on the line and my daily exercises before our walk in what turned out to be a bitter wind but nothing much else since so having dug rolls of Christmas wrap from a drawer under the spare bed I'm now going to start to at least get Scruff, Misha and their mum's presents organised as we've just arranged to meet early Sunday morning at our local reservoir for a dog walk. Scruff has had several vet appointments so now has medication for her epilepsy although I wouldn't have thought anything wrong with her as I chatted on the phone to Jill who had to constantly call out to her to stop digging up the garden!

    Anne, no need to suggest you take care with that frozen turkey that could be more lively in that state than when gobble-gobbling in a field!
    Thankfully George loves yogurt because today I again mixed Canicure into his food which he then refused to eat, much like the special tinned food. His poo is still bright yellow but beginning to firm up. As for Lin's chicken caravan comment, she's doing her best to persuade me to buy one aren't you Lin. ;)

    Sandy, I do similar things to you getting ready to go an event or appointment before realising it's the wrong time. I write everything down on a calendar now!

    Kettle on then light the fire and wrap, wrap, wrap!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Ha, yes Jackie, that is it! B)
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mystery solved! Anne!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my, what have I missed ? You all seem to be laughing at a joke that is beyond my comprehension! :o
    Happy Winter Solstice, y'all! When my kids were still living at home, we always celebrated winter solstice! Now, I'm wondering if they even realized it today!
    Nothing exciting going on here. Still having painful problems with my feet and legs. In truth, the hemp CBD may help somewhat, but the difference is so small it probably doesn't pay! In the beginning, I felt a strong improvement, but not any longer.
    I'm so disgusted with everything our genius head of state has been pulling . Looks like he's pulling a pout about his fence and despite saying he he would take full credit or blame (we ALL heard him proudly announce that!) he is now blaming you know who!!!
    Happy to hear George is beginning to improve.
    After midnight, and I promised myself this wouldn't happen again! So off to bed I go. and wish you all a Happy Weekend... v4jkn04llqhc.png
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!....................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Not much from me today BUZZ, except to say after Santa visits Mr T maybe the grinch will follow and steal all his pressies to give to the poor!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Finally a day to catch up with all my bills and get my presents wrapped.
    I do have the 20 year old golden birthday party later but I do not plan on staying long. I will have to go to Church tomorrow since the party starts at 5:00. I am waiting for a deliver from Fed Ex. I bought myself a new coffee table that the top lifts up for an eating table or computer table etc. Since I live alone I eat my dinner watching TV and I am tired of dropping food on the floor. lol Here is a chuckle for you. Since I knew delivery is today and requires a signature I immediately threw on some clothes when I woke up. Soon I hear the bell and assumed it was my delivery so asked who it was and they said delivery. I let them in because there was two of them and they brought this giant box with a second box which really took me by surprise because mine is a smaller coffee table. They put it in my house and asked for a signature which I signed and closed the door. A second later he knocks and says aren't you Michelle? I said no she is across the hall from me. So now their delivery is in my hallway because they aren't home. At least I was here to sign for them so I hope mine comes before the party. Being blonde I sometimes amaze myself. lol

    Have a great day and keep smiling.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Brrrrrrrrrr! A cold first day of winter. I am making my cranberry relish today. Loving the ecards and playing CD Christmas music. I love all the Christmas lights and decor around the house.

    As I prepare our Christmas food, I can’t help but wish the sneakers were coming over for cookies and spiced tea. John would prefer coffee with his cookies but that’s okay. I imagine Sandy looking sparkly and beautiful, gorgeous Buzz discussing the latest entertainment at her community, classically pretty Anne sitting with Jilly on her lap primly nibbling a bit of cookie, Adorable sweet Lin would have brought her famous organic Apple slices, and elegant Jackie would be sipping tea with little Betty and George on a velvet pillow at her feet. Now that would be a perfect Christmas tea party!

    You sneakers are a wonderful gift to me. Promise me you will have a lovely Christmas and wonderful new year. Take care my dear friends.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Nice thought PATSY and WE would love to have tea with John, Katie, and our immensely talented and unique Patsy.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Where did my day go? After a shower and hair wash I lay on the bed to run through my exercise routine and was immediately joined by George and Betty pushing themselves against me in an effort to join in. They had me laughing in no time as I did my best to stretch muscles while both thought it all a great game! We again walked on the moors and did battle with a cold wind then straight to the store I buy animal feed to stock up. After lunch the hen house was cleaned out and a layer of straw spread on the ground in the run so hopefully it will be more friendly for their feet as it coverered cold and wet mud. I'm still deciding what to eat for my evening meal.

    Patsy, position Betty off the cushion at my feet with front paws hanging on to the edge of your table as she sniffs the air and your picture of us enjoying coffee and biscuits would be spot on! Would we ever stop talking??

    Sandy, has your table arrived and will the delivery be able to squeeze past your neighbour's boxes? Have fun at the party.

    Buzz, of course I could be wrong but I sense the leader of the free world is heading for a massive fall that even his loyal followers won't stop so hang in there.

    Hello Anne and Lin and a happy Saturday.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good afternoon dear friends. Many little loads of laundry finished now. Wahoo! Checks written and online bills paid. Christmas movies have been playing most of the day. Have enjoyed some wonderful eCards and will gather up the paper cards I have received over the last few weeks to look them over once again. I was going to run a DVD on the machine in the basement but it has been so long that the remote controls for the player and the TV have disappeared. I sort of believe in an over energetic cleaning mode one day, I may have thrown them out! Oh my.

