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  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Ang - Congratulations on the run!!!!!

    We did gardening yesterday and I added a 25 min walk to my day. I was beat last night.

    Marla - I caught all the pics on Face Book. A great looking bunch of kids. Happy graduation, one of many. :'(
    Your little ones are growing up.

    Jenny - Now some son time for you now that Rory is home. I have heard alot about the Paleo diet but never tried it.

    Kathy posted a picture of Isaac with a mustache soother. So funny and so cute!

    Going to the boat today and still have to make some lunch to take with us. Better get going.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hm. Realized I typed that wrong for my time. It was actually 29:53.

    He's here. (well not literally right now) We went to church together and then out to eat. It was nice to talk. He's picking me up at 9 tomorrow to spend some time together.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    HAPPY VICTORIA DAY I guess Ang and myself are the only here that celebrate.

    Ang :) I guess you have the day off and enjoy your time with your friend today.

    Yesterday we spent the day at the boat. It was cooler than we thought, we could actually wear a jacket
    sitting in the cockpit and we had our lunch below because of the wind. I bought a new chime for our
    patio which is a butterfly. The town was packed with tourists yesterday.

    Today is laundry day and I just got back from Yoga class. I did yoga on a meditation bench which I
    really liked. It kept me centered and no aches or pains not like sitting cross legged for 10 mins.
    I am going to see if Dave will build one for me.

    Better go and have a great day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Ang - glad to see your race went well and I hope you enjoyed your time with your friend.
    Shirley - it's been pretty nice but very rainy here -
    Jenny - glad to see Rory is doing so well - hope his job goes well this summer - sorry you won't get to see him much - good excuse for a road trip
    went to a couple of graduation open houses -

    as of tomorrow - I will have a high schooler and a middle schooler. What the what!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Busy day at work and then book club met for happy hour at a local restaurant to discuss our book The Goldfinch. I was amazed that several people really liked it. Very dark and long book but very well written.

    Ang-WTG!!!!!! How was your time with your friend?
    Shirley- Still can't believe it is sailing season for you. Time flies! What's a meditation bench?
    Marla- Summer has begun for you! Cold here today so feels like it could snow.

    Tired so off to bed I go...

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just lost my post, will try again later.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    it is finished - just picked up my former 8th grader and former 5th grader - with grades to prove they on moving on. Here we come high school and middle school. OIY!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    sad stuff afoot - just know how much I treasure all of you and think of you as friends! Huggles.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Busy week at work and had a wedding shower to attend last night. I'm on vacation now through next week, woo hoo! Starting the day with lab draws for my dermatologist. Then off to do errands and come home and relax. Beautiful day out. Maybe the deck is calling my name?

    Marla-everything okay?

    Have to run but will write more later on this evening or tomorrow.

    Hope you all have a great day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    everything is fine - just all the tragedy and sad news is leaving me sad - the boys are good and onery, ball has started (yuck) and next week the craziness of 8 different activities a day starts - eck. Of course Zach has outgrown his golf clubs and golf starts next week - so I suppose we better take him shopping for a set. I feel pain already - if he intends to play for the school I probably can't completely cheap out.

    Jenny - enjoy the vacay!!! Here's to a better weekend.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - I hope everything is okay? Are you just getting sentimental because your boys are growing up or
    is other things afoot? In any case, I hope all goes well your way.

    I met a gal in Yoga class this morning who has been to Wolfe Island in Kingston, ON for a Yoga retreat.
    That is the same place my daughter and I are going to in July. She said it was awesome and the food
    was fabulous. It was all vegetarian but it was so delicious. I can't wait now and getting excited.

    I just finished making chili for the guys to take up North to the cottage. Yes, the roof is getting done
    on the cottage after talking about it since last year. All the guys are organized so they will be
    leaving on Sunday and coming back Wednesday or however quick they get done. They should like
    the chili its made with ground deer meat.

    Tomorrow morning we are leaving for Kathy and Fraser's party and of course Isaac.
    I picked up the cheese/meat tray today and made cookies yesterday. It will be an open
    house so people will come and go. I am so excited to see my grandson again. I just
    wish they didn't live so far. Of course, it could be worse and farther so I shouldn't complain.

    Jenny - Good luck with lab results and enjoy your vacation, you need it!


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Day morphed into a busy one. I treated myself to a veggie omelette at Baker's Square after my blood draw. It had artichokes, spinach, tomato, peppers, onion, broccoli and feta cheese. Yum! I read my book and had my coffee. Nice way to start the day. Then I bought my paint to finish my table and chairs, some flowers to plant in pots and my front garden and came home to work outside. I planted two pots of impatiens on the back patio, one pot of some kind of flower on front patio, and put some new flowers (marigolds, mums, and one other in my front garden. I weeded two gardens and watered them. I also vacuumed two levels of the house and furniture, washed our bed pillows and some curtains. Now I'm showered and relaxing. I got some sun and Vit D! I did manage to lounge on the deck before starting my chores.

