Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Although mild it's been a typical wet December day but since we 're now officially into Winter I can't complain. Another walk on the moors first thing where I found plenty of huge puddles to splash through as did George and even Betty walked in the running water. A lazy day for me even watching a couple of black and white 1950's films on tv this afternoon. The fire is lit, the animals fed and snoozing and I'm contemplating some washing up. Nothing else to report so will wish you all a happy and peaceful Sunday.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Beautiful day here after a rainy start, Jill's just got back from our walk after being petted by Moms, kids and babies! The kids are playing without coats!

    I got a phone call this morning and it wasn't Roy! It was Dawn who I played and went to school with when I was five and even younger! She phoned to say she wasn't sending out cards this year! A bit of a sad phone call in some ways, because yet another of her sisters has died. She is the eldest of 9 children, two sets of twins. We nattered away for a hour and a half and would still be nattering if someone hadn't knocked on her door. Maybe she was feeling lonely because her John died at Christmas time last year.

    My place is no longer a jungle. Mark and Mary Jo picked their plants up and couldn't believe the new growth in just three weeks. For a horrible moment I thought I was going to be gifted! I didn't get strawberries dipped in chocolate BUZZ but two large packets of hand made candy from Florida. They enjoyed their vacation but said after the first week it got a bit boring on the cruise ship. I want to be bored!

    And that's my day so far, phoning, pup walking and eating candy from Florida. I'll never, ever, be thin.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello? We have a partly cloudy day or if feeling more positive...partly sunny day. At any rate there is space between the clouds and I see patches of blue. Sort of chilly but not too bad really.

    I tried phoning my friends in Anchorage but phones still not working! I don’t know her cell number. So I can only hope all is well. My friends husband works for the governor’s office so I was hoping he would show up somewhere on their website. Nothing!

    We are still in the middle of Christmas decorating. Not sure how much more I’ll do. Carting the boxes up and down stairs is hard on John and I can’t do any carting of boxes. Sad to say. I am in charge of setting things around and decorating the tree. The after decorating cleanup is also my job.

    This is Sunday Baroque day. I love ithat music. Cheerful and oddly complex. I should be hearing from our son. I know he and girlfriend are setting up his Christmas tree, it is really sweet for him to get out all the stuff I gave him through the years to decorate for Christmas. The devastating divorce had him losing his enthusiasm for the holidays for a couple of years. His new love is bringing joy back into his life. Oh I hope this young lady turns out to be his soul mate. But as my pragmatic husband says, if not, they are having a really nice romantic friendship. If it lasts, GREAT! If not, they will survive and move on! Hummmmmm that may be too pragmatic.

    Katie and I played a good game of frisbee while the sun was out and no rain so far this day. She is so expert at frisbee, you can hardly toss it and her not able to leap up and catch it. If it lands on the ground and she has to run to fetch it, she barks in annoyance at my poor throwing ability. Obviously John is the better playmate when it comes to ball and frisbee.

    Have a cozy Sunday, everyone.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Somehow I survived a hideous night of gout because of the shrimp I ate last night! I just wanted t die, so I swear I'll never touch seafood again! My DD says water, drink plenty of it, so I better get some down before getting into the motorized chair and going up the the Chanukah celebration tonight! Potato pancakes and I believe donut holes! To celebrate one night's oil lasting for 8 nights! Or something. Must pull myself together And get going!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    To recognize the first day of Hanukkah - and the first day of Advent - we share this prayerful truth in common.

    #Hanukkah #Advent

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful thought Sandy. <3

    Gone midnight and I'm finding my bed just a bit crowded!

    Nite, nite
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Heavens JACKIE, you are running a pet hotel. Did you give up and join Violet in the guest bedroom?
    You should see this in the morning so Jill hopes the pets slept well, and I most sincerely hope YOU did, lol.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Katie doesn’t sleep with us but she sleeps with at least one of her toys, even when she is napping in the living room on the floor. I think this was the result of being in a large litter.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited December 2018
    I'm up and running at 7 am. Guess who isn't. What? Time to get up?

