Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A wild night with high winds, so strong we now have a huge Russian ship beached on our coast! Slept on the sofa so I could let George in and out. Lost count how often but at least 6 trips! About to take Betty to vet for her booster so will seek more advice and try not to appear a silly fuss pot!! As you say Patsy, we pay enough for their services.
    Back later although hair appointment early afternoon so long as roads clear of debris.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hope the Russians didn't take advantage of the high winds to do a bit of hacking, spying etc. Lol. Sort of a Trojan horse. Just been icing the Christmas cake. Back later for me as well.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Jackie, I am concerned for George. Not a bit silly to ask for more advice. Poor dear.

    Anne, icing the Christmas cake. It is coming quickly now. I thought you were banned from turkey duty since the, ummmm, accident. B)

    I have run through Trader Joe’s, the prompt to remove your credit card is now sleigh bells. :) I have dropped off my return package, another pair of probable Tai Chi shoes which once again did not fit my foot. I surrender!

    Off for a morning of Mah Jongg. Well lots of visiting in among the tiles.

    Need to run but wow Sandy more totally stunning family members. Amazing.

    Patsy, good luck on preparations. I too have been buying treats and I am not having a dinner. Oh my.

    Buzz, hello my friend.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited December 2018
    Just had my laugh of the day. Mark is here repairing the kitchen sink. I don't wear my glasses all the time but I do wear them outside so I don't trip up etc. Anyway, Jilly's bugging Mark who's got his head and shoulders in the cupboard so I decide to take her for a long walk. I'm thinking as I walk that my glasses need a good clean because everything is a bit cloudy. Anyway, we get back and I've probably walked a mile in Marks glasses because there's mine sitting on the kitchen table! He doesn't wear his all the time either. The sink looks like a long job and he's just gone in his car in his glasses to buy another piece of whatever.
    You beat me again LIN! The debate is still going on about if I should be allowed near Michael's turkey. Mark and Mary Jo don't like turkey so there's a good chance I'll get out of it, they favour beef Wellington for festive occasions.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited December 2018
    I know you are all waiting in breathless anticipation, I AM COOKING THE TURKEY and stuffing, provided Michael lifts it out of the oven and nowhere near the sink. Which is now hopefully repaired.
    Mary Jo will cook a ham and seeing Puss Hobbes and Jilly Bean can both eat turkey, a happy Christmas should be enjoyed by humans and pets alike.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Every time I am with the kiddos they seem to grow even bigger. Charlie is such a happy baby girl and the boys just tickle my heart. I am going to pick Babe up today so he can see where I live in case he wants to ever take a ride here on one of his good days. He is very unhappy living with his son but said it is too late to change anything. I did offer for him to live with me, but I know that will never happen.
    I am the driver for our dinner tonight which is okay but they picked rush hour for me to pick them up. It will just take me longer than usual but will be fun when we arrive at our destination.

    Jackie, I too, am concerned over George, it has been too long for him to have diarrhea. I think he needs an ex-ray or blood work. Just my opinion though since you know him better than I do. They gave Daisy a shot to help with the diarrhea and then other medicines to put in her food. George sounds very much like she did. Please accept my apology if I am out of line.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    My Christmas cake to get us in the mood. Ho ho ho.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Between ANNe's turkey and yummy-looking cake, and Poor George's diarrhea doldrums and SANDY's sad story of Babe's poor decisions, and then the wonderful babies growing fast, I will forget the hours wasted trying to cancel my Long Term Policy with insurance company refusing to admit they stuffed my envelope with someone else's policy information!
    Tonight is our Holiday Gala, and my table has shrunk due to illness! I just phoned a single lady to see if she would join us! Now to shower and try to "Gussie Up" as our Social Director requests! ALso I just learned turkey, one of my favorite foods, is on the Gout List for do not eat! GRRrrrrrr!
    Hi, LIN and PATSY, too and JACKIE!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.........................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my ! Anne! Your Christmas cake is a work of art! Beautiful!

    Everyone seems to be enjoying the season. We are, as well. I am in the mood to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, a wonderful new year and God’s blessings! Hearing from friends and family, it does make for counting one’s blessings. There are folks who are very happy living in a small camper trailer as they travel the highways and byways. Those who are on big cruise boats, some in nursing facilities as they heal from an ailment and some like at home enjoying the flotsam and jetsome of our cluttered life.

    I am consumed with worry about dear little George. I am not embarrassed to tell you, I have stood in the vets office, and DEMANDED to see the vet right now! My sweet doggie is suffering and I want help NOW! I have done this more than once. I am probably known in that clinic as that crazy insane woman with the labradoodle or old English sheepdog. I don’t care about my bad reputation. Seriously!

    Sandy: in my books, it is never too late to change or adjust the circumstances, you are a very nurturing person, I know you will find a solution to help Babe. Also, that young couple in your family are heart stoppingly beautiful. It sounds like they are good people as well as beautiful. Isn’t it funny how young everyone seems? When I was reading at the school, all of the kids looked like tottlers to me.

    Lin: your various groups sound so congenial and fun. I guess you know that is a rare thing. Often women can be so cliquish and outright mean. I suspect you bring calm and friendly acceptance to any group you are part of.

