Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited December 2018
    Happy Sunday! :) Going to 11:15 Mass so no time, just enough to say good morning.
    Jackie, I really don't need the table for Christmas no one is coming here. It will arrive on the 28th which is fine. This time I will check it before putting the legs on. Babe and Daisy are coming over after church for a little while, Babe is driving. Later a video call with my kids and wrapping presents must be done today as I have a couple of dishes to make in the morning.

    I love the train, reminds me of the polar express. I was just going to ask how Betty was doing with housebreaking and it sounds like she is doing great. Sorry that Mike is sick and glad that you are not stressed for Christmas Anne. I am trying to do the same.

    Have a great day
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good afternoon. I m home from church otherwise known as plague house! I am guessing 80 - 90% of attendees had colds, sore throat, strep, flu, unending cough, or some combination of these. I did little hugging and washed my hands lots when I got home. Any vague notion of going to Christmas Eve service is finished.

    I am currently watching “The Bishop’s Wife”, one of my favorite movies (although the list is quite long). Still to come the B&W version of both “Miracle on 34th Street” and “A Christmas Carol.” Maybe not today but in the next few days.

    I was going to stay in until Wednesday morning but I was given a reimbursement check so may run over to the credit union to cash it in the morning. Or I could just leave my jammies on until Wednesday. :D

    Sandy, you are very busy. I hope you enjoy the next few days. Hugs for Daisy if you read this before she leaves.

    Jackie, well what fun. Oh gosh the weather! Glad you all got home in one piece, dried off and had fun doing your exercises. So nice of you to entertain Betty and George. Aha, a different house for the girls is in the offing. Maybe not a colorful caravan but superior to the current abode.

    Anne, I am so sorry you have a sick boy. I can definitely understand eating something that makes you ill. I ordered some special expensive main dish items and read over the ingredient list but surprise, the turmeric chickpea scramble left me running to the bathroom and clasping my stomach for hours. I think perhaps some of the green stuff was cilantro (once again) but with all the spice I couldn’t taste it. Cilantro really doesn’t agree with me at all. Does Michael have lots of food sensitivities? Hope all is well by now.

    Buzz, aha, you did go to bed earlier? Wahoo! I hope you turn earlier hours into a trend. Are there many activities for the holidays at your lovely facility? I heard that a local church is having a Hallelujah chorus sing in the next few days. I have a score of the Messiah but have never joined when a local church invites people (once a year I believe) to come and sing. I love the Hallelujah chorus too, maybe I should hunt for information.

    Patsy, Christmas Eve is around the corner. I trust your preparations are well in hand and that you will be able to enjoy yourself without running yourself ragged.

    Hello to Marie, Jeri, Barbie, Gayla, Diane and any other Sneakers where may be reading these posts.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited December 2018
    OMG. Can’t believe I haven’t logged in for so long. Hello everyone.

    I’m in the midst of Christmas baking. I’m making a birthday cake for our sweet granddaughter and son in-law. We are having everyone over to our place in the 28th. Melissa and her family will be in Kelowna for Christmas so this will be our family celebration after they get back to Calgary. I’m making the cake and freezing it so I won’t be too rushed prior to the 18 guests we are expecting.

    We’ve been to concerts upon concerts and other fun events. Presents are all bought and wrapped. I just have to get food items ready.

    Hope everyone is well and everyone has a wonderful holiday season.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member

    Merry Christmas
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just watched Vertigo on our TV. I think it was made in the fifties and it's still a great movie. Always did like Jimmy Stewart.
    Mike does seem to have a wheat disorder LIN. Says he's never ill when he eats my prepared food, but then I have to be a little careful myself. I think actually it's probably a preservative that's put into food these days to prolong shelf life because he doesn't have any problem with my baking. I can't eat bought muffins for instance. Jilly went completely bonkers when I cooked the lamb chops and had a whole one to herself! Without the bone of course. Christmas came early for the Bean.
    Keep clear of hacking, coughing, church goers tomorrow Lin. I'm sure the Lord will prefer a happy, healthy Lin enjoying his special day.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The Train of Lights ia just beautiful. Thanks, JACKIE, for sharing that plus your encouragement that this nightmare cannot remain forever! Yes, I agree the entire world seems and 2019 can only be an improvement!
    I hope ANNE feels better, Sandy's holiday turns out much better, and JERI, how good to see you and your lovely greeting! Same to you and yours!
    LIN, Christmas is in your heart, and can be enjoyed just as much at home, listening to your favorite choruses on the device of your choice, away from those nasty viruses and bugs! Yes, we have all sorts of entertainment and decorations and I, too, try to keep away from the coughing, sneezing croupy crowd who want to share their ill fortune with all! I hope to get a few more cards made, but this year I have really fallen behind! I'll just attempt what I'm able to do, and stop apologizing for my failures, lol!
    Now, off to catch up on my missed morning programs,ugh!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Busy, busy now we've dried off from our morning walk. Not many walkers as mad as me but did chat to a couple of horsewomen as they passed which was a treat. Off to do my final visiting with local friends and tomorrow I'll be enjoying Christmas dinner with other friends and a long doggy walk somewhere afterwards.