    Marla- Sounds like your summer is off to a busy start! Take care of yourself too.

    Hello to everyone!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Things haven't been going well at work lately. I am starting to look for a new job as I can't stay there much longer. I didn't here back about the government job. The way things have been going at work is starting to effect me in other ways. I have no motivation to get anything done at any time at home. I also can't sleep. I had to take a sleep aid last night to get me to sleep and probably will again tonight. I can't let work though be effecting me out side of work. I'm allowing myself to wallow in my misery and I need to stop doing that.

    I didn't get out this week and run at all. I kept telling myself to do it, but I couldn't get myself out the door. I also continue to ignore what I eat. One night this week "supper" was a chocolate cupcake with chocolate ice cream and chocolate milk.

    Anyways on to happier things. I finally got these pictures uploaded to photo bucket so I can share them.

    Bluenose 5k: (Maritime Photos did get me running. However, I have yet to decide if I want to purchase a picture.)

    The starting line up for the 5k. 1,776 people ran it. Look where the white sign is. I am the vicinity of that sign. I'm wearing a white hat and blue shirt. If you find me let me know. (My brother said that it was harder then "Where's Waldo"

    Moments after finishing my race - Ok so I've tried 3 times now to make this smaller. I've shrunk it to the same size as the others and it's still big!! I guess it can stay big!

    Recharge with milk - This was before I realized my time.

    Pictures of my date with my new friend. (sorry no pictures of him)

    Mahone Bay - This is a popular picture and one thing this place is known for.

    Lunenburg - This is looking across the lake at the whole town. This town is the only one in all of North America that is declared a heritage town. The homes are around 100-200 years old. Any new homes have to be built in the same style as the heritage homes.

    Peggy's Cove
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Ang- All your Nova Scotia pictures are very familiar to me. We were there in all your pictures years ago on our visit.
    We loved it there, we were there in July. Great race pictures, a nice accomplishment.

    I am sorry to hear your job is not going well, as I can see by your eating habits and not feeling like exercising.
    Please try and push yourself out of the door because you need that exercise for your depression from your working day,
    It will help you sleep better too. Good luck on your new search. At the least the romance is still going. :)

    Isaac's shower was a success yesterday. He was such a good boy and fussed very little. We all had a good time.
    I did take pictures so hope to show some.

    Dave has left early this morning around 5am to get up to the cottage and get it open before the guys come to strip
    the roof. They are predicting rain tomorrow so I hope they can get started soon. He picked up our friend Tom
    and they headed out for a 5 hour drive.

    I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. I am off to get a bike ride in today.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Happy Memorial Day! Raining here yesterday and today so not much fun for campers and grilling out. Not sure what we will do today. We were invited to a picnic at some friends but decided not to go. Yesterday I primed my two chairs and today I will paint them. I will also get the table ready for priming and painting so I can finish up this project this week.

    Ang- I enjoyed your pictures. I have never been to Nova Scotia but it looks beautiful. I'm sorry that your job is stressful. Is it the work load or the people you work with? I hope you find a job that you enjoy. It makes all the difference. I had the same thoughts as Shirley (even though I don't practice what I preach). In your case getting out for your run may help you feel better outside of work. Relieves the daily stress and your also accomplishing something that makes you feel good. I'm glad you and your friend had a nice date.

    Shirley- Isaac has grown so fast. I saw your picture of him on FB. So cute! Is the boat ready to sail? We are having such a rainy spring. We will be glad come July and August when it is drought conditions. Right now the foliage is lush and green, just wet.

    Hi Marla, Amy and L!

    I will enjoy my cup of coffee and begin to paint!

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Wow ! I went away for a bit ,
    I think I get so caught up with every thing I get overwhelmed. I only had a few days off when I was off slope and I spent those with my grand babies ! I so enjoy them and they are getting to be real people now hahaha. I worked most of my time off which made me more overwhelmed. I cant believe how busy we are lately . My second day back to work up here I saw 53 clients. Usually 30 is busy ! so I was a mess and it was like that for three days ! we now have a P.A. full time up here and they have been sending up one's that can't help me at all. they don't do any of the testing I do and can't do drug testing . so they sit while I take care of all 53 clients ! So frustrating .

    I started Geocaching due to a company team building while I was home. Do any of you enjoy this ? It's like a treasure hunt every day !! Marla and your kids would love it !

