Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Just saw the heartbreaking portrait of the service dog and President Bush casket. I am a lifelong Democrat but I had great respect for President Bush.

    Sandy: Forgive me, my friend. I am not sure what you meant by Daisy being gone. Was she ill? Did she move to another family? I Can feel your anguish all the way here in Oregon. I am so glad you have your meetings to help you through this transition with Babe. I am impressed by your strength during this period. Personally, those changes would completely unhinge me! God bless you and your family.

    Back to work. Thinking of you all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Sorry Patsy, no Daisy is fine. What I meant is that his son took her to his house so they could pack up the car after I left. She is still with Babe and he said she did well last night. As much as his son and his wife annoy me, they are animal lovers and would never do anything to harm Daisy. My step granddaughter is probably very happy Daisy is there to play with her beagle.
    I know I will see Daisy and Babe but it was just so final knowing her was leaving the house he built himself and loved. Life goes on, sometimes for the better.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited December 2018
    Sorry, the comment I made was supposed to follow Jackie, but Sandy and Patsy got in between so it didn't make sense and I've deleted it. Not my iPad day today, lol.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Moving along, I just hunted for Allo, Allo and found all the full length videos have been removed from YouTube. Only two options remain, watch it on Netflix, or purchase DVDs. I don’t have a Netflix subscription and don’t want to spend the money on DVDs when I am not sure I would be interested.

    Back to sorting through Christmas cards. I have made a list of people I would like to send a card to but maybe many of them will change to electronic cards. I love those <3<3 as well.

    The snow flurries have stopped, for now.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What incredible posts today, my dear MFP family! I envy your beds full of 4 legged babies, cried for SANDY's loss(es) and filled with warmth for the lovely "card" stating such beautiful hope! Worried for ANNE's "JACKI E LOSS" and am happy all reappeared! Am relieved JACKIE has sweet smelling pups agan, and admire her readiness to bathed them whenever necessary! LIN, I shared your stitches over Mrs Brown's Boys, and forwarded them to friends who could not believe this was British humor! And PATSY, I agree with you regarding Bush's Presidency, especially the war part, but I certainly admired his true patriotism, for which he was willing to lay down his own life, and almost did! And later on, I admired his reach out to Bill, his "son by another Mother"! And I held no hatred in my heart for him, either, just disagreed with his policies! I share the sadness for his Sully, too. These service dogs must feel emotions, too, no matter how well trained for being without them!
    My feet are feeling better today, though my balance is really off! I saw a short movie tonight about a young comedienne who was born with Cerebral Palsy, and how she has overcome the problems related to that , plus which she is an American Arab, Muslim, lives in N.J., and I forget what she calls her 99 other problems, none of which she was allowed to seek sympathy! Although when she was a starting actor a job came along for a leading character with Cerebral Palsy, she did not get the part because of her C.P. since they felt she couldn't understand the movements well enough! It really was a delight to watch her "comedy" and have a discussion afterwards about disabilities here in America under a president who makes fun of the disabled population!
    I think I have a haircut scheduled for tomorrow, so I'm off to bed now. Just learned my friend who has been ill for many months was found to have ALS! How truly awful!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is ABout To Happen!..............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Up at the crack of dawn when Betty took herself downstairs to stand at the back door. With lots of encouragement she trotted off down the garden while I took this photo of a beautiful sky and put the kettle on. Back in for lots of fuss and a treat then her measured breakfast before peeing on the carpet..... AARGH!! Keep calm and carry on!!

    We're now off for a walk on the moors before the next rain storm arrives.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    But you are getting there JACKIE!! Clever little Betty. It's slowly sinking in. "One first paw for Betty" sort of thing. I did the unbelievable today, got up, peered out the window at the lowering sky, we both did peepee's and we both staggered back to bed, me to emerge just now, Jilly Bean still in dreamland. Not as pretty as Jackie's sky, ours is full of huge black clouds, but beautiful in its own way. I can see why ancient northern man wanted to chase the gloom away and decorate his wattle hut with boughs of mistletoe etc. to encourage the sun god to come back.

