Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another soaking! This is becoming too familiar and both dogs were thoroughly fed up within minutes of setting off even though we stayed in the village. This afternoon is a lazy potter time although I'm feeling guilty when I read Anne is already up and baking!

    Patsy, your descriptions do make me smile and I can imagine you in your wonderfully hippy comfy outfits which sound perfect for your lifestyle. Employing a cleaner does occasionally cross my mind as well as a gardener but then what would I do so a few weeds (hmm, maybe more than a few) and a bit of dust or a cobweb on the beams isn't the end of the world at the moment. Of course the thought of the massive clean up required before I invited anyone in to take over is enough to put me off too!

    Anne, as for Mr T the man doth protest too much me thinks so guilt and fear probably aging him otherwise why all the recent tweets? Even Shakespeare couldn't have made up such a story!!

    Time to put the kettle on and clear some washing up.
    Happy weekend everyone. Stay warm and dry.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Don't feel guilty JACKIE, baking bread was a matter of needs must seeing I didn't get to go grocery shopping on Friday. Hopefully tomorrow. Hope the post office is open for stamps though, because otherwise I might as well post this lot next year! The only reason I was up so early was because the heating came on with a Big Bang just below my bedroom and bed. Must get one of the sons to change it from 5am to 6 or 6:30 am. I have it set low overnight. I daren't touch the controls in case I muck things up and get no heat at all which is quite possible believe me. Jilly would not be amused. She's gone to bed now after getting up so early with that old pest........
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Arizona at Christmas time; how beautiful! Have a fabulous time SANDY!
    I pulled out my ancient Color Me Beautiful Book and was hysterical at all the advice it gives for everything! Yes, I'm a winter, and as I mentioned, J.Jill has a gorgeous True Red that flatters me instead of washing me out! ANNE, I can dress dramatically once a year (though it doesn't LOOK very dramatic on this body!), but basically, I wear very classic looks, which is why I'm so happy to have found! Nothing fancy but wonderful quality fabrics and simple prints. And a real True Red! And their Pure Jill line is very forgiving. I wait for sales and free shipping . Their pants seem to be made for me! And I now order them in Petites!
    I started to make a couple of cards today to insert checks for Scholarship Funds, etcetera, and I think I am feeling overwhelmed by the task! My DD will be here in a few days, with her partner, and I just hope I can get ready for them. Strange how I understand others slowing down as they "mature" but I cannot understand why my place is never up to par, whatever par used to be!
    PATSY, lucky you, being able to accept who and what you are and just BEING yourself! I used to fit into that grown-up hippy mode, but I don't see it much anymore in me. And at this point, I doubt it will return! Politically, I still feel involved even though I no longer go out and demonstrate! My walking problem has me a bit down...until I see someone worse off than I!
    Must dash, as I have to send a donation for the death of my friend's daughter while my printer is on!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good evening, sorry I didn’t post earlier. I did go to the card/stampers club meeting this morning. That finishes the obligations I made so I may not go again. Time will tell.

    I slowly worked through my list and now have a little stack of cards ready to mail. Sealed, stamped, and stacked. Wahoo! I have another little pile of cards to take to church tomorrow. Will switch several to the mail stack if the people are not there. And finally another little stack of cards for people I will see in the next week or so. There are a few names left on my list, I may change my mind and send cards to them as well. They are local so have time.

    Then I was so tired I pretty much just fell asleep. I have had a nice long nap. I am definitely slowing down.

    Anne, we can purchase stamps at our grocery stores. If your post office is closed maybe you could get your stamps at the store, put them on your cards and have your son drop the cards at the post office Dropbox? Your Jilly is a ball of energy but also can sleep quite a bit. I guess that means she can go with the flow.

    Patsy, I dress like a bum compared to most of my friends. Luckily I don’t seem to care a bit. Wow, thinking about getting cleaning help. Sounds like a wonderful idea. Several of my neighbors have a weekly cleaner. It must work for them as they have been doing it for years.

