Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2018
    It's a rotating strike by the mailmen LIN so you might find something in your mailbox, or, you might not. The government are trying to end this strike because the backlog of mail is so huge it's doubtful if it will all get delivered for Christmas, hence me giving up on sending Christmas cards this year. It's not the same getting a Christmas card on Valentine's Day.

    I've got all the lights on because it's never stopped raining all day and it's dark like Hades. I don't know who is wetter PATSY, you or us! Your son should grab the moment for who knows what the future holds.

    Meanwhile, GM is closing its plant here putting hundreds out of work. Gloomy news for families on a gloomy day.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, I hope I don't get clobbered for forwarding that hysterical YouTube video! Just filled with all the no-no's we have carefully avoided all our lives, and I laughed till the tears rolled down! And thank you for the snow! I really do miss the darn stuff!
    JACKIE, your friends are almost as wonderful as you! But do take advantage of the aides offered after your surgery. Even if only a few hours per day! I'm delighted you are having a bit of success with Betty's training! Not easy with an adult dog! By the way, your sweet Citroen is easier on gas than the Mercedes. That was such a costly car to run!
    ANNE, how wonderful to have enjoyed bikes all your life! Cars are not the same and those of us who drive tend to sit more than is healthy for us!
    LIN, Haven't opened my mail yet but thank you! My day flew by and it's dinner time so soon!
    PATSY, so sorry about your restaurant changing so drastically. As far as your son's new interest, age is meaningless when love is present! She sounds wonderful!
    Gotta run. My lab tests show I'm 26 years old in excellent health!!! Glad I gave up all the pills!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's gone midnight and I should be in bed... about to let the dogs out into the cold night air for their last pee-pee.!
    Anne, thanks for your company cleaning this morning and I trust your efforts were as rewarding as mine!
    Patsy, it seems there is little pressure for couples to tie the knot these days so if your son and girlfriend are happy as they are.......!!
    Sandy, the Mrs Brown series is popular here because it is very funny and close to the mark. I love the fact they perform it on stage in front of an audience especially when they drift off the script. Watch out for one of those episodes!
    Buzz, my 71 year old brother has been on a variety of drugs since his MS diagnosis nearly 40 years ago, mostly for pain relief. When we spoke a few months ago he told me he was going to stop taking most because he worried about the toxic cocktail and blow me, I called him today on Skype to discover he has been going to the gym the past 2 months, got himself a trainer the same age and is doing so well he no longer needs to walk with a stick and the only pain he suffers is muscular after lifting a variety of weights! Perhaps one day he will return to being 26 just like you!! :D

    I'd better let the dogs out and get myself to bed.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2018
    Amazing and welcome story about your brother, JACKIE! Do you think the 20 year difference is meaningful? I'm off to bed, finally, though meant to Google why my 98 year old "healthy" friend is feeling so exhausted all the time! It scares me when doctors tell him, "Oh it's just age". Age should not take away energy unless it's a sign of something else! Well, G'night!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2018
    Woke up to very wet and windy weather with an unsettling purple sky so although it's already gone 9.30 we haven't walked yet. Probably going to have to climb into waterproofs and trek round the village!

    Buzz, everything in moderation even when it comes to exercise so I dont want to read you've taken up weight lifting!! Your friend is facing the worst side of ageism and I feel for him because where does he find a doctor prepared to think outside the box? I'm betting you'll be fighting for him as best you can though.

    The purple hue is still overhead but I'm going to be brave....
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2018
    Well.....after pouring rain yesterday we woke up to snow which has now gone back to rain. There's a poem about November, it starts "no sun, no moon, no any time of day" and that sums up our November weather. A gloom and doom day. Never mind I've just made another batch of scones because Mike helped me mop up (eat for gals on this side of the pond) the last batch. So, I've tried three recipes now. The Joy of Cooking, Jamie Oliver's and a hand written recipe from fifty years ago. AND.....the winner is......the old fifty year old recipe! Too much salt in Jamie's, not enough sugar in the Joy of Cooking. Before emigrating I wrote all the stuff I was good at cooking in Britain. I'm so glad I kept these recipes, there's a gorgeous spice cake recipe in there, AND the best punch I've ever made. It made for a very merry time when Michael got engaged. Never dared make it since! Lol.