    Whisper a Christmas wish for peace and goodwill, send it in on the winds with a holiday kiss attached.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Well I have to admit 3 nights of disturbed sleep has caught up with me as I'm struggling to keep my eyes open so praying for a quieter time tonight. Betty did well at the vet and got lots of fuss and comments on her cuteness but oh dear, when I asked if she could be weighed to check how many grams she'd lost since I adopted her it turned out she's gained a few so oops, time for a serious diet! I then mentioned George's continuing distress and awful bright yellow diarrhoea but was told with a lack of concern type of voice to give him until Thursday and if no better take him in!! Of course today he's refusing to eat the special food and paste but I bought a pot of probiotic natural yogurt, mixed a spoonful with water which he drank and so far he's quieter. My hairdresser was running an hour late then I visited friends so was away nearly 5 hours and no mess when I finally got home. I'll admit It did me good to walk away for a few hours too because the situation was taking over my life but I'm refreshed and although watching George's every move just in case, am ready to deal with another sleepless night if necessary. So far he's spent the evening in front of the fire and not asked to go out once!
    Thank you all for your words of concern that really do help because without I would think myself over reacting.

    Enough of me! Anne's Christmas cake looks delicious and special and the thought of another turkey ending up in the sink had me laughing! What a brave family!!

    Sandy, Babe's move in with his son is bound to have him feeling unsettled but hopefully in time he will adjust to the changes in his life. Too many bad decisions have caught up with him haven't they but your offer to let him move in is no surprise as you continue to be so giving. Yes I'm sure there are drugs available to help George but the vet seems to want to go the natural route at the moment because his sensitive tummy over reacts to many. I do worry his liver and kidneys need to be checked but assume that will be done on Thursday if there's no improvement.

    Patsy, I'm with you in the belief there are raised eyebrows behind my back at the vet practice as they do their best to tell me that since we survive diarrhoea why wouldn't a dog... stop fussing! Easier said than done! May the Christmas spirit stay with you as you prepare for visitors and plan delicious meals.

    Lin, enjoy your Christmas treats... why not!

    Buzz, be strong and avoid the nasty turkey if it's likely to stir up the gout.

    Time for my bed so I'll encourage both dogs outside for a last toilet then hope.....!
    Nite, nite
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning, time to run along. You know, the usual Wednesday stuff.

    Jackie, I pray George is better and that you were able to get some rest. We will continue to follow George’s health because we adore him even from afar.

    Buzz, Humm, I didn’t know turkey was on the gout list. Well, I am having tofu, join me! Hugs.

    Sandy, lovely that Babe and Daisy spent time with you. And I am sorry Babe is unhappy but although you love him, you cannot rescue him from years of seemingly poor decisions. Hugs to you too.

    Patsy, now in the whir of preparations. Lovely. And yes, I realize I am very fortunate to have a number of small groups of ladies who are kind and fun to be with. It is definitely a huge plus in my life. Hugs sent your way as well.

    Anne, your cake is magnificent. And I am sure it is kept well away from your inquisitive little ball of energy. Happy turkey baking. I will say no more.

    Hello to all of our other Sneakers who may stop by.

    Must go.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers. The good news is that George and I had 8 hours of undisturbed sleep last night and today his tummy is settled. I'm continuing to give him a drink of bio yogurt with a little water a couple of times a day and he is also eating kibble, something he would never touch in the past. Chicken is in the oven too for this evening but it will be a while before he is back to normal energy-wise because this morning a very short walk locally exhausted him and I had to carry him home the last few hundred meters. Panic over though.... I hope. Today I had a very emotional funeral to attend for a lovely lady who bravely fought MS for nearly 50 years assisted by her supportive family and I've promised myself I will pop in to see how her husband is coping in the New Year.

    Cold outside with a milky moon but at least just for now it's not raining! Time to put the kettle on then plan a meal, something light I think.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Our Christmas dinner was great but the restaurant was just too crowded and they were rushing us so we weren't happy. That is what happens around the holidays so I took it with a grain of salt. Tonight is bingo, sure would be nice to win some money for all the expenses of the last week.
    Lisa volunteered Robby to be a donkey in the Church pageant Christmas Eve and Charlie will be baby Jesus. I asked if Charlie has to lie in a manager but Lisa said no someone will carry her. I do hope it is a strong child that carries her as she is getting so big. It should be fun to watch as we never know what Robby might do. lol We will celebrate Christmas Eve at Lisa's parents house with appetizers and a ham. On Christmas Day, I will go to the kids house after they all have breakfast at Lisa's mom house, too early for me. The kids can open their presents from me and then just chill or I may meet some friends later in the afternoon. So no turkey for me this Christmas and since I am not a fan of ham, appetizers will be on my menu. I am making meatballs and bringing some shrimp cocktail.

