Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello again. I have sent an email I have been putting off and called my credit card company about a disputed charge. So two unpleasant things tackled. I have two more, but will put it off, there’s just so much I can take each day. :D

    I wrote a check and balanced my checking account. My soup is almost ready and also have packed up some coloring for this afternoon. My I termed connection goes on and off so I have reserved a WiFi hotspot and will pick it u at the library later on. My modem is going offline lately. If I try to connect a screen from my provider comes up saying I am not logged in. So far, unplugging the modem and plugging it in again is working. Fingers crossed.

    Ha, ghosts of Christmas past. Family squabbles amidst loads of wonderful food, decorations, music, and gifts. Definitely not Hallmark as much as I tried. As a child I was sort of oblivious to adult issues and only felt undercurrents of dischord. But a Christmas tree, candy and gifts wiped a lot of that away.

    I am staying home this year. Going into anther family’s Christmas just doesn’t work for me.

    I remember there was a movie titled Gypsy but do not remember that much about it.

    Hugs to all my friends. Peace on Earth. Make it so.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just been to the mailboxes in falling snow and fed the birds and other little critters. Came back with a handful of UK cards and I'm so glad I caved in and sent mine after all. Why? because one or two old friends are asking if I'm ill or "worse". By that I presume they don't like asking if I'm a "no more" pest or more crudely, have I snuffed it! Believe me I'll be mailing early next year if I'm still around!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    DD and partner on their way down after a visit to neurosurgeon with an excellent report re: tumor near brain. It appears to be benign! Great news! They may arrive her tomorrow evening. Meanwhile, dinner again. My late night wrinkles are really showing!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Windy and very rainy! We are not in the best of moods today. Snappish and tired...a very unpleasant condition. Even Katie is off the mark. She hasn’t been eating much of her food and seems possessed by rainwater on the deck.
    I think I have holiday prep overload. It is a condition I suffer each year.
    Hope I don’t succumb to the baahumbug disease. Deadly!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning, mustn’t dawdle as it is early Tai Chi morning but I saw this chicken dwelling on Facebook and it made me smile.


    Have a lovely day.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Romany gypsy chickens? Lol.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday! We are busy with fun every day but wanted to say hi. Lunch today and then tomorrow we leave off Phoenix. Graduation is Friday. Read all the posts so keeping up.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just been reading a Survey on which country is the most Christmassy out of the top 25.
    Who'd have guessed! Canada is number 1 with number 8 the USA, and number 9 the UK. Last of the 25 is Germany. Ho ho ho. I believe snow is a factor in achieving number one amongst other things like putting up your tree as soon as Halloween is over.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A couple of friends dropped in for coffee and Stollen cake this morning so a lovely catch up plus lemon drizzle muffins one brought with her. One day to get any weight increase off before my Friday weigh in... ha! no chance because leftovers are in my kichen for me to finish off. Its been a wet and miserable day so after lunch (yes, more food!) I've been working my way through a long questionnaire to take to A hospital appointment with orthopaedic surgeon early tomorrow. Even had to measure height of my loo and length of calf... what we call forward planning for any required aids. :D

    Anne, I'm surprised Germany didn't do so well with your survey as they have so many Christmas markets but think Christmas eve is their bigger celebration. Are they mainly Lutherans?

    Lin, what delightful pictures you've posted and I definitely want a hen house just like that pretty caravan!

    Buzz, wonderful news for your DD's partner that must be such a relief for them. Enjoy their visit; you all have something to celebrate!

    Sandy, sounds like lots of fun before the graduation. Mind you, that'll be fun too won't it.

    Patsy, lots of uplifting music, maybe carols although I have Phil Spector's Christmas album to play, then let everything else go over your head. You know it will all get done in the end whatever. As a typical grump at times I know baa humbug is not good!!

    Cup of tea time then more food... salad might be a good option.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello and a holly jolly holiday to you, my friends. We have high overcast skies but no rain. The temps are mild, so that is good.

    Anne: reading about your survey concerning the most Christmasy countries...I am surprised we even made it in the bottom of the of the list. Here we have become so uncomfortably commercial, it is truly sad. I remember as a child, neighbors coming in and out, we would drop in on people we knew, with cookies and candy and a lovely visit. That sort of thing rarely happens these days. I am sure it continues to happen but rarely. Here it is very common for people to live for years in a dwelling with no idea who their next door neighbors are. We are into electric colored lights however. The more the better, just like in that movie “Christmas Vacation.”