    Jackie, a lazy afternoon sounds totally appropriate! And I had a lazy evening. After a hard day of finishing cards.

    Buzz, you are still a go-getter my friend. Always in the thick of things with so many interests and so much to accomplish. You are a classic in all things.

    Sandy, I see you made it and are now enjoying Arizona and the warmer weather.

    I suppose I will go back to sleep now. I really was sleeping like a rock. Which is unusual for me. Church tomorrow.



    Hugs all.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The rain clouds have lifted so we enjoyed a blustery but bright walk on the moors. A new coat for Betty arrived yesterday bought from Amazon and thankfully sent via our Royal mail service. It fits perfectly and once she was used to being wrapped up she trotted along off lead warm and happy although when we met a dog walker with gorgeous Jack Russell she decided to follow him until I retrieved her!

    A couple of DIY jobs await me after lunch and of course the weekly muck out of the hen house. Their automatic door opener is still playing up so I'll have one last fiddle before buying a new motor. The company that makes it were helpful when I explained the problem but couldn't say for sure why it would stop working although did mention damp air.... there's plenty of that about!!
    Other than that a quiet day.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good morning,

    Jackie, finally a lovely day for a walk and Betty looks quite smart in her new coat. Hummm, did Betty like the Jack Russell? Or just trotting along with another dog? Well, glad you were able to collect her. Hello George! I hope you will be able to get the door moving properly. More power to you my friend. I would be at a loss. The only thing I have fixed lately would be fans. My Tai Chi fans were getting loose with lots of use. The ribs start to slide as the rivet no longer is tight. I was given a complicated solution involving buying metal rod, cutting it off, using a tool to smooth off the end, etc., etc. But luckily, the lady that supplies my fans finally told me to try dental tape. Not floss, tape. I did and my fans are working well again, fairly critical when you have to toss a fan during a form and it opens mid air when you are trying to catch it! Anyway, my teacher said, great, now you can fix the class fans. So I did. Haaa. Short term fix no doubt but that’s okay, there’s always more dental tape. :D

    Well, must finish my coffee and run an errand before church. The sleep last night was beyond wonderful. Ahhhhhhhh.

    Hugs sent along to everyone.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And I'm sat here waiting for St. Michael to take me on a huge shopping trip. Bank machine, port and sherry store, groceries, pet store for very important treats because Jill's run out, chemists, and hopefully the post office for stamps. The grocery store does sell stamps but not the more expensive overseas ones LIN. Then back to cook our lunch.

    Talking of cooking the bread turned out tasty, but, lol, "it grew and it grew like little Topsy" until it hit the ceiling of the oven! Unbelievable. Further research told me that bread can rise pretty high in warmer winter houses. I only had to scrape a bit off the oven roof......but still!

    Mark and Mary Jo went to a posh European delicatessen and found me marzipan for the Christmas cake. So happy because I'm getting a bit creaky to pound and grind almonds!

    Not ready for a cleaning lady yet although if I could get one to walk Jilly as well as clean that would be something. My friend had a cleaning lady once, a very buxom, jolly, lady. My friend got a bit suspicious of her though and decided to lift the area rug and there all around the edges was little piles of mud and dirt she'd swept under it. Oh dear, no more jolly, buxom cleaning lady!

    And judging by the excited yaps and barks, Michael's arrived!
    Bye for now,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I love Christmas time especially since we usually have communication with friends and family. But this year, as early as it is, we are getting the worse kind of communication. Word of devastating health concerns, financial reversals, depression and anxiety. Good grief! It is as if Scrooge is out recreating his kind of Christmas. So I am trying to create a small island of hope and joy here in our messy house. I am so grateful for whatever good health we enjoy.

    We have a rainy week but the temps are mild. 50s and night time temps in the 40s.

