Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy May Day one and all! I also remember May poles and little hand made baskets and flowers that we made for older people. We would ring the doorbell put the May basket on their door knob and quickly run away. Was that tradition just at our school or was it everywhere? I was schooled at a lovely Catholic school. They taught me to draw, read and TRIED to teach me mathematics. Alas! This effort was not wholly successful. I am ever so grateful for calculators and adding machines.

    I have been sloooowly inching down on my weight. There are things that stall my efforts however. Our monthly date night being the biggest detractor. But I have been trying to moderate that high calorie evening with minimum food the next day. It might need two days of very modest calories. I try for 900 calories on those days. I think I could do 600 if I put my mind to it.

    No good movies to report, also having problems finding new authors to enjoy

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    I have always lived in the Midwest and we made little baskets for May Day and would leave them on the porch, ring the doorbell and run away giggling. It was fun on a nice day. :wink: We did not dance around the May pole. But I don't feel deprived.

    I am going to watch St. Vincent today (picked it up at the library).

    And Patsy, I just placed an order for a used copy of your book which should arrive by the end of May. Meanwhile, any thought of turning your book into an e-book to sell on Amazon??

    I hope everyone is having an excellent day. I picked up my Grandfather's watch today--yes, the jeweler got it working again. I am so happy to see it ticking again. I also walked all around that shopping area and bought a nice new casual hat to wear this spring. It should keep my ears from burning in the sun and maybe it will discourage the ticks!

    Hugs to all.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Anne & Patsy & Lin –

    If I could say I remembered the days “of childhood when we all clamoured to skip around the maypole and hoped to be crowned May queen” it would also mean I probably got beat up a lot – despite attending a Catholic school. LOL

    HOWEVER – the words “ O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today, Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May.” Will forever ring in my ears.

    Gosh. How different things were back in the 40’s-60’s. I remember the nuns forcing the girls to where tissues on their heads when they had forgotten a head-covering. So many Catholic school memories – yes some horror stories – but mostly fond memories of simpler times.

    WOW – I could go on for a 1,000 pages of Catholic school stories. My father graduated from the same school in 1928 and all 7 of us children went there….it is now a parking lot (sad).

    Tonight's TV = Blue Bloods. :) Bob
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BOB, in your first paragraph, you gave me a giggle for which I thank you. After Henry the eighths rampage in the UK back in the 15 hundreds and he declared himself head of the church instead of the pope, I of course went to a Church of England school until the age of 11. The Church of England is almost catholic of course, very similar in the service and the school I attended was very strict in those days. School assembly every morning with prayers and a hymn. The kids of course changed all the words to the hymns. Imagine if you will the changing of the words "while shepherds watched their flocks by night" by many little kiddie voices. I guess the teachers knew but didn't comment. It went something like this:
    While shepherds washed their socks by night
    All seated round the pot
    The angel of the Lord came down
    And stole the flipping lot.
    Ha, happy days, but not the day I forgot my bible, got caned, and had to stand in the corner for half an hour! Could you imagine the outrage today!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2015
    Shirley61 wrote: »
    Hello Sneakers,

    I had two wonderful days with my grandson, Isaac. I will post a picture, he is growing like a weed. He will be a month old
    tomorrow. He is flourishin
    I have not been having any problems with MFP lately and hope my picture doesn't mess things up.

    Shirley 7zipzhx5btyj.jpg

    he is just darling Shirley and the picture turn out perfect

    <3 Marie

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2015
    Drizzle, drizzle and more drizzle which gives us what the Cornish call Mizzle.... a combination of drizzle and mist!! Even George is snoozing on the sofa with his face in a cushion so I'm putting off the dog walking hoping the heavens will lift but now after 9.30 and no sign so I'll finish my coffee and get going.

