Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :D Robby weighed in at 24.6 and is 30 inches long. He is six months old so I think he is going to be like his dad who is 6'3". He can now be introduced to water, no more than six ounces a day, an ounce for every month. He will also start getting baby food here for lunch to go with the food they give him for dinner. He got three shots and cried for a minute but he is a tough cookie. I am going to Walmart before bingo to get him a chair, sippy cup, spoon and a bib. They offered to pay me back but you know me. :D He is sleeping since 8:00 and I hope he sleeps until 11:00 so he takes his afternoon nap about 2:00. Bingo tonight and hope I am lucky.
    My weight did come down a little today, I think it depends on what time I weigh myself.
    I still have four or five pounds to go but pushing hard. Like Shirley, I have been mentally packing for my cruise but still waiting on some tops I ordered.

    I am having Bryanna come to watch Robby tomorrow so I can go to my meeting so I am not sure I will be able to get on here until I get back.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member

    Happy 91st. Mike..........enjoy your day!!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Mike Happy birthday to you!

    Sandy, Happy birthday at 6 months to Robby ♥ yum, baby food!

    Lin, congrats on the badge, I read a post on Facebook that a friend had earned a badge, didn't know what it meant, now I do :smiley:

    home sometime tonight. Thursday is tests for Honey and knee treatment for me. Plan to be home until Sunday or Monday morning.

    Hope Marie is better.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member

    Lin <3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello everybody. yes I am feeling better. in fact I have not whizzed at all today still coughing up mucus, but at least it is moving not just sitting there. So maybe I am on the mend. I sure hope so. We are in for a warm weekend in the 70's. Been sleepy good too for the last 3 nights.

    hope this fine you all well.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sandy - What a nice check up for Robby. I will be the ever wanting to know Grandma when that time
    - comes. Good Luck on Bingo!
    - Anne - My mom used to move furniture around when I lived at home. I change things around but not furniture. I have to be careful with my back.
    - Phoebe - Good luck tomorrow on your knee treatment and Honey's tests. Nice for you to be home and get some things done and a some rest. What kind of treatment are you getting on your knees?
    - Lin - Congrats on the stepping badge, you are really dedicated on your exercise. Nice job!!
    - Barbie - I hope Bernie and Brandy get a good dental report. They will be hungry when they get home. :) I wanted to say your knitted caps were lovely. I can't believe you do that while biking. :o

    Today was Yoga day but no meditation, my instructor had to go to another job. We did some shoulder and arms poses today, so I could feel how tight my shoulders were.
    I went to visit Dave's mom today and she just finished a baby sweater and cap for the hospital
    auxiliary tuck shop to sell. She will be starting another afghan for one of her great grandchildren.

    I just finished making First For Women slimming soup for our eating plan. Dave's favorite.

    Now dinner time and we are having steak on the BBQ, cauliflower & broccoli steamed and broiled
    tomato with olive oil and parmesan cheese.

    Enjoy your evening,

    Ontario, Canada
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :D Shirley, thank you for the kind words about my knitting....Brandy and Bernie are home from their dental work and are both groggy. Bernie was hungry and Brandy was so dopey that she didn't want anything to eat. I could have kissed the vet when she said that she had given Bernie a long lasting pain shot so he wouldn't need any oral pain medication--nobody knows how to effectively give a pill to a cat. :lol:

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Got to tell you all my newest silly stunt! I got a new pair of tennis shoes with lots of support and good grippy soles. Had them on while I was cleaning and gathering stuff for the laundry. I tripped and fell headlong, face first, straight into the laundry basket. I split my top lip,cut the bridge of my nose, bruised my chin and got a big goose egg on my forehead. I look like Rocky, the prize fighter after the championship fight. No real permanent damage except to my pride and I will be hanging around the houe for a week or so until I look a bit more presentable. Who could guess a laundry basket could be so dangerous!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Oh no Patsy!!! So sorry about your accident. I hope you heal up quickly. I took a big public fall last year onto an unforgiving concrete street in the midst of a car festival. I picked myself up, bleeding all over the place and got myself to urgent care. Talk about humiliated..............

    So I'm there with ya!

  • Blueharebell1
    Me too Patsy and I do sympathise! I was walking down my drive a year ago when I tripped on a pavement crack. Hurtling down the drive trying to save myself; I rammed head first into the garage door. I've still got the dent in my forehead to prove it! I ended up in emergency in the concussion machine and was bruised with two enormous black eyes and all down the left side of my body. But a funny thing happened. I've mentioned before I had a very bad knee, well it cured itself and to this day I don't know if I shook all my bones back into place, or it was losing my first 10 lbs! In the middle of winter, Anne was wearing sunglasses!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited February 2015
    happy Birthday Mike.

    I am having a lazy day. Been in my TV chair all nice warm and comfortable . watching TV with Jerry.Its still in the 30's here but be warming up for the weekend. close too 78 degree F. I for sure will be out soaking up that Vitamin D.

    Patsy sorry about your fall. Lin I remember your fall.

    Phoebe are you home yet.? Busy taking Honey to the vet and yourself to the doc. Hope your knee is better.

    Shirley soon you will be off to the warn sand wiggling you toes in the

    Hello Anne doing Ok.

    I don't know how long this Sinus infection linger on But I am tired of it.
  • Blueharebell1
    MARIE, it took 3 weeks for me to get rid of the infection. I've finally got rid of the cough. Your lovely warm weather weekend will help. ANNE
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2015

    Happy Birthday Mike

    Marie - those sinus infections can last a while. I hope you feel better soon. I am getting anxious now for the trip. I will start getting some clothes together and trying them on next week.