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our weather doesn't know what to do today so a bit of everything thrown in! The crowd on my bed last night did wander off before the light went out although Betty curled up at the bottom. George has never wanted to sleep with me and always chosen the spare bedroom but since Betty has made herself at home he's decided he needs to do the same just to make a point! Patsy I'm sure you're right about Katie's need for company to sleep with and how sweet she looks. Every now and then Betty collects toys up and places them in a cosy corner like puppies. On the rescue centre website that Betty came from they have a couple of puppies that have already been reserved the spitting image of her so I think must have been from her last litter.

    No doubt John doesn't want you to get hurt they way you probably were when your son's marriage broke up and feels pragmatism is the best policy. Unless I missed it we don't seem to have heard anything of an earthquake in Anchorage but I do hope your friends are ok.

    I'm not sure if Allo Allo was broadcast when you were still in the UK but it's the only exploding pudding incident I remember although there must have been others!!
    Ahhh, Jilly looks so serene in her bed and appears to be saying rub my tummy! When we returned from today's walk in the woods I had to wash George's bottom and trim fur for reasons I won't go into then decided it was time Betty lost her kennel smell since her stitches are all healed so into the shower cubicle she went with only a slight panic on her part. Once the warm water hit her and she was rubbed with doggy shampoo she began to enjoy it and loved the final toweling down. She's now curled up and snoring on the cats' cushion!
    My friend Geraldine who recently underwent surgery for lung cancer has told me she won't be sending cards this Christmas either because she doesn't want to bog people down with her awful year and even phone calls are being restricted. Another friend who lived 3 doors away when we were growing up phoned me at the weekend for a long chat with news of her husband's ill health that has dragged her down and finished by saying she would probably add her newsletter in with her card to me so it seems everyone has a different approach!!

    Sandy, the sentiment with the candles is so true and watching world leaders at the recent summit I did wonder if without some of them with their approach to controlling our lives we wouldn't all get on just fine!

    Oh dear Buzz, a definite reminder to yourself each time seafood is on the menu if it has such a devastating affect. Potato pancakes and donuts.... now I can feel my waistline expanding at the mere thought!!

    Lin, that sounded like a perfect Sunday, especially in the company of Mrs Brown's Boys!! Hopefully your black ice has melted and you can get out if needed.

    Must get on. Today is housework, housework and more housework and pick up a prescription for extra pain relief.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE, horrors upon horrors. I pressed something by mistake and you are gone. Completely gone, a no more JACKIE, can you please post again! I'm so sorry, I was looking up Christmas puddings when it happened! We received that series in Canada and I remember now! Very funny series, I loved it.

    Any way to recover JACKIE, SANDY. I've just got a faded George picture, no post. HELP
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh NO. She's gone altogether in the past as well.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    IVE GOT HER BACK.. That was a shock! Need a coffee to recover. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Anne, I was already to help but see you managed, take a deep breath and relax. Enjoy that coffee. All the sleeping babies are just adorable, it took me a while to find Katie's nose but so, so cute.
    We lost a great president this weekend and the picture with his service dog lying at his casket was so sad.

    Babe has officially moved in to his son's house. I went there yesterday to return his Comcast equipment and Daisy was already gone. I started crying and said I didn't even say good-bye.
    I think all my emotions came out but Babe was sweet although ready to cry himself. He said don't worry you will see her again, we will figure this out. He apologized for all the hurt I have been through and I told him he didn't do it alone. As Jackie said, it is the start of a new era and through Al Anon I have learned to leave it in God's Hands.

    Nothing planned for today, I am going to hold off on laundry until Friday when I pack. The rest of the week is busy so not sure if I will get to see the kiddos before I leave.

    Enjoy your day, we had some snow flurries.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    The earthquake in Alaska was a BIG one and caused extensive damage to Anchorage area. Roads cracked and buckled houses shock and cracked, all flights and shipping has stopped. I have been through that when we lived in Anchorage. Everyone usually kept 6 months of supplies on hand on shelves in the garage, (including toilet paper!) The terror of an earthquake is unreal! Still trying to make contact with my friend. I feel sure I would have heard something if she were hurt but I really need to hear her voice.