    Anne ~ With 2 older brothers and bomb sites to play on it was inevitable I'd become a tomboy and prefer to hunt for sticklebacks and newts in bomb craters than dance round any pole of any sort! LOL We had to wear bonnets as we skipped and I remember my mother making an amazing yellow and white daffodil out of crepe paper to pin on to mine and thank goodness it didn't rain! Yes,I remember the shepherds washing their socks too!!

    Lin ~ It's probably because there are so many grazing sheep around that the ticks prefer to stay on their warm bodies than venture on to mine! Last night one of my cats did her best to drag a crying baby bunny through the cat flap so I had to do an emergency rescue mission and then carry it back on to the common land that surrounds the properties. No ticks but assuredly fleas and just the thought left me with itchy hands! LOL

    Bob ~ My education was at what was known back in the 60's as a secondary modern school, modern by whose standards I'm not sure! An all girl establishment, it was incredibly strict and I remember one cold winters day being made to stand outside the gym in nothing more than a pair of compulsory thick navy blue knickers because I'd been cheeky to the teacher. Not a nun in sight but still the sort of discipline that would be frowned upon today although it certainly did me no harm.

    Phyllis ~ You're amazing but do take a step back from that situation with the Filipino girl because she should never ask you to tell lies and break the law.

    Shirley ~ Wow, what a gorgeous boy Isaac is and growing in leaps and bounds.... adorable!

    Patsy ~ Any loss, small or large, is an achievement so well done for what you've managed to lose so far. Setting your mind to a 600 calorie day is exactly that, it's all in the mind and once in control it becomes relatively easy although I think your 900 calorie days will have a similar affect in mixing up your metabolism enough for your body to work at getting rid of any extras. All that from me who's struggling to lose the extra few pounds gained over the winter months. I think I must have squirrel genes because I have a tendency to store up for those cold days and nights! LOL

    It's 10 o'clock so I must get out in spite of the wet weather. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Wow JACKIE, your childhood was exactly like mine, fishing in bomb craters and wearing those absolutely dreadful navy blue knickers. When the leg elastic broke they drooped down to your knees! No wonder later, we all rushed out and bought lacy panties with our first week wages! The mind boggles at the massive manufacture of all those horrible knickers if every poor school girl in the UK was wearing them! I was later at an all girl school too, and we also did gym in those knickers, and I remember running around the hockey field with all the spotty, grubby, boys from the male school next door jeering and leering at us through the fence. No wonder I got clouted with a hockey stick and the Anne nose was never a Grecian nose again.
    Do you remember "we three spivs of Leicester square, selling knickers at three pence a pair, how fantastic, no elastic, not even safe to wear". We weren't your "average" sweet little girls at all! Thanks for the memory! By the way we could do with those knickers today on a frosty Canadian day!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Gosh, I have no stories to tell I guess. I attended a Lutheran school for the first few years of my education. This was only because the public school would not admit me as I was too young but the Lutheran school would take me as they didn't have such an arbitrary cutoff date for birthdays. My mom worked and wanted me in school ASAP. After a few years I was transitioned to public school and was able to stay in my then-current grade. We had religion class and had to recite a Bible verse each morning. I was shy and had trouble with doing that one-on-one with the teacher. They wanted to flunk me in religion as a consequence and my mom decided public school was for me. No horror stories there except in junior high when one teacher belittled and humiliated the boys in his class who were the star athletes. He got so mad one day he broke his thick yardstick over one of the boys' desks. I think eventually he was fired. But for carrying on with a married lady teacher--not for mistreating students.

    No uniforms for me anywhere but we had to wear gym clothes in junior high and high school which were horrendous. Orange, one-piece pull on messes that made me look like a huge traffic cone or something similar.

    Back to deciding what I need/want to do today. There's a celebration and street dance this afternoon but I am sort of feeling like staying home today. Just color me anti-social. Ha.

    Hugs everyone oh and every time I come to MFP now I am prompted about the premium service. Anyone else?

