Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Just wanted to check in one more time since I'll be out of town tomorrow. Brrrrr. Cold out there with the wind but will be colder tomorrow I guess. I'll just crank up the heater!

    I am trying to study a bit to get up to speed on farm input costs, USDA programs etc. I've been neglecting that and now I have to know what I'm doing since I will be signing for changes that will be in effect for years so best to make an informed decision.

    Just got started on that when the calls started again---still problems with medical bills for my dad from back in August. I cannot tell you how many calls I've made on this issue with this particular provider. Hospice told me it was settled the provider says no, they haven't been in touch and they are trying to get information and it doesn't match with the dates I have right in front of me as to when he was on hospice. They are signed copies for gosh sakes. Anyway, onward.

    Then I got a call from a realtor already trying to sell my dad's acreage although she was quite sneaky and feigned alarm when I told her since my dad had just died, I was not far enough along in the estate process to sell the property. After a very long conversation where she probed for lots of information, some of which I was fine in giving her as she can look it up herself in the county records, some of which I declined to provide and lots of bowing and scraping about how she didn't want to bother me, I did take her name and phone number and told her if it was going to be listed and placed in multiple I would let her know.

    Once upon a time I did property appraisals. I could never sell property. I do not have 1% enough assertiveness/aggression to do that.

    Meanwhile, I don't think I commented on what a lovely picture that is Marie. It is great even if it is not your favorite!

    Shirley, I am glad your procedure is over and you will feel stronger tomorrow. Those drugs do knock you for a loop even when you think you're doing better, you probably won't be until tomorrow. Ready to pack now Shirley?

    Phoebe - Oklahoma City? Didn't know that was on your route!! Sounds like good weather to me.

    Sandy - I'm sure Robby's sleeping habits may change without warning! Hang in there. You must be looking forward to vacation!

    Patsy - I hope you learn how to post pictures. I love to see what people have to share!

    Anne - cold, colder, coldest. Eeeeck! I'd huddle by the warmth too.

    Bob - by the way, I hope I did not insult you. I meant you must be feeling so good now because so many things in life are easier when you've lost weight. I lost 173 lbs. and just the differences in walking, getting in and out of the car, seat belts, the dreaded restaurant slide in booths.........just so many things were easier and didn't provoke lots of anxiety.

    Barbie - hey, you're just popping in and out. What kind of step counts are you aiming for these days?? You know I've been chasing you for years (and I never catch up)!!!

    Talk to you all soon.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Great reading here tonight, dear friends, and I cannot comment as my computer went absolutely bonkers tonight and I thought I was losing it with black windows, viruses and all, and then , after repeatedly trying to log off without success, a notice suddenly appeared to not shut down as Windows was updating 12 new updates. Holy ....! I wish I had known as it was driving me crazy! It seems fine now, but my eyes are bleary! I have enjoyed everyone's posts (and pics!) and I must share that today the endocrinologist told us she found Mike's thyroid lab results showed him to be more deficient than previously indicated and it could be affecting his low energy and mental functioning! I'm keeping my fingers crossed. More tests early tomorrow morning, and that brain MRI on Thursday. My head is spinning!
    MARIE, at first I was concerned you were giving us up, until I realized it was your other group and you are keeping Sneakers! I love your new picture, too! What would we do without MARIE???
    LIN, there's so much work ahead for you, but we have no fear that you will handle it as you have everything else you've conquered so well. Has it occurred to you that your former dear friend might be finding the "new you" too challenging for her? She might be intimidated by your abilities and success!
    SANDY, JERI, PATSY, BOB, ANNE, JACKIE, PHOEBE, SHIRLEY (and heaven help me if I've left out anyone, as I don't mean to!) ...sending hugs to you all and I will try to get back before the week end! Doctors, doctors, doctors! Golden years? With a bit of tarnish!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning sneakers. A bleak and grey day today but I have lots to do so will get on and ignore that sky! Glad you enjoyed the video and George. There certainly won't be the same views today but at least it's getting ever-so-slowly warmer.