    I suppose like JACKIE I'll have to risk the drizzle and take young Jilly Bean out now the ovens turned off. The downsize of dog owning! Hope the sun comes out tomorrow for the travellers return! Quite a shock from Caribbean weather methinks.
    Anne. (PS. So pleased with your brothers good news.)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Good cold morning. I am now wearing my heaviest coat with a long sleeved pullover top with a heavy vest as well. What will I do when the wind chill is well below zero? Hummmm. That is for another day.

    Time to leave for a morning of Mah Jongg. Looking forward to chatting. One lovely thing about this group is that you can play seriously if you wish but if you just want to coast along and not worry about strategy, that’s okay as well.

    Jackie, oh my, purple sky? That does not sound good. I hope you and your companions are safe at home and warm. Congratulations to your brother on his health reversal. Wow!

    Buzz, continual exhaustion does sound like a symptom of something. I wish him well in finding some help. So many potential causes for fatigue. Sleep issues, chronic pain, type 2 diabetes, depression, etc. Some exercise could be helpful. Doctors like to just repeat a phrase and move on. Anything I mention now (and for the past few years) is blamed on age. It isn’t worth talking to a doctor many times. Harrumph.

    Anne, argh, rotating mail delivery? Not very helpful. It is the time of year when my mail is not delivered until 7pm or after most days. Online shopping may be to blame although it is getting to be a year-round thing. Everyone must be quite upset, how can you do business when bills and payments need to be processed in a timely fashion? I don’t believe everyone does all their banking and bill paying online. I am sorry. Hope it is straightened out soon.

    Patsy, I am also sorry about the changes in the restaurant. That is depressing. Hope you get some sunshine again one of these days.

    Sandy, hello, did you get to the grocery store? I went this morning to pick up a few things. It is cold out there and I was glad to get home.

    Must run. Will be late. Hugs.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,133 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) It is very cold here as well but I really need groceries so will have to bite the bullet. I tried to shovel some snow off my balcony yesterday but it was so heavy I only did a little, I don't want to chance a heart attack. Babe is going to the attorneys office this afternoon to sign the papers for the closing tomorrow. I am glad he decided to sign the papers himself so he knows what is going on with his money.

    Lin, as you read I did not venture out yesterday as it took them most of the day to clear the snow and I was too lazy. Have fun at Mah Jongg but keep warm.

    Jackie, I hate winter and always ask myself why I don't move to Florida with my daughter but of course with having three young kiddos I just couldn't leave them. I am glad we have working fireplaces to keep us warm and comfy. Interesting about your brother, as I told you Babe's daughter was just diagnosed with MS and had to fight for a month to get her insurance to pay for a new medicine that costs $8k a month.

    Anne, mop up meaning eat up, what do you say when you "mop" the floor?

    Buzz, I do believe we slow down a little with aging, probably from arthritis. I hear the same thing from doctors, "it comes with age". I feel like I am in excellent health but I do tire more easily than when I was younger especially if I am doing nothing to keep busy.

    Patsy, if we are getting snow you might be getting rain, stay warm and cozy by your fireplace with Katie laying at your feet.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY: mop up the floor AND mop up your food. Slang of course.
    Went for walkies in gently falling snow. Poor Jilly doing her business in gently falling snow. Not exactly a Christmas picture perfect scene, lol.
    Hey, there's talk of the mail men being ordered back to work so they aren't the grinches who stole Christmas after all.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Not sure what all troubles getting into Golden Sneakers? . Late for dinner a usual!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm pretty sure I didn't go down with MFP, which makes a huge change doesn't it !!!!!!!!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hooray, we're back! :)

    This morning's walk left us soaked through even though dear Betty was wrapped up in George's raincoat and I wore head to toe waterproofs. George doesn't mind rain when it's mild but I have now bought another one so they can both have some protection.

    Sandy, it can't be easy for you to know Babe closing the sale of his house is the end of an era for you. Let's hope the next stage of his life runs smoothly for both your sakes. If his daughter can obtain legal marijuana for medicinal purposes my brother has said in the past it offers a lot of pain relief. As for Anne's mopping up comment I think it relates to a time when poorer people used a chunk of bread served with stews and soups to wipe their bowl clean so as not to waste any.

