Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,081 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I slept very late today and have no idea why. I missed the funeral but like Lin I will catch the highlights. Lisa texted me and asked to cancel movie night as she wasn't feeling well, nothing serious just women things. (sorry Bob) I keep thinking I should try and ride my outside bike but I am still afraid because of the hand brakes. When we separated Babe put my old fashioned bike in the trash. I loved that bike that had the brakes with the pedals. I know I can ride the bike but I have visions of stopping too fast and flying over the handlebars. lol I guess I will stick with the recumbent inside bike.

    Patsy, yes, those furry children know how to manipulate us parents. They bring us so much joy it is worth it. I am glad you are having some decent weather and can continue to use your deck.

    Anne and Jackie, I was also happy to see the brothers walking and talking together, I do hope they make amends. The Queen looked so fragile sitting alone but always elegant. I did not get the chance to hear any music or the piper, I will look for it on demand or maybe youtube.

    Lin, interesting teapot would make a good centerpiece. Our day is warm and sunny so I should get outside but we will see.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Prince Philip wasn't born English or British either Patsy but that didn't stop the majority of British people liking and admiring him. I loved the fact that one of his possessions at his ceremony was a plastic pot with a red lid. He carried it with him full of sugar lumps - treats for his ponies. Whatever one feels about the royal family you can't fault them in love of their animals and pets.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A sunny day but extra layers still required. I took George and Betty through the next village and along a quiet road to a field where I could let them off to sniff and run. Betty particularly needed to run because yesterday evening, while I visited the allotment, she managed to climb on to a chair and across on to the table in my garden room in order to grab 4 packs of dog treats and eat the lot! Even the packaging was in tiny pieces so hard to say if she swallowed that too! Dreadful gas all night so no breakfast for her because I wanted to ensure she passed everything. She didn’t want her supper of kibble so I’m guessing she’s still feeling stuffed! I didn’t get much sleep so hoping for a better night and less of madam’s gas!

    Very difficult I think for the brothers now they’ve gone in different directions because William is all about duty and won’t be able to trust that anything he says won’t be discussed on prime time American shows while Meghan insists on dishing the dirt.
    I did think the Queen looked frail and oh so alone even though surrounded by family. She was given a Corgi puppy recently and I’m guessing she will gain most comfort from a waggy tail.

    The dust and dirt is still with me Patsy, on every surface including the pets. My morning was spent with 2 dishcloths and hot soapy water wiping everything in the kitchen, especially where cement dust had settled on the stove top and kettle to become almost solid as it mixed with steam. I sense it in my eyes, nose and throatM hair, teeth, you name it so spend as much time as possible outside. The charming young lady that runs a dog walking service and will take out George and Betty next week, dropped in to meet them and discuss how we’ll arrange things. Turns out she and her husband have just completed similar plastering in their home and she had the same dust issue... try to clean up every day or not bother until the work Is completed? Her husband apparently said leave it but like me she found herself constantly wiping! Betty loved her of course while George did no more than tolerate her presence, silly boy!

    I loved today’s teapot that gave me a big smile.

    I daren’t turn the page but am sure Anne saw Harry’s snow blower heading off on the back of a trailer. That’s a serious move unless he has more tucked away in his garage... only time will tell. 😲

    Past my bedtime and hopefully a better night’s sleep.🥱😴
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    Quickie from me as I head for the shower after my daily half hour trot.

    I think P. (Prince) Harry will be back home very soon leaving one big mistake in California.

    I don't know where P. (Pensioner) Harry next door took his snow blower but it's gone with another pile of junk. Trailer now back outside my window. Preferred the lilac bush which is half heartedly putting out twigs on my side.

    Naughty Betty Jackie, but dogs will be dogs when the occasion presents itself! My dads dog Judy once ate half a tin of treacle and butter in a butter dish after jumping on a chair and onto the kitchen table. She survived to old age which she was lucky to do, it being a time of rationing! In her case much throwing up which I guess my dad thought punishment enough!

    Happy day everybody,
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm watching from the safety of the sofa, a large rusty old water heater and a central air vac system being loaded on truck and trailer today. No wonder none of us saw the inside of the house next door, lol. Mike thinks I live next to doctor who and the house is the space ship Tardis. He could be right!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good Morning!