    Shirley ~ Great news from your procedure, hooray! George might have been cocking his leg in the video but usually by that point on the track the tank is empty and he just goes through the motions! LOL

    Anne ~ Bodmin is certainly bleaker than the Yorkshire dales and moors isn't it. When I returned from Canada all those years ago I visited that area with a view to living there but it was January so was put off as I decided I'd seen enough snow in my previous home. More cold temperatures coming your way.... brrr, stay warm.

    Buzz ~ I'd like to be able to say I'm hiding Heathcliff in my attic but no such luck!! Perversely that could be good news about Mike's thyroid if treatable and at least it would appear the medical profession is giving him a thorough check rather than assuming old age and dementia. Take care of yourselves, it can't be easy with all these trips to doctors. <3

    Bob ~ My part of the UK is sparsely populated whereas others are chocker-block (full) but it would be interesting to know where that wedding is taking place. I get what you say about holding on to such information though .LOL

    Lin ~The shop assistant who did his best to put you off buying that camera was giving correct information because when my brother visited last year he was using the Nikkon and we had to seek out a pack of AA batteries to keep him going through his 8 day visit. Should you decide to look for another brand my Polaroid is a similar design camera but can be recharged like a mobile phone and although basic is ideal for keeping in my pocket just in case I see something of interest.

    Marie ~ If it had come to a Charlie and George face off I'm not sure who would have come off worst because George would certainly have been pecked on the bum a few times!! LOL It's taken the year that George has been with me for him to respect my wish that he not try to get in to the chicken run but if they were still running free in the garden I doubt many would have survived his attentions.

    Phoebe - That's great news for you and Honey.... onwards and upwards eh!

    With the weather being so grey I'm struggling to maintain a healthy diet although I'm keeping naughty items out of the cupboard so think the next best option is to keep myself occupied with therefore less time to think about comfort food. Today after the dog walk I'll visit my 94 year old friend who has miraculously come through two recent mini strokes, stays in hospital and has now got herself home again. We all do our best to encourage her to eat but her meals wouldn't sustain a sparrow except she keeps going so I guess that's proof if needed we don't need the amounts of food we think we do.

    Laptop running out of juice so I'll finish here and get it plugged in before heading out. Hello to those I missed.... Hope everyone has a good day.

  • Blueharebell1
    Hello JACKIE, I'm not surprised you were put off the Yorkshire rural scene in winter. I remember a bunch of people going to Goathland to spend Christmas Day in that beautiful hotel up there. It snowed and it snowed and there they remained for well over a week with a helicopter dropping them food. I remember wishing it was ME stuck there. Once, when a child, we were out of school for over a week as well. I remember the fun we had fort building and snowball fights. Now THATS never happened to me or my boys in Canada! The funniest thing happened to a Canadian friend of mine when she came over with me on a visit to my mothers. My cousins drove us up to the Goathland area and we had a picnic. She was eating her slice of homemade quiche when it was snatched out of her hand by a huge horned ram. You would have thought she'd encountered a black bear the shrieking that went on. The towns in the UK sure are chocked block full, we could hardly move for tourists in York and Harrogate, but once out in the few wild, empty spaces, the UK sure is, and hopefully always will be, a beautiful place.
  • Blueharebell1
    JACKIE, another incident of the perils of North Yorkshire. That same ram encounter day, we ended up in Whitby for fish and chips. It was October and my friend took one look at the cold North sea and decided she was going for a swim. We tried to dissuade her as the North sea is supposedly the coldest sea in the world and especially so in October! To our horror, in she plunged to add to her list of seas she'd swum in. Caribbean, pacific etc. We got on the plane for home the next day, and that was a good thing because she ended up with pneumonia!
    Won't bore you anymore, ANNE
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I love the stories about UK and Canada. The only interesting wild life I have encountered lately are pesky deer eating my rose bushes down to the ground. Not that there isn't a forest full of green things to munch on. We also have a rather large herd of elk that show up in very unlikely places. We have the usual crows and seagulls. Since we live at the mouth of the columbia, we have either a sea view or a river view.
    Jackie:I have been dealing with the urge for comfort food as well. I slipped over on calorie goal a bit yesterday.
    I am so intrigued by this photo sharing. I am now going to see if I can find instructions somewhere. Wish me luck, this might take a bit of experimentation. Patsy
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good Morning ALL!