    There are many interesting new movies coming out. New books, both fiction and non-fiction. I do miss the days of new CDs and musicians. I am so behind the times, I don’t really know who the new musician are, I have no idea who any of the new movie actors are. We don’t have an iPod nor do we stream TV. We are really OLD school. But I think I will survive without much more digital input. If I could figure it out, I would most probably love it. I am just past Stone Age on most things.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2018
    Well, I forgot to check my calendar so I ate with the wrong people at lunch and hope I will be forgiven! I got hung up on video-chatting with my kids in Germany and time got away from me! But I used the walker rather than the electric chair (!) and managed fine! Don't want to miss Meet the Press, as I did this morning! I must control the way the country is going, right? There's a repeat coming up at 6 PM.
    Back tomorrow when I must start getting ready for my DD and DIL! I think they will arrive the 13th, but no guarantee it won't be the 12th! I stopped receiving daily papers, so with luck, I may clear through the mess! I do hope PATSY will start giving herself credit for all she accomplishes and forget those that don't interest her! It's just a matter of PRIORITIES, love! Actually, even my musician kids prefer the past music and "musicians" to those producing the clang of today. Perhaps it's simply a reflection of the chaos of life today!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to Tai Chi I go. :)

    Then the post office. See you later.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2018
    Today was a good one for a long walk across the moors to the top and back. Sometimes my hips and back won't let me but I didn't have to pause once and feel so much better for a stretch and the fresh air. Little Betty stuck to my heels even though not on her lead while George trotted off for a good sniff round. She did bark at a large cow and a few sheep but no intent in it other than slight fear. Towels and a washable puppy pad are out to dry on the washing line and I'm going to get the hens cleaned out if it's the last thing I do because yesterday each time I went in their direction rain and hail hammered down! No sign of that today.

    Anne, sounds like your loaf was a triumph unless it was full of air! Years ago I visited an ageing aunt living in Yorkshire who had a regular cleaner and I did wonder what the lady did actually clean because the bathroom could only be described as mucky and dear aunt didn't have the best vision. I had a clean round before I left but it probably didn't take long to revert back.

    Lin, your fan repairs sound to me like a typical craft project for you so perhaps if you hadn't got into your card making it would have been a drama! It's a case of setting our minds to the job in hand isn't it. At the weekend I finally sat quietly in my car and adjusted the clock to the extra hour and it took me a few times to get past the month and day on to the hour, mumbling to myself as I went. My dash cam is in my coat pocket ready to be cleared of old videos and also reset the time which will need quiet concentration and lots of patience! Betty did like the Jack Russell she met yesterday, probably because he didn't grumble at her the way George does but hooray, after both had a quick wash and rub down after a muddy walk they began to play fight for a few minutes which was a good sign. Just have to move forward with the toilet training (sigh!!)

    Patsy, I've often asked myself why with so much information on the internet do I not know today's music and film stars and think the answer is that few impress me so I don't register their progress. Certainly a lot of younger people know more of our generations' music than their own which by the way I find repetitive and boring on the whole. The 60's and 70's were the best for musical talent that's for sure.
    Not the best year for several of my friends and their families either so I'm guessing it's an age thing and of course at this time of year we hear from each other en bloc. All we can do is make sure we do the best we can to maintain our health.

    Buzz, If you find a way to control the way your country is going please let me have a few hints because I'm so frustrated by my UK government's lack of spine, principals and leadership I feel my blood pressure rising every time the next ghastly stage of our BREXIT is discussed. A Prime Minister who constantly breaks her word is not to be trusted but the alternative is probably worse! America's situation isn't much better but perhaps you can see a light at the end of the tunnel?

