Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Blueharebell1
    LIN, I thought my crash into the garage door was bad, but everything healed in time except for the slight dent in my forehead, but you must have had a dreadful crash to still have so much to deal with. What I'm trying to say is, just be very careful removing snowy slush and ice, you could so easily slip again. I fell in January last year and it was partly because I'd just been to a memorial for a very lovely friend. I was a little weepy and just wasn't watching. It's so very easily done, so please take care.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    NikonPal wrote: »
    Jackie – What a wonderful description: “ In the evening as I walked George round the block the sky became covered in bobbly clouds like cotton wool, all a wonderful shade of pink…” I hate it when I don’t have my camera at opportune times. I was at the mall last week when someone pointed out there were several Bald Eagles nesting nearby.. I was able to catch a glimpse and watch them soar…but no camera…argh!


    For you and others interested, here is the link to the eagles nesting in Rome GA

  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Time is flying. Sorry about the crashes that some of you have had, the flu that seems to come back, several times. It is really strange...I think it is coming back again for the 3rd time. Only 1 round of meds! If I could take your snow for you for a week, I would trade you in a heart beat....notice that there is a time limit on this offer! lol!

    Have been experiencing a few unexpected problems. My grandson informed us that he is getting married in April and that we are not invited. We are very close to him and he stayed with us for almost a year, a few years ago. His girlfriend treats him terribly. The reason we are not invited to the wedding is because her grandparents are too sick to come and it would not be fair to her if my grandson had his grandparents there! Now, again I will say....I have heard it all! lol! It will be interesting to watch this unfold. We are having a hard time deciding between burning down the wedding chapel and calling and canceling the wedding! lol! If you don't laugh you will cry cry cry!

  • Blueharebell1
    ISANDI, that's terrible for you, for we do love our children and grandchildren so much and it is so easy to be hurt by them. This may sound harsh and tough love, but have you considered saying very sweetly, "we DO understand dears, and therefore we are sure YOU will understand that us being of a pensionable age we will NOT be sending you a gift as you won't expect one from us, and it is such a relief to not have the expense of buying special outfits, so thank you for your thoughtfulness. We DO wish you well." You can quietly help your grandson out in the future as he'll probably need it!
    Sometimes the opposite reaction of what is expected works wonders. Old meanie, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    well Sandi that is gratitude. I would not worry about it.Sorry you are going thru this.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers, although looking at the clock I see it's already close to 1pm here. This morning the Siberian wind has finally dropped and we're enjoying a balmy 8c which feels like summer after the cold spell. George and I walked across the moors for the first time in weeks and in the sunshine I often stopped to just take in the views and fresh air while he ran and ran. No sheep in sight so I expect they are still on lower ground away from the cold.

    Bob ~ I'm not normally one to wax lyrical but do find Mother nature awe inspiring and a stunning sunrise or sunset does it to me every time! If you're not careful I'll be spouting off about those glorious breakfasts of yours too because compared to my bowl of porridge with a few scattered blueberries or grapes, they are a masterpiece!! Your comment about the bald eagles was casually dropped in but had my jaw dropping because buzzards are as big as we get in this part of the UK.

    Phoebe ~ So pleased you are enjoying Last Tango in Halifax.... it's addictive isn't it and I find just as I think the storyline is settling down another curved ball comes at the families but the humour remains. Now you're hooked like me!! Thanks for the link to the bald eagle cameras and story. It's heartwarming to know we humans can manage to live alongside such wonderful creatures. I'm hoping Honey's results are good. Is it to check on her lung worm?

    Sandy ~As I get older I realise nothing in life is particularly "normal" so we just have to take each day as it comes and hopefully enjoy it.

    Patsy ~ In the past I tried a variety of flavourings to make up for lack of salt but like you, found most disgusting. Luckily having gone through a type of cold turkey I can happily live without it. I read somewhere that it has a similar affect on the brain as fat and sugar in that the brain sends the message that your body must have it, in other words it's adddictive. A gradual process of reducing the amount in your husband's diet should be a way of weaning him off.

    Marie ~ It's so good to read you are feeling better but what a shame Jerry has to suffer for having kissed you. LOL Hopefully he's got no regrets.

    isandi ~ That must feel very hurtful after all you've done for your grandson. A quiet word in his ear might be worthwhile to explain that wedding protocol doesn't work that way. Also a little warning that if his fiancee controls him over such issues now, what's his life with her going to be like once married. Will she allow him to visit you or is that going to be an issue, never mind any other choices he might wish to make... sounds like he won't be allowed any. As Anne says, keep the door open because he'll be needing you in the future.

    Time for a light lunch before heading outside to clean the hen house and check how my potted plants are doing in the greenhouse after our cold snap. I've got a piece of beef joint from a local farm cooking ever so gently in the slow cooker that I'll enjoy for my evening meal with lots of veggies. Much as I love it I'll avoid Yorkshire pudding since I have those 2 pesky pounds to shift again!

    Hello to Lin, Anne, Shirley, Jeri, Chris and any others I missed.
    Have a great Sunday.