    Lin, hopefully your busy day wasn't disrupted too much by your awful weather. Having just watched our forecast for tomorrow I see I must remove the ladder that's still propped up by the gutter downpipe tomorrow as lots of high winds on their way.

    Time for my bed once Betty has had her late night garden visit. Still having one or two mishaps but she gets lots of treats when she uses the puppy pads so I'm sure we will achieve 100% success one day.

    Nite nite
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Good evening, tomorrow is early Tai Chi/Qigong morning and more cold is in store. Then a break and an afternoon of Tai Chi/Qigong again. The morning Tai Chi is all with either one or two fans. The afternoon classes are so-called bare hands classes, no fans. Hope I can learn a lot!

    Jackie, sleep well. Betty, be good!

    Anne, the gateway was down for me on every platform so if you had no outage, well done! All right, force those mail delivery persons back to work!

    Buzz, hello. Hope you’ve enjoyed your dinner. And you too were fortunate to escape rage glitch.

    Sandy, I hope you made it through your errands today without freezing! It really did not warm up at all here. What day will you leave for your upcoming trip?

    Well just wanted to leave a note in case I don’t get around to sending anything in the morning.

    Hugs all.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Good to see that everyone is able to communicate once again. Yes! We had sunshine today. It was not predicted but GASP! There is was! Sunshine.

    I am coming to gripes with the fact that I will not be Christmas shopping. It is an odd feeling. So I am hunting for a few really amazing cards to enclose cash and checks. A pretty unsatisfying substitute. There was a time when the Metropolitan museum of Art had world class cards. No more! I guess I will roll up my sleeves and give it a go myself. I am so slow at this, it is almost silly to undertake this task.

    I have always put together a letter and photo pages for family and friends. It takes quite a while so we end up mailing them around St. Patrick’s Day. Less going on and easier to enjoy the process. The mail hang ups are less but as usual, there always seems to be that inevitable postage increase.

    Katie is snoozing in her bed. John is taking an after dinner nap before exercise and part of a movie. I am, as you can plainly see, pecking away on my trusty iPad. Exercise also like John soon. I don’t see huge muscles or great strength or even greatly renewed health but I am still upright and sort of moving around without too much pain or effort. That’s my take away on exercise. Things could be way way worse!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another walk in rain and high winds although it is a lot milder. Betty hates to go outside but once we get moving she trots behind George as if on a mission, probably thinks it will get her home quicker so that side of things is moving on. Not so sure about the house training though since returning from our walk when she didn't do anything I sat in the garden room for 15 minutes pointing her towards her puppy pad but of course the minute I gave up and let her in she did it on the carpet not far from another pad. Think I need to purchase another bottle of Dettol!!

    Today I will make a concerted effort to tidy and clean my dining room and maybe make those muffins I promised myself so long ago. My brother and I discussed Christmas cards when we skyped this week and came to the same conclusion as Patsy in that it's so difficult to find a special design these days, nor are there many decent religious scenes for those who celebrate the birth of Christ rather than the commercial side. He pointed me towards Amazon but I'm still wary after my recent new shoes saga.

    Happy Wednesday whatever the weather throws at you all.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I took one look at the white world outside and decided to bake a rich Genoa fruit cake, it's just gone in the oven. Not a Christmas cake because I couldn't find dark treacle which my English recipe calls for, but it's close! When the lads where small I baked every week but between emigrating and then working full time I got out of the habit. Guess what, it's becoming my new hobby as I sift through long forgotten recipe books and remember all the old favourites my children once loved. I guess we are never too old to embark on new adventures whatever they may be! Mmm, it smells lovely! Cross your fingers for me.

    Despite the strike being over I've decided I'll stick to no sent out Christmas cards this year. I shall feel very guilty of course but I will endeavour to write to everyone in the bleak January days ahead so those who are distant and I only hear from at Christmas will not assume I'm pushing up daisies! You are so right about today's cards. To find something unique costs a fortune, add to that over 25 are normally sent overseas alone, and then add the postage stamps.......! Gasp! The mailmen and their recent strike have done me a favour. But probably not themselves in this changing world.