    Jackie: you are absolutely right! I need good music at a high volume! I need to bake something to share with our Musiician friends. Call my Colorado friends and family. Bake pumpkin doggie treats for Katie and our son’s doggies. That should chase away the doldrums.

    Sandy: so glad you are having a good time. Graduation is a special time and this young man has some heart stopping great moments ahead. Wonderful!

    Lin: as always you are an example for us all. Your special cards and connection to friends in need is like Christmas all year long.

    Buzz: well, dear one, hope you are feeling well. Not sure how you celebrate but I hope you are enjoying a lovely visit with your daughter and companion.

    The world just keeps turning and the sun keeps shining even above some nasty polluted clouds. I propose huge fans to blow away the smog...what do you think? It could work...maybe?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wow, so late! But the visitors are safely tucked into that blown up air mattress after taking me out for dinner to Rise Sushi, and I got J's fabulous report that all her numbers have dropped tremendously, including the bone CA count!
    I am having to correct almost every word as I type and I promised to take them out for breakfast, so please forgive me for such a short note!
    <3<3<3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I personally celebrate Yuletide PATSY which preceded Christmas. This ancient custom was to encourage the sun to come back on the darkest day of the year by the lighting of the Yule log and with much feasting and merry making before the tightening of belts in the frigid January and February months. When Christianity arrived the religious orders of the day couldn't get the peasantry to give up their fun and games so they announced it would be a Christian holiday instead, Christmas, and the arrival of the Christ child. Jesus was actually born in March or April. Whatever, it IS a time of the Christian values AND the old nature worshippers values to help the unfortunate and to warm them at our hearths. Merging the two is the best of both worlds.
    Merry Christmas everyone and when you switch on your tree lights remember you are merely lighting the Yule log in a different way.
    My advent calendar today reads "remember the wild life" and I did, I bought a huge bag of nuts and seeds for the little outside critters last week. What's new!
    Today I'm having online groceries delivered. Must move before the jovial delivery man arrives - just for Jilly Beans joy or so my little social animal thinks.
    Hugs, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good day friends. It was a long but enjoyable day for me. Left early and got home about 4:30pm. Last night my legs let me know I should have done more stretching when I get home! Today, I need to scoot over to Trader Joe’s, home to put things away, library ladies morning, a quick stop by the health food store and a Tai Chi lesson. Tomorrow is another early Tai Chi morning followed by a visit to my friend who is recovering from surgery. It is her birthday tomorrow so I would imagine there will be a long line of visitors. And then a quiet Saturday at home catching up on laundry and other routine things.

    Anne, so good of you to have a grocery delivery to entertain the little one. And lucky creatures at your house, some yummy treats. May we all have happy days no matter what our celebration and cheering for love and kindness to be found everywhere.

    Buzz, what wonderful news!! And yes, they are settled in with you and I wish you a very enjoyable visit. Much love to you all.

    Sandy, enjoying your time in Arizona with your family. What terrific memories are being made for everyone.

    Patsy, happy, happy music! It is what we need. I have the radio playing as I drive and I alternate stations as my mood shifts, old rock, Christmas only channel, and classic music which is often a treat as I hear something I may not have heard since music appreciation in college. Hugs.

    Jackie, well, new motor, hummmm, complicated wiring sounds like a job for a handyman or a lovely neighbor. Now, you have lots of measuring to do. Wow! I would likely get it wrong. Measure three times!!

    All best wishes sent flying around to all Sneakers! Oh, and hugs as well.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    All's topsy turvy, and going well. Must go down to let them in as I suggested they go to the gem of a museum. in Boca. I'm tired from Costco!,, I want to download one of Janet's paintings as my desktop for my cellphone. They are gorgeous contemporary landscapes. PATSY, do you still have the website?
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones, cloudy but no flying water. Katie was happy about that. Many trips in and out the deck door. She was almost as happy as when the sun was shining...almost.