    Well the weather is much nicer than predicted. Should hit 60 and so far – there has been a lot of sun. Got to the gym at open and listened to podcasts while walking. Just finished “packing” my lunch to eat at my sisters. She has so much food, I rather bring my own meatballs (w/ Rao’s sauce), artichoke & asparagus tips…that way no over indulgence etc. Jean will love my sisters cooking and desserts…so we both are happy campers.

    Sandy - Oh baby – that sounds delicious and you just reminded me to break out some balsamic and extra virgin olive oil for mine today. Very kind of you to make that offer to Bryanna… As for the stud piercing – I hear you loud and clear. I have at least a dozen nephews/nieces that have “several” tattoos and a few piercings too. While a couple tattoos look great…many are less than attractive. I pretend to like them all and explain I have a “tramp stamp” (lower back tattoo…that only Jean has seen). Pretty sure they know it isn’t true. I like the usual 1-2 hole ear piercing but not the “all around the ear” so much.

    With regards to OCD…I will admit to torturing (in good fun) my younger sister by moving a table coaster or tilting a hung picture just to see how long it will take before she “has” to adjust…. what are brothers for?…LOL

    Lin – The amount of flowers they have extends well beyond the photo. There is a section with a worker that will wrap, add baby’s breath, ribbon etc – it really a huge florist shop inside a grocery store.

    As for appointments, it must be the change of season. Just last week I scheduled car maintenance for the 26th. Last Thursday I scheduled an appt w/ a new dentist (1st avail May). I had the same dentist for 25-30 yrs. and he retired. I tried another dentist last year, but always trying to “upsell” LOL. Glad all went well with the hair appt!

    Patsy – It must be my “feminine” side bahahahaha – I LOVED Grantchester and currently Jeanand I are watching the miniseries Gold Digger with Julia Ormond. We love ACORN TV… much better acting / dialogue than a lot of American TV . BUT…. I do watch a lot of action movies too… The Matrix, Highlander, All Bond movies, Die Hard, The Long Kiss Goodnight, 300, First Blood, all Godfather movies etc. (Jean laughs and says “how can such a sweet man watch those kind of movies?) LOL. And then there are all the movies from 30’s thru 60’s, documentaries etc. I have a broad interest range. To be honest I haven’t seen many new movies in the last 2-3 years that I would classify as “must see.”

    Love veggie pizza with cauliflower crust – had it just last week. John’s fav beer sounds great – I LOVE craft beers - but for now I eliminated re: carb count – but that doesn’t mean no Jack D. occasionally.

    Anne – Jean and I watched hours of Prince Philip yesterday and a couple documentaries on the Royals… You had to love the “hearse.” I leave off any negative thoughts I have about Markle (LOL).

    Have a great day everyone! Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    I watched some video clips from yesterday’s funeral. I didn’t get a cohesive sense of it, watching live would have been better. Attending online church in a little while and then the Facebook Live that is usually on Saturday. Technical issues yesterday so they are trying again today.

    We have sunshine this morning. Lovely. And the crab apple trees are in full bloom. So tomorrow we are promised colder weather and a bit of snow. I hope they are wrong.

    I need to get cracking on a birthday card as well as a congratulations card. Just haven’t decided what to do. (As usual.)

    A tiny grocery order was delivered this morning. So I have a stock of fresh vegetables once again.

    I think Harry will go back to his family in the U.S. If my grandmother was just turning 95, I likely want to spend more time with her. We will see I guess.

    Annsie, your Harry is too unpredictable but with the snowblower hauled away, they must be leaving. Unless he is purchasing a new one.

    Jackie, what a dilemma, fight the gritty dust or let it accumulate. You need someone to fight the dust as you recover just as you have found a dog walker.

    Sandy, has it been warm enough to see Joe? Or has he moved?

    Patsy, you make such lovely meals. I don’t spend much time on any these days. I did cook a pot of pinto beans yesterday. I love to take some and crush them and top them with black pepper, onion, nutritional yeast and salsa (low sodium). Delicious! I don’t do many at a time as I crush them with a fork. Too many and they pop away from me!

    Be safe everyone.