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy May Day to all. Wonderful stories about the May pole. I remember those days too. I did go to public school and remembered all the teachers trying to put us in the right position so we wouldn't strangle anyone with the crepe paper. LOL
    Those poor teachers. My Dad did want me to attend an all girls Catholic school but I fought him on it and won. Now I
    think back those uniforms weren't so bad. I think he just wanted to keep me from the boys. :o

    Phyllis - You are doing the right thing about that person from the Phillipines. It sounds like she wants someone to take care
    of her as a lot people who are on Welfare in our country. It's awful that we have to ship in people from Jamaica to pick
    grapes for the wine and not use our own people because they don't want to do it. Okay, enough ranting but you are doing
    the right thing.

    It's a beautiful day here and hope to get my walk in later. Dave is taking it easy today after buffing the bottom of the boat
    yesterday and giving his back a rest. We attended a fund raiser for an Irish Theatre Group last night and it was put on like an
    Irish Wake. There was food and drink but as the scale said this morning, too much salt in the food. Now drinking lots
    water today. We did see some young girls doing Irish dances which was nice to see. It was held in an Armory and it
    was a huge building and very old. Nice to see all the military wares (U.S) and pictures they had assembled in glass cases.

    Today we are waiting for the Home Depot guy to come by and measure our downstairs for carpeting.

    Have a great day everyone ! Enjoy the sunshine except for Jackie who is experience rain. :(


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    AWARD T-Shirt photo from - 100 Days of 2015 Challenge: The Sequel – (January 11, 2015 to April, 20, 2015). It was an encouraging and awesome experience.

    Photo was taken an hour ago, as some people wanted to “see it on.” LOL

    Best wishes to anyone participating in the “100 Days of 2015 Challenge: Summer Edition” that runs from April 21, 2015 to July 29, 2015.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Saturday!! :) We are having a beautiful weekend with temps going high in the 70's tomorrow. I love when the sun is shining and all is good in my life. I am grateful.
    I went to public school for kindergarten, my only memory is drinking chocolate milk and vomiting it all up in the hallway. I never drank chocolate milk again and hardly like anything chocolate except candy. I then went to Catholic school where my mother paid about a dollar a month for tuition. Today it is about the cost of college.
    I went to public high school where we had to wear those awful one piece gym suits Lin talked about. Also had swim which I hated since they wore one piece ugly suits which had support of no kind and since I had nothing to support it was humiliating so I gave every excuse in the world not to swim and was probably one of the few people who ever failed gym. I truthfully, was not a good student and eventually quit school to get a job. I later went back for my GED to get a Realtors license. (which I hated) Thanks for the therapy session, it only makes me more grateful for the things I have today including good health and a wonderful family.

    I have no plans for today, so it will be a me day.
    Enjoy yours and keep smiling.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh boy, how did we all grow up to be such a well rounded, happy bunch, of golden sneakers? Maybe BECAUSE of school! and the relief when we escaped! LOL!!!! The orange one piece sounds worse than Jackie and my fleece lined knickers!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Congratulations Bob!! You are looking good my friend!! You deserve to win the shirt!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi I am recuperating from A very bad illness. my kidneys is trying to shut down. Been drinking water like a mad woman all week. o laying kind of low on the computer/ Doing much better today. .
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Bob - rocking that shirt!

    Marie - I am worried about you now............please try to keep in touch. Hugs.

    Anne - we are quite well adjusted aren't we? :wink:

    Sandy - hope you're enjoying your day. I've been busy cooking again........

    Phyllis - people who want you to lie for them may be desperate but you are wise to not be complicit!

    As to my proposed good deed---Now this family that's having a rough time are close to losing their vehicle and today the husband's cell phone croaked and they don't have the money to replace it. Oh my, nothing I can do but pray for them.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Going in Church for Mass, will be praying for you Marie.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Marie, I'm worried about you too. So glad you are doing better today. Thinking of you, Anne.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi busy Sneakers!
    MARIE so sorry you've been unwell. Take care.
    we are in sunny dry California. Heading home for a few days, then 1 trip, and home for 6 days. Going to my cousins college graduation on May 7 and 8. A 5 hour drive. It will be fun.