    I hope Mark and Mary Jo have packed their woolly socks otherwise it will be a shock when they step off the plane later!
    Hope you lovely gals are doing what you love to do today.
    Hugs from
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    One Christmas cake just out of the oven, it looks great - said she modestly. Now to find a marzipan recipe!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,133 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) It is bingo night but first I am sitting for kiddos this afternoon while Lisa takes Charlie for her check up. I know she will be in the 90% growth chart as she is getting bigger every day which my back lets me know when carrying her.

    Anne, you are Susie Homemaker with all your baking, I bet your boys love your new hobby.
    I bought my dollar tree cards yesterday which are only for my children, grandchildren and my four friends. We will be celebrating Christmas early when I go to Arizona since all of my daughter's children and significant others will be there for Anthony's graduation.

    Jackie, Betty is a stinker but she will get the hang of it sooner or later. You could try a crate but I think you said she was afraid of it if I remember right. Maybe just cover your entire carpet with pee pads for a new look. :p Yes, it is bittersweet knowing Babe's house is sold, not sure why it is bothering me because I don't have the greatest memories from there.
    I suppose because it will make it more difficult to see him and Daisy but I am sure we will work it out.

    Patsy, now that all my grandchildren except the kiddos are grown I give them money for Christmas. I give money for birthdays as well, the larger amount for birthdays since they are spread out but a more modest amount for Christmas. Since I am on Facebook I can wish everyone a Merry Christmas without sending cards.

    Lin, I did run my errands and although I have lived in Illinois my whole life it still feels so cold every winter. I leave for Arizona a week from Saturday on December 8 and will gone until the 15th. In all honesty I hate traveling in winter, you never know if you will be delayed by a snowstorm.

    Buzz, MFP had some technical difficulties yesterday so we sent an email to let everyone know it wasn't just their device acting up. Hope things are getting less stressful for you.

    Have a good day and wish me luck in winning big money!!

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2018
    I guess we all had to learn how to cook and bake after the lean war years, the people of my generation. The shops hadn't filled with goodies yet and living in a village outside of Derby meant only one small grocery shop. Baking today got me thinking about my past and the lovely young women I once knew in England. Skip the rest, it's mainly me indulging myself.

    Starting work at 15 I met beautiful Wendy. She was the most gorgeous looking girl I have ever met and she had a beautiful nature to match. We giggled our teens and early twenties away until she moved to the south coast with her husband and I moved to Derbyshire with mine.

    Sylvia was Derbyshire born and bred so she did have family but I didn't know anyone. We hit it off from the start. We persuaded our husbands to buy us the same cookery book and can you believe for the next 12 years we each chose a recipe from those books every Friday, baked and shared our efforts and decided which were keepers. It wasn't just cooking of course, we did pottery and art classes together, went to movies etc together whilst our husbands looked after her two little girls and my two little boys.

    Then my husband was offered a job in Canada. Don't go begged Sylvia, marriages break up more easily over there. And of course three years later mine did. I was left penniless after a super life in the UK. Now don't get me wrong, I probably needed a good shake up. However, full time work left me with little time for baking, and not much cash over with both young men in university, although both worked part time to help me out. I think this is why both my sons are so good to me now.

    In Canada I met Flo and we had many mishaps and adventures, and I met Vivienne, my cultured friend. With her I went to the ballet, opera, and the theatre. Alas she returned to the UK and being a little older, passed on a few years ago.

    Sylvia's husband visited us just after our move here whilst on business and he said she missed me so much they were selling up and moving on. In all the moves we somehow lost touch and I have no idea where she is, but I do keep in touch with Wendy and one or two other school friends.

    See what baking does to you! It sends you down memory lane in a most happy and grateful way.
    I guess you didn't make it this far, or are snoring!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Much reflection going on today and I'm in awe over ANNE's memories and history!
    I received an early call from a sobbing neighbor and friend across the hall telling me her severely retarded 62 year old daughter had just passed on in hospice. How to make a appropriate card for the passing of a lifelong heartache? Sheryl died on the smr date as her grandmother, brother (who committed suicide) , and aunt! Speak of tragedy in one family! Will life be easier or sadder for them now?
    I must figure out some sort of consolation before meeting the for dinner, so stay well, everyone, and let us all count our blessings!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................