    A lady posted this today. No information added but kind of lovely to have 3 similar teapots.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    I think H will go back to his family in the States as well LIN,....... for now!

    Anyway here's the start of next doors Sunday clear out.


    Oh, I'm watching The Serpent on Netflix. It's horrifying and based on a true story but sort of fascinating as well. A very good lesson taught for anyone thinking of back packing and landing in Bangkok.

    PS. Can you see the remains of the lilac bush on the left!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,081 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I have a family zoom call in an hour but wanted to pop in and say hello. Watched mass on TV and caught up on computer so it is time to take a shower and get ready for the day. No plans but it should be warm enough to sit outside with Joe before the rain. He moves Friday but has appointments during the week to be able to move it, such as covid test, a nurse to check his vitals and so on. I am not sure he can have visitors at the new place but will find out once he is settled. He will be missed by everyone, especially at the pool. I know he would love to stay here through summer for that reason but he is listening to his family. I would have tried to arrange an outing at our club house for people to say good bye but as far as I know there are no gatherings allowed yet.

    I will try to get back later, but must get ready. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Happy Sunday to all. Let me reintroduce myself. I was once very active here and very diligent about recording my meals and exercise and watching my weight dwindle. I'm not sure why I drifted away but MFP was the only effective way I ever found to get in shape so I've returned. I will turn 80 in July but think of myself as much younger. I am healthy for the most part and do my best to stay that way. I live with my husband of almost 61 years in the very southern part of the state of Missouri, USA, in a region called the Ozarks. Much is made of the scenic beauty, the folk traditions, and music but little is said about the stubbornness of the residents. I am often frustrated by their propensity to cut off their noses to spite their faces.

    We are fortunate to live in a lovely home with three guest rooms for people who never come. We have three acres of lawn and garden but no longer grow vegetables as it took too much effort and farmer's markets abound in season. We do grow blackberries. We have a pretty Collie dog who is a rescue. She was found injured on the side of a highway and taken by law enforcement to a shelter where I was a volunteer. After surgery to repair broken bones, we agreed to foster her during her recovery. That was five years ago. The shelter went bankrupt but she is still with us. I am grateful to her as she forces me to get out and walk every day. She is relentless and will nag and nag.

    We have four children who all live far away. None of them are married although they have all tried their hand at it. Our oldest son is a widower. We also have grandchildren but they are too busy with their own lives to think much about the grandparents.

    My hobby is genealogy research and I do family trees for others as well as work on my own. I have traced my paternal roots back to the Mayflower.

    Nice to be back.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    And welcome back!
    I'm Anne, sometimes called Annsie (among other things, lol). Yes, MFP is a great tool for losing weight. I've managed to lose 9 lbs in the last three months. The ambition is 10lb loss by 1st May but not sure I'll manage it as I appear to have hit what is called a plateau I believe. Whatever, I also walk every day and I'm finally beginning to feel like my old self. It will be great to have another octogenarian join me when you reach your 80th in July. I also can't quite believe I've reached such a great age especially as a soothsayer informed me I'd be gone in my forties. So much for soothsayers who I've probably outlived.

    So your ancestor came over on the mayflower? Well most of that group came from Yorkshire, UK I believe and who knows we might be related as I was born in that county! I think you disappeared from here about the time I joined. I remember your photo.

    I've just checked your area out and it does indeed look very beautiful.

    Anne sitting up here in Ontario, Canada with her wee dog Miss Jilly who is also known as Bean.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,081 Member
    Welcome back Connie, it has been a long time but you will recognize some of us. We are pretty close knit, not all talk is about our MFP journey but we do care about each other and have agreed no politics. Not only did we lose Marie but we also lost Buzz this year and both are missed. If interested join the pound a week club which is under discussions. I hope you enjoy the group even though we are small.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello TIp8rb, Happy to meet you. Do you have an avatar you would like us to use when we chat with you? It is a glorious day here on the coast. Yesterday was too warm and I had trouble just moving my body through the air molecules. Whew! I dare say, I am not made for a warm climate.