    Shirley, Isaac will be in college soon if he keeps growing so fast! Happy grandparents are great.
    take care everyone
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello! I had a very difficult time getting on the thread today. Once again the the evil Internet goblins were afoot! A beautiful sunny day but a bit cool. We did that retirement house cleaning twosome. I do this, while hubby does that! It all gets done for another week and then we start over again. But I remember when I did it all or it didn't get done. Hubby had a whole different set of tasks. I would guess this seems quite easy in comparison.

    Jackie: thanks for the supportive words. I think my efforts are often not as strong as they should be. I often fail when trying to find a middle ground with my husband's lifestyle and what I should be doing. He would never try to keep me from doing what I should be doing. He is quite slender and very active. I am short, very plump and not nearly as active. Clearly, we are an odd couple!

    Shirley: your grandson is so adorable! I don't have a grand daughter so I have no comparison but it seems there is a lovely relationship between a grandmother and grandson. I have a grown grandson and we are very close. I have always enjoyed spending time with him. We are great friends and confidants. Enjoy!

    Marie: get well right this minute! I know you have great doctors there that will help you.

    Lin: I hope you enjoy the book when you get it. I'll bet you can understand why it was such a delight to meet all of those Women of the sea.

    Bob: you look amazing and we can tell you feel wonderful. I think it is a good thing that you feel healthy and fit. You will need your new found energy to mow that large yawn. The shirt is a real badge of honor. You put in the effort and won a shirt and a lifetime of better health.

    Anne: you have an incredible memory for verse. When you bring up these childhood funnies...I can vaguely , sort of bring them to mind. I remember being sent to the Mother Superior's office to sit in the chair of shame. I didn't have sense enought not to sing these verses out loud in front of the nuns...bad idea!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Good morning from sunny Cairo. I had a lovely long swim this morning from 5:00 to 6:00. It's an out door pool and the clouds were awesome to look at as I did back strokes. It made me think of my dad because he loved looking at clouds and finding all kinds of creatures or items in their shapes. He'd say "can you see that horse or dog??" It was such fun laying in the grass with dad and just looking up into the sky. It made me miss him too and I wondered this morning just what he is doing now up there in heaven! I wonder if he looks down at the clouds now as I'm looking up??
    Have a great day. I'm thinking about my childhood days in school after hearing all your stories.
    Worried a Make too. Get well honey!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning from sunny Ontario! Gardened all afternoon yesterday and now stiff as a board, but you can't keep this old gal down, today I'll repot the indoor plants, outside. A little less forking and spading and BENDING!
    Another lovely memory Phyllis. Yes, we looked at clouds too! I liked to watch "faces" changing with the wind, and seeing I've never QUITE grown up, still do.
    PATSY!! And here's me thinking you would be the perfect child!!!! Big mistake you singing alone, our teachers couldn't cane all 300 of us singing in UNISON. And writing of childhood memories, here's something especially for Barbie and Lin and Jackie and me who all love our veggies, a little verse that goes:

    I eat my peas with honey
    I've done so all my life
    It makes my peas taste funny
    But keeps them on my knife.

    Hope you are much much better today MARIE, and LIN did you go street dancing? Welcome home Phoebe and Bob if you slim even more, pass that t shirt on in my direction. Need t shirts badly now the HEAT is arriving.

    "See" you all hopefully tomorrow, wash day.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Anne, When I was teaching Kindergarten I taught my students that little poem and they recited it to the parents at one of the parties we had. Brought back memories. I loved teaching Kindergarten. Back in the day when they treated the kindergarteners as 5 year olds and did age appropriate learning. Now days it is push, push, push them into reading and writing. I don't agree with that at all. I say let them explore the world and and learn by exploration... they will have plenty of years to hold pencils, or ( LAP TOPS) as they grow up. I think that handwriting might be gong by the way side too with all these devices we have these days and there is So much a child can benefit from the mere holding of a crayon or pencil and writing on a paper. But that is me on my soap box again. Seems I am there a lot lately. Better get busy and do something else today. BYE
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member


    Do take care sweetheart and keep drinking that water!