    Today is grooming day for Katie. That means almost a whole day is devoted to the process and then clean up the dog hair after clipping, brushing, ear cleaning, toe nail clipping, she also gets her emu hair conditioner treatment. These dogs are not low maintenance. We both need our hair styled regularly. We are getting ready for a Christmas family portrait.

    We watched football yesterday evening. A close frustrating game. It is rather fun to follow our favorite teams and it is even better once I got to know personalities. Football is complicated and the plethora of rules and strategies are daunting. It is amazing that it is possible to enjoy the game with only a minimum of understanding.

    I really feel in a Christmasy mood. Even though I will not be shopping, my few hand painted cards are not finished, my Christmas menu is still in process, I am half finished decorating. I have a stack of lovely Christmas music including Handel’s Messiah. John bought me a huge bouquet of Christmas red roses from costco to get things going. Celebrating our special holidays and observances is a way of celebrating life, to my way of thinking.

    A red bow is ready for Katie’s hair. She also has a new neckerchief for the photo.
    “It is getting to look a lot like Christmas!”
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Perhaps you were doing everyone a favour Anne ;)

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Sully the service dog had me a bit weepy as well SANDY. What happens to service dogs when their master dies? Do they remain with the family or do they move on to a new master? I watched Mr Bush's rescue on TV after being shot down by the Japanese in WW11. Amazing life.

    The Anchorage earthquake was truly awful. We are sitting on a fault line in Ontario but so far I've only experienced occasionally a slight shudder and had no idea what it was until the radio told us. I hope it remains that way! Well, at least the three Canadian, US and Russian astronauts have managed to dock safely with the space station. I believe we can see it this evening. A fast moving spot of light. So very brave these men and women. I don't know which is worse, going up into space or down into the ocean depths in a sub.

    That's how Jilly always sleeps JACKIE, flat on her back with back legs spread eagled, front paws in the air. Oh, and I see from the caption below you've just joined us.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well, I wasn't doing ME a favour Jackie! I think I need something a bit bigger than an iPad. I find it so easy to hit unintended buttons!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Good day. I have no photos of darling animals to share. I have enjoyed all of the offerings though. Thank you.

    I was off early this morning for a big shop at Trader Joe’s. I was totally out of fresh vegetables and not much fresh fruit either. Quite stocked up now. I got several types of dried plantain for my friend. Will see her tomorrow and a box of shortbread cookies with dark chocolate for the book club social tomorrow evening. Got home, put everything away and made a pot of veggie soup. It is kind of yummy but I really put a lot of spice in the soup. Woooo! A bit over the top!

    I need to get back to cards. None of my Christmas cards has a greeting inside. Just the fronts are finished. So need to choose a card for a specific person and then add an appropriate sentiment. Takes me forever! If only a one-size-fits-all would work. Alas.

    I also need to work on the Tai Chi Chen form. I asked to join the small group that is doing that. My teacher said I need to get started right away to study this or else I would be too far behind. Soooo....I will give it a shot. I didn’t go to class this morning as I needed to go to the store, drop off books at the library and finish putting things together so visit my friend tomorrow. That is done. Birthday card and gift as well as a Christmas card and a couple of snack items in a decorated bag. Just added some white deer and a star. Tasteful, I think.

    Mrs Brown’s Boys had me in a stitch for quite a while yesterday, especially the Christmas shows. Now to search for Allo, Allo. I have heard of it and that’s about all.

    The photo of Sulky makes me tear up. I heard a little while ago that the service e dog will be reassigned to another veteran. I guess everyone has to adapt.

    Patsy, my goodness, you are in the midst of everything! May all things come together for you within it too much strain and worry.

    Sandy, I am so incredibly sorry about Daisy. Something needs to come together in that situation. <3

    Buzz, I hope you are feeling better today.

    Hugs to everyone (human friend’s) and all the lovely furry ones.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy's picture of Sully brought a tear to my eye too. Although I didn't agree with all Bush Seniors policies I can see from the Obituaries what an amazing and brave life he led. Let's hope he's met up with his Barbara already.