  • Blueharebell1
    JACKIE, I sort of said it previously, you can take me out of Yorkshire, but you can't take the Yorkshire pud out of me! Beef and no pud and gravy!!! Oh Jackie! Your comments to ISANDI were very good, spot on, and exactly what I was trying to say. You did it better. What on earth's happened to good manners and thinking of others? ANNE.
  • Blueharebell1
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited February 2015

    Lost 2 lbs since his last weigh-in! Total loss 184 lbs so far. Weighed in today for the “100 Days of 2015 Challenge: The Sequel Group” and will weigh again tomorrow because that is my personal “record date” each week. Not expecting a change.

    BUT – that is just the weight scale. I have goals already re: inches, strength & toning etc. and expect weight will fluctuate a few pounds for a bit. Burned 341 calories doing 60 minutes of walking this morning.

    NOTE: I had lost 7 pounds in November 2013 before setting 12/1/2013 as an official “calorie-counting” program starting date using an app. TOTAL LOSS SINCE NOVEMBER 2013 is 191!

  • Blueharebell1
    Happiest congratulations, BOB
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Thanks Anne...

    To all - this was fun...

    “Ever wonder what you might weigh on Mars or The Moon? Here's your chance to find out.”

    I’m thinking PLUTO looks good!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member


    Great Job!! Congratulations!!

    I like Venus...
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Excellent, Bob!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bob you were really a big man.
    congratulations on losing all of it. you most be really proud. So happy for you.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Figuring out how to do this in 2 windows of the same browser...or rather 2 tabs, since I can't seem to open 2nd window as I used to ! We'll see if this works.
    PHOEBE, how true your discovery about generics! I found several brands of my Miripex generic left me with my restless legs jerking all over the place, while 2 brands controlled them nicely. But there appears to be a shortage of the brands that work! Good luck with yours!
    JACKIE, It has been so long since smelling freshly hung laundry, your reminder made my memories sharp! I now use a lavender scented powder in my washer to try to make things smell somewhat fresher, but it's never the same! You'll lose that couple of gained pounds!
    SANDY, I think you need that cruise to simply relax a bit! You needn't ever feel insecure about what you undertake helping family and friends. If anything, it should be the other way around, as you are often too willing to be there for everyone else's needs! You mentioned something BOB said about an MFP takeover, so I'd better go back to find it. I could not pay to belong here, but would be lost without our group! You are all like family !
    SHIRLEY, I keep meaning to get back on SBD, but keep falling off with all the celebrations and my poor self control! This week I will try again! Good luck with the colonoscopy and may it be reassuring!
    LIN, you are one busy organized gal! Lovely graphic to enjoy, too. Hope all your appointments turn out well for you so you can settle things easily (more or less!).
    BOB, my breakfast was similar to yours, but far less artistic! You are doing so well. Can you repeat the link regarding MFP and Under Armour please? It would be a pity, though I've been through several reorganizations prior, and I hope we follow one another! By the way, brunch in the dining room today included a bagel and smoked salmon and I chose the onion and pepper omelette which was delicious!
    Yes, MARIE, you surely did! Congratulations! Enjoy the sunshine!
    CHRIS, nice to hear your son has improved so well. You and I have problems staying on target, though you do much better than I! You'll get back to it.
    ANNE, that was a nasty accident for you, at a miserable moment! Stay well now!
    ISANDI, forget about doing a thing! Just feel sorry for your Grandson's inability to speak up for what he wants now, before the wedding! I hope his nose doesn't get whacked out of shape after the ceremony! Many young people today haven't a clue about intergenerational relations!
    BOB, what an incredible achievement! Lots of luck wit maintenance!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I found that link re: MFP and Under Armour. This is pasted from it: "Our products, services and team will remain the same. MyFitnessPal will still be free to use" ...I hope it remains true!
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Thank you all for your supportive comments. After it being quiet for 2 days, my grandson called and said that they have decided to invite all of the grandparents. I am glad they were able to talk it out and come to an appropriate decision. I liked your suggestions...much better than my SIL wanting to burn down the wedding chapel! lol! Anyway thank you all and have a great rest of the weekend. I am sending sunshine your way!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am keeping my sunshine isandi waited to long for this. Just kidding. God will give you all sunshine soon. The news said tonight it will be cooler some of next week.

    Buzz You are doing allright.

    Shirley glad you are back in town. Get that nursery all fix up. grandma?

    I found a new app called Happy On Ipad sort of nice it keeps up your weight chart so you can see your trend in losing. Today was my first day. Be nice in a week to see how I am losing its free.

  • Blueharebell1
    ISANDI, I'm so happy for you. Glad everybody came to their senses. Weddings ARE stressful times. BUZZ, I'm always impressed by your posts. Thanks for the reassuring MFP news. I probably shouldn't ask and of course you won't answer if I am out of line, but I wonder what your career job was? You seem a very wise and knowledgeable lady with much insight into us humans.
    SHIRLEY, hope the colonoscopy isn't too bad and all is well. You had fun with your family this weekend. I read your post on golden years.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Isandi, I am a grandmother and I understand how much grandchildren can hurt you. I never get a visit, a phone call, or a thank you for birthday and Christmas money. I do love my grandson and to a degree, I am sure he loves us. I also think that this seems to be a common behavior these days, sadly! I am also so happy that your grandson realizes how sad it would be not to have you there at his wedding. I remember reading a wonderful book on relationships that advised , if we can try to understand why and how a person acts like they do...we would really never get our feelings hurt. We would see the reason for good or bad behavior. Logic or reason is often not even in the equation.