    Thinking of you. <3
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PHYLLIS, (my aunt lived in Cairo for a while in the fifties) make room for me on that soapbox!!!! With you ALL the way! I don't know about the UK anymore, but here in Canada it strikes me that the little ones are pushed into hockey, karate, soccer, beauty contests (unbelievable), you name it, FAR too early. Where's the joy of exploring and imagining and getting downright mucky with knees stuck with grit from tripping up, and instead of being rushed to the doctor, your mom saying "serves you right for climbing up that bank, and tumbling off it onto the gritty road" as she plucked the grit out with tweezers. (Got a scarred knee among other "war" wounds.) it's how one LEARNS for goodness sake! No one wants to grow old, but I'm very glad I was a child "back then".
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Last PS, PROMISE!

    In summertime we children are glad that we are small,
    For we can see so many things grown ups can't see at all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Sunday!! :) Another gorgeous day and with the windows open it is just beautiful. I went to Mass by myself last night since Babe went to his granddaughter's softball game. There is another game today but he isn't looking forward to it or going to his son's house. It seems his son came to the game "drunk" again and was obnoxious as he gets when he drinks. After almost three years of separation Babe told me today he should have thrown Philip and Cheryl out of his house the day it all blew up even if it meant never seeing his son again. I told him I waited three years for him to tell me that but it wasn't entirely his fault, as we all had a part in it. He is miserable by himself and I have no idea where this will end. Would I go back to him? Not sure. Definitely not in that house but then could I handle the guilt if his kids never talked to him again?? Taking things one day at a time, for now I am content most of the time with a bad day here and there. Off my soap box now.

    I hope Marie is feeling better today and if not will go to urgent care to be sure things are okay. Anne, try and take some pictures of your finished gardening. Phyllis, an hour of swimming is excellent and yes I remember laying in the grass and seeing faces and animals in the clouds. Patsy, I had a hard time last night trying to get on MFP, finally gave it up. Phoebe, good to hear from you, stay safe driving. Jackie, hope the rain stopped.

    Enjoy your day, hope it is as beautiful as mine.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    It is a beautiful sunny Sunday here. We had coffee on the deck and just chatted. Most of the subjects were fun and positive.
    However tomorrow is the yearly physical and we hate doing this. Our doctor of many, many years is very old school. He hates it that we look at health news and topics on the Internet. We will grit our teeth and once again decide if we want to go through the effort of finding a different doctor. I vote yes! Hubby is slower to made this division.

    Sandy: my dear friend, we have close relatives in you exact same shoes. Yours is a hard choice. No matter the decision, you will second guess yourself and tie yourself in knots. It is good that you have other activities and family to concentrate on. Not the same but diverting at least.

    Anne: oh how great to hear these wonderful nursery rhymes. My grandmother spent hours teaching me hundreds of them. I taught them to my kids and my daughter still remembers some of them.

    I am such a ridicules softie...I am thrilled about a new baby daughter for the Dutchess Kate and Prince William. Of course I think all babies are wonderful. Got admit that young mother is drop dead Gorgeous!

    I love the Kentucky Derby. My grandparents were racing fans. My uncle was a horse trainer. We always listened to the race on the radio, of course. We wore funny big hats while we listened and then ate my grandmothers famous cocoanut cake and celebrated the winner.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Hello friends - another wonky day for me with my laptop and MFP......just wanted to stop by and see how everyone is doing. Hope I can go back and read all the posts with my iPad. Wishing everyone a good evening..........

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »


    Do take care sweetheart and keep drinking that water!

    Thinking of you. <3

    Thanks Jackie you remember I like bears.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Happy Monday!! :)


    Will try to get back later.

    One Day at a Time