    Today We chat with our son, Damon. Sunday chats are our big treat. I do miss that crazy son and all of the amazing things he gets involved in. He is trying to find a house to buy or land to have one built. He also needs to include a studio space for his work. Since it is our parental duty...we offer lots of advice. None of which he follows, but that’s okay. I don’t remember ever following my parents advice either. Look how that turned out! Hahahahaha

    John has an appointment with the tax person next week. So he is very busy gathering his tax stuff for the accountant. You’d think we had a lot of income with all the complication. Not so. Oregon is nothing if not obsessed with inefficient tax laws.

    Our daughter is still recovering from Covid. It is now 5 months. Some days are better than others but this virus is relentless. It never really goes away. It goes into hiding to reappear differently. This is a lesson for us all. Stay cautious and follow the guidelines. You do not want this virus. It would never let us go.

    Baked Chill casserole for Sunday dinner. I use shredded chicken breast for meat and low fat cheese. Easy in the cheese and I only use egg whites instead of the whole eggs. With some spices you never miss the higher calorie ingredients. Mixed fruit for dessert. I can either reheat leftover or freeze for later....John’s choice on that.

    Sunday Baroque is going full blast. Some new pieces I have not heard before. The cooler weather helps me be a bit more active.
    Drinking water, moving more, breathing deep.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My peaceful builders-free weekend is over so I’m preparing for another week of dust. I will at least be leaving home to drive to the hospital for my Covid swab test and pre op bloods etc before they begin work in the morning!
    A lovely sunny day with the temperatures finally creeping up and I’ve cut the lawns and watered the pots dotted around the garden.

    I see you are watching The Serpent Anne and you’ll remember I mentioned how uncomfortable the storyline made me feel even as it drew me in! Another cliffhanger in Line of Duty which followed a weepy Call the Midwife so what we call a gamut of emotions tonight. Poor, sad Lilac but I’m sure if anyone can breath life into what is left, you can!

    Hello Connie, I do remember your face... welcome back. I’ve stuck with MFP all along which helps me keep a check on my weight but mostly for the company of the friends I’ve made here on the Sneakers. Any dog rescuer is a friend of ours... and cat of course Bob! Oh yes and I live about 20 miles from the Mayflower steps in Plymouth harbour!

    A relatively early night for me as it’s up with the lark. Betty is already snoring!

    Stay safe everyone

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :)Connie, It's good to see you again. I don't post often on this thread but I read it every day. I do exactly the same thing every day and have a great life but none of it is much of a story. I walk the dogs every morning, walk alone in the late afternoon, dance a bit every day, cook simple meals, work in the yard for an hour or so, and watch TV with Jake while riding my exercise bike and knitting. We get our groceries via curbside pickup and get library books at curbside pickup.Otherwise we stay home.

    <3 Barbie

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Good morning and thinking of JACKIE particularly this week. All the best Jackie and hope everything passes quickly and smoothly.

    Mark is supposed to be over today or tomorrow to talk to my phone company who have put my mobile on a more expensive plan than we asked for. Nothing seems to happen as one asks these days. Why? Everyone seems to have an initial hassle when dealing with business or government etc.

    However he may have another hassle. Starting today the police are stopping cars and if it isn't deemed essential the motorists can be ordered back home. No wonder all was hectic next door with junk removal last week.

    Time for my shower.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    And a Happy Monday morning to all...back from gym, plans not yet formulated for the day. Perhaps a trip to Lowes for mulch. Yesterday was wonderful…cool but sunny.

    For the record: A mouse around our house doesn’t stand a chance and gets what he deserves … taken for a ride to a new neighborhood a few miles away… yup… Jean and I can be extremely tough when necessary!


    Snapped a pic of the Magnolia tree in front of my sister’s home yesterday… I always loved that tree. I moved into the house when I was 15 with my parents and younger sister. My sister bought it upon the passing of our dad. My mother only got to enjoy it for a short while, dying of cancer 2 yrs later when I was 17…one year later I was married (so young by today’s standards).


    Lin – Glad you got some decent weather and are enjoying crab trees in full bloom along with fresh veggies! Jean “attended” online mass yesterday and I confess to working on a project. Bless me father etc….

    Anne – I will have to look up “The Serpent” on Netflix… we finished “Gold Digger” with Julia Ormond last night…now hoping they decide to have a Season 2….. Can’t believe what you are experiencing in Canada. My nieces husband is from Canada and he is trying to get back there to visit family.