    I see you guys saw on FB We paid off our Mortgage ! it's amazing ,however ahahaha it's now falling apart . Eiko called me yesterday and there was water leaking down the stairs . She has no idea where the leak is coming from but its either in the floor or the wall . Lucky we have that extra money to fix it . Johns away for the holiday weekend and I'm up here so I guess he will fix it when he gets home .

    I walked in the March of dimes 5 k while I was home. I walked with my step daughter and grandson and found a geocache on the way . I'll be in Louisiana in two weeks !! Yay . My daughter in law id due on June 23rd !

    My son got into a fight with my brother and his son and they called the police and my son was arrested :( he's just so angry for no reason ? He's the one whose wife is pregnant .
    They got into the fight because my sister in law was telling my son's wife that she didn't have to listen to my son just because they were married , evidently this stems from my son serving his wives dinner plate - my sis in law decided that my son was being too controlling . ended badly , now our family is fractured again and now my brother and his wife wont go anywhere that my son may be .:(

    oh well that's the life of a family I guess ... we all have argued at least once . I hope this blows over soon .

    well another client is coming in so I have to go . Just thought I'd say hello and I'll try to catch up if I can
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny - The boat is ready and in the water. We have been down a few times to the club but the weather was not
    cooperating. Now this week its in the 80's so hopefully we will get down there in a few days.

    Dave is up north at the cottage now putting on a new roof with a bunch of guys. No he is not on the roof but doing
    ground clean up. A friend from up there called tonight for his cell phone number and said he was getting
    up out of the chair slowly. I hope he is wearing his belt.

    Amy - I have been keeping up with you on Face book and Alaska. A lot going on there right now.
    Sorry about the family feud but that happens. Hope it gets resolved. I never did geocaching but heard about it.

    Have a good evening.

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Two days in a row for me . that's a record. If I can't get to it right when I come in I probably can't all day :(

    So my daughter has had a rough two days - first we had the leak in the house and I'm at work and John is in Talkeetna at the cabin, I called a plumber - on a holiday :o . we have a leak in the boiler that has radiant floor heating O.O.
    She does work for John at his office sometimes and she went to drop of some completed project and the alarm wouldn't shut off - come to find out he had changed the password and she says he never told her of course he says he texted her? whatever lol the police woke him up and then he called her and she ended up crying . I told her not to worry too much because she tried to call him first and he didn't answer so what could she do ? maybe texting should not be the only form of communication when it's something serious ?

    Anyhow work is fine just a bit busy but at least I have someone here that helps and wants to learn everything so that my alternate and I wont be the only one's doing all the work .

    y'all have a great day .

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Wow Amy! You have a lot going on with work and family. You seem to maintain a sense of humor and good attitude. All of it seems out of your control anyway. It must be difficult to be up on the slope working when things happen and you can't be there. Hang in there! My husband Russ use to geo cache quite a bit. I went with him a few times. It was fun when we found the cache but disappointing when someone had taken it or it was empty.

    Shirley- hope you get on the water soon. We've had rain for 3 days but tomorrow will be mid 80's, hopefully sunny too. I'm heading out of town to an antique barn tomorrow for some fun shopping. It's only an hour from here.

    Today I met two friends for lunch and we talked all afternoon at the restaurant. I was gone about 4 1/2 hours. One of my friends has been on a 4 year family leave from work and has to return to her job in July where I work. Since procedures and paperwork change monthly she's in for a huge learning curve. Everything is different since she left 4 years ago.

    Marla- busy with ball games?

    Hi L and Ang!


  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Finally spoke with John today - It was a broken part in back of the toilet upstairs , whew. He was trying to fuss at me for calling a plumber to shut off the water and I told him he never called me back I had been calling him for three days and he said he never received a call then he looked at his missed calls and said oh , ok. Lol I told him if he loves me he has to call me back ... and he said oh well I guess I'll get off the phone hahaha. He realized he was wrong and had to get off the phone .

    Things are finally slowing down here at work and I can think clearly .
    I'm starting to look forward for my three weeks off in Louisiana , to meet me new grandchild that will be born while I am there .
    Finally starting to feel like the three weeks are staring to count down .lol

    Jenny that sounds like a great visit with friends- I have a visit lined up with some Nursing classmates from 21 years ago. the President of our class found me on Facebook and we will all go out to dinner or something while I'm there visiting !

    Anj . I'm sorry to hear that work isn't going well but so happy to hear about your race !

    Shirley ,it's so nice to hear about the boat and all of your plans .

    Marla ,I bet you are super busy this summer !

    L, hi girl !