    I would be glad to have a tea party and tea or coffee would be fine with me. It would just be so wonderful to sit and chat together. I might have to sit on the floor and play with any doggie who would okay with me. Patsy, you would of course select the music! Or perhaps John would not agree with your selections?

    Sandy, I hope you have received your table and that all you have planned will be enjoyable.

    Anne, are you peeking at the turkey from time to time to see if there’s any defrosting going on? It seems to take forever if I remember clearly. Once or twice I got a fresh turkey as there was no defrosting necessary.

    Jackie, what fun exercise buddies you have. More giggling and laughing than you expected I would imagine. I hope you fund something lovely for your evening meal.

    Buzz, the sort of joke was that I mentioned Jackie’s girls and a potential Christmas gift. I was hinting that Jackie should purchase what was pictured in the photo I posted a while back. It was very colorful and reminded me of a gypsy caravan. I thought it was quite cute. But I was just kidding. And I love the decorated palm tree!

    Well, time to plug in this laptop, the battery is draining down again.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Table was delivered, after struggling to put the legs on and finally succeeding I put the table by the couch only to find out there was a small dent in the top. I now took the legs off put it back in the box and will return it to Walmart. I ordered a new one so let's hope it is not damaged. Almost time for the party, where has this day gone?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi Ho, my pretties! Just lost this tiny missive and was chasing it around the internet until I found a fresh page, so here I be, wishing you all a happy pre-Christmas weekend! PATSY's picture of us all in attendance is so lovely, I will quickly accept an invitation to her arty party and look forward to the warmest group cheer! I even suspect JACKIE is correct in her mystic fortune reading so sooner or later, our gathering will become a celebration of the victory of GOOD over BAD! From your mouth, kiddo! SANDY, ANNE, LIN and JOHN will round out our group and we will remember all those past friends who are off enjoying elsewhere and send them our blessings and hugs! Now,I shall just about make my promised bedtime and send my XOXOXO's to all!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!...........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A minute to midday so I can wish you all a good morning... just! A slight error of judgment when I suggested I meet Jill, Scruff and Misha at the dog park next to the reservoir because it was so wet and windy I quickly gave up trying to keep my hair or anything else dry as we walked twice round the enclosure. Betty was immediately attacked by Scruff with a growl and snarl but our little girl didn't react at all so soon the monster Scruff was off chasing a ball while Misha offered a gentle introduction. I wouldn't be surprised if the change in Scruff's personality has something to do with her epilepsy diagnosis in which case hopefully she'll calm down once her medication kicks in. George's tummy is finally back to relative normality so the yogurt worked a treat! After the walk, home to dry the pooches and myself with a blow dryer then on to my exercises on the bed with the pair of them joining in! My plan this afternoon is to do some serious housework so I can then relax over Christmas.

    Sandy, how annoying your table had a dent in it and just before Christmas so wondering if you will get a replacement by tomorrow?

    Lin, certainly both George and Betty would love to sit with you on Patsy's floor as it's something my neighbours do when they drop in even when I was warning them about Betty's "accidents" which by the way seem rare now. She is even looking to me to open the door and let her into the garden most times so a big sigh of relief. By the way, I'm looking at converting a plastic garden store cupboard into a hen house because their current one is so old it's beginning to let damp in which isn't good for their health and tends to encourage the dreaded red mite. Apparently plastic is the way forward because the little bugs have nowhere to hide in crevices. Another project when I already have so many!! ;)

    Buzz, no pressure then on my prediction but honestly lovely lady there's only so much any civilized society will put up with surely? :s Our British politics has descended into pantomime while the country apparently rushes toward a precipice but never mind, the government has gone away on holiday for a couple of weeks!! As ever, we couldn't make it up!

    Best get on with those housework plans otherwise another short day will be over and I'll be curled up in front of the fire instead.

    Hi Patsy and Anne. Happy Sunday everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    To get into the Christmas spirit I thought you might like to see this video of the Train of Lights that's running in Devon, not far from me.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    A "ghost train"! How lovely JACKIE ! Betty is so happy to be with you that I had a feeling you would have a good little dog in the pee department by January 1st. She wants to please you and you'll end up with a great little companion. I'm glad George is feeling like the old George. He seems rather a sensitive dog and I did wonder if in his wee mind he was afraid of being ousted by Betty which is enough to cause any dog to have diarrhea. "Out in the cold cold snow with you" sort of thing. If this could be the case he is learning Mom still loves me and hey there's twice the treats scattered about now I've got a Betty to play with.
    Michael was supposed to come over today but yesterday he was invited to his late friends widow and his God daughters house for dinner. I don't think Monica is into cooking and she ordered in a pizza which gave Michael the most dreadful stomach ache and he was up all night. He sounded awful on the phone just now. So he doesn't get to share my lamb chops which will please Miss Jilly no end.
    Oh meant to say PATSY forget about Jilly sitting on my lap! She's far too social for that! She'd be with George, Betty and Katie begging for our biscuits. Which she wouldn't get from me because I would be greedily scoffing them!
    The turkey is slowly defrosting LIN and should be just right for the day. I'll make the stuffing on Christmas Eve.
    I've absolutely loved Christmas so far this year. I vowed to not get stressed but just take it all in my stride. Not even the antics of the old man sitting in his White House bothers me although I do feel for the employees who temporarily won't get paid - 380,000 of them. I suspect this old man won't get THEIR votes next time round.
    British politics as always are British politics! Nearly always a source of entertainment. Of COURSE they've all gone home for the hols! I wouldn't expect anything less!
    Hey ho, nutty old world isn't it,