    As many know, I weigh myself daily and “record” my weight once a week. Today I am breaking that self-imposed rule because I weighed myself and found I hit GOAL!

    I celebrated by burning 445 calories doing 80 minutes of cardio exercises and then making a “Fun” breakfast! (Ok – maybe over the top in corniness).

    Today, the news mentioned the top 5 romantic vacation spots for Valentine’s Day and the Virgin Islands made the list.

    If some of you may recall, I had made some plans tied to my goal. Last summer (while still hovering around 300), I booked a getaway to coincide with my weight-loss target. Well – it appears I hit the mark all the way (weigh) around. In the near future – I will be going off the board temporarily to check out those Virgin Island rumors! (LOL)



    Marie – I have to say again how beautiful that baby is. Between family, friends, old work associates and ditto on my wife’s side – I see a lot of baby photos and this is definitely a top contender. Adorable!

    Lin - The most important thing I can say about the camera topic is that – you are a wonderful person for showing so much kindness to that lady.

    You said you hope you didn’t insult me…not to worry. Many things (and I plan to make a list) have gotten waaaaay easier. The dreaded restaurant booth is right. Eventually, I stopped going to anyplace that didn’t have tables. I’m pretty hard to offend. I laugh at myself a lot and have been known to pull a practical joke or two. Most of my family / friends have a great sense of humor.

    Sandy – Good luck with the muscle building. I’m going at it slowly (but consistently). I need to “fill in the gaps” left my weight loss. Figure it will take a year or so to get where I want to be (or realistically can be).

    Oystereyes / Shirley – I do like to play around the kitchen. I honestly enjoy the logging too! Go figure. As for it being “Nice to have a man's perspective sometimes” I think you might want to put “sometimes” in bold… ha ha

    Jackie – I’ll see what information I can glean when she visits. She lives just outside the area so they often meet someplace in between for a “girls day.” I love when they do that. Never understood controlling spouses.

    Anne – I am getting as far from winter & the North Sea as I can – for now. LOL

    Happy Hump Day to all.


  • Blueharebell1
    BOB, before your time I guess, but you like music and there was a song out when I was a kiddie, which went something like -

    "Clang, clang on the anvil down by the dark North sea,
    'Tis Thor clanging on his anvil, there where the winds blow free."

    Now, I ask you, doesn't that have more appeal than the Virgin islands?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am having a gluten free pizza for lunch today. Wish I could make it as pretty as bob does on hi food. I send on MFP log on healhty food a picture of a plate of food. Bob you need to give the a lesson.

    Hello Gang
  • Blueharebell1
    P.S. I think it's actually "there where the waves break free". Oh who cares, you'd think old Thor would have shuffled off somewhere warm seeing he was the God of Thunder and War, him and his hammer.
  • Blueharebell1
    I'm going to be very brave and TRY and send a photo of me and my friend (red pants) just before she attempted to swim to Denmark. You will notice brave ANNE is on the way OUT, boy the water was cold.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »
    I am so intrigued by this photo sharing. I am now going to see if I can find instructions somewhere. Wish me luck, this might take a bit of experimentation. Patsy

    If you have your photos downloaded to your computer you can just click on the little folder that is above the reply box. It looks like a piece of paper with the corner folded down. From there you click on choose files and if you have your photos stored in a photo file click on your photos and choose the one you want. Hope this explains it somewhat.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :D Robby slept a little this morning but only a 45 minute nap this afternoon (so far). I am going to call the jeweler to see if my ring is ready and if so pick it up on the way to bingo. Hopefully, Robby takes another nap so I can get on my bike.

    Lin, did we know you lost 173 pounds? I am sure it was mentioned in the beginning but reading it again was just amazing. Between you and Bob do you realize how much weight was lost?? Incredible, you both are admired.

    Robby needs attention, don't we all?

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Happy Hump Day, ya'll :D - :D - o:)
    - <3 Buzz
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Just a quick sharing – knowing this would resonate with some people on this thread.

    Someone (a young 20-something) complimented me re: weight loss saying it was awesome and then added: “I love seeing that age should never be a factor in getting healthy.”

    This reminded me of my great niece (that is getting married this year). She once said we were her favorite old aunt & uncle and that when she gets to be our age she wants to be like us.