    Oh dear, just stretched my neck and noticed cobwebs in one corner behind the beams. I'd better get going. Happy Monday everyone. <3<3


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Had to smile at your aunties cleaning lady's comments JACKIE. I can sympathize! I would get on a plane and head for Merrie England and spend my two weeks vacation from work "mucking" my mother out. Mom had a cleaning lady who's main task seemed to be putting Moms bed sheet in the washer and the next task would be making copious amounts of tea. The LR was always neat and tidy, but I don't think moms cleaning lady knew kitchens and bathrooms existed! My dad used to say my mom could cross the Sahara desert just with a frying pan and I think that must have been Moms main course of cooking in her 80s. The stove was a disaster zone! The next Anne task was cutting back rambling roses in her small council flat back garden! The council grass cutter wasn't into sky high rambling roses. So much for a vacation it was a relief to get back to Canada and work! Of course mom thought the sun shone out of her cleaning lady's bum!

    I'm with all you girls when it comes to our erstwhile leaders. Ours seems to be eternally young! And not in a good way. At the moment I believe we are about to be invaded by China because at USA request we've put one of their rich girls into a very pleasant prison where I guess she will continue business with her computer. I tell you, the worlds gone completely nuts! Oh and I noticed that when China bought an old uk aircraft carrier they assured everyone it was to be kitted out as a cruise ship. Ah!
    The latest - it's being updated as an aircraft carrier.

    The bread IS the best I've ever made Jackie even if I thought the stove was going to take off at the very worrying time. I wondered when it would stop rising. Very funny though, my face must have been a picture when I opened the door! Maybe like the exploding Christmas puddings there is a use for an expanding bread loaf?

    And seeing I appear to be in an "everything going wrong Day", (the washer is shaking itself to bits) I can't STAND today's music. I think it's called rapper or something. Just a repetitive drone!! I stick to opera and classical music these days to relax.

    I shall take my grumpy self off and go see if I've still got a washing machine.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly cloudy/Partly sunny today and it warmed up considerably. Lovely.

    I saw a cooking show on PBS as I was folding laundry and I am inspired to try my hand at some Cajun cooking from childhood recipes. Food often triggers memories, the aroma from our ranch kitchen was exotic and interesting. My grandmother was a gardener, not a cook. There was a ranch helper who did most of the cooking. She could make anything. She was creole and as I remember, drop dead gorgeous. I think I got my fashion sense from her. Wear everything you like all at once, including junk jewelry. Interesting fashion statement!

    When I see all of the ads on TV featuring big families, I think of that funny cartoon with the fashionable woman saying, “oh darn! I forgot to have children!” In my case I would say, I forgot to have more children. I grew up with a huge extended family on a ranch with lots of pets, cousins, and people in and out of the house.

    Thank goodness for you sneakers! You make all the difference!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening. Tai Chi was lovely and as expected the line in the post office was long but everyone was quite calm. Yes!

    I wanted to send some electronic cards today and that’s where I ran into trouble. My Windows laptop had updated (behind my back!). Many things were screwy and it seems I really could not use the website. It kept saying the pages didn’t exist. Argh. So I got out my Mac, updated everything and proceeded to try to send my cards. Eventually it worked out but what should have been quick and easy turned into a very long process.

    I think several of us have had some unexpected setbacks. We’re okay and tomorrow will be another day. All will be fine.

    Jackie, I hope the girls are cleaned up now so you don’t have to worry about it.

    Patsy, aha, try the cooking. It could be fun!

    Anne, my washer skates across the floor from time to time. A slightly unbalanced load seems to cause no end of issues.

    I just finished a card for a friend who had a setback in her recovery from a major surgery. Will get that in the mail tomorrow.

    I think I will read tonight. I have a stack of books to return to the library tomorrow afternoon. It is coloring afternoon. Yippee! Mah Jongg has been cancelled for tomorrow morning. I may make soup.

    Must move along. Time to bundle up the trash and wheel it out to the curb. What fun right?