    I was disappointed I couldn't find "Allo Allo" as well LIN. Very funny, it poked fun at the French, the Germans, and the British equally. Not to mention bedridden old grannies with chamberpots under the bed containing radio equipment so the French resistance could contact London for all sorts of ridiculous adventures. Again, typical earthy British humour.

    Hey the Suns peeping through. Here's my front window view.
    Enjoy the three weeks to Christmas Day,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    ...and your photo Anne proves our world keeps revolving so within a few hours you experience a similar display in the sky to mine. Thank goodness that sun is up there somewhere!

    PS waiting for my home pedicure and trying to warm feet that were frozen during this morning's walk
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes, that's why I posted the photo. Sort of comforting to know we are all connected.
    Anne, just off for walkies.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Good morning. Overcast again today. Some snow flurries expected. Mainly it is cold! I need to get going. I promised to look for a couple of items for my friend before heading out to her house. Looking forward to visiting with her but I kind of hope her husband has fewer errands today. I just cannot sit still that long.

    Lovely sunrise photos!

    Oh Betty. :/

    Hope to see you later. Hugs all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I have a hair appointment this morning and my cleaning girl is coming.
    Just wanted to pop in and say good morning. Will be back later this afternoon after my errands.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oooooooooooogh! Cold frosty morning. The frost is glistening in the sun like diamonds but totally lethal to walk on. John has declared it unsafe for me to go outside until we warm up or he gets some sand scattered on the decks. He really didn’t need to worry. I am not tempted just yet.

    I also am trying my hand at a light hair color treatment on my hair. I feel sort of like an old faded rose. Wrinkled and old and the color is gone. I will aim for wrinkled and old with COLOR! I.ike that philosophy of ...all I really need is coffee and mascara!

    I am trying to get one or two of my ongoing projects finished. It is driving John crazy with all my unfinished stuff hanging around. So I will get going and try to up the speed a bit. I do tend to linger and ponder. Fun but progress grinds to s halt.

    Somehow our kids think of us as still young and vigorous. We are the ones who host the dinners and celebrations. John and I would love it if one of them would pick up that part of family life. I fix Christmas Eve dinner and Santa comes here. He will deliver my little cards and some silly stuff in a stocking. We are a family of grownups. No real kiddies...just us old juvenile delinquents. I do feel blessed none the less.

    Take care dear ones, no mishaps or illness. Oh by the way, Jackie! I am sure this is not news to you but we would grab our pups as they are peeing and quickly place them on the pee pad. Our one rescue pup was really hard to house break but I gave up any sort of life with that dear little girl. I seemed to be attuned only to her potty training. An exasperating time but she was a mental case that totally captured our heart. Her photo hangs on my photo wall in my dungeon. She passed away at the age of 10 with pancreatic cancer. She is remembered and still missed.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A wonderfully relaxing pedicure ending with a baby lotion foot massage. A seafood stir fry with noodles was a pleasant change this evening while I dipped into our parliamentary Brexit debate that had me giggling since it looked as if one or two had partaken of a whiskey or three. We've days of this!!

    Patsy, because toilet training has taken over my life at the moment I do my best to guide Betty towards her pad when I see what she's about to do or pop her outside but I think because of her history she is easily confused by this. It will be a long process but she is a delight and none of this is her fault so I'd never give up on her and as Sandy reminded me recently George had his problems early on that took time to work through... oh yes, so did Brady!!
    At times I think I should be letting my grey hair grow through and forget highlights then a little mischief takes over and I consider a splash of pink or purple. Unfortunately mascara does nothing for me!!

    Anne, sometimes the BBC decides to dig out one of their classic comedy series to re-broadcast so remove from you tube, all to do with the licence we have to pay. Allo, Allo was hilarious and I particularly loved the shot down RAF pilots with their awful French accents and disguises hiding from the Germans.