    That's it for now, I want to pay some bills and try to hem a shirt that looks more like a dress than a shirt. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks for the very welcome news that our George is a little better JACKIE. So glad you managed to get a good nights sleep.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    High clouds and a bit foggy. Very chilly out. John is putting a fire in the wood stove. We have one of those traditional marriages...I am most comfortable when things are just a bit cool inside. John wants it very warm. He likes to run about in short sleeves and jeans, stocking feet! I like to wear sweaters and warm socks in warm moccasins. You can see where this is going. One of us is complaining about the inside temps.

    Am so tickled to hear that little George is on the mend. I have never heard about yoghurt and water as a “tummy settler.” It must Be the probiotic properties. Katie loves yoghurt and she often has a dollop on her chicken veggie dinner. Just my opinion but it appears to me that your vet was amazingly unhelpful. I would be hunting for a different vet. Our vet says half of his job was to treat me, the hysterical pet owner. He is right but we all know our job! Mine is to care for my best friend as carefully as I can.

    Our son is coming on Christmas Eve. He will head back to Portland on the 26th. I know he has a full agenda. I wonder what this year will bring for him. A new love? Different studio space? He out grew his current space. A big company is negotiating to buy his studio. Those details have stalled until after the first of the year.. he really doesn’t want to sell. The young girlfriend seems to be a somewhat permanent relationship. It is very difficult for me to not comment or ask about the nature of this friendship. John tells me that is prying and unnecessary. Damon will enlighten us when he feels the time is right.

    We love our kids but this is what we must deal with. They have their own busy lives. We can’t really do much to help or even understand their concerns. We must enlarge our own lives with activities and engage with interesting people. Then when we can, reconnect with our adult children. I hate the thought of being a burden, well, I guess I do love getting into our children’s lives!
    Our little family soap opera continues,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    11:58 PM!!! I have promised myself more sleep! I do believe (oops! Laptop disappeared online!)..That seems to happen when the neuropathy interferes with typing properly . So just checking in, reading mostly good news and see you all tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!...................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hello. I am so glad to hear George is doing better. I hope that trend continues. And that you dear Jackie as well as George are able to rest. Oh my, and a funeral as well. Just attending a funreal wears a person down. I have been gulping down yogurt (non dairy) quite regularly lately as I think I need the cultures in the yogurt.

    Sandy, dinner sounds nice although being rushed is not what you like when visiting with friends. Some great events coming your way and I hope you got the Bingo win you were hoping for.

    Patsy, the never-ending battle of the thermostat. Oh yes, do people ever agree on a temperature. My husband always thought it should be kept cooler so that the person who wanted it warmer could just wear more clothes. Wishing you happy times with your son in the coming days.

    Buzz, yes, more sleep!! It is difficult to get things managed isn’t it. I just tend to collapse and sleep for a few hours, then wake up. Maybe I will go back to sleep relatively quickly. Other nights it is a long time awake. I can never predict it but many times I feel I really did not get enough rest.

    Anne, good morning to you and the dear Bean. Now the sink is all fixed right? What is on your agenda today? I was thinking of Christmas cards yesterday and went to the mailbox and had a few cards there. Interestingly, I received a card from a friend and then a second card. I thought maybe there was a reason for it but no, two of the same cards. She gets them custome printed so she does not need to even sign them. That was a bit odd. Hummmm.

    Today, I need to run way out to the far west suburbs to pick something up, then library ladies morning, followed by a Tai Chi lesson. I have a little something for one of the ladies but she isn’t saying if she will be there today. She skipped Tai Chi yesterday and will only say she is having a little health issue. Hummmm, very private person so Inhave no idea what the problem may be.

    Gotta move it. Take care.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited December 2018
    And something wonderful DOES usually happen each day doesn't it BUZZ. We sometimes have to search for it, but rarely a day goes by without a little something to bring a smile to our faces.
    Yesterday I received an email from my newly widowed sister in law. She says she will be with her grandchildren and will do her best to enjoy her Christmas with them but without Len, her husband of 60 odd years. Her friend and lovely sister Pauline (my favourite sister in law) also passed away earlier this year, and aren't I blessed that although I lost their brother I never lost them! Three days ago I had a pleasant conversation with their brother, my ex. Sometimes you have to search, but there's usually a tiny light under the flotsam of everyday life.
    Guess what, I've just had another flash that Linda's just beat me to it again. Must see what she has to say.
    So bye for now,

    Hi LIN! Yes the sink is all fixed and it's just waiting to have this year's turkey tipped in it. Oh no! Shouldn't happen with Mike galloping over to help me remove it from the oven. Oh, by the way, Mike went to Sandys for dinner and things are "cordial" right now. That was Sunday's day of wonderful happenings!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Definitely climate change! I rarely ever saw frost in Canada, and yet third day of Jilly walks with frost on the pavement. We will be growing mangoes and papayas next!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) No win at bingo. :( We are having a pot luck luncheon at my meeting today, I am bringing meatballs in my crockpot. A few errands this afternoon and then to a neighbor's for her daughter's 20th golden birthday. Busy day, busy times. Although I do love Christmas I will be glad when the holidays are over and I can maybe stay at home.

    I am so glad George is on the mend and hope he continues to improve. Jackie needs all the rest she can get before her hip surgery.

    Time is slipping away once again, have a great day.

    One Day at a Time