    Hugs dear friends.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Hi! Happy Monday! Having a wonderful time even though the weather is cooler than I would like. Being with my daughter, son in law and my sister in law is great and very relaxing. We went to desert museum today and did a lot of walking and had a delicious lunch. We are playing games every night and just having fun. Just stopping in to say hi.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2018
    Sorry, just wiped out my post by falling asleep on the x key! Was very late tonight since a dear friend gave me 2 tickets to Gypsy tonight at the Delray Beach Playhouse. Managed to catch the bus as it was ready to depart! Loved the show (music and songs in a story about how the show was made and Ethel Merman's histrionics and genius during the production. Couldn't entice anyone to take the 2nd ticket, which was too bad, but I found the physical work of walking with a cane ( I left my walker on the bus rather than taking it into the theater) really difficult, so I might not accept, either, if ever offered tickets again! The bus driver made an extra trip around the main square, after the show , so we could see this year's Christmas Tree, which Delray builds differently every year, and it was magnificent! Densely put together , and the tallest tree I've ever seen, it was decorated in a gorgeous blue, from bottom to the beautiful golden star on top. It simply glowed in perfect man made shape! Am too sleepy to keep my eyes open now as I keep filling my post with a single letter repeat, so I will return to read your posts tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    When taking out my trash last night I had to take a photo of the massive Rudolph in front of my neighbor’s house. It made me giggle.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Made me giggle too LIN! Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A slow start today and because it was quite damp with drizzle I walked the dogs round the village instead of the moors. Next is a grocery shop and fuel top up in town.

    Anne, I'm betting that aircraft carrier was sold to the Chinese complete with its military secrets because it's the sort of thing our current government does.... Thank you very much Britain, that saved us having to hack your secrets!! :o
    It seems a lot of cleaning ladies become more of a companion especially if their older clients live on their own and crave company. When I worked in the community before retiring I'd often find a cleaning lady sitting enjoying a cup of tea with the person I was there to assist who would then leave cup and saucer in the sink for someone else to wash up!!

    Sandy, great to read you are having such a lovely time with family. Enjoy every minute and hold tight to the memories when you return home.

    Buzz, goodness, I remember the movie Gypsy and think I must have been quite young because it seemed very grown up at the time! What a shame no one else was interested. I'd go just to get out and see a classic movie and do something different. What a thoughtful bus driver to show you the Christmas lights and it sounds as if they were well worth the detour.

    Lin, the chooks are cleaned out for another week but their door seems beyond repair. I've looked on the website to order a new motor but think I need to take a closer look at the original to see how the wires connect and disconnect as it looks complicated. There again I could buy it and then cry help to my neighbour!!

    Patsy, Yummy cajun! My first experience was in a Toronto restaurant back in the 70's and I can still remember the aromas wafting out the door as we walked towards it. Basic and simple cooking, all about the ingredients. For all those ads showing what is thought to be the perfect family I'm guessing a majority of homes at Christmas aren't at all like it however hard they try. Too much stress and squabbling! Ah, here comes my Scrooge persona!!! Best drive into town and do what I have to.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    You are so right JACKIE about "perfect Christmas's! One memorable Christmas Michael received the game Risk which as you all probably know involves invading different continents to finally rule the world. Mikes friend Ross was invited over and we all settled down to a lovely Boxing Day of family fun. It's a long time ago so I'm not quite sure what happened except my ex who had a temper roared in rage and threw the board sky high scattering armies everywhere, Michael flew into his room slamming the door, Mark followed him in floods of tears leaving Ross and me to shake our heads, grin in disbelief and pick up the pieces. The ex departed from our lives not long after and I must admit our Christmas's with banned risk games have been very peaceful ever since. Of course, last year I dropped the cooked turkey in a sinkful of washing up water but only because of its weight and my gammy wrist. This is a very good method for getting out of ever cooking another turkey by the way.

    We usually spend Christmas Eve at M and Ms for our big dinner these days and usually I cook on the actual day, but this year I'm rather hoping for a quiet Christmas Day with my dog, some Mary Jo leftovers, a glass of Sherry, a bite of Christmas cake and a good book.