    Feet up time now with a snoring Betty against my knee.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yes the British pilots hiding in the attic were funny but so was the French gendarme! Come to think of it, who WASNT funny. I read that the Germans thought it was hilarious as well when they got it on their TVs but then, no-one could take offence with all the characters being equally daft. I do hope we get to see it again.
    I think the goons had an exploding Christmas pud on one of their shows by the way.
    Betty WILL get there. I think the little girl is very happy with her new life and the penny will drop and she will repay you by realizing this is my home now and we don't pee in our den.
    Hugs to all from
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Too sleepy to think straight but my day was one mad rush following another.First phone call arrived before 8 A.M. from friend and neighbor across the hall to tell me her husband is in the hospital after suffering a stroke last night. It turned out to be a TIA; they are the couple whose severely retarded 62 year old daughter just died. They took it very badly. Then breakfast was interrupted by maintenance man to repair folding door I had managed to get off its track. Then down to workshop for a repair on dishrack. Picked up mail and messages, which gave me more work to start arranging visits to our departed Chaplain before they move out of area. Somehow I got involved in arranging transportation for about 110 people!
    Unfortunately, it appears we have more people needing rides than we have people with cars to offer drives! And of course there is the problem of hauling walkers for those needing one. I took time for myself to get a haircut, where my darling beautician informed me with great happiness the she now knows she is a codependent! I mentioned Al-Anon, and she was thrilled to discuss her new self-knowledge all through my service! She's a dear and I hope she can achieve for herself what SANDY has learned about the importance of caring for oneself! Tonight was "Birthday Night Dinner" and my table dwindled from the original 11 to 7, with all 3 men out ill, and one gal missing without leaving a message until AFTER we started eating. I found it after returning home from fabulous entertainment by the sexiest singer/dancer/ imitator you can imagine. He has rubber legs that never stop moving, and tonight he became Elvis, Dean Martin, Nat King Cole, Frankie Blue Eyes, and several others from crooners to Rock and Roll stars! I was hopping in my wheelchair, as was everyone else watching this tall handsome young man who does this to earn money for his 6 months each year of missionary work somewhere in South America or Africa! So I'm ready for bed!
    The photos are moody/lovely, and as usual, I lapped up with pleasure all your posts. I too have high hopes that Betty will come through one day with her conquering the fine art of peeing in proper spots! I'm rooting for that to happen sooner for JACKIE's sake! (Oh dear, why did I eat that birthday cake?). Sleep well dear friends.....
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good morning. I had a lovely visit with my friend yesterday. I think we could talk all day long! She is doing better as the cast is off and she is in a therapeutic boot now. Still no weight allowed but the doctor says she is healing well, x-rays were good. Wahoo!

    When I got home I worked on putting sentiments inside some Christmas cards. I think much of that stamping is complete now. Only one card is addressed so far and I haven’t dug out stamps yet. No mail today so I won’t feel behind for once. Hopefully I will get some more work done on Friday afternoon.

    Today is Wednesday or Tai Chi day. :D Morning and afternoon classes. Wahoo. I need loads of stamina today. I don’t think there is a pill for that.

    Buzz, you need some help with all the organizing. It is too much for one person. I hope you got some rest. The entertain sounds wonderful.

    Anne and Jackie, I mentioned that show (Allo, Allo) to my friend who of course had not heard of it. She likes more current things while I love old British comedies and murder mysteries. She did say she has Netflix and I could come over to watch the exploding pudding episode. I don’t think she could endure it though. Half hour?

    Patsy, aha, sunshine! We are promised a bit of that today. I will take it! And you got things right with the holidays and they were so enjoyable I would imagine it is a bit intimidating to step in to take over. I forged ahead when I was married and the constant struggle over the holidays was not pleasant. I would have preferred to just go to my parents’ home dragging along a contribution to the feast.