    Hilarious and sweet at the same time.

    [I should explain that my wife and I will do thing’s at the drop of a hat - go to the movies during the week at 10pm & get home after midnight, attend rock concerts (my wife’s friend is the mother of a member in a well-known heavy metal band – but people will just hear that “this old couple” went to a metal concert] LOL.

    Anne -- as far as the North Sea v. the Virgin Islands...

    I think a photo comparison might help. The upper corner was part of my driveway yesterday and Friday windchill could reach -20 F (-28.8 C).

    I think I need to warm up a bit...LOL

  • Blueharebell1
    Yeah, my drive is similar. Temperature freezing this weekend. Point made! Just kidding about the North Sea! My eldest is off to the Caribbean on Friday, sigh. He was born near the North sea like me, but I haven't noticed him rushing back.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Behind the Scenes: The MyFitnessPal Story
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    edited February 2015
    :D Bob, thank you for sharing the MFP video.....I loved hearing the voices and seeing the faces of our leaders.

    :D Lin, my daily step goal now is 19,000's easier for me because I don't have all the responsibilities you have, I don't spend much time preparing food, and I don't do a lot of the things other people do. When I meet my friends, it's for a walk, not a meal. I dance three mornings a week and have dogs that want to walk all the time and will each walk for up to an hour at a time.

    :D I like the four seasons we have here in the north. I enjoy the gradual change of seasons and have the clothing to deal with it. I've never yearned to go south for a vacation in the winter.

    <3 Jake has taken the cardiologist's recommendation to severely restrict sodium very seriously so we are going through some big discussions and changes in how we eat.

    <3 I think of you all the time even though I am posting very little.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good Morning,

    Back to normal, no more spacey feeling and ready to start packing. Next week FEB 21st is the day of departure. We both are anxious to get out of this North weather. We have more snow in the driveway again to shovel. Will this ever stop. Our temperatures are going to plummet this weekend.

    My BIL is in Florida right now, he plans on coming back early. He is finding this trip, his first without my SIL difficult. She did all the planning. He golfs all week but then when the weekend comes he doesn't know what to do with himself. I don't know if this will happen next year. :|
    I would stay to just not get back to this weather. LOL

    Well today's plans, packing, exercise, 40 squats for my challenge and whatever happens after that.
    I have my CD now to practice my choir music for next week.

    Marie - I think the Golden Years was pretty much like the Sneakers and i found that
    I was saying pretty much the same for both. Good choice to dissolve it and anyone new on there
    can join us here.

    Ontario, Canada

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Dear friends
    I have to say that the friends we have here are like family.
    Bob, you have added so much for us to learn, ( making our meals pretty), and to enjoy what we eat. Thank you

    Lin, the amount of weight you have lost and maintained is amazing and I had forgotten about how much you lost. Thank you for your kindness to all of us and you are a joy to know.

    Marie, You are our forever leader, and your new picture is beautiful. You are an amazing lady with all you do.

    Sandy, You have showed us how to face life and then get on with it. Your troubles with your step children have made you a stronger woman. Thank you for always helping us with our internet trouble.

    Buzz, you have taught us many things about life as we get older. Your big move into the place you live now and the many interesting things you do. You are enjoying life. Thank you for letting us be in your life.

    Phoebe, Lady you keep on trucking and that is amazing. I know that I could not be on the road all the time at this age. Your love of animals is so good. Thank you for being so tender hearted to Gods little creatures.

    Shirley, you are on the go all the time, you exercise, eat well, love everything you do. When I read your messages I can feel the energy you have, thank you for letting us enjoy the things you do through your posts.

    Barbie, You are the energy rabbit. Your exercise is above what we all do. I admire your determination on the amount of steps you do. You get the blue ribbon for walking, thank you for sharing your fun walks and dance .

    I know I have left out a few people but I am running over on this post. Thank all of you for being friends that care.

    Now may day may go like this
    Breakfast, oatmeal, better n peanut butter, yogurt. black coffee
    Going for a walk.
    Going to sew for a couple of hours
    Lunch, salad with chicken. Green tea
    Snack, stick cheese, water
    Sew a little more.
    Dinner, Not sure yet

    Take care