    Patsy - I also had a fall a few months ago, dripped on my patio cement and went straight forward and then rolled. Hurt my arm and my knee and the knee is taking its time healing.
    Sorry to hear about your fall and hope you heal fast.

    Lin - I remember your fall too, it was a doozy! Any lasting results from it?

    Tomorrow we will be leaving for my daughter's. I have Yoga in the morning and just finished packing a bag for the weekend. We will pick up Kristina at the Go Train on Saturday. Dave will be painting the nursery and the rest of us will be getting things ready to set it up. The time is coming fast. Sunday my two daughter's and me will be going to
    Aqua Fit for a class. I have never been so I can burn some calories before going home.

    I got my instructions in the mail for my colonoscopy on Tuesday and Dave went to pick
    up the kit. Maybe I will lose a few pounds when I am done LOL.
    Sandy- You mentioned pills, there are some pills I have to take and 2 sachets with water at different times. I think that's the horrible tasting stuff. I can't wait to get this over!

    Have a good evening!
    Ontario, Canada
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited February 2015
    I was gone most of the day. Started the day burning 418 calories doing 75 minutes of cardio exercises (walking 3.1 mph for 1 hour / weight video 15 min). Small breakfast.

    Had a podiatrist appointment this morning and she could not believe the weight loss (yes, I also got the “how much more?” concerned comment. I told her that without MFP I would have failed. She couldn’t believe it and asked “it made that much of a difference?” You know how the rest of my story went.

    The visited ended up with her getting her cell phone and downloading MFP while I showed her some features – now that’s a doctor visit!

    Then it was off to do grocery shopping & a favor for one of my bajillion relatives while my wife had breakfast with her dad & took him shopping. Then to the mall for a walk with the Mrs. and finally to my sisters for a short visit and home.

    Now I have to go back later today or in the morning to read the posts I missed.

    Tonight - BLACK LIST and SUITS (taped from last night). :)

    Best wishes to all!
    Bob :D

    and --
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    recently found out I had a melanoma on one of my heels. will have surgery and a biopsy on the 20th . Had to stop my water jogging which is a bummer hopefully the graft will heal quickly and I can get back to it. Still working on the weight loss.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hello friends,
    Guess what..... my computer and internet are working better than ever.

    Shirley, you are doing so great on your exercise and weight, you are very busy too. What does your menu look like now?

    Marie, hope you feel better .

    Sandy, you are a great grandmother. Taking care of the baby is going to keep you young.

    Buzz, I guess we have to take one day at a time and enjoy the good times now.

    Barbie, glad the dogs will be back to themselves soon. Are their teeth gleaming and white.

    Laura, Thanks for the hug today, right back to you.

    Lin, you are a doll, so nice, so sweet, take some time now and do something fun.

    Phoebe, are you out in the truck? What state are you in now?

    My day went like this:
    Breakfast, egg beaters, cottage cheese with some salmon dip, and black coffee.
    Went to the grocery store and walked the whole store for exercise. Of course bought some veggies, fruit, and hamburger.

    Worked on a quilt to give to my granddaughter for valentines day, a small one for the foot of her bed so her dog can sleep on it. cute.
    Lunch, salad with beans and chicken, crab salad, black coffee.

    worked on the quilt again.
    watched Dr Phil, large glass of water
    Dinner, homemade chicken noodle soup, sugar free jello with cool whip, black coffee

    going to shower and early to bed, we have to take my son to have ankle surgery in the morning and stay until he is ready to come home, a few hours.

    Take care
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Chris so good to ear from you again so soon. Glad your internet is working better than ever. I just drop my mouse and can't find one of the batteries so having to used the touch method Ok I found it you are going to have to learn to post pictures It is quite simple now.maybe someone can walk you thru. it I am glad you have your son close by now/ how is your son in Alaska?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    lesutherl wrote: »
    recently found out I had a melanoma on one of my heels. will have surgery and a biopsy on the 20th . Had to stop my water jogging which is a bummer hopefully the graft will heal quickly and I can get back to it. Still working on the weight loss.

    laurel such a cute kitty cat. Take care on your surgery

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Mike thanks you all for your lovely wishes, and LIN, I thank you for the insight on your Dad's eating habits! I think I will not interfere too much on his choice, which are worrisome, but so is a 43 pound loss! Sorry about PATSY's fall, and thrilled about ROBBY's growth! MARIE, hope you feel better very quickly now. BARBIE, such a good "Mommy" to your pets! PHOEBE, Thanks, sweetie, SHIRLEY, keep on plugging! BOB, ya done good with your doctor!!! Everyone, I'd like to mention each one of you ; have noticed we are growing! After tomorrow I should find more time. Mike's MRI comes next Thursday, which means they have received all his Bloodtests. I guess I want the answer, except I also don't want to know unless it's a missing component easily fixed! He loved his Chinese dinner birthday meal and ate nicely!
    Ordered a Costco chocolate birthday cake for tomorrow's dinner with our birthday girl neighbor, as we are celebrating together with a group of friends.
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited February 2015
    I went down memory lane last night. Found out if you click on community then school down and click on my discussing It brings up all of the topics you have posted in. from the beginning. Probable not new to most of you but new to me. I enjoy our early days. And still do. What a wonderful world we live in. The Sneakers are one of a kind.
    <3 Marie