    Sandy – Hope your family zoom went well… and you were better than me re: TV mass…

    Connie – Welcome back! I can certainly relate to the “drifting away” from MFP as I did the same. Like you, MFP seems to keep me on track. I think most people as they age still see themselves as being younger. In my head (and Jean feels this way too) I am younger… then I look in the mirror while shaving and complain to Jean that my grandfather just popped in… :D

    Love all the details of the Ozarks…and reminds me that I need to see when the Netflix series of that name returns for the new season. It is a different world with the way people move to different areas of the country. I hope at some point the grandkids find the time to enjoy all that you have to offer. I have dabbled a bit in doing some genealogy digging myself… not sure I can beat the Mayflower LOL. I’m sure we will converse more on the topic.

    Jackie – Thanks for the cat reference… as you can see – we even treat mice with respect. I can’t wait for access to Line of Duty on Amazon/Acorn TV…

    Adios for now – hope everyone has a great Monday! Bob :)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I should be up with the lark more often, especially when the sunshine warms the air. Not another soul about, just this pair eyeing us as we walked past.

    Lots of traffic on the move once in Plymouth but the journey was uneventful. I’ve mentioned before what a great hospital it is with staff always pleasant and chatty in spite of their past year coping with Covid. In less than an hour I was swabbed, wired up, poked and prodded and blood let so back into the sunshine to search for the Covid drive in testing area. Look for the yellow signs was the advice and I expected them to be large since the hospital grounds are extensive but it was sheer fluke I saw a splash of yellow on the far side of a wide road that had an arrow and tiny print on A4 directing cars to the rear of a car park. Day one of hospital visits over I drove to a furniture store to look at sofas and was disappointed only to find one I liked but took a photo and borrowed their tape measure so I can check it will fit through the small door into my snug. Next was a floor tile outlet where again only one jumped out and said buy me... the most expensive in the shop of course! Again I took a photo so I could show Dave and he offered to buy them in his trade account so I can take advantage of his discount.

    Thanks for thinking of me Anne. All was good plus I had an interesting chat with the 1st year student doctor who assisted on her first day since all teaching had been online and via zoom up to then. Not at all easy but she was wonderfully calm and collected so will make a terrific doctor once trained. The doctor carrying out the examination told her I have a perfect clavicle which made us all laugh! What would happen if it wasn’t perfect I wonder? 😄

    It makes sense if neighbour Harry was trying to beat the lockdown because his trailer of junk would stick out like a sore thumb! No entertainment for you through your window though if he has to stay home! I do sometimes think these companies hope we won’t notice a price being pumped up. My electricity supplier has told me they intend to double my monthly payments based on use during the cold month of February followed by their estimate! I’ve taken a reading and sent it on to see if they lower it otherwise I’ll suggest I move to another supplier. I do hope Mark can visit and sort your phone company out. Perhaps tell anyone who pulls him over he is your carer!!

    Bob, a conversation started up in the waiting room between the receptionist and a couple of patients about last night’s episode of Line of Duty, trying to work out who ‘H’ is as more characters from past series begin to reappear. Someone said it is Hydra, the mythical monster with many heads and there, as you can imagine, they lost me!!

    Coffee and bagel consumed so I’ll think about a bit of gardening.

    Happy Monday everyone
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    If you watch The Serpent BOB, be warned of a possible heart attack at times AND it's adapted from a true story. Shudder.
    Update, the trailers gone so H just loading his truck today with smaller items. Buckets, paint cans etc.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh Bob, I was typing while you posted so missed the mouse in his or her humane trap. What a cutie with that look of anticipation on its face and no doubt now enjoying a more rural setting. That’s a grand Magnolia and how brilliant that you have the memories to go with it. The street I was born on was lined with oak trees until the 80’s when local authorities decided maintaining trees wasn’t something their budget could afford. Every one was cut down so now every time it rains the road floods because the trees aren’t there to drink it up!

    It’s cup of tea time and the builders have left for the day. If they didn’t come and say goodbye I would still know by Brady’s sudden appearance now it’s quiet.