    I wish all my sneaker friends a wonderful Christmas with family, friends and pets. Whatever you get up to have a peaceful and relaxed time and say so what if we over indulge because we will be here in the New Year to support and encourage each other to start over again!! o:)

    Peace and love
    <3<3 Jackie, George, Betty and the pusscats.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited December 2018
    The night before Christmas and all through our abodes not a creature was stirring not even one recovering George, a Betty pooping, a Katie leaping, a Jilly yapping, a Daisy sleeping, two Puss cats and a bunch of chicks waiting for their caravan?

    Busy day here in the old homestead. Clean up day and mincepie and stuffing making. Jilly has recovered from a slight George ailment presumably from gobbling up Mikes discarded lamb chop. Too rich after her bland diet. Usual Christmas stuff, if it's not kids throwing up or Grandpa swallowing his indigestion pills, its Mom up to her ears in washing up!

    Can't help but think of "the rich man in his White House, the poor man at his "walls", to misquote the old song.

    Once the cooking is over "put your plates of meat" (feet) up Anne and enjoy a movie, a mincepie and a glass of Sherry. And I hope that's what you all will be doing as well with different tastes of course.
    Thinking of you all on this happiest of Eves.
    Anne. xxxxx
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member

    Happy Christmas Eve! I hope you all have a wonderful day whether celebrating today or not.
    My meatballs are in the crock pot, the shrimp will be cooked and the presents are all wrapped and packed ready to go. I am looking forward to seeing Robby and Charlie in the play and spending time with family and friends and yes, eating too much. Christmas is my favorite holiday for so many reasons and the hymns at Mass always make me tear up.

    Have a great day, feel the love and hugs to each and every one of you!!

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning friends. Wishing everyone happy days and much celebrating.

    I have run my two errands and I will now work my way through a stack of books, DVDs, online movies and some Tai Chi. I think I will refrain from most social media. It tends to make me sad as I read about perfection.

    So I have loads of food, my jammies, and more things to do than I could complete in a week.

    Hugs. <3<3<3<3<3<3

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    My online shopping delivery sent me an animated Christmas card.
    House cleaned
    Made mince pies
    Made the stuffing
    Dog played with
    Anne, ready for nap time!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    My dearest Sneaker friends! What an amazing gift you all are to me. As I putter about getting things ready for Christmas, I think of each of you. We each celebrate in our own way. I am sure of one thing; the coming year will be filled to the brim with sneaker friendship. Enjoy these holidays, safe in the knowledge that this group will continue the hope for peace and goodwill. On to my cooking, I need you all here to give me the recipe for a calm organized kitchen! Christmas Coffee.......!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Merry Christmas to all the Sneakers and their furry and feathered family. Peace! Health! And Goodwill for the coming years.
    Love Katie,
    Also Patsy and John
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The chaotic kitchens of my past "cooking days" produced the tastiest meas, PATSY, so just keep on doing whatever you do and all will enjoy your delicious results!
    Despite religious differences, I suspect each of us is praying for a world of Peace, Love, Caring for those less fortunate than we are and an end to Hate and Divisiveness! Call it Christian Principles, Judaeo/Christian Principles, Humanist Principles, ---whatever, we are in sympathy with the goals and I am seeing a group that does more than talk a good talk; you all LIVE those principles, and that is what PATSY, JACKIE, ANNE, SANDY, LINDA, JERI, and all those who stop by once in awhile have in common! Thank you , PATSY, for expressing those feelings, and I thank each one of you for including me in our special group! I'm sorry MARIE cannot be here often!
    JACKIE, is that your kitty? What a cute mini-video! Peace and Love to our dear friend across the Big Puddle!
    ANNE, you deserve that nap, and have worked hard for it and I hope your Christmas Eve Dinner is as splendid as you are! And it's OK to fall asleep watching the movie!
    LIN, sounds like you might actually allow yourself some "relaxation" time, away from the madhouse outside!I surely hope you follow through and stay in your jammies all day! It is well-earned!
    SANDY, my love, you are the perfect example of putting everyone else's needs and wants before your own; a most generous loving spirit! And yes, those Christmas hymns have always touched me, as well, if for different reasons! Have a wonderful Holiday with your splendid family!
    For some reason, our Culinary Department did not go with the Christmas Dinner Traditions of Turkey and Ham this year, but opted for filet mignon, chicken roulade or encrusted salmon, which happens to be an acceptable Christmas choice for Bostonians. I will miss my turkey but the presence of wonderful friends will make up for it! I think I'll start preparing my clothes and face so I look more acceptable than I have been feeling lately! Could my arches have dropped?
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!................................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Merry Christmas my friends....movies are spinning away here.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And I'm spinning away here. Turkey stuffed and ready to go in the oven at 10:30. All go in the Jilly household. Normal Christmas in other words.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And it's SNOWING. So far, the perfect Christmas. Turkey in the oven.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Snow... Lucky you Anne! I've popped home with tray of potatoes and parsnips to roast in my oven as no room left in my friends'... could be a long "lunch" but who cares!!
    Happy Christmas Lin, enjoy your movies. <3
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone. Slow start. We went to midnight mass with Mel & 5 grands.
    I’ll check back later.

    Big hugs and lots of love

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member

    Merry Christmas and a Happy Tuesday! Our Christmas Eve was wonderful, Robby and Charlie did great in the Nativity Play at Church.

    Back at the house, the food was delicious and the celebration was great. I went to see Bryanna where she works after to wish her a Merry Christmas even though she is stopping here before work today. I will go to bring the kiddos their gifts from me later this afternoon, after Max naps. I am blessed to be with people I love and hope your day is just as good.

    One Day at a Time