    I got my report back from my physical. Great blood pressure. Super great cholesterols. Okay on blood sugars! Not great, however. They went up a bit. My A-1c was a bit higher. All related to my slacking off on regular exercise. I have been averaging only about 3 times a week. Not enough, if one is diabetic.

    Buzz: oh yes I remember your daughter’s amazing paintings. Lush colors, almost tropical. I felt an Asian influence, but uniquely her own artistic voice. They must be a real experience to see in person. I think they are huge, am I right? You could just live in those paintings! Enjoy.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Brrr, a cold day today so our daily walk on the moors was short and sweet. First thing my new garage door was delivered and installed and I'm very pleased with it because up and over means I don't have to battle with the wind. It's also good to be able to lock my car away again.
    Yesterday's hospital visit was a long one but thorough so I'm now pre-opped and should receive my first hip replacement in 6-8 weeks. The consultant surgeon was a pleasant man and having described both hips as a mess told me I will be amazed how much better I'll feel post op and because it will be done under sedation and a spinal numbing injection should be back out of hospital within a couple of days. Even physio and home care is taken care of so nothing for me to think about other than an exercise regime I must follow from today to strengthen my muscles in that area.
    Poor George has a dicky tummy again and has been starved for 24 hours so I'm hoping we won't need a visit to the vet.... how come it's always a weekend?

    That's all at the moment. I'm in front of the fire with feet up relaxing.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Here I am being a lazy bum. I should be doing a million different things but I am gabbing on the phone and playing with Katie.

    We have rain and wind and it is dark. Winter is coming fast. I have heard that we are to have a mild winter. So far it has just been wet and dark. So I guess that is mild enough.

    John checked out the latest Equalizer 2 movie. One of those action thriller things....uggggh! Well, I have sat through worse. I even sit through those interminal football games. Of course, I am gnoshing on popcorn which makes it easier.

    Jackie: you are a brave soul. The thought of surgery brings scary memories to me of my 8 hour ordeal with my cancer surgery. I was prepared to die. Surprise! I made it and my doc was a delightful surgeon who started out first in art school then switched to med school. Obviously a good choice. She had wonderful art in her office and waiting room.

    Looks like all the sneakers are busy and going about their business while I laze about. I better hop to the job. Hello to all and sending hugs and holiday good wishes.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening. MFP is very wonky these days. I haven’t had a news feed for over two days. Very odd. I am glad I can get here though.

    So it was a Tai Chi morning, followed by a visit with my friend for her birthday. It was lovely, another friend was there when I arrived and we all had a great time. Not long after that friend left another friend showed up, I hadn’t seen her for a long time and again, a wonderful visit.

    When I got home I had lunch and then started working on a card. A family I know from Church just lost their 17 year old dog. They are heart-broken. The card is finished and ready to deliver on Sunday. Tomorrow is catch up day. Laundry for sure, some bill paying and maybe some cooking as I am running out of soup.

    Jackie, goodness, you have everything lined up. That came together quickly. Wahoo! And you have your door installed too. Excellent.

    Pasty, being a lazy bum is okay. We are retired for goodness sakes, we can let up on ourselves once in a while.

    I am reading again this evening. The book stack is never ending.

    Hugs and best wishes.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited December 2018
    You are indeed a brave soul JACKIE. I have an imminent visit to the dentist because I think I need a filling replaced and my crown appears loose. This has me shivering at the thought, so indeed I admire you tremendously. Hope George is feeling better.
    It's rained the entire day which is better than snow of course, I haven't been able to acquire anyone to clear snow. I did have one chap in mind but he's decided he doesn't want to do any snow clearing any more. Should be interesting so I'll take the rain. Housebound I did get a few jobs done and I made muffins which actually turned out good enough to scoff three!! Goodbye diet.
    And that's about been my lazy day. A day of reading and scratching the Beans tummy to make up for lack of walkies.
    Mike had to work today so we didn't even get out in his car. Jilly spent a fair amount of time at the back door waiting for him. I have no idea how she knows it's a Friday but she does this every week. Maybe the dustmen? Whoops, sorry guys, sanitary disposal men! Anyway, he's coming over tomorrow instead so she'll get her dose of Michael and car riding a day late.
    While I'm typing this, it's just flashed across the screen that LINs replied to the Sneakers, so I'll shut up and see what she has to say,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Anne, Lin had little to say. :D:D