    Sandy, hello, did all go well yesterday?

    Hugs all. Must run along.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    LIN, it might be better to watch Allo, allo from the beginning when it reappears on our TVs, to get the gist of what's going on. Your friend won't grasp it especially if she's not into British humour. Just in case you are not sure what , "allo, allo", means it's the way Rene the reluctant resistance fighter says "Hello, hello" when he's on the radio to London and awaiting his instructions to outwit the poor German leader who's equally reluctant to be in any war.
    Do you agree JACKIE? It's a while since I watched it so could be wrong.

    Up LATE! Groan.

    So bye for now.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2018
    Not even waterproofs kept me dry this morning as I walked the dogs round the flooding roads. The trip was held off in the hope the rain would ease and anyway Betty had sneaked a poo in a corner of the lounge while I prepared breakfast!! I stopped her snacking just in time when I walked back into the room.... too much information :s:s

    Anne, Allo, Allo was apparently shown all round the world and was especially a big hit in Europe so I think its humour, although typically British, was loved. You're right that watching from the beginning is recommended because it had an ongoing storyline.

    Lin, enjoy your day of fans and hands. Hopefully your weather will be kind to you.

    Buzz, heavens lovely lady, only you could take on such a task in between all the other concerning phone calls, brilliant entertainment and thank goodness some relaxing "me time" when even then your hairdresser confided in you. You soak it all up like a sponge because you have a strong and caring spirit... why else would everyone turn to you? <3

    Betty's washable pads have been delivered so let's see how she takes to them... or not! First I'll enjoy a bowl of spicy pumpkin soup courtesy of my neighbour made with some of our late Autumn veggies.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited December 2018
    Happy Wednesday! :) Watched the funeral of President Bush, very moving with lots of tears.
    Tonight is bingo night, could use a big win for my trip next week. I am organized and should be ready to go Saturday morning. Temps should be in the 70's in Arizona so will feel good to get some sun again.

    Jackie, let me remind you again that Daisy was nearly a year old before she got the hang of going outside and doing her business and she was a big puppy. lol Hang in there and I am sure she was tested for any urinary infection.

    Lin, all went well yesterday, got some color and a haircut and ran all my errands. Today I will address some Christmas cards to my family and my three close friends. I will also get the cards ready with cash to give to my grandchildren in Arizona.

    Buzz, sounds like a project to big to handle alone. Maybe ask for some help??? Wouldn't it be easier for the chaplain to come say good bye to your place?

    Anne, I have Netflix so if I have time I will check out Allo, although I prefer movies when watching Netflix.

    Patsy, listen to John and stay inside until the ice melts.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    another very cold night with frost on the decks. Oh dear! Good bye to autumn, hello Mr. Winter, I have enough warm sweaters and mittens. I used to live in Colorado, Alaska and Wyoming, after all. So I know about warm clothes and footwear.

    I also watched the President Bush funeral. Son George W. Bush gave a beautiful moving eulogy for his dad. I was in tears thinking of my parents and their funerals. Saying goodbye to parents is a grief that never ends. I still have moments everyday that brings back memories and I miss them more here during the holidays. I sat in Cheyenne Wyoming listening to candidate Bush at a rally. He was very personable but I am a Democrat and I voted for Dukacus (sp?). Forgive my spelling, I have always had difficulty with spelling anything. We were a divided household. John voted for Bush, I stayed a true democrat. We are a strange household. In that case we just canceled each other out. But we voted and made our own choices.

    I will complete our decorating today, I will have to clean and vacuum the after decor debris. Next finish those little paintings and make the cards. It must be some sort of weird female thing in our DNA that drives us to decorate our caves.

    My begonia has sent up loads of beautiful pink blossoms. Either it is very happy or getting ready to die. It has never bloomed so profusely before. I have to relocate it to make room for Christmas decor. This could cause a huge disaster. But as I explained to it (her name is Ruby begonia) if you live here, you must be strong and flexible